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Thought Leader

by Michael Schrage

bat and a ball cost $1.10 in
total. The bat costs $1
more than the ball. How
much does the ball cost?
Almost everyone feels
the temptation to answer
“10 cents” because the sum
$1.10 so neatly separates into $1
and 10 cents, and 10 cents seems
the right price for a ball (small and
light) relative to a bat (big and
heavy). In fact, more than half of a
group of students at Princeton and
at the University of Michigan gave
precisely that answer — that wrong
The right answer is: The ball
costs a nickel.
“Clearly, these respondents
Daniel Kahneman:
Photograph by Matthew Septimus

offered their responses without first

checking,” observes Daniel Kahne-

conversation thought leader

The Thought man, the Eugene Higgins Professor
of Psychology and a professor of
Leader Interview public affairs in the Woodrow
Wilson School of Public and Inter-
The Nobel Prize– national Affairs at Princeton Uni-
versity, and the winner of the 2002
winning economist
Nobel Memorial Prize in Econom-
parses the roles of ics. “People are not accustomed to
emotion, cognition, thinking hard and are often content
and perception in the to trust a plausible judgment that
understanding of comes quickly to mind.”
business risk. You might choose to dismiss
the baseball query as a trick ques-

Michael Schrage
( is
codirector of the MIT Media
Lab’s e-Markets Initiative and
a senior adviser to the MIT
Security Studies program.
Mr. Schrage is the author of
Serious Play: How the World’s
Best Companies Simulate to
Innovate (Harvard Business
School Press, 2000).

tion. But the pathological mistakes behavioral finance defies the ration- emotion is one that clearly haunts
and the persistent miscalculations al investor/random walk algorithms his thoughts about thinking.
smart people make when they’re of market analysis in favor of mod- Professor Kahneman talked
making up their minds is at the els of judgment under uncertainty. with strategy+business over coffee in
core of Professor Kahneman’s path- Research undertaken decades Cambridge, Mass.
breaking research. With his late col- ago by Professor Kahneman, Profes-
laborator Amos Tversky of Stanford sor Tversky, and their intellectual S+B: In your classic work on incon-
University, Professor Kahneman allies now influences hundreds of sistencies in individual decision
completely reframed how econom- billions of dollars put into corporate making, the focus seemed to be on
ics and finance define and measure investments worldwide. Their in- the fact that people make irrational
rational behavior. Their provocative sights into the nature of human choices even when they have pretty
thinking about thinking and simple judgment have prompted funda- good information.
— yet remarkably powerful — ex- mental reevaluation of how individ- KAHNEMAN: When you are inter-
periments have revealed the quirks, uals spend their time, their money, preting old results or old thoughts,
logical inconsistencies, and flaws in and their thought. It’s hard for an you have to think what was in the
human decision making that repre- intellectually honest person to read background of the scientific conver-
sent the rule rather than the excep- a paper by Professor Kahneman sation at the time. And at that time,
tion in cognitive processing. without feeling a shock of recogni- in the 1970s, irrationality was really
Prospect Theory — the re- tion, self-consciousness, and con- identified with emotionality. It was
searchers’ empirical exploration of cern for the dysfunctions in his or also obvious that a lot of explicit rea-
risk assessment, loss aversion, and her own thought processes. Profes- soning goes on: It was absolutely
conversation thought leader

reference dependence — explains sor Kahneman’s work invites — and clear to us that people can compute
why individuals consistently behave occasionally demands — serious their way out of some things. But
in ways that traditional economic introspection by executives who we were interested in what comes to
theory, predicated on the optimi- profess to care about the quality and mind spontaneously. That led to the
zation of individual self-interest, consistency of their decisions. two-system theory.
would not predict. This work di- While graciously crediting col-
rectly spawned the controversial and laborators and colleagues, Professor S+B: Can you describe the two-
exciting field of behavioral finance. Kahneman has strong personal per- system theory?
strategy + business issue 33

Championed by economists such as spectives about how the discipline KAHNEMAN: Many of us who
the University of Chicago’s Richard he helped create has evolved. The study the subject think that there
Thaler and Yale’s Robert Shiller, challenge of how — and where — are two thinking systems, which
author of Irrational Exuberance psychologists should draw the lines actually have two very different
(Princeton University Press, 2000), between intuition, cognition, and characteristics. You can call them

how people exaggerate the degree to you is you’re afraid, and from your
which the probability distribution fear you feel risk. So the view of risk
in a small group will closely resem- is becoming less cognitive.
ble the probability distribution in
the overall population. And we also S+B: So it’s not that generalized
found that people, experienced stat- emotion influences decision making.
isticians, do not apply rules that It’s that one emotion — fear — dis-
they’re aware of in guessing the torts the perception of risk and intro-
probability of statistical outcomes. duces error into decision making.
KAHNEMAN: What actually hap-
S+B: So even “good” statisticians pens with fear is that probability
can be “bad” statisticians. doesn’t matter very much. That is,
KAHNEMAN: That’s right. When once I have raised the possibility
they’re not computing seriously in that something terrible can happen
System 2 mode, they rely on their to your child, even though the possi-
intuition and reasoning, although intuitions for the kind of simple bility is remote, you may find it very
some of us label them System 1 and problems we gave them. We were difficult to think of anything else.
System 2. There are some thoughts hoping that, where things really
that come to mind on their own; mattered, they would replace their S+B: It’s like a Lorenzian imprinting
most thinking is really like that, intuitions with computations. Yet of goslings: The phenomenon of fear
most of the time. That’s System 1. what was striking to us was that imprints on a decision maker.
It’s not like we’re on automatic pilot, even people who should know bet- KAHNEMAN: Emotion becomes
but we respond to the world in ways ter were making those mistakes. dominant. And emotion is domi-
that we’re not conscious of, that we nated primarily by the possibility, by
don’t control. The operations of What’s Risky what might happen, and not so
System 1 are fast, effortless, associa- much by the probability. The more
tive, and often emotionally charged; S+B: Has your perception of risk and emotional the event is, the less sen-
they’re also governed by habit, so the meaning of risk evolved or sible people are. So there is a big gap.
they’re difficult either to modify or changed since you began doing this
to control. work? S+B: You’re saying that the shadow
There is another system, System KAHNEMAN: The perception of cast by a worst case overwhelms
2, which is the reasoning system. It’s and reaction to risk previously had probabilistic assessment?
conscious, it’s deliberate; it’s slower, been seen as emotional. KAHNEMAN: We say that people
serial, effortful, and deliberately have overweighted the low probabil-
controlled, but it can follow rules. S+B: Not just seen as emotional; ity. But the prospect of the worst
The difference in effort provides the case has so much more emotional

conversation thought leader

dismissed as emotional.
most useful indicator of whether a KAHNEMAN: Yes, exactly right. oomph behind it.
given mental process should be Our innovation was that we identi-
assigned to System 1 or System 2. fied some categories of risk that S+B: So even experts make cogni-
were the result of certain cognitive tive mistakes. But experts and exec-
S+B: How did you begin your illusions. That was a novelty and utives in organizations don’t make
research into the two systems? that got people excited. But it’s only decisions in isolation. They make
KAHNEMAN: In our first paper, part of the picture. There is an alter- decisions in meetings and commit-
Tversky and I did a study of the sta- native way of looking at this that is tees and groups. Do we have the
tistical thinking of professional stat- becoming much more fashionable. counterpart of System 1 and System
isticians when they’re thinking There’s a paper that I really like a 2 thinking in groups as well as indi-
informally. We found what we lot. The title of it says the whole viduals?
called the Law of Small Numbers, a story: “Risk as Feeling.” The idea is KAHNEMAN: We know a lot about
term we coined in 1971 to describe that the first thing that happens to the conditions under which groups

work well and work poorly. It’s real- to asset allocation and financial
ly clear that groups are superior to investments? That strikes me as a
individuals in recognizing an answer perfect playground for some of
as correct when it comes up. But these ideas on the relative sobriety
when everybody in a group is sus- of the individual versus the extrem-
ceptible to similar biases, groups are ism of the group — such as the cor-
inferior to individuals, because porate investment committee.
groups tend to be more extreme KAHNEMAN: No, no. They are not
than individuals. the same dynamics. When you’re
looking at the market and invest-
S+B: So it’s a positive feedback loop. ment committees, you’re really talk-
In a group, you get an amplification ing about the dynamics of compet-
of the extremes. ing individuals. We really should
KAHNEMAN: You get polarization separate those cases.
in groups. In many situations you
have a risk-taking phenomenon S+B: But I’m looking at the manage- S+B: Do you think the dysfunctions
called the risky shift. That is, groups ment committee, I’m looking at the of group decision making are worse
tend to take on more risk than jury, and I’m looking at the invest- than the cognitive dysfunctions of
individuals. ment committee, and they all seem individual decision makers?
We looked at similar phenome- to be weighing evidence and evaluat- KAHNEMAN: That depends on the
na in juries. You collect judgments ing risk. Their similarities seem to nature of the decision, the individ-
from the individual members, then outweigh their differences. uals, and the groups. But I strongly
you have them delivered, and then KAHNEMAN: I’m a psychologist, so believe that both individuals and
you look at the result compared to I start at the individual level and I groups need mechanisms to review
the median judgment of the group. look at individual-level biases or how their decisions are made. This
It’s straightforward what happens: errors. Then I look at the group and is particularly important for organi-
The group becomes more extreme I say, What happens in the group? zations that have to make many sig-
than the individuals. How is the group structured? What nificant decisions in a short amount
are the incentives? What do people of time.
S+B: Why does this occur? do to each other in the group situa-
KAHNEMAN: One of the major tion that would either mitigate or Business Decisions
biases in risky decision making is exacerbate risks? Then there are
optimism. Optimism is a source of market things where people respond S+B: How much interaction have you
high-risk thinking. Groups tend to to each other. had with business leaders about
be quite optimistic. Furthermore, this? Do you get senior executives
doubts are suppressed by groups.
conversation thought leader

S+B: What you’re describing is an asking, Look, we make a lot of deci-

You can imagine the White House internal marketplace where groups sions, we have to assess risk. What
deciding on Iraq. That’s a situation come to a consensus about — or at insights can you give us into how to
where it’s easy for somebody in the least some sort of agreement about do better risk assessment as indi-
administration to think, “This is — the risks and rewards associated viduals and as groups? Are there
terrible.” It’s equally easy to under- with their decisions. ways for us to become aware of our
stand how someone like that would KAHNEMAN: That’s correct. But biases, either by setting up check-
suppress himself. There is a tend- remember that the internal incen- lists or learning how to frame things
ency and the incentive to support tives that shape how the group per- better?
strategy + business issue 33

the group. That underlies the whole ceives risks and rewards may be very KAHNEMAN: I’m very impressed,
class of phenomena that go by the different from the reality of the risks actually, by the combination of
label of groupthink. and rewards in the external market- curiosity and resistance that I en-
place. Those incentives can distort counter. The thing that astonishes
S+B: What about decisions relating risk perception. me when I talk to businesspeople in

“Businesses are not investing in
trying to figure out what they’ve
done wrong. That’s not an accident.
They don’t want to know.”

the context of decision analysis is minds. First, we’re not aware of going to have the effect of people
that you have an organization that’s changing our minds even when we getting burned by a stove. There’s
making lots of decisions and they’re do change our minds. And most going to be an effect at the emotion-
not keeping track. They’re not try- people, after they change their al level, and it could last for a while.
ing to learn from their own mis- minds, reconstruct their past opin-
takes; they’re not investing the ion — they believe they always S+B: But their mind hasn’t changed.
smallest amount in trying to actual- thought that. People underestimate So you think it’s an emotional phe-
ly figure out what they’ve done the amount to which their minds nomenon, it’s a System 1?
wrong. And that’s not an accident: have changed. Now in addition, KAHNEMAN: I think that is entirely
They don’t want to know. people in general, when they have based on emotion.
So there is a lot of curiosity, and been persuaded of something, they
I get invited to give lots of talks. But think they always thought that. S+B: Do we want to use Freudian,
the idea that you might want to There’s very good research on that. self-destructive explanations for
appoint somebody to keep statistics why people rely on flawed intuitions
on the decisions that you made and S+B: We’ve just lived through one of in making decisions, rather than on
a few years later evaluate the biases, the biggest bubbles in history. We their statistical expertise?
the errors, the forecasts that were both know people who said, “I put KAHNEMAN: Oh, no, God forbid!
wrong, the factors that were mis- money in dot-coms or telecoms at
judged, in order to make the process their peak. What was I thinking?” S+B: Well, how about using evolu-
more rational — they won’t want to KAHNEMAN: Oh, many people will tionary psychology? Maybe it makes
do it. admit that they made a mistake.

conversation thought leader

sense that humans have evolved a
But that doesn’t mean that they’ve cognitive bias toward drawing infer-
S+B: Are people introspection- changed their mind about anything ences from small numbers.
averse, or are they risk-averse? in particular. It doesn’t mean that KAHNEMAN: You can always find
You’re a psychologist; you say your they are now able to avoid that mis- an evolutionary quotation for any-
unit of analysis is the individual. Why take. thing. But the question is whether
don’t individuals want to know? it’s functional, which is not the same
People look at mirrors. S+B: So your bet, based on your as being evolutionary. There might
KAHNEMAN: But when they have study of how individuals and groups be some environment in which
made a decision, people don’t even make decisions, is that the stock it’s dysfunctional, but mainly it’s
keep track of having made the deci- market bust is not going to funda- inevitable.
sion or forecast. I mean, the thing mentally change how people think But, you know, there’s also the
that is absolutely the most striking is about risk. issue of perception, which links to
how seldom people change their KAHNEMAN: For a long time it’s intuition. Perception evolved differ-

ently than either intuition or cogni- S+B: Howard Raiffa, a father of captains of a ship on a stormy sea.
tion evolved. formal decision analysis, basically Risk for them is danger, but they are
recanted on his original work in the fighting it, very controlled. The idea
S+B: Now it seems like we’re divid- 50th anniversary issue of Operations that you are gambling is an admis-
ing decision making into three sys- Research. He argued that decision sion that at a certain point you have
tems: there’s the emotional stuff; analysis didn’t have nearly the lost control, and you have no con-
there’s the rational-computational impact he felt it could have had on trol beyond a certain point. This is
system; but there’s also a perceptual managerial thinking. abhorrent to decision managers;
system. KAHNEMAN: And I think it’s very they reject that. And that’s why they
KAHNEMAN: Yes, I think of three clear why that happened, but it was reject decision analysis.
systems. In my current perspective, not clear then.
the question I ask is, What makes S+B: So what should we do instead?
thoughts come to mind? And some S+B: Does this obviate all the deci- KAHNEMAN: That’s why you ought
thoughts come to mind much more sion analysis courses — all the to think of systems. There are ways
easily than others; some really take drawing of decision trees — that of thinking about a problem that are
hard work; some come to mind students take in graduate business better than others. But I admit I’m
when you don’t want them. programs? less optimistic than I was before.
KAHNEMAN: It doesn’t mean you
Decision Analysis shouldn’t take decision analysis. It S+B: Because?
just means that decision analysts are KAHNEMAN: Because I don’t think
S+B: When you began your research not going to control the world, that System 1 is very educable. And
in the psychology of decision making, because the decision makers, the System 2 is slow and laborious, and
the business world was intent on people who are in charge, do not just basically less significant, less in
making the managerial decision want to relinquish the intelligence control than it thinks it is.
process as rational as humanly pos- function to somebody else. After all,
sible. in principle, under decision analysis, S+B: What is it that you would most
KAHNEMAN: The rational model is there would be somebody generat- like senior managers who have influ-
one in which the beliefs and the ing probabilities, and the decision ence over people’s lives and money
desires are supposed to be deter- makers would look at the trade-offs to understand about your work?
mined. We were real believers in and decide about the assignment of KAHNEMAN: If I had one wish, it is
decision analysis 30 years ago, and utilities. In addition, the decision to see organizations dedicating some
now we must admit that decision maker would have a managerial effort to study their own decision
analysis hasn’t held up. function, to ensure that the whole processes and their own mistakes,
thing is done right. And that is and to keep track so as to learn from
S+B: Didn’t your own research help absolutely not the way it is. Decision those mistakes. I think this isn’t hap-
makers don’t like decision analysis pening. I can see a lot of factors act-
conversation thought leader

kill it? The essence of your work

seems to be the ongoing tensions because it is based on that idea that ing against the possibility of that
and contradictions between System decision making is a choice between happening. But if I had to pick one
1 and System 2 thinking. That makes gambles. thing, that would be it. +
it almost impossible for rational Reprint No. 03409
System 2 thinking to win out. S+B: That’s a wonderful phrase,
KAHNEMAN: That’s not quite true. “choice between gambles.” Is it
Our research doesn’t say that deci- more important to influence the
sion makers can’t be rational or choice between gambles, or to make
strategy + business issue 33

won’t be rational. It says that even a choice between gambles?

people who are explicitly trained to KAHNEMAN: I think decision mak-
bring System 2 thinking to prob- ers, in business and elsewhere, just
lems don’t do so, even when they reject the metaphor altogether.
know they should. Managers think of themselves as

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