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On *date the experiment of Sluice Gate and Hydraulic Jump was held at the Hydraulic lab of
*your university name. The experiment was done in a group of *number of people involved of
*your university name students. The experiment was guided and assisted by Sir/Madam *your
lecturer’s name until we completed the experiment successfully.

Hydraulic jump in open channels can be attributed to rapidly varied flow where a significant
change in velocity occurs from super-critical flow to sub-critical flow. This fact may owe to
the presence of some structures obstructing the movement of flow in open channels. Under-
shot weir or gate is the most impressive example for hydraulic jump formation in canals where
the flow undergoes high velocity under gates with upstream small depth and returns back to a
higher downstream conjugate depth away from the gate with lower velocity. Froude number
represents the clear impact of non-uniform flow velocity in open channels where super-critical
flow is obtained at Froude number greater than 1, whereas sub-critical flow is indicated at
Froude number less than 1. The main advantage of hydraulic jump occurrence in canals is
energy dissipation downstream spillways where accumulation of water behind the gate is
associated to the high flow velocity which abruptly declines downstream gate and thus avoiding
bed erosion and scour.

For a constant flow in a rectangular open channels, the depth of flow immediately downstream
part that allow for depth control within the flume represented by:
𝑌2 = [ −1 + √1 + 8𝐹𝑟 2 ]
Fr = Froude number of flow entering the jump. For a rectangular flume,
𝐹𝑟 = = = 3
√𝑔𝑌1 𝐴√𝑔𝑌1
𝐵𝑌12 √𝑔
Q = Flow rate (m3/s)
B = Channel width (m)
V = Velocity (m/s)

The energy loss due to the jump in rectangular channel can be estimated by the following
(𝑌2 − 𝑌1 )3
𝐸𝐿 =
4𝑌1 𝑌2

The power loss due to the jump in a rectangular channel can be estimated by the following
𝑃𝐿 = 𝜌𝑔𝑄𝐸𝐿
EL = Energy Loss (m)
Y1 = Depth before the jump (m)
Y2 = Depth after the jump (m)
PL = Power Loss (watt)


 To visualize the phenomena of hydraulic jump in a sluice gate.

 To compare the upstream and downstream depth of flows from experimental data to
theoretical data.
 To determine the energy losses and power losses through hydraulic jump.
 To determine the equation for the length of the hydraulic jump.

Figure 1.0: Hydraulic Jump Apparatus

1. Hydraulic Jump Apparatus

2. Flow depth gauge

1. Width of channel (flume) is measured.
2. Water storage tank of hydraulic bench is then filled up with clean and fresh water up to
¾ of tank capacity.
3. By pass valve then opened to 50% position.
4. Reservoir outlets are closed.
5. Pump is switched on.
6. The flow is slowly released into the reservoir until the water level is stable.
7. A stationary hydraulic jump is created in the flume by adjusting the sluice gate and
downstream control gate.
8. Depth of flow Y1, Y2 and the length of jump, L is measure accordingly.
9. Steps 6 to 9 is repeated for another four different flow rates.
Data collection

Channel Width, B = 0.079 m g =9.81 m/s2
Run No. Q (L/min) Q (m3/s) Y1 (m) Y2 (m) L (m)
1 30 5.00×10-4 7.60×10-3 2.69×10-2 0.205
2 35 5.83×10-4 6.90×10-3 2.27×10-2 0.185
3 40 6.67×10-4 7.70×10-3 3.68×10-2 0.238
4 45 7.50×10-4 7.40×10-3 4.27×10-2 0.365
5 50 8.33×10-4 6.10×10-3 4.77×10-2 0.490

Froude Type of
Run No. Q (L/min) Q (m3/s) EL (m) PL (watt)
number, Fr Jump
1 30 5.00×10-4 3.05 8.79×10-3 0.043
2 35 5.83×10-4 3.56 6.30×10-3 0.036
3 40 6.67×10-4 4.07 2.17×10-2 0.142
4 45 7.50×10-4 4.57 3.48×10-2 0.256
5 50 8.33×10-4 5.08 6.19×10-2 0.506

Y2 (m) % OF
Run No. Q (L/min) Q (m3/s) Y2 (m) EXP
1 30 5.00×10-4 2.69×10-2 2.92×10-2 7.88
2 35 5.83×10-4 2.27×10-2 3.15×10-2 27.94
3 40 6.67×10-4 3.68×10-2 4.06×10-2 9.36
4 45 7.50×10-4 4.27×10-2 4.43×10-2 3.61
5 50 8.33×10-4 4.77×10-2 4.09×10-2 |16.63|

Run No. Conjugate depth (Y2 / Y1) Jump length (L / Y2) Jump height (Y2 - Y1 )
1 3.539 7.621 0.0193
2 3.290 8.150 0.0158
3 4.779 6.467 0.0291
4 5.770 8.548 0.0353
5 7.820 10.273 0.0416
Data analysis

Sample Calculation:
L/min to m3/s conversion:
30𝐿 1 1
× 𝑚3 × 𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 5.00×10-4 m3/s
𝑚𝑖𝑛 1000 60

Froude Number, Fr:

𝑄 5.00 × 10−4
𝐹𝑟 = 3 = 3⁄
0.079 × (7.60 × 10−3 ) 2 × √9.81
𝐵𝑌12 √𝑔
= 3.05

Energy Loss, EL:

(𝑌2 − 𝑌1 )3 (2.69 × 10−2 − 7.60 × 10−3 )3
𝐸𝐿 = =
4𝑌1 𝑌2 4 × 7.60 × 10−3 × 2.69 × 10−2
= 8.79×10-3 m

Power Loss, PL:

𝑃𝐿 = 𝜌𝑔𝑄𝐸𝐿 = 1000 × 9.81 × 5.00 × 10−4 × 8.79 × 10−3
= 0.043 watt

Y2 (theory), m:
𝑌1 7.60×10−3
𝑌2 = [−1 + √1 + 8𝐹𝑟 2 = [−1 + √1 + 8(3.05)2 ]
2 2

= 2.92×10-2 m

Percentage of Error (%):

𝑌2 (𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑦) − 𝑌2 (𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡) 2.92 × 10−2 − 2.69 × 10−2
× 100 = × 100
𝑌2 (𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑦) 2.92 × 10−2
= 7.88 %
Graph 1:

Graph of Conjugate depth (Y2 / Y1) vs Froude number (Fr)

Conjugate depth (Y2 / Y1)

y = 2.1771x - 3.8125

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Froude number (Fr)

Graph 2:

Graph of Jump length (L / Y2) vs Froude number (Fr)


y = 1.122x + 3.6499
Jump length (L / Y2)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Froude number (Fr)
Graph 3:

Graph of Length of jump, L vs Jump height (Y2 - Y1 ), m



y = 11.264x - 0.0213
Length of jump, L




0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045
Jump height (Y2 - Y1 ), m

The experiment results indicates clearly that hydraulic jump in open channel happens with the
transition from supercritical to subcritical flow. In our experiment the magnitude of Froude
number of flow entering the jump indicates oscillating jump for flow rates of 30, 35 and 40
L/min, whereas for flow of 45 and 50 L/min it indicates steady jump. Observation indicates
large waves created by multiple irregular pulsation travelling further downstream in the
channel for Froude number ranging from 2.5 to 4.5. As the Froude number increases from 4.5
the observations indicates the disappearance of large waves and stable and well balanced jump
is produced. The observed hydraulic jump characteristics were consistent with theory and a
proposed approximation for a theoretical jump equation were found to be in favor of with
observed characteristics.

The results expected are slightly different with the theoretical value. Errors ranging
from 0% - 20% is present in the total experiment, whereby it is acceptable percentage error
scale. However, for the flow rate of 35 L/min, the percentage error is 27.94%. The large
difference between experiment value and theoretical value of height of hydraulic jump has
caused this error. This error is assumed to be caused by bad accuracy of the apparatus. Water
pump and the flow pump with faults could have caused the error. Parallax error also could have
been the cause whereby the measurement reader had some distance between the measuring
scale and the indicator used to obtain a measurement.

Hence, we can conclude that hydraulic jump is the condition where the rise of water level
occurs in channels. This happens when supercritical flow (Fr > 1) changes to subcritical flow
(Fr < 1) whereby the supercritical flow encounters a submerged objects such as dam or weir
throwing the water upwards. Hydraulic jump advantages include energy dissipation in in dams
and channels, scouring prevention in the downstream of a dam, reversing water flow and high
water level on the downstream side. A disadvantage of hydraulic jump is the turbulence which
may lead to channel erosion and degradation.

1. Les Hamil, Understanding of hydraulics 2011, third edition, (Pages 263-270)



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