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____ Lrestige Philippe Geiss United colors of saxophones Quartet Saxophones & Concert Band Rel partenaire créatif i ——<_——_ san 23105223 7 United colors of saxophones — Philippe Geiss for Quartet Saxophones & Concert Band - FULL SCORE A INSTRUMENTATION 3] 1 Fuscore 1 Eb Horn 1 ‘3] 1 8Soprano Saxophone Solo 1 Eb Horn 2 1 Eb Alto Saxophone Solo 1 Eb Horn 3 5) 1 Bb Tenor Saxophone Solo. 1 Eb Horn 4 a] 1 ED Baritone Saxophone Solo 1 Trombone 1 | 1 Piccolo 1 Trombone 2 3) 2 rtute1 1 Bass Trombone 3) 2Fiute2 1 Bb Trombone 1 j4 al 1 Oboe | 1 Bb Trombone 2 oF *| 1 Oboe 2 1.C Euphonium 1 3) 1 Bassoon 1 1 Bb Euphonium 1 4g ‘=| 1 Bassoon 2 "ceuphonium2 1 Eb Clarinet 1.8 Euphonium2 — sy 3) sep ciarinet1 1. Tuba a] 480 Clarinet 2 1 Bb Tuba 34 _| 4 Bb Clarinet 3 1 Eb Tuba D 1 Bb Bass Clarinet 1 Contrabass a] 2 Eb Ato Saxophone 1 1 Marimba 2 Eb Alto Saxophone 2 1 Harp L / 3) 2.8» Tenor Saxophone Simca Reb sa|_ 1 ed Baritone Saxophone 1 cymbals a) 80 Tumper 1 2 Percussions le le partenaire cré créatif 2 Bb Trumpet 2 Tempio re/Tor 9| 2 8b Trumpet 3 Tontoue/songee 06 Grande Rue dele coup SSeS Frorce | 1FHon DP pereintane TeLoa es 204008 996 TF Hom 2 Trangle/Geand gong! ‘Tel. 04 76 85 66 65 - Fax 08 78.85 6953 a) teHom3 Coooey Grenier a) 1 FHom 4 Shoctensha aes wi :ine@ecrmarincom 3 Philippe Geiss 0 Philippe Geiss ‘Saxophoniste, compositeur et pédagogue, inlassable partisan du rapprochement entre les différentes sphéres musicales, il a toujours privilégié la création de passerelles entre les musiques. Partenaire des spectacles classiques et improvisés de Jean- Frangois Zygel et compagnon de route du jazzman Jey Bergonzi, il développe un langage inspiré de ses- multiples experiences artistiques. Spécialiste du « Crossover », il s‘exprime avec la méme passion dans le répertoire classique, le jazz ou les mix multi ~ culturels des ‘musiques d'aujoura'hui Professeur au Conservatoire de Strasbourg et au « Péle Alsace » denseignement supérieur des Arts, il donne des concerts et master class & travers le monde entier, du « Blue note » de New York en passant par, Shanghai, Madrid, Cambridge, Montreal, Tokyo, Bangkok, Miami, Montevideo ou Sydney. II obtient, en compagnie d'Emmanuel Séjourné, le prix de Académie du disque Francais pour ses arrangements de Debussy, Ibert et Milhaud et le prix de la meilleure musique de scéne au Festival de d/Avignon, pour “La legende des siécies” de Vietor Hugo. Tres solicité comme compositeur, Il est jou par de prestigieux interprétes :US. Navy band, Brandford Marsalis, Nederland wind ensemble, Slovenian Police Orchestra, Trombonissimo, Quatuors : Habanera, Alliage Diastema, Elipsos, Sa musique se situe entre la recherche contemporaine, le swing ‘du jazz et Fexotisme de la world music. Son catalogue comprend des piéces pour tous niveaux, des ‘débutants aux interprétes les plus expérimentés. Ses ceuvres sont éditées chez : Robert Martin, Bilaudot, Leduc, ‘Alphonce production, Sa curiosité pour la recherche dans le domaine des nouveaux instruments améne a sintéresser aujourdihui au « Kariax », ‘nouvel instrument multiméaia congu pour les arts dela scene IV dirige association Sax&Co qui organise chaque année de mé- ovembre a fin décembre « Les Rencontres du saxophone ». Dans le prolongement de cette action il coordonne a présent 1a ‘candidature de la France pour accueilr le Congrés Mondial du Saxophone & Strasbourg en jullet 2015. (Cest un artiste Selmer, Rico et Da Fact, Philippe Geiss Saxophonist, composer and pedagogue, tireless advocate of Feconeiliation between different musical spheres he has always favored the creation of bridges between music. Partner classical performances and improvised by Jean- Francois Zygel and fellow traveler of jazzman Jerry Bergonzi, he developed a language based on his many artistic experiences. Specialist ‘Crossover’, it expresses itself with the same passion in classical, jaz or multi cultural mix of music from today. Professor at the Strasbourg Conservatory and "Pole Alsace* fof Higher Education Arts. He gave concerts and master classes around the world, the “Blue Note’ in New York t0 Shanghai, Madrid, Boston, Montreal, Tokyo, Bangkok, ‘Miami, Montevideo or Sydney. It gets in the company of Emmanuel Séjourné, the price of the French Académie du Disque for his arrangements of Debussy, Ibert and Milhaud and the award for best theater ‘music Festival of Avignon, The legend for the ages Victor Hugo. Much in demand as a composer, he is played by famous artists of: U.S. Navy Band, Branford Marsalis, Nederland Wind ensemble, Slovenian Police Orchestra, Trombonissimo, Quartets: Habanera, Alloy Diastema,Elipsos His music ranges trom contemporary research, swing Jazz and exotic world music. Its catalog includes parts for all levels, from beginners to ‘more experienced interpreters. His works are published by Robert Martin, Billaudot, Leduc, Alphonce production > His curiosity for research in the field of the new instruments leads to today’s interest in “Karlax’ new multimedia too! designed for the Performing Artscbr>He heads the ‘Association Sax & Co, which organizes each year from mid- November to late December “Encounters of the saxophone’. In continuation of this action he now coordinates the Romination of France to host the World Saxophone Congress in Strasbourg in July 2015. € is a Selmer artist, Rico and Da Fact. United colors of saxophones for Quartet Saxophones & Concert Band Total duration : 650 CRECEUHHDHSHHSHHHDHHHSHSHKHSHSHSHHSCTHHSHSTWHTHSH HHT e HHH UNITED COLORS OF SAXOPHONES I er Philippe GEISS Conmeto d= 116 {©2012 Edo Robt MARTIN aa in ii eo, econ orate ede noun 3M ‘knee aston {TRS CHARNAY-LES MACON "sr pow United Colors of Savophanes- ler Mowement Rsnam swat United Colors of Saxophones ler Movement o bo tg gees pias ia AMHOHHHHHAAADAHHMHAMAHAHMHMRMMAMHMAHHOHAHDHMHMOMHHHHMHHH piqgts oe 7 ototegd 2 fi United Colors of Saxophones er Mowement [E)poce pia moss o.=72 i a8 a woow aw Rema RS205M pts fod) i {i eee 7 8 9941 wid of Ai mit ft Lanne an eam Anne AMAA RMAOAMAOANnnnnnannnnn z i = 7 3 = . t zoEoEo: ¢ @ 8 6 ¢ 34k Ete pepe s # 7 oi ore pa HH iat 5 PpRy PREP biG 14 S225 United Colors o Saxophone - ler Moment # ees | s 50: cee 3 14 teyyo 7 Bi oi Ges bows gt tlt i | AAA aM Hs HM MAMA HAAAMRAAAAHRHHAMKMRARHAAAHRHRHAAAHHMHHH M 10 ‘ a 1 ‘ ‘ we ; ne ; vn ‘ co ‘ ne ‘ ‘ oe : a : v0 ‘ « ‘ 7 « a « ow ‘ pee ‘ sete ‘ i ‘ sate ‘ ‘ os ; we : cee : cone : i ‘ i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ a ' t = e cS 1 7 t FH t United Color of Ssophane Jer Mowement s 7 £REey : 3s soe . | as es a fidaué io 1 * a3 i foe i | 1 141g del i AMAA OHHH AMMAOHHTHAAHHAHHMHAHRHHRAMANHT AHHH HH OHA ‘United Colors of Saxophones Ler Mowement PRR HHRAORH OOK K he HHH e € © € = € oem € € € € = © B nied Colors of Saxophone - ler Mouvement ridq.4 2 2a a3 2 SAMeaaannnneanahnnaneh i 5 a Rem 1 Ges at eg XRHAHAMHROHAAMADRHRAMHARHHRHHHNMHD é i i Rs223M ak ala lk lt « @ e € € on mmm e « = e € e € 9 CUECECTCWTHEHHSTWTCWTWUTHSSTWHHHHTHTHTHHO He HLHHTevouwoD 5 ir F q i i al q 4 & 4 ‘United Colors of Saxophones Ler Mowement Boz 16 > Wl ANG vowww seuw sew we vee ce see "7 United Colors ef Saxophones ler Mowement ee: Gee goes 7 a zen | Rs . a « € . . € « « « . e € nm € € onan m € e e Rem anemm 19 1 EN) ial vi 44 82 3 Rannne 3 | Vt | | i | 4 inl i $23 de i annnranm tii. 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