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40 Tips To

Lose weight

1. Smarter training

Did you know that you can really lose more weight and keep
your metabolism active for longer if you do between 3 and 4
sessions shorter than 10 minutes each and not 1 session of
cardio exercises longer between 30 and 40 minutes?
An investigation by the University of Pittsburgh found that
women who split their 40-minute session of cardiovascular
exercises into 4 training sessions of 10 minutes each during
the day, LOST 20 pounds while... the group of women who
made a Large 40-minute cardio workout session lost 14
pounds and...
The reason why shorter sessions are better is because you
never give your fat burning metabolism a chance to slow

2. Take a break to lose weight faster

A study from a Tokyo university found that people who took
a break of about 20 minutes in the middle of their one-hour
cardio sessions burned 20% more fat than people who
trained for an hour non-stop because... Taking short breaks
of 20 minutes in your exercises makes your fat burning
hormones work better.
3. Drink Water
Water reduces the amount of fat stored in your body
Your kidneys become lazy in your work when you do not
drink enough water and as a result of not drinking water,
your kidneys give most of your unfinished work to your
One of the functions of your liver is to help your body burn
the stored fat for energy and you will not be able to do that
work completely if you have to do the work of your kidneys
as well.
If you do not drink water you will give your liver double
work, thus decreasing its potential to burn fat causing you to
store more fat. If you drink enough water your kidneys will
stop being lazy, they will do their job of excreting the waste
from your body.
4. Rapid weight loss = YOU eat more fruits and
vegetables RAW
Your body has to burn a lot of calories to unfold the RAW
fruits and vegetables that you eat, so basically... You're
losing weight faster every time you eat fruits and vegetables,
and people whose diets are predominantly fruits and
vegetables tend to lose weight faster and they keep their
weights for much longer, besides...
Fruits and vegetables give you a more lasting energy while
fighting against cravings, which means you will never gain
weight, but fruits and vegetables will keep you burning fat!
And ... Researchers at Tufts University found that the more
vegetables people eat, the thinner they are.
5. Drink Green Tea
Studies show that you can burn between 35% and 43% more
fat during the days you drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea, but...
If you do not have time to prepare your own green tea then
you can simply take a green tea dietary pill, or better yet...
You can use a fat burner like one that is here that contains
green tea and also other fat burning ingredients.

6. Eat more Fiber

Add more fiber to your diet is the best way to quickly and
easily eliminate a large amount of excess weight without
having to diet and exercise - see how to lose 20 pounds in 30
days to know more information, in addition...
Eating fiber helps you prevent eating too much because it
makes you feel full.
If your meals consist mainly of fiber, protein, and water, you
will have a greater feeling of fullness and higher levels of
energy throughout the day.
Fiber also slows down the digestion of your meals, keeping
your energy and sugar levels at optimum levels, thus
preventing you from being hungry
7. Eat more protein
You will eat up to 500 calories less per day when, at least,
30% of the calories you eat comes from proteins and... Every
time you eat fiber and protein, you increase the metabolism
of fat burning in your body because your body will have to
burn many calories just to digest the fiber and protein, in
Proteins accelerate the process of weight loss because they
help you create and / or maintain your muscles without fat,
which elevates your metabolism to burn fat and...
The main reason why people lose weight fast in high protein
diets is because proteins suppress the appetite by keeping
you satisfied for longer.

8. Drink milk
Recent research now shows that including more dairy in
your diet can make it easier to lose those extra pounds and
burn fat without having to eliminate many calories.
One of the most exciting findings of this new research is that
diets that are rich in dairy will help you almost double the
rate of weight loss when compared to poor dairy diets.
9. Limit the salt you consume
Consume more than the recommended serving of 2500mg
every day (1 spoonful) of sodium will cause you to retain
water and gain weight (swelling)
When you limit the amount of sodium that you ingest your
body will begin to expel some of that weight of unwanted
10. Be more active
Adding some physical activity to your daily routine will help
you start losing weight faster than you can imagine.
Do not worry, being more active does not mean you have to
sign up at a gym and take tae-bo classes or start
participating regularly in marathons!
There are many ways for you to be gradually more active to
lose weight.

11. Get up and Exercise!

As soon as you wake up in the morning, exercise for at least
30 minutes to an hour. Studies have shown that exercising
in the morning can burn up to 3 times more fat than when
you exercise at any other time during the day.

12. Do not skip breakfast

Fact: People who skip breakfast are 4 times more likely to be

OBESAS than people who do not!
Eating breakfast in the morning also helps you start your
A recent study at the University of Texas at El Paso found
that people who ate breakfast also ate 100 fewer calories a
day, and if you eat 100 fewer calories each day for a year -
you'll easily lose 10 pounds.
If you skip breakfast and wait until mid-morning or
afternoon to eat, your metabolism will work slower causing
you not to burn the extra fat.
13. Lift bigger weights to burn fat faster
If you pick up a greater amount of weight (which allows you
to only do between 3 and 5 repetitions per set) in your
weight lifting workout, then you will burn more calories
than if you lifted lighter weights doing 8 to 12 repetitions,
and the reason is simple...
You burn more calories or use much more energy to lift
weights that have more weight, in addition... You will obtain
a greater effect of elimination of fat after this activity due to
the high intensity of the exercise, and also to the fact that the
metabolism of your body You will have to burn more fat so
that you can help your body recover from a heavier weight

14. Do cardio at the end to remove fat quickly

Before you jump on the bicycle or the treadmill for an hour,
it is better to spend 45 minutes doing an exercise routine to
increase muscle or doing exercises to shape the body to
spend most of the stored carbohydrates or glycogen in your
body as energy, so that when you're ready to do your
cardiovascular training...
Your body will start to burn more fat for energy during your
cardio training, and it will not burn a combination of fats
and carbohydrates because you have already spent most of
the carbohydrates stored by your body to get the energy you
used during your 45 minutes of exercises to increase muscle
or exercises to sculpt the body and...
This tip is almost like the tip # 11 to lose weight fast where
you work with most of the carbohydrates ELIMINATED in
such a way that you can burn more fat but look at this...
You can eliminate twice as much fat if you do a higher
intensity workout after doing the exercises to shape the body
as intervals or Tae-bo; A perfect example of what you can
start using as a weight training routine followed by high
intensity intervals is the # 1 quick weight loss routine.
15. Walk 10,000 steps a day and lose 10 extra
pounds a year
If you do not have time to go to an exercise program - buy a
pedometer, wear it, and try to walk the 10,000 steps a day to
burn 100 extra calories or more each day which contributes
to losing more than 10 pounds per year with minimum effort
on your part.
16. Use music to lose weight quickly
Use your favorite music to stay motivated and energized for
more time during your weight loss exercises and achieve
your goal of losing weight faster.
A recent study shows that fat or overweight people who did
their weight-loss exercises with music dropped an average of
16 pounds - twice as much as people who did not exercise
while listening to music. Go here to see other ways to
motivate yourself to lose weight fast.
17. Switch to a Mediterranean diet as soon as
Which people are the thinnest, least overweight, who live the
longest, and who have the lowest proportion of chronic
diseases on earth? People from the regions of Asia and the

18. Drink vegetable juice or water before meals

Drinking a glass of water or vegetable juice before your
meals will suppress your appetite in such a way that you will
not eat as much, and you can lose weight quickly.

19. Remember to take your multivitamins every

Research shows that taking your vitamins daily helps you
maintain your weight and reduce your appetite while on a
diet plan for weight loss.
When researchers asked more than 500 men and women if
they took multivitamins daily - men and women who took
multivitamins daily had lower body weights and lower body
fat, and in another research study...
45 overweight people who did not use multivitamins were
put on a weight loss diet and were given multivitamins, and
at the end of the 15 week study - everyone in the study lost
weight mainly because they were on a diet of losing weight.
Weight, but multivitamins probably helped them stay on the
diet for longer by reducing their appetites and...
If you do not get the right amount of nutrients - your body
WILL FEEL HUNGRY (increasing your appetite) in such a
way that you will eat more (and probably gain weight) in
order to try to get the nutrients you need; taking
multivitamins prevents this problem.

20. Become heavier to lose weight faster

The more weight you carry, the more calories you burn while
exercising so that... you can get heavier wearing a waistcoat
with weights or carrying a backpack with extra weight to
burn more calories while you walk or run and...
To lose weight faster you only need to add an extra 20 to 30
pounds to your weight vest or to a backpack that has extra
21. Sleep well
Do not sleep for a long time or for a very short time because
according to a study done by researchers at Laval University
in Quebec... people who slept FOR A LONG TIME (more
than 8 hours) and people who slept VERY LITTLE TIME
(less than 6 hours) were more likely to gain weight than
people who slept between 7 and 8 hours...
When you do not sleep enough, the levels of leptin in your
body decrease. Leptin is a protein in the blood that
suppresses your appetite.
22. Masticate your food for longer and lose weight
You should chew everything you eat for at least 8 to 12
times. Eat slowly Your body does not realize that you have
had enough to eat until after several minutes of eating.
23. How to eat much more and lose more weight
than dieters
If you exercise for more than 45 minutes with an intensity
between moderate and high for at least 5 times a week... you
will be able to eat up to 500 calories more per day than the
calories you need to lose weight, simply because...
You burn most of the calories when you exercise for long
periods of time with higher intensities, so that you can eat
an extra snack every day and still lose 1 to 2 pounds a week;
and according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh...
Women who ate 2,000 calories a day and exercised for 60
minutes with moderate to high intensity, lost the most
weight among 4 test groups.

24. Eat between 1500 to 2000 calories a day

Most men and women can lose between 1 and 2 pounds a
week or a little over 10 pounds in 5 weeks, without even
feeling hungry, if they eat between 1500 to 2000 calories per
day eating mainly foods that help lose weight Y…
If you can not exercise - you can eat between 1200 to 1500
calories per day; if you are active you can eat between 1700
and 2000 calories per day
25. Use baby tools to avoid eating too much
Use smaller plates in exchange for large ones to limit your
meals or portion sizes, and use forks and baby spoons that
force you to take smaller bites which will make your food
last longer, plus you will FEEL satisfied faster with lower
amount of calories.
26. High carbohydrate or protein diet to lose weight

If you exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week... you will want to

eat more complex carbohydrates, but make sure that only
35% to 45% of your calories come from non-greasy proteins
and healthy fats in such a way that you can have the extra
energy to exercise for longer, burn more calories and lose
more weight; but on the other hand...
If you want to lose weight without exercising - then a diet
with more protein (where only 30% to 40% of your calories
come from carbohydrates) will help you lose weight quickly
(see tip # 7 to lose weight quickly for see why) but the
smartest way to lose weight fast is...
Eat high-carbohydrate diets on your exercise days and high-
protein diets on days when you do not exercise.
27. Eat and run walks
Take a walk between 5 and 10 minutes after each meal. It
does not have to be a walk but any activity will do.

28. WALK AND DO NOT RUN! To maintain your

According to a study in the International Journal of Obesity
- people who walked at least 12 miles a week (or between 1
and 2 miles a day) were able to maintain their weight no
matter how fast or slow they walked.
29. Please avoid sodas - even dietary ones
Because regular sodas are basically a drink to gain weight
and water is a weight loss drink with 0 calories - you could
lose 1 pound each week if you replaced 2 bottles of soda with
2 bottles of water.
Some studies now link the high consumption of diet soda
with weight gain because despite the fact that diet sodas
have 0 calories... the artificial sweeteners increase your
cravings for sugar and other foods that make you gain
30. And Do not Drink Fruit Juice!
It is much better to eat a raw fruit than to have a fruit juice
because the fruit contains more fiber but the juice will
always have more sugar than the fruit itself.
This is the same advice I give you in the case of soda, you
can lose up to an extra pound a week just by replacing the
juice with water because most of the fruit juices are mainly
water and sugar.

31. Do not remain seated for more than 4 hours

According to researchers at the University of Missouri -
sitting or being virtually inactive for more than 4 hours
lowers your metabolic level, making it easier for you to store
fat; in such a way that to avoid this try to get up for at least
10 minutes within each 4 hour interval.
32. Say every day "For what"
Ask yourself why you want to lose weight, and after getting a
why... Keep saying WHY.
For example - why do you want to lose weight? ...
• I want to lose weight to see myself better, SO THAT...
• I can feel more confident with myself, SO THAT...
• I can be the most attractive person in my high school
meeting, SO THAT...
• I can see the surprised face of my classmates, SO THAT...
• I will be able to have an appointment with the person who
impacted me in high school, SO THAT...
Can you see what is happening here?
The more times you say FOR WHAT, the more motivated
you will feel to lose weight. I do not know but...
If you can think of at least three FOR THAT'S - nothing will
prevent you from losing weight.
33. Do not ask yourself "What is the best exercise I can do",
• Ask yourself: "What is the best exercise I can do that will
make me work hard in just 20 to 40 minutes" (a hint: High
intensity intervals), also...
• Ask yourself: "What exercise can I do that makes me feel
like I'm going to faint, but the mere thought of being 100%
focused on seeing me well while naked is going to make me
• Once you answer those two questions... Do that exercise 1
to 2 times per day 3 to 4 times per week and I guarantee that
you will always lose 2 pounds of fat per week, even if you
only need to lose 10 pounds of that fat difficult to eliminate.
34. Add 15%
Walking with a 15% incline on your treadmill can help you
burn 3 times more calories than you could burn while
walking without tilt. Now imagine how much grease you
could burn if you run on a treadmill with a 15% incline.
35. Keep a Record
Researchers from the University of Arkansas found during a
study of 13 weeks that those people who kept detailed
records of what they ate, lost 3.5 pounds more than those
who could not lose that record. The reason was that this
record helped them to estimate with some precision their
portion sizes in such a way that they only ate enough to
allow them to lose weight.

36. Lose weight while watching TV

To lose weight while watching TV, you simply need to get rid
of your TV's remote control to force you to continually get
up and MOVE to change the channels!
An Australian study found that people who did the most
light activities while doing leisure activities such as watching
TV, had waists 16% thinner than those who were more lazy
and used the remote control.
37. Watch less TV and Play less Video Games
You can burn more fat each day just for the sake of halving
your TV and video games time, according to research from
the University of Vermont. It really is about common
Less TV time means you have to fill your time doing more
active things that force you to get up and move.
38. Do not let the plastic make you gain weight
Plastics contain synthetic chemicals (called BPA and
phthalates) that act as estrogen in your body. Basically,
estrogen is a fat-building hormone that you need to limit
when you're trying to lose weight. So, to avoid consuming
these chemicals that behave like estrogens you must...
• Avoid drinking from plastic containers and cups made of
extruded polystyrene (Styrofoam).
• Avoid heating plastic containers in the microwave and in
the oven, which could release those estrogen-like chemicals
in your food.
• Avoid meats wrapped in plastic.
• Avoid canned foods that contain traces of BPA.

39. Go skiing while you walk

You can use walking sticks for Nordic walks and burn 20%
more calories while you walk, according to a new Cooper
Institute study.
40. Eat more
It is better to eat more often by eating 4 to 6 smaller meals
per day to lose weight, as opposed to eating less than 3
meals per day, because...
You will probably be more hungry and you will overeat if
you wait too long between meals. Now, if you eat meals in
smaller amounts every 2 to 3 hours, your level of hunger will
be much lower.
Some studies show that people who eat more often are less
likely to be fat.

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