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Hot Weather Concreting Reported by ACI Committee 305 Robert Ryan eset Rear ‘Chan ‘Surly Mov A. At Zid . Gene anit Accander Leschiosky ‘Bijan Ahmad Richart D. Gaynor ‘Wiliam C. Moore 5 Hwant Aled ‘DanRevion ave Derane G Tey Haris Se John M. Selon ‘Kast, Brandt Bary L Housed Vicor, Sait “Terence M Browne aaa A. Koetishi Gaiige VTeodors Joseph G. Cabeese ‘Mark Loam Habib, Zain AL Abin James 8, Cornel, Concrete mised, waneportcd. and placed under condition of igh ambient tamporoar, low iad. ola radiation, oF wind repires an nder- ‘anding of the cece these emirormental factors have on concrete Dropertes and construction operations. Measures can be taken to elininate (or nine anes elt ofthese enbronmental factors Raperence In fr roether ih the 1ypee of consrucion told will reduce the poemial for serious problems. Ths eamonitee report defines hot wether, lay pessibe potential ribs and present protces ended 1 minine tem. Aron these Dmetce ae sch import mencue a eens axel and prepetions. Drecooling ingredient, special bashing. length of Pau consideration of ‘concrete pera as placed fits fer handing concrete ae ie, land daring the ely curing period, placing, and ewig teciquts, rd appropri testing and inspecting procedre i hot weather conditions. A selected bibierapy is incuded ‘These rekon imolve an edtoral revision of the document. The revisions cas tn pial onthe efece of ot weather on concrete Droperti, and the ase of midrange waterreducng admixtures and Keywords sir enrsnmet;cotng: curing: evapo: high teeta tare hot weather consnction: paste sala: pation mods reterpeing: dae tes; war content CONTENTS Chapter 1—introduction, p. 308R-2 EL General 1.2—Definition of hot weather 1.3Potental problems in hot weather 1.4Potential problems related to other factors 1.5—Practicws foe hot weather concreting ‘Chapter 2—Effects of hot weatiier on concrete properties, p. 305R-3 2.1—General 2.2-—Temperature of conerete (ended sercontol amare i ot weather 2.3—Ambient conditions 24 —Water requirements 25—Effec of cement 2.6—Supplementary cementitious materials 2.7—Chemical admixtures “el Cornice Report, ies, and Commentaries ed for guidance panning, signing, exeetng ng contri," doctinent nade forte use of naiviguas who are compete (o evaluate the sigaeane | Sainiton of ante rd recommendations and wo will accep responsibilty forthe aplication ofthe teil Contains. The American Concrete Ingatte disclaims any and Sil reponsbity for the sated peiseyples. Te Insite shal ‘ot be lable for ay loss or damage ansng therefrom. ‘Reference to tis docimeat shal not he tad fa eootract ocurnets, Items found inthis Gocuent are deste by the ‘Arcitocngineer tbe apart ofthe contact documents they Stal be restated in mandatory langage for incorporation by the ArshieeUEnginer 2.8—Agpregates, 29--Propotioning Chapter 2—Production and delivery, p. 305R-11 3.1--General 3.2-—Temperature control of concrete 3.3Batching and mixing sense ‘Alek sare Gc et eyodeoe i ‘STi mcs di yew of sce me wea wi ey Heche oe ve ‘ies ch og at ‘ore ‘hog obuiee toa Secon epcon ‘min sos AU eS ‘305R-2 - 3.4—Delivery 3.5—Slump adjustment 3.6 Properties of concrete mixtures 3.7 Retempering Chapter 4—Placing and curing, p. 05R-19 4.1—General 4.2. Preparations for placing and curing 4.3—Placement and finishing 4.4—Coring and protection Chapter 5—Testing and inspection, p. 3057-16 5.1—Testing 5.2—Inspection Chapter 6—Reterences, p. 305R-17 ‘6.1—Referenced standard and reports 62—Cited references Appendix A—Estimating concrete temperature, p.S0SR-19 ‘Appendix B—ilethods for cooting fresh concrete, p.S05R-19 CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION 1.1—General "Hot weather may create probiems in mixing, placing, and curing hydraulic cement concrete. These problems can adversely affect the properties and serviceability ofthe con- crete, Most of these problems relate to the increased rate of ‘cement hydration at higher temperature and increased evap- ‘oration rate of moisture from the freshly mixed concrete. The rate of cement hydration is dependent on concrete tempera- ture, cement composition and fineness, and admixtures used. “This report will identify problems created by hot weather concreting and describe practices that will alleviate theso potential adverse effects. These practices include suggested preparations and procedures for use in general types of bot ‘weather construction, such as pavements, bridges, and build ings. Temperature, volume changes, and cracking problems associated with mass concrete are treated more thoroughly in ‘ACT207.18 and ACT224R. ‘A maximum “as placed” concrete temperature is often used in an effort to control strength, durability, plastic~ shrinkage cracking, thermal cracking, and drying shrinkage. ‘The placement of concrete in hot weathes, however, is too complex to be dealt with by setting a maximum “zs placed” cf “as delivered” concrete temperature. Conerete durability is @ general term that is difficult to quantify, but it is per~ ceived to mean resistance ofthe concrete to weathering (ACL 201.28). Generally, ifconctete strengths are satisfactory and ‘curing practices are sufficient to avoid undesirable drying of surfaces, durability of hot weather concrete will not differ realy from simular conerete placed at normal temperatures. ‘The presence of a desirable air-void systenn is needed if the concree is going to be exposed to freezing cycles. fan acceptable record of field tests is not available, con- ‘rete proportions may be determined by trial batches (ACI ACI COMMITTEE REPORT 301 and ACT211.1). Teal batches should be made at temper ‘atures anticipated in the work and mixed following one of the procedures described in Section 2.9, Propostioning. The ‘concrete supplier and contractor are generally responsible or determining concrete proportions to produce the required quality of concrete unless specified otherwise. According to ASTM C31/C 31M, concrete test specimens made in the field that are used for checking adequacy of laboratory mixture proportions for strength or as a basis| for acceptance or quality control should be cared initially at 60 to 80 F (16 0 27 C). the initial 24 h curing is at 100 F G8 C), the 28-day compressive strength of the test speci ‘mens may be 10 to 15% lower than if cured atthe required ASTM C31/C 31M curing temperature (Gaynor et al 1985). If the cylinders are allowed to dry at early ages, strengths will be reduced even further (Cebeci 1987). Therefore, proper fabrication, curing, and testing of the test specimens ‘during hot weather is critical, and steps should be taken to ‘ensure thatthe specified procedures are followed. 1.2_Definition of hot weather 1.2.1 For the purpose of this report, bot weather is any ‘combination of the following conditions that tends to impair the quality of freshly mixed or hardened concrete by accel- ‘erating the rate of moisture loss and rate of cement hydration, or otherwise causing detrimental results: + High ambient temperature; + High concrete temperature; + Low relative humidity: + Wind speed; and + Solar radiation, 1.2.2 The effects of high air temperature, solar radiation, and low reltive humidity may be more pronounced with jnereases in wind speed (Fig. 2.5). The potential problems ‘of hot weather concreting may occur at any time of the year in warm tropical or arid climates, and generally occur during. the summer season in other climates. Barly cracking due to thormal shrinkage is generally more severe inthe spring and fall. This is because the temperature differential for cach 24 period is greater during these times ofthe year. Precautionary ‘measures required on a windy, sunny day will be more strict than those required on acalm, humid day, even if air temper- atures are identical. 1.3—Potential problems in hot weather "13.1 Poienial problems for concrete in the freshly mixed state are likely to include: + Increased water demand; + Increared rate of slump loss and corresponding tendency to add water atthe jobsite; + Increased rate of setting, resulting in greater difficulty ‘handling, compacting, and finishing, and a greater risk of cold joints; + Tncteased tendency for plastie-shrinkage cracking; and + Increased dificuty ia controlling entrained air content 1.32 Potential deficiencies to concrete in the hardened state may include: + Decreased 28-day and ater strengths resulting from HOT WEATHER CONCRETING either higher water demand, higher concrete tempera- ture, or both at time of placement or during the first several days: + Increased tendency for drying shrinkage and differen- tial dhermal cracking from either cooling of the overall structure, or from temperature differentials within the ‘ross section of the member; + Decreased durability resulting from cracking; + Greater variability of surface appearance, such as cold joints or color difference, due to different rates of hydration or different water-cementtious material ratios Glo + Increased potential for reinforcing steel corrasion— making possible the ingress of corrosive solutions; and + Increased permeability asa result of high water content, ‘inadequate curing, carbonation, lightweight aggregates, ‘or improper matrix-ageregate proportions. 1.4Potential problems related to other factors ‘Other factors that should be considered along with clima- je factors may include: + Use of coments with increased rate of hydration; + Use of high-compressive-strength concrete, which requires higher cement contents; + Design of thin concrete sections with correspondingly areater percentages of steel, which complicate placing and consolidation of concrete; + Eoonomic necessity to continue work in extremely bot weather; and + Use of shrinknge-compensating cement. 1.5—Practices for hot weather concreting “Any damage to conerote caused by hot weather can never be fully alleviated. Good judgment is necessary to select the ‘most appropriate compromise of quality, economy, and practicabifiy. The procedures selected will depend on: type ‘of construction; characteristics of the materials being used; and experience of the local industry in dealing with high am- bient temperature, high conerete temperatures, low relative humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. ‘The most serious difficulties occur when personnel placing the concrete lack experience in constructing under hhot weather conditions o in doing the particular type of construction, Last-minute improvisations are rarcly successful. Barly preventive measures should be applied with the emphasis on materials evaluation, advanced plan- ring and purchasing, and coordination of all phases of work. Panning in advance for ot weather involves detailed proce- dures for mixing, placing, protection, curing, temperature monitoring, and testing of concrete. Precautions to avoid plastic-shrinkage cracking are important, ‘The potential for thermal cracking, either from overall volume changes or from intemal restraint, should be anticipated. Methods to ‘control cracking include: proper use of joints, increased amounts of reinforcing steel or fibers, limits on concrete ‘emperutue, reduosd cement content, Jow-heat-of hydration ‘cement, increased form-stripping time, and selection and {dosage of appropriate chemical and mineral admixtures. 205-3 ‘The following list of practices and measures to rece or avoid the potential probiems of hot weather concreting ere discussed in detail in Chapters 2, 3, and 4: ‘Select concrete materials and proportions with satsic- ‘ory records in hot weather coniions; + Cootheconereie:? +) Use a concrete-consiseneyat permits rapid. place- snes an effective consolation; ‘Minis the time to transport place, consolidate, and Tish the concrete; + Plan the job to avoid adverse exposure ofthe concrete to the environmen; schedule placing operation daring times of the day or night when weather conditions are favorable: + Protest te concrete stom moisture oss during placing ‘and caring periods; and + Schedule a prepacement coerce to discuss the requirements of hot weater concreting CHAPTER 2—EFFECTS OF HOT WEATHER ON ‘CONCRETE PROPERTIES 2.1—General ‘2 Properties of concrete that make it an excellent construction material can be affected adversely by hot weather, as defined in Chapter. Harmfl effects are mini- mized by control procedures outlined inthis report. Strength, impermeabilty, dimensional stability, and resistance of the ‘concrete to weathering, wear, and chemical atack all depend on the following factors: selection and proper control of ‘materials and mixture proportioning; initial concrete temper- ature; wind speed; solar radiation; arnbient temperature; and humidity condition during the placing and curing period. 24.2 Concrete mised, placed, and cured at elevated temperatures normally develops higher early strengths than cconerete produced and cured at lower temperatures, Dut strengths are generally lower at 28 days and later ages. The 2 70 95.35) | sa) | as, 100 ane wi7 o 70 8529), ey [ss ‘100 | ey | eens “i 75@0 | —~“@a [ay ito “iGavel wid apron wil end ei ane born amin pea OFC) eer ode cnt i yoo 10m hy erecta Min (5) sve agers Bd on ECA PCA tog gy 23) ks ened eae deg C "0 20 30 40 50 6000 At 28days 5000-{— 345, & € < _loe = = 4000 mes 3 2 = 3000 207 2 E aa é 2000 }~ art doy po F138 B 1000 4 69 ° 40 60 80 100 120 Curing temperature, deg F Fig 2.1.2-—Eiffects of curing temperature on compressive strength of concrete (Verbeck and Helmuth 1968). ‘mental than high temperatures (Cebeci 1986), and also that required strength levels can be maintained by the proper use of either chemical or mineral admixtures are used in the concrete (Gaynor etal 1985; Mittelacher 1985 & 1992). 2.1.4 Plastic=shiileigecrackingris frequently associated ‘with bot weather concreting in arid climates. It occurs in exposed concrete, primatily in flatwork, but also in beams and footings, and may develop in other climates whien the surface of freshly east concrete dries and subsequently shuinks. Surface drying is initiated whenever the evaporation sate is greater than the rate at which water rises tothe surface ‘of recently placed concrete by bleeding. A method to estimate evaporation rate is given in. Section 5.1.3. High concrete ‘temperatures, high Wind speed, and low bumidity, alone arin combination, cause rapid evaporation of surface water. The rate of bleeding, on the other hand, depends on concrete mixture ingredients and proportions, on the depth of the ‘member being cast, and on the type of consolidation and finishing. Because surface drying is initiated when evapora- tion rate exceeds bleeding rate, the probability of plastic- shrinkage cracking therefore increases whenever the environ- ‘mental condiions increase evaporation, or when the concrete bas a reduced bleeding rate. For example, concrete mixtures incorporating fly ash, silica fume, or fine cements frequently have alow to negligible bleeding rate, making such mixtures highly sensitive to surface drying and plastic shrinkage, even under modenely evaporative conditions (ACT234R). 2.1.5 Plastc-shinkage cracking is seldom a problem in hoi- ‘bumid climates where relative humidity is rarely less than 80%. ‘Table 2.15 shows, for various relative humidities, the ccncrete ‘temperatures that may result in critical evaporation rate level, and therefore increase the probability of plasic- 0 8 2% % 30 38 a0 Fado nce peat, og Fig, 24.5~General efects of ice in mixing water on concrete temperature. Temperatures are normal mixing water lemper- atures (National Ready Mixed Concrete Association 1962). 25—Etfect of cement ‘25.1 High concrete temperature increases the rate of hydration (Fig. 2.5.2). As a result, concrete stiffens more rapidly and requires more water to produce or azintain the desired slump. The higher water content will cause strength Joss and increase the cracking tendency of the concrete tnless offset by measures desorbed in Sections 26.1 and 27. 252 Selection ofa particular cement may have a decided effect on the hot weather performance of concrete, a8 illus teed in Fig. 25.2. Although the cuves are based on limited daia from mistures using diferent cements in combination with a set-retarding admixture, they show, for example, that ‘when tested at 100 F (38 O, the concrete with the slowest setting cement reaches time of final sting 2-1/2 h later than the concrete with the fastest sting cement. The concrete bat sets slowest at 100 F (8 ©) was the fateststing cement when tested at 50F (10 C) Fig. 2.8.2 isa good example ofthe dificlty of predicting performance of concrete at different temperatures. In general, use of a normally slower-sting ‘Type II portland eemeat (ASTM C 150) or Type IP or IS blended cement (ASTM C 595) may improve the handling characteristics of concrete in hot woathor (ACL 225R), ‘Concrete containing the slower seting cements will be more [ely to exhibit pasicshrinkage ercking 2533 Whe using slower hydrating cements the slower tafe of heat development andthe simultaneous dissipation of heat fom the concrete result in lower peak temperatures. ‘There wil be less thermal expansion, and the risk of thermal cracking upon cooling of the conerete will be reduced. This is an important consideration fr slabs, walls, and mass con: cretes, as discussed in ACT 297.1R and ACE 207.2R. The temperature increase from hydration of cement in a given concrete mixture is proportional to its cement content ‘Therefore, the cement content should be limited to that required t0 provide stengdh and durability, Concrete mix tures that obiin high strength at an ealy age will develop high concrete temperature duing inital curing. These com- ‘rete mixtures should be provided themsal protection to en- sure gradual cooing ata rate that will not cause them to crack; oe Section 44.1. 25. Cement may be delivered at elatvely high tempera- tures. This isnot unusual for newly manufactured cement that has no had an opportunity to cool ater grinding of the component materials. Concrete mixtures will consist of approximately 10 10 15% cement. This will increase concrete temperature approximately I F (05 C) for each 8 F GO) increase in cement tempersure 2.6—Supplementary cementitious materials 26d Meters in this category fnchase fy ash and other pozrolans (ASTM C 618) and ground grnulaed bas fumace slag (ASTM C 989), Each are widely wied as pata replace mens for potand cement they my impart slower rate of seting and of eal srengih pinto the concrete, which is desir able in ot weather coactetins, as explained in Section 2.52. Faster seting cements or cement causing a rapid sump losin tot weather may perform saisfctty in combination with these matrils (Gaypor etal 1985). Te use of fly sch may reduce the rate of shamp las of cones onder ot weather conttions Ravina 1988; Gaynor a 1985) 2.7—Chemical admixtures 2.7.1 Vatious types of chemical admixtures (ASTM C 494) bbave been found beneficial in offeting some ofthe undesirable characteristics of concrete placed during periods of high ambient temperatures (see also ACT 212.3R). The benefits may include lower mixing water dectand, extended periods of use, and suengts comparable with or higher than, concrete without ‘admixtures placed at lower temperatures. Theit effectiveness depends on the chemical reactions of the cement with whick they are used inthe concrete, Admixtures without a history of satisfactory performance atthe expected hot weather conitions should be evaluated before their use, as explained in Section 2.7.5. Chemical admixtures affet the properties of conerete a described inthe following. 2.7.2 Retarding admixtures meeting ASTM C496, Type D requirements have both water-reducing and sot retarding properties, and are used widely under hot weather ‘cond tions. They can be included in concrete in varying propor: tions and in combination with other admixtures so that, a temperature increases, higher dosages ofthe admixture may, be used to obtain a uniform time of setting. Theit water-reducing properties largely offset the higher water demand resulting from increases in concrete temperature, Because watersreducing retarlers generally increase ‘concrete stength, they can be used, with proper mixtare adjustments, to avoid strength losses that would otherwise ‘eoult from high concrete temperatures (Gaynor et al 1985; ‘Mittelacher 1985 and 1992). Compared with concrete without admixture, aconcrete mixture that uses a waterreducing and retarding adanixtore may have a higher rate of slump loss, ‘The net water reduction and other benefits remain substan- HOT WEATHER CONCRETING sos soot 13" ser Roe So soos na 8 SHEEN [e Be |g ‘S| alie/z}2 f= af fz ‘3 000 aE ; was i UURIEE ad ; heat {| i Fee ant : g = 000 wi see se 7 ° ° 4 8 2 Ey ae E 7 ° rane) Ting Fig 2.5.2—Effect of temperature and brand of cement on setting time characteristics of ‘concrete mortars (Tuthll and Cordon 1955), tial even after the initial slump is incréased to compensate for slump loss. 2.73 Admixtures ofthe hydroxylated carboxylic acid type (ACE 212.38, Class 3) and some types meeting ASTM C 494, Type D requirements may increase the early bleeding and rate of bleeding of concrete, ‘This admixture-induced carly bleeding may be helpful in preventing drying of the surface of concrete placed ai high ambient temperature and low humidity. Conerete that is prone to bleeding generally should be reconsolidated after most of the bleeding has taken place, Otherwise, differential settling may occur that can lead to cracks over reinforeing steel and other inserts in near-surface locations. This cracking is more likely in cool ‘weather with slower setting coneretes than hot weather. If the admixture reduces the tensile strength and tensile strain capacity, however, plastic-shrinkage tendencies may be increased (Ravina and Shalon 1968). Other admixtures (ACI212.3, Classes 1 and 2) may reduce bleeding rate. If drying conditions are such that crusting of the surface blocks bleed water from reaching the surface, continued bleeding may cause scaling. Under such conditions, fog, sprays, evaporation retardants (materials that retard the evaporation of bleeding water of concrete), or bath, should be used to prevent crusting. 2.74 Some bigh-range, water-reducing and retarding admixtures (ASTM C 494, Type G), and plasticizing and retarding admixtures (ASTM C 1017, Type 1, often seferred to as superplasticizers, can provide significant bene fits under hot weather conditions when used to produce flowing concrete, At higher slumps, heat gain from internal friction during mixing of the concrete will be less (see ASTM STP 169C and ACI207.4R). The improved handling. characteristics of lowing concrete permit more rapid place ‘meat and consolidation, and the period between mixing and initial finishing can therefore be reduced. The rate of slump Joss of flowing concrete may also be less at higher tempera ‘ures than in concrete using conventional renders (Yama- ‘moto and Kobayashi 1986). Concrete strengths are generally Found to be substantially higher than those of comparable concrete without admixture and with the. same cement content. Certain produicts may cause significant bleeding, ‘which may be beneficial in many instances, but may require some precautions in others (see Section 2.7.3) Air-content tests wll be needed before placement fo assure maintenance ‘of proper air content. Assurance also may be needed that the sir-void system is not impaired if it is required for the freezing and thawing resistance of the concrete. Tis can be ‘determined by requiring hardened air analysis or ASTM C 666 freezing and thawing testing. Some high-range ‘water seducing retarders can maintain the necessary slamp for extended periods at clevated concrete temperatures (Colleparci et al 1979; Hampton 1981; Guennewig 1988). ‘These will be of particular benefit in the event of delayed Placements or deliveries over greater distances, Other hiph-range water-reducing admixtures may greally accel ‘erate stump loss, particularly when inital slumps are less than 3 to 4 in. 75 to 100mm). Some waier-reducing admis tures ean cause the covcree 1p extend its working time by a ‘couple of hours, followed by acceleration of strength gain. 2.18 Since the early 1990s, the use of midrange water reducing admixtures in hot weather has increased. Midrange wwater-reducing admixtures provide up to 15% water reduc- tion, which ishigher than conventional water-seducing admix~ tures, but lower water reduction than highe-range water- reducing admixtures. Although at present there is no ASTM classification, midrange water-reducing admixtares comply with the requirements of ASTM C 494, Type A admixtures, and in some cases, Type F admixtures, These admixtures will not delay the setting tine of the concrete significantly. AL higher dosages, conventional water-reducing admixtes can achieve this water reduction, but with significant increase in the seting ime of the concrete. The pamping and finishing chancieristics of concrete containing midrange water- reducing admixtures are improved when compared with 505-10 conerete containing conventional Type A water reducers. The use of midrange water reducers is particularly beaeficial in ceases where aggregate properties contribute to poor work ability or finishing difficulties. The surface appearance of cconerete containing a midrange water reducer could be changed, thereby requiring a change ofthe timing of finishing operations. Also available are midrange water-reducing and rotaring admixtures that comply with ASTM C494 require- ‘ments for Type D admixtures. 2.7.6 The use of extended set-control admixtures to stop the hydration process of freshly mixed concrete (freshly batched or returned plastic concrete that normally would be disposed), and concrete residue (washwatet) in ready-mix ‘tuck drums has gained increased acceptance in hot weather environments since their inuwduction in 1986. Some extended set-control admixtures comply with ASTM C 494 ‘requirements for Type B, retarding admixtures, and Type D, ‘water-reducing and retarding mixtures. Extended set-control admixtures differ from conventional retarding adinixtures in that they stop the hydration process of both the silicate and aluminate phases in portland cement. Regular retarding admixtures only act on the silicate phases, which extend (not stop) the hydration process. The technology of extended set- control admixtures may also be used to stop the hydration process of freshly batched concrete for hauls requiring extended time periods or slow placement methods during transit. For this application, the extended set-contrl admix- ture is added during or immediately after the batching process. Proper dosage rates of extended set-control admin tres should be determined by wial mixtures incorporating project time requirements in this way ensuring that the: concrete will achieve the required setting time. Additional admixtures are not required to restart hydration 2.7.7 The qualifying requirements of ASTM C 494 afford a valuable screeaing procedure for the selection of admixture products. Admixtires without a performance history Pertaining to the concrete material sclected for the work should be first evaluated in laboratory tial batches at the ‘expected high job temperature, using. one of the procedures described in Section 2.9. Some high-range, water-reducing retarders may ot demonstrate their potential benefits when "used in small Iaboratory batches, Further testing may then be ‘required in production-size concrete batches. Dutiog prelimi- nary field use, concrete containing admixture should be eval- ‘vated for consistency of performance in regard tothe desired characteristics in hot weather construction. Whea evaluating admixtures, properties such as workability, purnpability, early strength development, placing and fishing characteristics, appearance, and effect on reuse of molds and forms should be ‘considered in addition tothe basic properties of slump reten- tion, setting time, and strength. These characteristics may influence selection of an admixture and its dosage more than properties usually covered by most specifications. 2.8—Aggregates 281 Agaregates are the major constituent of concrete, as ‘they account for 60 to 80% of the volume of normalveight concrete used in most structures. Therefore, the properties of| [ACI COMMITTEE REPORT the aggregst affect the quality of concrete significanly. The sive, shape, and grading of the aggregate are three of the principal factors that affect the amount of water required to produce concrete ata given stump. Aggregate propertics de- sirable in bot weather concreting inclode the following: + Gradation, paticie shape, and the absence of under- sized material ae very important in minimizing water demand (ACI 221R). Crushed coarse aggregate also contebutes to higher water demand, bit is reported to provide better resistance to cracking than rounded gravels (ACT 224R). The blending of three or more argrepite sizes may reduce the mixing water require- ‘ments and improve workability at a given slump (Shil- stone, St. and Shilstone, J. 1993). 2.8.2 With coarse aggregate being the ingredient of great- est mass in concrete, changes in its temperature have a con- siderable effet on conerete temperatures. For example, & moderate 15 to 2F (08 to L.1 C) temperature reduction Tower the concrete temperature 1 F (0.5 C). Cooling the coarse aguregate may be an effective supplementary means toachieve desired lower concrete temperature (See Appendix B). 2.9—Proportioning 2.9.1 Mixture proportions may be established or adjusted on the basis of ield-performance records in accordance with ‘ACT 3I8/3I8R (ACT318(18RM), provided the recor in- dicate the effect of expected seasonal temperatures and o- livery times 2.9.2 Selection of ingredients and ther propetionssbould be guided by their contribution to satisfactory performance ofthe concrete under kot weaber conditions (ACT 211.1 and 211.2). Cement content shouldbe kept as low as posite bat sufficient t meet strength and durbilcy requirements. Tnclsion of supplementary cementitious materials, suchas fly ash or round granulated blas-farace slag, should be considered to delay setting and mitigate the temperate ‘ise fom heat of hydration. The use of vasious types of waterredocing admixtures can offset increased water demand and strength loss that could otherwise be caused by higher concrete temperatuies. High-range, water-reucing retarders formulated for extended slump retention shoal be cmnsideediflonger delivery periods are anticipated. Uiless required otherwise, concrete should be proportioned fora slump of not Iss than 3 in. (75 ram) to permit prompt placement and effective consolidation in the form 2.93 The performance of the concrete miatures proposed for the work should be verified unde conditions approximating the delivery time and bot weather environment expected at the project. Trial batches used to select proportions are normally prepared in accowance with ASTM C 192. The rethod requires concrete mattials to be at room tempera ture fin the ange of 68 to 86F (20 to 30 C), rial batches, however, should also be performed at the expected :maximam placing temperature with consideration of using a mixing and agitating period longer than that required in ASTM 192 to help define the performance to be expected 2.9.4 In éetennining mixture proportions using laboratory tral batches, procedure for estimating the stamp loss during HOT WEATHER CONCRETING the period between first mixing ofthe concrete and is place- ment inthe forms suggested in Procedures A and B, blow, adopted from ACI 223, Section 45.2 on shinkage-compen- ‘ating concrete. These procedures fom ACI 223 were found to produce arate of shump loss similar to that expected for @ 3000 min delivery tine. Procedure A— 1. Prepare the batch using ASTM C 192 procedures, but a 10% akitional water over that normally required 2. Mix initially in accordance with ASTM C 192 @ min mixing followed by a 3 min rest and 2 min remixing); 53. Determine the sin and record a itil sume: 4. Continae mixing for 15 min; 5. Determine te slump and record a estimated placement samp. Experience has shown this samp correlates with that expected for 30.40 min dlivery time. If tis sump does ot meet the specification limits either discard and epzat the precede with an appopcats water adjustment ord water to give the required slump and then est the concrete; and 6.Deternine other properties of fresh concrete (emper- ature, air content, unit weight), and mold strength test specimens Procedure B— 1. Prepare the batch using ASTM C 192 procedures forthe specified sium 2. Mix in accordance with ASTM C 192 (3 min mixing, 3 min est, and 2m remixing) and confirm the slo 3. Slop the mixer and cover the batch with wet burp: 4. After 20 mio, remix 2min, adding water to produce the specified slump. The total water ital wer ps the remix- ing wae can be expected to equal that required at the batch plant to give the required jb site stump; and 5. Determine other properties of fresh concrete (emperare, sir content, nit weight), and mold-stengt test specimens. 2.9.5 Asan alternative method, use offllsize production batches may be considered for verification of mixture proportions, provided the expected high temperature levels fof the conerete can be attained. This may be the prefered method when using admixtures selected for extended slump retention It requires cael recording of batch quantities at the plant and of water added for'slump adjustment before sampling. Sampling procedures of ASTM C172 should be seit observed ‘CHAPTER 3—-PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY 3.1—General ‘Production facilities and procedures should be capable of providing the required quality of concrete under hot weather al production raes required by the project. Satis factory contol of production and delivery operations should be assured. Conerete plant and delivery units should be in _g00d operating condition. Intermittent stoppage of deliveries ‘due to equipment breakdown can be much more serious ut er hot weather conditions than in moderato weather. In hot ‘weather concreting operations, concrete placements may be scheduled a times other than during daylight hours, sach as uring the coolest part of the morning. Night-time prodve- tion requires good planning and good lighting. sont 8.2—Temperature control of concrete ‘32.1 Concrete can be produced in hot weather without ‘maximum limits on placing temperature and will perform satisiactoily if proper precautions are observed in propor- tioning, production, delivery, placing, and curing. As pat of ‘these precautions, an effort should be made to keep the con- crete temperature as low as practical. Using the relationships given in Apoendix A, itean be shown, for example, tha the femperatur of concrete of wsual proportions can be reduced by LF (05 €) if any of the following reductions are made ia material temperatures + 8F(4C) reduction in coment temperature; + AF 26) reduction in water temperature; oF ‘+ 2F(1 © reduction in the temperate ofthe aggrepnes. 3.2.2 Figure 3.2.7 shows the influence of the temperature of concrete ingredients on conerete temperature. As the sreatest portion of concrete is aggregate, reduction of aggre~ sate temperature brings about the greatest reduction in concrete temperature. Therefore, all practical means should be employed to keep the aggregates as cool as possible. Shaded storage of fine and coarse aggregates, and sprinkling and fog spraying of coarse aggregates stockpiles under arid conditions will help. Sprinkling of coarse aggregates with cool water ean reduce aggregate temperature by evaporation and direct cooling (Lee 1987). Passing water through a prop- ery sized evaporative cooling tower will chill the water to the wet bub temperature. This procedure will have greater effects in arcas that have low relative humidity. Wetting of aggregates, however, tends fo cause variations in surface moisure and thereby complicates slump contol Above-ground storage tanks for mixing water should be provided wit shade and thermal insulation. Silos and bins will absorb less beat if coated with heat-reflective paints. Painting mixer surfeces white to minimize solar beat gain vill be of some help. Based on 1 h delivery ime on a bot, sunny day, conereie in a clean white mixer drum should be 2 to3F (to 15 C) cooler than ina black or red mixer rum, and 05 F (03 ©) cooler than ina cream-colored dram. Ian empty mixer drum stands inthe sun for an extended period before concrete is batched, the heat stored inthe metal drum ‘would produce concrete temperatures 0.5 10 1 F (03 00.5 C) lower for a white mixer drum than a yellow or red maser drum. Spraying the exterior of the mixer drum with water before batching or daring delivery has been suggested as a means of minimizing concrete temperature, but it can be expected t be of only marginal benefit, 3.23 Setting up the means for cooling sizeable amounts of cconerete production requires planning well in advance of placeraent and installation of specialized equipment. This can iniude chilling of batch water by water chillers or heat ‘pump technology as well as other methods, suchas substitut- ing crushed or flaked ice for part of the mixing water, ot cooling by liquid nitrogen. Delivery ofthe required quantity of cooling materials should be assured for each placement, Details for estimating conete temperatures are proved in Appendix 4. Various cooling methods are described in Appendix B. The general influence of the temperature of 05-12 soe toc ene soe ‘ACI COMMITTEE REPORT soe roc aoe oe TT TF ape tT T | JL agrget npere TOF 216) Wer Bor 7SF_200F soc ror aoc 90 "a5 60FsF «ROOF soc 70¢ aoc _woe T T rT Agregar temperate 80F (27¢)— 406 100 § orl E soe : ase & % é “ 200 60F i" 4 Cemen teperaive cement lenperture Cave (1) -Miaing water ol temperate of cagrege (cave (2)-Minng water a 50 F (10C) Curve (3) -Mixing water l temperate of opgreqote; 28 percent of mixing wate by ‘wenght replace ye Cave (8) Mixing wate ot temperature a cageegce; 50 perce mising walt by sreigh replace Oy ee Fig. 3.2.2—Influence of temperature of concrete ingredients on concrete temperature. Calculated from equations in Appendix A. ‘concrete ingredients on concrete temperature is calculated from the equations in Appendix A, and shown in Fig. 3.2.2 3.3-~Batching and mixing 3.1 Batching and mixing is described in ACI 304R. Procedures under hot weather conditions are: no different from good practices under normal. weather conditions. Producing concrete of the edmect sump and other specified propertcs to confirm with applicable specifications is exsen- ‘ial. An interruption in the concrete placement due to rejection ‘may cause the formation of a cold joint o serioas problems in finishing. Testing of concrete musi be diligent and accurate $0 that results represent the tru condition of the concrete. 3.3.2 For ruck-mixed concrete, initial mixing of approxi- ‘mately 70 revolutions at the batch plant prior to transporting will allow an accurate verification of the condition of te concrete, primarily its slump and air content. Generally, centrally mixed concrete canbe inspected visually ast is being Aischarged into the transportation unit. Slump can easily change due to minor changes in materials and concrete charac- teristics. For example, an undciected change of only 1.0% reisture conten of the fine and coarse aggregates could change shump by 1102 in. 25 to SOmm) (ACI211.1). Aneor ange of approximately 0.5% in the determination of aggrezate moisture complicates moisture control, even with advanced systems. Operators ofen batch concrete in drier condition than desired to avoid proicing a slump higher than specified; small water aditon may be need at the jb sie 33.3 Hot weather conditions and extended hauling time may indicate a need to split the batching proces by batching the cement tthe job site, or leering the materials inthe mixer ram ai the plant to keep Some ofthe cement dry and then ‘mixing the concrete aftr arival atthe job st. This may not, however, contribute to concrete vniformity between leads These methods may, on occasion, offer the best solution tnder existing conditions. beater contolieé concrete ean tsually be provided when ll materials are batched atthe concrete production faciiy. By using some effective retarding admixtures at appropriate dosages, preferably in combination ‘with cemeatiious material of slow-seting characteristics, conerete can be maintsined in a placeable condition for extesed periods even in bot, weather (see tion 27). Field experience indicates that concrete sc. retardation can be extended further by separately hatching the retarding admixture with a small portion of mixing water, 1 t 2 gallyd® (5 to 10 L/m, after the concrete has been mixed for several minvies. These admixtures, together with the cementitious materials and other ingredients HOT WEATHER CONCRETING proposed forthe project, should be evaluated in the field for desired properties. Should the slump be lower than required, the use of midrange water-reducing. or high-range water- reducing admixtures is recommended 1 increase the ‘concrete slump. 3.3.4 Under hot weather conditions, the amount of mixing at mixing speed of the mixer should be held to a minimum to ‘avoid any unnecessary heat gain of the concrete (ACT 207.48), For efficient mixing, mixers should be free of buildup of bardened concreie and excessive wear of mixer blades. As soon as the concrete has been mixed to a homo- geneous condition, all farther dram rotation should be at the lowest agitating speed of the unit (generally one revolution per min). The drum should not be stopped for extended peri- ‘oils of time, There is potential for false setting problenis ‘causing the concrete to stiffen rapidly or set in the drum, or for flattening of the miner rollers. ‘3.35 Specifications governing the total number of revolu tions of the drum usually seta limit of 300 revolutions for tuck mixers. Ths limit should be waived for conditions that require further thorough mixing of the concrete: + Soparato addition of high-range, water-educing admix- ‘ures; + Direct addition of liquid injected nitrogen into the mixer asa means of lowering the concrete temperature; and * I the concrete retains its workability without the addi sion of water. a4—Delivery ‘Cement hydration, temperature rise, slump loss, aggregate prinding, and either loss or, occasionally, gain of air content all occur with the passage of time while the concrete is in the mixer; thus, the period between start of mixing to start of| placement of the conereie should be minimized. Coordinat- ing the dispatching of mixer trucks withthe rate of concrete placement avoids delays in arrival or waiting periods until discharge. On major concrete placements, provisions should be made to have good communications between the job site ‘and concrete-prosuction facility. Major placements should be scheduled during periods of lower urban traffic loads. ‘When placement is slow, consideration should be given 10 reducing load size, using set-retarding admixture, or using cooled concrete. 3.5—Slump adjustment Fresh concrete i subject to slump Toss with time, whether i is used in moderate or hot weather. With given materials and mixture proportions, the slump change characteris ties between plant and job site should be established. With ‘the limitations on accurately predicting slump, as explained in Section 33.2, uncertainty in wafic, and the timing of placing operations, operators need to batch concrete in a Arier condition o avoid a slump higher than specified. If, on arrival at the jobsite, the slump is less than the specified ‘maximum, additional water may be added if the maximum allowable water content is not exceeded. When water is ‘added to bring the slurp within required limits, the drum or s05R13 blades must be turned an additional 30 revolutions oF more, ifnocessary, at mixing speed. For expeditious placement and effective consolidation, structural concrete should have & ‘minimum slump of 3 or 4 in. (75 or 100 mm). Slump increases should be allowed when chemical admixtures are ‘sed, providing the admixture-treated concrete has the same ‘or lower water-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm) aed does ‘not exhibit segregation potential, '8.6—Properties of concrete mixtures: "The proposed mixtures should be suitable for expected job ‘concitions. This is particularly important when there are no limits on placing temperatures, ass the case in most general construction in the warmer regions. Use of cements or ‘cementitious materials that perform well under hot weather ‘conditions, in combination with water-seducing and retarding admixtures, can provide concrete of required prop- erties (Mittelacher 1985). When using high-range, ‘water reducing and retarding admixtures, products should be selected that provided extended slamp retention in hot ‘weather (Collepardi eta! 1979; Guennewig 1988). In dry and ‘windy conditions, the setting rate of concrete used in lat work should be adjusted to minimize plastc-shrinkage cracking or crusting of the surface, withthe lower layer stl in a plastic condition. The type of adjustment depends on local climatic ‘conditions timing of placements, and concrete temperatunés. A ‘change in admixture dosage or formation can often provide the desired seting time. ‘3.7—Retempering ‘Retempering is defined as “additions of water and remixing of eonerete, or mortar which has lost enough work- ability t9 become unplaceable or unsaleable” (ACI 116R). Laboratory research, as well as field experience, shows that strength reduction and other detrimental effects are propor- tional to the amount of retempering water added. Therefore, water additions in excess of the proportioned maximum water content or wlem to compensate for los of workability should be prohibited. Adding chemical admixtures, partica larly bigh-range water-reducing admixmres; may be very effective to maintain workability. CHAPTER 4—PLACING AND CURING 4.1—General “4.1 The roquirernents for good results in hot weather concrete placing and caring are no different than in other seasons, Th same necessities exis: + Concrete be handled and wanspored with # minimum of segregation and slump loss: + Coneretebe planed where is to remain; + Concrete be placed in layers shallow enough to assure vibration well ato the layer below and that te elapsed time between layers be minimized to avoid cold joints + Construction joins outined in ACI 224.38 be made on sound, clea concrete; + Finishing operations and their timing be guided only by the readiness of the concrete for ther, and nothing elses snd osm + Curing he conducted so that at no time during the pre- seribed period will the concrete lack ample moisture ‘and temperature control to permit full development of its potential strength aod durability 4.1.2 Details of placing, consolidation, and curing proce- ures are described in ACI 304R, 308R, and 309R, Tt isthe purpose ofthis chapter to point out the factors peouliar to hot ‘weather that can affeet these operations and the resulting ‘concrete and to recommend what should be done to prevent ‘or offsot their influence. 4.2—Preparations for placing and curing “4.21 Planning hot weather placements»—Prior tothe start of the project, plans should be made for minimizing the exposure of the conerete to adverse conditions. Whenever possible, placing of slabs should be scheduled after roof ‘structure and walls are in place to minimize problems associ- ated with drying winds and direct sunlight. Tis will also re ‘duce thermal shock from rapid temperature drops caused by vide day and night temperature differences or cool rain on ‘concrete heated by the sun earlier in the day. ‘Under hot weather conditions, scheduling, concrete place ‘ments a other-than-normal hours may be advisable. Pertinent ‘considerations include case of handling and placing, and avoiding the risk of plastic-shrinkage and thermal cracking. 422 Preparing for ambient conditions—Personnel in cargo of conerete construction should be aware in advance (of the damaging combinations of high ar temperature, direct sunlight, drying winds, and high concrete temperature. “Monitoring of local weather reports and routine recording of conditions at the site, including air temperanure, sun expo- sure, relative humidity, and prevailing winds, can be ‘conducted locally, These data, together with projected or actual concrete temperatures, enable supervisory personnel through reference to Fig. 2.15 to determine and prepare the required protective measures. Equipment should also be available at the site for measuring the evaporation ‘accordance with Section 5.1.3. 4.23 Expediting placements Preparations must be made to transport, place, consolidate, and finish the concrete atthe fastest possible rae, Delivery of concrete to the job should be scheduled soit wll be placed promptly on arrival, patic- ularly the first batch. Many concrete placements get off to a bad start because the concrete was ordered before the, job was ready and slump control was lost at this most critical time, Traffic arrangements at the site should énsure easy access of delivery units to the unloading points over stable roadways. Site waffie should be coordinated fora quick wm- around of concrete mixer trucks. If possible, large or critical placements should be scheduled during periods of low urban traffic loads, 4.2.4 Placing equipment —Bquipment for placing the con- crete shall be of suitable design and have ample capacity to perform its functions efficiently. All equipment shonid have adequate power for the work and be in first-class operating ‘condition, Breakdowns or delays that stop or slow the place- tment ean seriously affect the quality and appearance of the work. Arrangements should be made for readily available ‘AGI COMMITTEE REPORT backup equipment. Concrete pumps, if used, must be eapa- ble of pomping the specified class of concrete through the Tength of line aad elevation at required rates per b. If piace- iment is by crane and buckets, wide-moath buckets with steep-angled walls should be used to permit rapid and com- plete discharge of bucket contents. Adequate means of com- ‘munication berseen bucket handlers and placing crew should be provided to assure that concrete is charged into buckess only if the placing crew is ready to use the concrete without delay. Concrete should not be allowed to rest exposed the sun and high temperature before placing it into the form. ‘To minimize the heat gain ofthe concrete daring placement, tasting. cy ay oe towel Any vt fart oh beaase these ay Ube to Fra are Pet py (mediney coven avoid sosn45 ‘44—Curing and protection “441 GeneralAfter completing plicing and finishing operations efor rust contndeto protect the conerets fm fig temperature, diet sunlight, low huuiiy, and drying vind. If possible, the work shouldbe kept i ' uniformly inodene tenpersuue condition to allow the conerete <0 velop its fal srengtapetential. High intial curing emper- ‘atures are detrimental to the ultimate strength to a greatcr degree than high placing temperatures (Bloem 1954; Bameset al 1977; Gaynor et al 1985). Procedures for keeping exposed Sorfacesfroan drying must be prompty commenced, with ample coverage and coninsed withoointeropon. Fire t0 diosoinay result in excessive shrinkage and cracking. nd ill impair the surface durability and strength of the covers. Curing shouldbe continsd for atleast the fst 7 ays I change in caring wethod is made daring ths perio, it hould be done oaly afer the concrete is 3 days ok. The concrete surface shoud not be pennited to become dry during the tran sition The various methods of curing are described in ACT ORR The concrete should also be protected against therral- shrinkage cracking from rp temperature drops, particulary Gharng the fist 24h This type of cracking i stay sci ‘ated with a cooling rate of more than 5 F (3 C) per h, or more than 50 F (28 C) in a:24h pid for concrete with last dimension less than about {2 in. (300 mm). Concrete exposed. toraid cooling has a lower tensile strain capacity and is more susceptible to cracking than concrete thats allowed to coal at 2 slower rat (ACT 2074R), Hot weather paiems Tikly 0 cans theral cracking include wide day and night tempem- ture differences and cold rain. Under these condor, the concrete should be protected by placing several layers of svaterproot paper over the concrete, or by using ober ins Tating methods and materials described in ACT 306R, 442 Moin-curing of fawork—OF the different cing procedures, moist-curing is the best method for developing the strength of concrete and minimizing early drying shrinkage. Itcan be provided by ponding, covering with clean sand kept continuously wet, or continuous sprinkling, This ‘will require an ample water supply and disposal of the renoff. ‘When sprinkling is used, care mast be taken that erson of ‘the surface does not occus. A more practical method of rmois-cring is that of covering the preweted concrete wth impervious sbesing or sppiction of absorptive mts or fabric Kep cominvously wet with soaker hoie or sar reaps. Sitable coverings arg described in ACI 308R. These mils shoul be kept in contact withthe conerct sirface at all times. Alternate cycles of wetting and drying must be avolied because is may yesu in per cracjag. The femperatre fier wae for coring MS be a} close #8 Poppe lip ene eet a shi Membrane cirring pf, flarwork—Use of Tigui ct retical me ra of corns Ey Je aie At fave ee! REDI festricy ty ft eM, cat pees Ae erect of mi Vy eee i HH ye 908-16 moisture retention varies considerably between products. For use under hot weather conditions, 2 material should be selected that provides beter moisture retention than required by ASTM C 308, It limits the moisture loss in 2 72 h period to not more than 9 thie (0.55 kg/m?) when tested in accar- dance with ASTM C 156, Some agencies have set a more restictive limit of 0.39 kg/m? of moisture loss in a 72h period. On flatwork, application should be started immedi- ‘ately ater disappearance of the surface water sheen after the final finishing gass. When applied by spraying, the spray nozzles should be held or positioned sufficiently close tothe surface to ascure the correct application rate and prevent \wind-blown dispersion. Manual application shovld be in two passes, with the second pass proceeding at right angles wo the first application. Most curing compounds should not be used ‘on any surface against which additional concrete or other materials are to be bonded, unless the curing material will not reduce bond strength or unless removal of the curing saterial is assured before subsequent bonded construction. 444 Curing of concrete in forms—Forms should be ‘covered and kept continuously moist during the early curing period. Formed concrot requires early access. (© ample ‘external curing water for strength development. This is particularly important when using high-strength concrete having a w/em less than approximately 0.40 (ACT 363R), “The forms should be loosened as soon as this can be done without damage tothe concrete, and provisions made for the curing water to run down inside them. Cracking may occur ‘when the concrete cools rapidly from a high peak tempera- ture and is restrained from contracting. In more massive members, and if the intemal temperature rise cannot be controlled by available means, the concrete should be given ‘thermal protection so that it will cool gradually at arate that will not cause the concrete to crack. After form removal, {orm tie holes can be filled and any necessary repairs made by uncovering a small portion of the concrete at a time to ‘camy on this work. These repairs should be completed ia the first few days after stripping so the repairs and ti-hole filings ‘can.cure with the surrounding concrete. Atthe end ofthe curing petiod (7 days should be minimum; 10 days is better), the ‘covering should he left in place without wetting for several ‘days (4 days is suggested) so that the concrete surface will dry slowly and be less subject to surface sheinkage cracking. The effects of drying can also be minimized by applying a spray- able curing compound atthe end ofthe moist-curing period. CHAPTER 5—TESTING AND INSPECTION 5.1—Testing SL Tests on the fresh concrete sample should be ccondicted and specimens propared in accordance with appli- cable ASTM Standards, Tests should be performed by an ACE certified concrete technician. The sample should be as tepre- sentative as possible ofthe potential sttength and other prop- erties of the concrete as delivered. High temperature, low relative humidity, and drying winds are particularly dotc- ‘mental to the sample of fresh concrete used for making tests ‘and ypolding specimens. Leaving the sample of fresh goncrete apse 0. Win or a Mp pict Fst pa: ACI COMMITTEE REPORT 5.12 Is sometimes desirable in hot weather to conduct, tests such as slump, air content, ambient and concrete tem perature tative bundy, and unit weight more frequently {ban for nonmal conditions 5.1.3 The most important factor affecting plastic shrink- age isthe evaporation rate, which ean be estimted from ig. 2.1.5 withthe prevailing temperate, relative humidity, and wind speed. The evaporation rale can be determined more accuntely by evaporating water from a cake pan ha ing an area of approximately 1 f€ (0098 m), The pan is filled with vaterand the mass determined every 150 0.min to detenmine the evaporation rte, which sequal to the Toss ‘of water miss from the pan. A balance of at leat 5.5 Ib (2500 9) capacity is satisfactory ‘8.14 Panicalar tention shoald be given tothe protection ‘and curing of strength test specimens used as a bass for acceptance of conerete. Dae to thei small size in relation ta most parts ofthe structure, test specimens ar influenced more readily by changes is ambient temperatures. Extra cfr s needed in hot weather to maintain atength test spoc- imens at a temperature of 60 to 80 F (16 t0 27 C) and to prevent misture loss during the intial curing period, in accordance with ASTM C 31/C 31M. If possible, the spec tens should be provided with an impervious cover and placed in a temperature-controHied job facility immediately ater molding. I sired outside, exposure to the sun sould be avoided and the cooting effect of evaporating water should be wed t help provide the required curing condition. ‘The folowing methods for nonpotenally absorptive txt. ‘molds have been found practical: + Embedding in damp sand. Care should be taken to maintain sand in continuously moist conditions (not to be used for cardboard mols; +. Covering with wet burlap. Care should be taken t0 raintain burlap in « continuously moist condition and oUt of contact with the conerete; + Continuous fog spays. Care should be taken to pre- ‘eat interruptions ofthe fog spray; and * Total immersion in water (not to be used for card- board molds). Specimens may be immersed immedi- ately in saturated limewater after molding. Because specimens aro made with hydraulic cemest, which hardens under water, specimen cylinders need not be covered with 2 cap, but generally they are, asa pre- ‘cautionary measure to prevent exteral damage. 5.1.5 Molds must not be of a type that is potentially absorptive and expands when in coniact with moisture or ‘when immersed in water, Molds should meet the regise- rents of ASTM C 470, Merely covering the top of th molded test eylinder with ald of pate is usally po sut- cient hot wear o prevent loss of mcstre apd ainsi the require inital curing temperate. During he aa Beton ly teen a be rected and handle cae ey Viney ha Stor in emis epg 72 #2 F 23 2 ee S:16 Shecimnens ip entdtion 1p those requineg FSP my bp ma oF eae a HOT WEATHER CONCRETING mining when forms can be removed, when shoring can be removed, ard when the placement can be placed in service. Unless specimens used for these purposes are cured at the same place and as nearly as possible under the same condi- tions asthe placement, results of the tests ean be misleading. Alternative test methods for determining in place concrete strength are described in ASTM C 900 and ASTM C918, '5.2—Inspection ‘5.2.1 The numerous details tobe looked after in concrete construction are covered in ACE 311.1R and 311.4R. The Particular effects of hot weather on concrete performance and the precautions to be taken to minimize adverse effects hhave been discussed previously. Project inspection of eon- crete is necessary to ensure compliance with these additional precautions and procedures. Adequate inspection is also nec- essary to verify and document this compliance. The need fa such measures as spraying of forms and subgrade, cooling ‘concrete, providing sunshades, windscreens, or fogging and the like, and minimizing delays in placement and curing shoulé be anticipated. 522 Air temperature, concrete temperature (ASTM C 1064), general weather conditions (clear, cloudy), wind speed, relative humidity, and evaporation rate should be reconded at frequent intervals. In addition, the following, should be recorded and identified with the work in progress so that conditions relating to any part of the concrete ‘construction can be identified ata later date: +All water added to the mixture with corresponding ‘mixing times; + Time batched, time discharge started, and time discharge completed; + Concrete temperature at time of delivery and after placing concrete; + Observations on the appearance of concrete as deliv- cred and after placing in forms; + Slump of concrete as delivered; + Stump of concrete as discharged; and + Protection and curing: Method; ‘Time of application; Rate of application; Visual appearance of concrete; and: + Duration of curing. ‘These observations should be included in the permanent project records. CHAPTER 6—REFERENCES |—Referonced slandards and reports “The documents of the various standards-producing organi- ations referred to in this docuiment are listed below with thei serial designation. ‘American Concrete Intute HOR Cement and Concrete Terminalogy 201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete 207.4R Mass Conersie 2TI2R Effect of Rea foreement py 6 the ornare sosn47 207AR Cooling and Insulating Systems for Mass Con- 21AR Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete 2112 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for ‘Structural Lightweight Conerete 21R Guide for the Use of Normal Weight Aggre- gates in Concrete 2123R Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 221R Guide for Use of Norzal Weight Aggrepates in Concrete ‘20GR Standard Practice forthe Use of Shrinkage-Com- pensating Concrete 224R Control of Cracking in Concrete Sructures 2U4.3R Joints in Concrete Construction 225R Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydranlic Cements 2263R Use of Fly Ash in Concrewe BAR Guide forthe Use of Silica Fume in Concrete 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings ‘HMR.IR Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construc- toa 3OKR Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, ‘and Placing Conerete 306R Cold Weather Concreting 30KR "Standard Practice for Curing Concrete 30R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete SUL-IR/ Manual of Concrete Inspection (sP-2) 3MAR Guide for Concrete Inspection Programs 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural BISR_—_Conerete and Commentary 318M! Building Code Requirements for Structural 3ISRM Concrete and Commentary 363R Report on High Strength Concrete F496 Chemical and AirEntraining Admicures for Concrete ASTM International C3UC 31M Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Spécimens in the Field 156 Standard Test Method for Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials C1 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mined Concrete 192. Standard Practice for Making and Caring Concrete Test Specimens in te Laboratory ©309 —Standard Specification for Liquid Mem- trane-Forming Compounds for Caring Coneree C494 Standard Specification for Chemical Aq raixturs for Concrete 6595 cae ‘Specific Blended Hy: er “fr Prt Fe eae ler Specification for Fly A od Petersen 3058-18 C989) Standard Specification for Groand Granu- lated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Con: crete and Mortars C1017 Standard Specification for Chemical Ad- mixtures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete 1064 Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland-Cement Concrete STP 169C Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concreto-Making Materials, 1994, 571 pp. "These publications may be obiained from the following or- ganizations: __American Conerete Institute P.O. Box 9094 Farmington Hill, Mich, 48333-9094 ASTM Laternational 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, Pa, 1428 6.2—Cited references “American Conerete Institute, 1996, “Practitioner's Guide to Hot Weather Concreting,” ACI PP-L Bames, B.D, Omdorf, R. L.; and Roten, J. Ey 1977, “Low Initial Curing Temperature Improves the Strength of Concrete Test Cylinders," ACI Yournat, Proceedings V.74, No. 12, Dec., pp. 612-615. Bethane, Z., 1984, “Evaporation of Water from Fresh Mortar and Concrete at Different Environmental Condi- tions," ACL Jou, Proceedings V. 81, No. 6, Nov.-Dee., pp. 560-565. Bloem, D., 1954, “Effect of Curing Conditions on Com pressive Suengths of Concrete Cylinders.” Publication No. 53, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Dec. 1 pp. Cebeci, O. Z., 1986, “Hydration and Porosity of Cement Paste in Warm and Dry Environment.” Sth International ‘Congress onthe Chemisiry of Cement, Rio de Janeiro, V-1, pp. 412-416; 423-424 Ceboci, 0. Z. 1987, “Strength of Concrete in Warm and Dry Environment.” Materials and Structures, Research and Testing (RILEM, Pars), V.20, No. 118, July pp. 270-272. Collepardi, Ms Conradi, M.z and Valente, M., 1979, “Low-Slump-Loss Superplasticized Concrete,” Transport tion Research Record 720, Transporation Research Board, Washington, D.C, Jan. pp. 7-12, Gaynor, R. Ds Meininget, R.C.s and Khan, T. S., 1985, “Effects of Temperature aud Delivery Time on Concrete Proportions,” Temperature Effects on Concrete, STP-858, ASTM, Philadelphia, pp. 68-87. ‘Guemnewig, T, 1988, “Cost-Effective Use of St cart era” Conrail: Design Contac No. 3, Mar, pp. 31-34 Hampton, J.S., 1981, “Extended Workability of Conerete ‘Containing Ffigh-Range Water-Redyping Admixtures jn Hoe Weather,” flevelopments in the Use of Superpaptgher’s AGI COMMITTEE REPORT SSP-68, V. M. 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National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, 1962, “Cooling Ready Mixed Concrete” Publication No. 106, ver Spring, June, 7 pp. Olivier, E, and Matin, I, 1963, “Curing of Concrete ia Puerto Rico,” Revista, Colegio de Agricultura y Artes ‘Mecanicas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Pontand Cerment Assocation, 1992, "Design And Contol of Concrete Mixtures,” Thirteenth Edition, . 80. Ravina, D., 1984, “Slump Loss of Fly Ash Concrete,” Concrete Intemational: Design & Consruction, Proceed- ings, V. 6, No. 4, Ap. pp. 35:39. 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J, and Helmuth, R. H., 1968, “Structure and Physical Prpergs of Cement Proceedings, Fifi prea mest At yg, VU pp. 1-32 ‘Yamapiao, ¥. fot be as Fira as He) aah etron is No] Jan ie mR a HOT WEATHER CONCRETING APPENDIX A--ESTIMATING CONCRETE ‘TEMPERATURE. At—Equations for estimating temperature T of freshly mixed concrete are shown in the following. ‘Without ice (nIb and ST units) 0.22(T,W, + TW.) + TW n+ TH, 02204 W J+ H+ Wy an With ie (in-Ib units) 0.22(T,W a+ TW.) + TW at ToWya~ V2; 02200, + WT +t W ay aD With ice (St units) 022TH TW.) + Tg yt To ys79-5 Wy Ts 0200, +W)+W, +04, as winere 1, = temperate of agareeme 7, = temperature of cement Try = temperature of batched mixing wate from normal sopply exchange 7; = temperature ofice. (Note: The temperature offre and absorbed wats on the aggregates assumed to be the same temperature a he ageregae. Alte peratures are in For.) W, = dry mats of aggregate W. = massof cement W, = masyotice Wa, = massof batched mixing water Wyre = mass0f free and absorbed moisture in aggregate at T,, (Note: All masses are in Ib or ky.) A2—Eq, (A-2) and (A-3), for estimating the temperature of conerete with ice in U. $. customary or SI units, assume that the ice is at its melting point. A more exact approach ‘would be to use Hq, (A-4) of (A-S), which includes the tem- perature of the ice. With ice (i.-b units) 02207, 4 EWP * ORW, + W)+ WWW, aay TWyg— WAR - 05ST) * OWA W ++ W tM, With ice (ST units) 0.22(7 0+ T WTB. TRH, Wy We, aD 30549 TB yg -WAI9K-05T) TW, WW, APPENDIX B—METHODS FOR COOLING FRESH CONCRETE "The summary is limited t0 a description of methods suit- able for most structural uses of concrete. Methods for the cooling of mass conerete are explained in ACL 207 4R. ‘B1—Cooling with chilled mixing water Concrete can be cooled to a moderate extent by using chilled mixing water, the maximum reduction in concrete temperature that canbe obtained is approximately 10F (6). ‘The quantity of cooled water cannot exceed the mixing ‘water requirement, which will depend upon the moisture content of aggregates and mixture proportions. The method involves a sgmificant investment in mechanical reftigeration ‘equipment and insulated water storage large enough forthe ‘anticipated hourly and daily production rates of cooled ‘concrete. Available systems include one that is based on beat-pump technology, which is usable for both cooling and beating of concrete. Apart from its initial installation cost, this system appears to offer cooling. at the lowest cost of availabe systems for cooling mixing water. 'B2—Liquid nitrogen cooling of mixing water ‘Mixing wator can be chilled rapidly through injection of liquid nitrogen into an insulated holding tank. This chilled water is then dispensed into the batch. Alternatively, the ing water may be turned into ice slush by iquid nitrogen injection into the mixing water stream as itis discharged into the mixer. The system enables cooling by as much 2s 20 F (11.0). Theratio of ce-to-water in te slash mast be adjusted to produce the temperature of concrete desired. Installation of thissystem requires insulated mixing water sorage,anirogen supply vessel, batch controls, and auxiliary equipment. Apart from installation costs, there are operating expenses from liguid nitcogen usage and rental fees for the nitrogen supply vessel, The method differs from that hy direct liquid nitrogen injection into mixed concrete described in 1. B3—Cooling concrete with ice CConoree ean be cooled by sing ice fr part of the mixing water, The amount of cooling is limited by the amount of mixing water available for ice substitution, For most ‘concrete, the maximus temperature reduction i approximately 20.F (11 C), For correct proportioning, the ice must be weighed. Cooling with block ice involves the use of a cxushersinger unit, which can finely crsh a block of ee and blow it into the mixer. A major obstacle to the use of block ce in many aeasis insufficient supply. Costs of using block ice are: the cos of ice inchuding transportation, rftig- fried storage, hanling and gpshing eaujprpot, aitigna| He a cee pores ee we hp altgrpative tg pape ork eo ta ae pyar Ae nore ue ares eh pga iat he ming. Th ays apd ui Ake we TR aye ema 2 me 8) yee 305R-20 B4—Cooling mixed concrete with liquid nitrogen BAL Injection of liquid nitrogen into freshly mixed con- crete is an effective method for reduction of concrete temper- ‘ature, The practical lower limit of concrete temperature is reached when concrete nearest the injection nozzle forms into a frozen lump; this is likely to occur when the desired ‘concrete temperature is less than 50 F. The method has been successfully used in a number of major concrete placements, ‘The performance of concrete was not affected adversely by its exposure to lasge amounts of liquid nitwogen. Cost of tis method is relatively bigh, but it may be justified on the basis of practical considerations and overall effectiveness. B42 Installations of the system consist of a nitrogen supply vessel and injection facility for central mixers, or one ‘or more injection station for tuck mixers. The systemcan be ‘set up at the construction site for last-minute cooling of the ‘concrete befor® placement. Tis reduces temperature gains of| ‘cooled concrete in transit between the concrete plant and job site, Coordination is required in the dispatching of liquid nitrogen tanker trucks to injection stations for the timely replenishing of gas consumed in te cooling operations. The ‘quantity of Liguid nitrogen required will vary according to ‘mixture progortions and constituents, and the amount of temperature reduction. The use of 135 £° (48 m°) of liquid nitrogen will usually reduce concrete emnperature 1 F (0.5). ‘ACI COMMITTEE REPORT 85—Cooling of coarse aggregates BS.1 An effective method of lowering the temperatsre of the coarse aggregate is by cool water spraying or imun- ation. Coarse aggregate has the greatest mass in atypical concrete mixture. Reducing the temperature of the agere- gate approximately 2 + 0.5 F (1 = 0.5 C) will lower the final concrete temperature approximately 1 F (0.5 C). To use this method, the producer must have available lage ‘amounts of chilled water and the necessary water-cooling 3 for production requirements. This method is Inost effective when adequate amounts of coarse material ‘are contained ina silo or bin so that cooting ean be accom- plished in a short period of time. Care must be taken t0 ‘evenly inundate the material so thst slump variation from Toad to load is minimized. B52 Cooling of coarse aggregate can also be accom- plished by blowing air through the moist aggregate. The sir flow will enhance evaporative cooling and can bring the coarse aggregate temperature within 2 F (1 C) of wet bal ‘temperature. Effectiveness of the method depends on ambient temperature, relative humidity, and velocity of ait flow. The added refinement of using chilled air instead of air at ambient temperature can reduce the coarse agregate temperature 1 a5 low as 45 F (7 C). This method, however, involves arelatively bigh installation cost,

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