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Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

CIE4367: Embankments and Geosynthetics

Tuesday 11th August 2015, 14.00:-17:00

Responsible Instructor: C. Jommi


student number:

1. The exam consists of 10 multiple choice, 2 applied question and 1 open question on
a total number of 10 pages.
2. The minimum grade to pass the written exam is 5.0/10.0
3. All correctly answered multiple choice questions will contribute to your grade, which
means that a correction accounting for the ‘guess’-effect will not be deducted from your
4. For the multiple choice questions, tick the correct answer.
5. For the applied questions and the open question, write down your answer on these
sheets, in the allocated space, and include your reasoning and any derivation.
6. Please, write your answers in a clear and comprehensible way.
7. This is an open-book written exam. You are allowed to keep your laptop, provided the
Wi-Fi adapter is switched off. Breaking this rule will result in immediate termination of
your exam.

1 | 10 P a g e s  
Section 1: Multiple-choice questions (1 mark each)

1- An embankment is constructued on soft ground. The stress change due to the weight
of the embankment is indicated by f (force per unit surface). Before the start of the
construction the pore water pressure distribution is given by u0. After the
construction the pore water pressure is given by (in the following  is a coefficient
ranging from 0 to 1):

a  f +u0
b u0 +f
c u0 + f )
d u0 + f

2- Due to the construction of an embankment, at a given depth in the ground the change
in the vertical and in the horizontal stresses are v = 30 kPa and h = 20 kPa,
respectively. The pore water pressure change is u = 20 kPa. The corresponding
changes in the effective stress variables s’ and t are:

a s’ = 25 kPa ; t = 10 kPa

b s’ = 5 kPa; t = 5 kPa

c s’ = 5 kPa; t = - 15 kPa

d s’ = 10 kPa; t = 5 kPa

3- Consider the case of cyclic consolidation due to river level fluctuation. Assume a
typical stratigraphy composed by a pervious aquifer and a impervious aquitard
above it. The tidal fluctuation is schematised with a cyclic boundary condition
imposed to the aquifer by P=P_0 cos (ωt), x=0, t>0. Assume that the aquifer extends
horizontally far and that the aquitard is relative thick. The cyclic leakage factor

a Is not influenced by the stiffness of the aquifer

b Decreases with an increase of the stiffness of the aquifer

c Increases with an increase of the stiffness of the acquifer

d Depends only on the properties of the aquitard

2 | 10 P a g e s  
4- The main benefit of vertical drains is

a Increasing the shear strength of the soil

b Reducing the flow path

c Increasing the flow path

d Allowing the soil sustain higher loads

5- Consider the two soil profiles in the figure. The two soils are loaded by the same
uniform load f. The hydrodynamic period of the two systems is indicated by T1 and
T2, and the total settlement at the end of consolidation by s1 and s2 , respectively:

f f

silty sand
clay layer
silty sand
1 2

silty sand

a s1 ≈ s2 ; T1 < T2

b s2 > s1 ; T1 ≈ T2

c s2 > s1 ; T1 < T2

d s1 ≈ s2 ; T1 ≈ T2

6- The hydrodynamic period of a layered soil:

is calculated with the average value of the consolidation coefficients of the single
b is governed by the layers having the higher consolidation coefficient
c is governed by the layers having the lowest consolidation coefficient
d can be calculated by averaging the hydrodynamic periods of the single layers

3 | 10 P a g e s  
7- Creep isotaches represent

a stress-strain curves at constant time

b time-strain curves at constant stress

c stress-strain curves at constant stress rate

d stress-strain curves at constant strain rate

8- The consolidation coefficient depends on

a Total unit weight of the soil layer and hydraulic permeability

b Vertical hydraulic permeability of the soil layer
c Hydraulic permeability and stiffness of the soil layer
d Stiffness of the soil layer and total unit weight of the soil

9- The strength of geosynthetics :

a depends on expected construction defects and does not depend on time

b decreases in time and depends on expected construction defects
c increases in time and depends on expected weathering
d increases in time and depends on the chemical conditions

10- The internal stability calculation of a geogrid reinforced wall:

a aims to determine the factor of safety against sliding of the entire reinforced wall
b aims to determine the required spacing and length of the geogrids
c aims to assess the strength provided by the geogrids
d aims to determine tha factor of safety against rotational failure

4 | 10 P a g e s  
Section 2: Applied questions

Applied question 1 [5 marks]

Consider the soil profile reported in Figure 1 with a soft soil layer on a sandy layer. For a new 
residential area, in order to accelerate the consolidation process, vertical drains are installed in a 
square pattern according to Figure 2. Relevant data of the soil profile are reported below. 

Soft soil layer 
Thickness             H    6.0  [m] 
Specific gravity             Gs    2.25  [‐] 
Initial water content          w0    1.5  [‐] 
Saturation degree          Sr    1.0  [‐] 
Vertical hydraulic permeability         kv    1.0 e‐8  [m/s] 

Coefficient of anisotropy for hydraulic permeability   k   0.5  [‐] 

Volumetric compressibility coefficient       α    1.0 e‐2  [kPa‐1] 


Vertical drains patter 

Pattern type      square 
Drain diameter      d  0.02  [m] 
Centre to centre drain spacing  Ds  2.0  [m] 

The initial configuration with the water table is reported in Figure 1. An open standpipe located in 
the soft soil layer indicates the pore pressure.  

For the initial configuration answer the following questions: 

1. Calculate  the  T1%  for  the  initial  situation  without  vertical  drains.  A  uniform  flow  field  can  be 
2. Calculate the T1% for the initial situation with vertical drains with Barron’s solution. 

5 | 10 P a g e s  
Initial configuration


Soft soil layer H

Sand layer

Figure 1. Initial configuration.

Square drains pattern



Figure 2. Square drains pattern.

In order to further reduce the consolidation period, an extra surcharge which will be removed later, 
is placed as shown in Figure 3. 

New configuration

q due to extra surcharge layer h


Soft soil layer H+h

Sand layer

Figure 3. New configuration with the applied surcharge layer.

6 | 10 P a g e s  
The surcharge is represented by a soil layer with a unit weight and thickness here reported. 

Surcharge layer 

Unit weight    18.0  [kN/m3] 

Thickness   h   1.5  [m] 

According to Barron’s solution answer the following questions: 

3. Draw  the  trends  in  the  soft  soil  layer  for  the  total  vertical  stress,  pore  water  pressure  and 
effective  vertical  stress  before  (t=0‐)  and  immediately  after  (t=0+)  the  application  of  the  extra 
surcharge layer h. Reports the hypothesises used for drawing the above trends.  
4. Pore water pressure excess at r=R and t=T1%  
5. Pore water pressure reduction assured by vertical drains 

7 | 10 P a g e s  
8 | 10 P a g e s  
Applied question 2 [5 marks]

Consider a 2D piled embankment with a geogrid basal reinforcement in the figure

Assume that the load transferred to the geogrid is described in the reference system
in the figure by the linear function:

q(x) = a x

with no soil support , r (x) = 0.

The length of the geogrid is L = 2 m, and the average vertical load per unit surface
transferred to the geogrid is Qave = 30 kPa.

a. Find the value of a which gives Qave = 30 kPa;

b. Calculate the tensile force TH [F/L] in the middle of the membrane (x =0) ;

c. Assume that the geogrid has a stiffness of 10MN/m: calculate the maximum
deflection of the geogrid.

9 | 10 P a g e s  
10 | 10 P a g e s  
Section 3: Open question

Open question 1 [10 marks]

Explain briefly the main problematic issues of embankments on soft soils, including:
a. stability problems;
b. causes of settlements;
c. at least two possible technical solutions to reduce these issues.

11 | 10 P a g e s  
12 | 10 P a g e s  

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