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Brother Frankline Njume, you are hitting the nail right on the head.

My narative might be lengthy but bare with me. Read on.

The same reason the SDF political group and Ni John. Fru Ndi had funding and surpport from
the diaspora, the same pattern is showing its face again.

Briefly speaking, when the SDFpolitical party was founded and gathered a lot of momentum in
Cameroon, there was a 99.9% walk-out of all North West Cameroonians from the CPDM party,
especially here in America.

Here in America, SDF Party flourished so well that, a list of names seculated for potential
ministerial jobs and high positions in the Fru Ndi regime. But unfortunately for them, SDF lost
the war and the Battle which lots of ambazonian so called liberators originated.

Since then these group of people are still tied down with that mentality of power and tribe.
Hostility that will go on in Cameroon for a long time if something drastic is not done.

To answer your question directly the SDFwas funded because of POWER nothing else. The
power was going to come from America. And those guns in America will not relent their efforts
until they get what they want.

So why is diaspora funding ambazonia terrorist groups rather than funding schools, it all leads to
power. It all leads to tribe.

In 2007 Ngole Ngole then a minister in Cameroon, was sent to America to supervise the creation
of CPDM Section in America and to install the first CPDM Section President USA.

THAT itself was the tipping point of the betrayal of the Cameroon people in the USA.

From that election, the Manyu people took over CPDM SECTION USA. ON National
conferences, half of all attendees were from Manyu. Fortunately for them a Manyu Woman was
deputy speaker of the house of Assembly in Cameroon around that time.

Issues happened and such powers were out in the air.

Just like here in America the CPDM PARTY became the tribal party with key players, support
came from same tribe especially during votes of important issues of the party.

Punches were thrown left and right from members until the next elections won by a lady whose
powers have always been undermined by a lot of disgruntled men and a few woman who have
changed their allegiance from CPDM to ambazonia.

In ambazonia today you see the intensity of the fighting and destructions in Bamenda.
Moving on to Southwest, the Manyu people where brought in as the strongest tribe in the South
West Province. This was written on social media.

Picture this out. Who are those funding ambazonia?

Let the record show that half of the funding is from North Westerners in Cameroon and
Diaspora. Slowly you have seen the infiltration of the SDF PARTY in the Ambazonia cause. So
the SDF Party to me now is the official party of Ambazonia.

Around this time donation has moved up to about three quaters to surpport these hate groups and
ambazonia from North Westerners in Cameroon and diaspora.

The Manyu people and elites carry the bulk of the the one quater contribution of these haters and
ambazonia funds.

Seseco is intetim president, and check out the rest of the socalled freedom fighters. Check out the

To give you a clear picture to what l am saying, check out the comment box of Mark Bareta,
Nfor N Susungi, Charm Lambi Wamesai, Tapang lvo and Cho to mention these few.

The irony is that some times these people claim the conversation is intellectually sound.

"Na only for pipol way no book. So we way nor commot from those tribes no no book. Thank
God say ah no a lot of book people way dem di lookam and laugh."

It is shamefull. The Direct answer to your question is greed and power.

Should ambazonia win then the real power struggle begins.

I will like to rewrite this story in the near future with names and dates and video clips to prove
my point.


Elonge Ekalele

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