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25G Heat and Mass Transfer

where A, and A(, are the inside and outside surface areas of the cylinder.
8. Heat conduction through a composite cylinder :
IrcL[ti — t(„01
— in [rn+01 rw]
n =1 n
9. Heat conduction through a hollow sphere :
Q _ (t1— t2)
L 4rckrri2

Logarithmic mean area for the hollow sphere :

Heat conduction through a composite sphere :
41C (thf t c f

[ 1 + 2
hhf ha), l(=11)ka • rn
2+ E a a+
r(n +1) —
• r(n +1)
10. Critical thickness of insulation :
For a cylinder : r2 rc) = To (where ho= heat transfer coefficient at the outer surface of the
The above relation represents the condition for minimum resistance and consequently
maximum heat flow rate. The insulation radius at which resistance to heat flow is minimum
is called the 'critical radius'.
For a sphere: r2 (= rc) =

1 1 . Heat conduction with internal heat generation :

A. Plane wall :
Case I. Both the surfaces have the same temperature :
t= qg —(L—x)x+tw2k
qg 2
tmax = —8k L + tw
qg t = t a + — L + —g(L—x)x ...(iii)
h 2k
L L21 Considering h and to
t max =t a + q g — ...(iv)
2h + 8k
(at the mid plane, i.e., x =L/2)
t = — (2L — x) x + tw 2k

Case II. Both the surfaces of the wall have different temperatures :
t — w2 _[ 1_ i[Zx +1 1
tw, — tw2 LL
Chapter : 2 : Conduction-Steady-State One Dimension 257
trwa, - tw2 - (Z + 1)2
twi — tw2 4Z
where, Z = qg ____
2k (tw1 tw2)
. L2
Case III. Current carrying electrical conductor :
qg = — 6

where, q g = Heat generated per unit volume per unit time
tw = Temperature of the wall surface
L = Thickness of the wall
k = Thermal conductivity of wall material h
= Heat transfer coefficient
J = Current density, and
ke = Electrical conductivity.
B. Cylinder :
t = tw + —qg[R2— T2] (i)

tmax qg=tw+—•R2

tmax tw L
_r1 _1 ...(iii)
(Temperature distribution in dimensionless form)
= + —h . R ...(iv)
t = to + — . R + —qg [R2 — r2] , considering h & to
2h 4k ...(v)
= t +qg R +qg R2 ...(vi)
2h 4k
C. Nuclear cylindrical rod :
Case I. Without cladding :
3q„ Rfr (i)
tw — tmax — _______
16 kfr
q„ Rfr [3Rfr 11
tmax ta ____
4 4k fr h
Case II. With cladding
= t w + q„ R f r 3 1
+ — . I n (R d I R i d
4 Lufr

qo = Heat generation rate at centre of the rod (r = 0),
Rfr = Outer radius of the fuel rod,
= Outer radius of cladding,
= Thermal conductivity of cladding material, and
kfr = Thermal conductivity of fuel rod material.
256 Heat and Mass Transfer
D. Sphere :
t = tw + (R2 — T2)
tmax =+ R2
- 6k
I — Iw
—1 ...(iii)
tmax tw
R )2
(Temperature distribution in dimensionless form)
tw = t +
t=+ + (R 2 r 2 )

- 3h 6k
Considering h and to
qg qg
t max = t o - r . D -
r . D2
3h 6k
12. Heat transfer from extended surfaces (Fins) :
A. Rectangular fin :
0 = C1 emx + C2 enx
or [(t - ta) = + C2 enx]
Case I. Heat dissipation from an infinitely long fin (I —> 0e) :
= eo e-mx
or [ (t - ta) = (t o- ta) e-mx
Qfin = k Aos m (t, - ta) ...(iii)
[An infinitely long fin is one for which ml —> 00, and this condition may be approached when
m/ > 5]
Case II. Heat dissipation from a fin insulated at the tip :
9 = t ta = cosh [m (1 — x}]

00 to — to cosh (ml)
Qfin = acs m (to — to) tanh (ml)
Case III. Heat dissipation from a fin losing heat at the tip :
cosh {m (1 — x)} + 11 [sinh {m (1 — x)}]
t to - k m ..(vi)
60 to — to cosh (ml) + —11 [sinh (ml)]

tanh (ml) +
Qfin = kAcs m (to — ta) ...(vii)
1+ . tanh (ml)
hP km
where m=
[A c,= cross-sectional area (b x y); P = perimeter of the fin {= 2(b + y)}]
[to= temperature at the base of the fin; ta = temperature of ambient/surrounding fluid].
Efficiency of fin : It is defined as the ratio of the actual heat transferred by the fin to the
maximum heat transferable by fin, if entire fin area were at the base temperature.
Effectiveness of fin : It is the ratio of the fin heat transfer rate to the heat transfer rate that
would exist without a fin.
Chapter : 2 : Conduction-Steady-State One Dimension 259
B. Straight triangular fin :
Qfin =1).211ry .0I,13
(2 N.17)
where, B= ky
1. Derive general heat conduction equation in :
(i) Cartesian coordinates; (ii) Cylindrical coordinates; (iii) Spherical coordinates.
2. Explain briefly the terms thermal capacity and thermal diffusivity of a material.
3. Derive expressions for temperature distribution, under one dimensional steady state heat conduction,
for the following systems :
(i) Plane wall; (ii) Composite wall;
(iii) Cylinder; (iv) Sphere.
4. Derive expressions for temperature distribution and heat dissipation in a straight fin of rectangular
profile for the following cases :
(i) Infinitely long fin; (ii) Fin insulated at the tip;
(iii) Fin losing heat at the tip.
5. Explain the following :
(i) Efficiency of fin; (ii) Effectiveness of fin.
6. Derive an expression for heat dissipation in a straight triangular fin.


Heat Conduction through Walls/Roofs, Cylinders and Spheres
1. The inner surface of a plane brick wall is at 50° C and the outer surface is at 30°C. Calculate the rate of
heat transfer per m2 of surface area of the wall, which is 250 mm thick. The thermal conductivity of the
brick is 0.52 W/m°C. [Ans. 41.6 W/m 2 ]
2. The temperatures at the inner and outer surfaces of a
boiler wall made of 20 mm thick steel and covered
with an insulating material of 5 mm thickness are
300°C and 50°C respectively. If the thermal
conductivities of steel and insulating material are 58
W/m°C and 0.116 W/m°C respectively, determine
the rate of heat flow through the boiler wall.
[Ans. 5.8 kW/m2]
3. A mild steel tank of wall thickness 10 mm contains
water at 90°C. The thermal conductivity of mild steel
is 50 W/m°C, and the heat transfer co-efficients for Boiler.
the inside and outside of the tank are 2800 and 11
W/m2°C, respectively. If the atmospheric temperature is 20°C, calculate :
(i) The rate of heat loss per m2 of the tank surface area;
(ii) The temperature of the outside surface of the tank. [Ans. (i) 820 W/m2; (ii) 89.6°C]
4. Calculate the rate of heat flow through the wall of a refrigerated van of 1.5 mm of steel sheet at outer
surface, 100 mm plywood at the inner surface and 2 cm of glass-wool in between, if the temperatures
of the inside and outside surfaces are — 15°C and 24°C respectively. Take thermal conductivities of
steel, glass-wool and plywood as 23.2 W/m°C, 0.014 W/m°C and 0.052 W/m°C respectively.
[Ans. 6kW/m2]
256 Heat and Mass Transfer
5. Calculate the temperatures at the contact surfaces of the wall of a furnace made up of 250 mm of fire
brick, 120 mm of insulation brick and 200 mm of red brick. The inner and outer surface temperatures
of the wall are 850°C and 65°C respectively. Neglect resistance of mortar joints :
Take kfiremck = 1.05 W/m°C; k
insulation brick = 0.85 W/m°C;
= 0.85 W/m°C.
red brick
k ..
Take ft re brick = 1.4 W/m°C; k
insulation brick = 0.2 W/m°C
[Ans. 703°C, 210°C]
6. A flat wall of a furnace is made up of fire brick, insulating brick and building brick of thicknesses 25 cm,
12.5 cm and 25 cm respectively. The inside wall is at a temperature of 600°C and the atmospheric
temperature is 20°C. If the heat transfer coefficient for the outside surface is 10 W/m2°C, calculate :
(i) That loss per m2 of wall area;
(ii) Temperature of the outside wall surface of the furnace. [Ans. (i) 0.46 kW/m2, (ii) 66°C]
Take : k f i r e b r i c k = 1.4 W/m°C;
insulating brick = 0.2 W/m°C.
7. A furnace wall consists of 200 mm of refractory fire clay brick, 100 mm of kaolin brick and 6 mm of
steel plate. The fire side of the refractory is at 1150°C and the temperature at the outside surface of the
wall is 30°C. An accurate heat balance over the furnace shows the heat loss from the wall to be 300 W/m2.
It is known that there may be thin layers of air between the layers of brick and steel. To how many
millimeters of kaolin are these air layers equivalent? The thermal conductivities are as follows :
7 W/C
krefractory fire clay brick 1= . m°
kaolin brick = 0.17 W/m°C
k 17 W
s t ee l = IITI ° C [Ans. 514 mm]
8. A furnace wall consists of 12.5 cm wide refractory brick and 12.5 cm wide insulating fire brick
separated by an air gap. The outside wall is covered with 1.2 cm thick plaster. The inner surface wall
is at 1100°C and room temperature is 25°C. Calculate the rate at which heat is lost per m2 area of wall
hcf. (heat transfer coefficient from outside wall surface) =17 W/m2°C
Roir (resistance of air gap) = 0.16 °C/W
refractory brick =1.6 W/m°C
= 0.3 W/m°
insulation brick C
p l a s t e r = 0.14 W/m°C

Also calculate the temperature of outside wall surface. [Ans. 1338.7 W/m2, 103.7°C](M. U.)
9. A 2000 W heater element of area 0.04 m is protected on the backside with insulation 50 mm thick of k
= 1.4 W/m°C and on the front side by a plate 100 mm thick with thermal conductivity of 45 W/m°C.
The backside is exposed to air at 5°C with convection coefficient of 10 W/m2°C and the front is
exposed to air at 15°C with convection coefficient including radiation of 250 W/m2°C. Determine :
(i) The temperature of the heater element;
(ii) The heat flow into the room under steady state conditions [Ans. (i) 219.4°C; (ii)1936.8 W]
10. Calculate the rate at which heat is being lost to the surrounding per unit length of an insulated steam
pipe having the following dimensions and specifications :
di= 3 cm, do= 3.4 cm for the pipe
Thickness of insulation = 1 cm
h= 10 W/m2 °C and h = 10 W/m2°C
k (pipe) = 15 W/m°C and k (insulation) = 0.5 W/m°C
t, (steam) = 100°C and to (atmosphere) = 25°C [Ans. 41.6 W/m]
[M. U. Summer, 1996]
11. A 15 cm outer diameter steam pipe is covered with 5 cm of high temperature insulation (k = 0.85 W/m°C)
and 4 cm of low temperature insulation (k = 0.72 W/m°C). The steam is at 500°C and ambient air is at
40°C. Neglecting thermal resistances of steam and air sides and metal wall, calculate the heat loss
from 1000 m length of the pipe. (Ans. 2928 kW) [M.U. Summer 1997]

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