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Know Wonder Learn

-How do you differentiate

between a language barrier and
-Young children acquire new learning disability?
languages faster than teens and -Apps (eg. RAZ Kids) can help
adults students build reading fluency and
-Language is acquired through a can be more convenient than
combination of seeing (visuals, i.e physical books. Although these
pictures and objects), hearing and apps may help with reading
speaking (conversing) fluency, are they contributing to
-Language/vocabulary is best other problems (eg. Short
learned in context attention span)? Do the trade-offs
-Connecting a new language to make it worth it?
prior knowledge/experiences is -How can I best help older,
helpful immigrant students who do not
-Regular practice know any English without making
reading/speaking helps increase them feel ‘incompetent’?
fluency -How do I help build confidence in
-Communication can occur such students?
without the use of language -Should I correct
-Kids pick up language/vocabulary spelling/grammar mistakes in
from interactions with one journals of younger students or
another does doing so take away from
their authenticity?
-Is it okay to speak to an ELL in
their first language in order to
help facilitate understanding or to
explain a concept?
-How do I help children with
delayed speech, who are still
learning their first language, learn
as an ELL?
-If a student doesn’t understand
the meaning of words/sentences
they are sounding out or reading
are they just going through the
-How can I help an ELL student
read/recognize words out of
-Should phonics be a major area
of focus?

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