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Hannah Jones

14 November 2017

Foundation Chapter
Personal Achievement Chapter
Hannah Jones

Personal Details

Hannah Jones



Date Completed: 14 November 2017

Date Printed: 15 November 2017

Referral Code: JMcCollum

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Hannah Jones

Introduction............................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5
Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5
Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses .................................................................................. 7

Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8

Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9

Effective Communications ...................................................................................... 10
Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11
Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12
Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13
Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15
Personal Achievement Chapter.............................................................................. 16
Living on Purpose................................................................................................... 17
Time and Life Management.................................................................................... 18
Personal Creativity ................................................................................................. 19
Lifelong Learning .................................................................................................... 20
Learning Styles....................................................................................................... 21
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 22
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 23

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Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.
Hannah Jones

This Insights Discovery profile is based on Hannah Jones's responses to the Insights Preference
Evaluator which was completed on 14 November 2017.

The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates
identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around
the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model
was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.
Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in
understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the
present day.

Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding
and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and
weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them
to better respond to the demands of their environment.

Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It
reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete
any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify
whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.

Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take
action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on
areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally
and interpersonally.

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Hannah Jones

These statements provide a broad understanding of Hannah's work style. Use this section to gain
a better understanding of her approaches to her activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal Style
Hannah's logical, analytical approach combined with her intuitive gifts allows her to maintain her
focus on tasks and ideas rather than on the personal. She prizes her gift of intelligence and has a
strong bias towards the attainment of personal competence. She is usually neat, tidy and orderly,
both at work and at home. Her ideas are generally abstract, containing intellectual insight, but
she finds the practicalities of carrying out and developing these ideas to a conclusion less
interesting. She is a good listener, with an ability to talk well when appropriate.
Cautious, conventional, diplomatic and sincere, Hannah is a precise and disciplined person with
high standards and expectations of herself. Hannah is the conceptual problem solver, intensely
intellectual and logical, exhibiting flashes of creative brilliance. Her strong sense of personal
values may make her reserved around strangers whose values she feels may conflict with her
own. Hannah is an analytical thinker, who prefers to be fully objective in her work. Outwardly
quiet, reserved and detached, inwardly she is constantly absorbed in analysing problems or
Hannah is painstakingly accurate and methodical, with great powers of concentration. She is
aesthetically appreciative and values quality. She often sees when colours match or blend and
may have a highly developed taste for art, music and food. Hannah has a gift for seeing the
important facts of a situation. Hannah is analytical, impersonal and interested in underlying
principles. She is adept at homing in on the essence of complicated, confusing situations.
She may need assistance in tapping into her creativity and to bring projects to completion.
Hannah gains great pleasure from improving upon existing techniques with the objective of
maximising efficiency and cost effectiveness. Enjoying theoretical, complex and global concepts,
Hannah is a strategic thinker who can clearly see the benefits and flaws of most situations. She
likes to make rules based on her own standards and to apply those rules to everyday life. Her
interest lies in seeing possibilities beyond what is already present and known, by using her
insight, ingenuity and intellect.
When pressured, she will be seen as critical, precise and sceptical. Because she relies heavily
on logical analysis, she can overlook what matters to others. She tries to use logical principles to
make sense of the ideas that constantly arise in her mind. She can be a great “designer“ of
systems, which she prefers to leave to others to build. Unless someone else can put her ideas
into practice, they may be lost.
Interacting with Others
Hannah is competent at extracting information by asking relevant, non-threatening questions.
Sometimes her introverted analytical preferences may prevent her from expressing outwardly
what is really going on inside her head. If she is given time to organise her thoughts by a
sympathetic and understanding chairperson, she can state her views with clarity and to
everyone's benefit. Most people have limited understanding of her complex, adaptable and

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Hannah Jones

creative mind. The avoidance of social engagements may make her feel guilty at having forsaken
a social duty in order to satisfy her need for privacy and solitude.
She should remember to more frequently consider other people's ideas and feelings, and not to
become too rigid and inflexible. Fellow workers may find her somewhat unemotional, cold and
dispassionate and rather difficult to please. She prefers to remain emotionally free of the other
persons point of view. She is likely to prefer the dialogue which is going on in her head with her
internal critic to participation in “meaningless“ social chit-chat with others. With her original mind,
fine insight and vision, Hannah is seen as an independent and natural thinker.
She needs to know that she is making a unique contribution to the organisation. She is reluctant
to display her emotions to others. She prefers positions of low visibility, with limited participation
in the group or team. Disliking incoherence and valuing intelligence, she can be frustrated and
impatient by those less gifted than herself. She should try to establish whether her ideas are
relevant and not ignore the feedback she might receive.
Decision Making
Hannah can usually get to the heart of any situation and implement an effective solution. Her
natural introversion does not prevent her from making critical and incisive comments with
conviction and presence. She will be swayed by guarantees and case histories. Her decision
making is based on prior reflective, contemplative thought. Hannah learns through exploration,
discussion and by asking searching questions.
She is not usually prepared to commit to high risk decisions. If something does not seem rational,
she runs the risk of dismissing it out of hand, even if it is a critical issue. Hannah's many
accomplishments are achieved mainly through determination and perseverance in reaching or
exceeding her high standards. Every project presents itself as a mental challenge and she
reflects on every stage of decision making. She may be more interested in the challenge of
searching for the solution than seeing the solution put to practical use.
Hannah is self-reliant and is not frightened to take the path of maximum resistance in her efforts
to produce the best results. She may occasionally be slow at coming to a decision, or try to have
a decision reversed, as she has a need to analyse all the available alternatives. She views life as
an intellectual challenge and needs to think things through before deciding. Her quiet demeanour
often allows her to get agreement to her alternative solutions. Making decisions comes logically
to her, although her need for detachment results in colleagues viewing her as rather distant.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Key Strengths & Weaknesses

This section identifies the key strengths which Hannah brings to the organisation. Hannah has
abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the
fundamental gifts she has to offer.

Hannah's key strengths:

● Understands underlying principles.
● Good at undertaking routine tasks.
● A strong work ethic.
● Pays great attention to detail.
● Concentrates for as long as necessary.
● Keeps control in a crisis.
● Usually weighs up all relevant factors before reaching decisions.
● An orderly approach to the task.
● Perfectionist.
● Keen observer.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Key Strengths & Weaknesses

Possible Weaknesses
Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness
is simply an overused strength. Hannah's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these
areas as possible weaknesses.

Hannah's possible weaknesses:

● Dislikes disruptions and sudden change.
● When immersed in a task she may be less receptive to change.
● Occasionally causes delays through her fascination with complexity.
● Can look for flaws and errors in almost everything.
● Occasionally becomes too focused, risking “tunnel vision”.
● Tends to avoid social interaction.
● Can become stubborn under pressure.
● May hurt others with criticism.
● Has difficulty with unstructured tasks.
● Often requires extra time to complete tasks.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Value to the Team

Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which
they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Hannah
brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, Hannah:

● Often questions facts and rebuts false assumptions.
● Can remain single-minded and persistent.
● Provides a fund of factual information, data and statistics.
● Helps ensure that routine tasks get done.
● Helps ensure consistency in team output.
● Adapts in performing her role and responsibilities.
● Has intensive problem-solving capabilities.
● Encourages accuracy and quality.
● Ensures correct procedures are followed.
● Commits to realistic goals.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Effective Communications
Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each
person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies
some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Hannah. Identify the
most important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with Hannah:

● Stick to business at all times.
● Be precise and detailed.
● Organise your thoughts before communicating.
● Be practical and logical.
● Be clear and straightforward.
● Use written communications whenever appropriate.
● Remember her quiet demeanour and ask for her views.
● Be thorough, organised and on time.
● Go prepared to get straight down to business.
● Be consistent.
● Provide facts and figures.
● Be sure that she is ready to communicate before pressing ahead.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Barriers to Effective Communication
Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Hannah. Some of the things to
be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and
mutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with Hannah, DO NOT:

● Indulge in your own flights of fancy.
● Be vague about boundaries.
● Touch her body or her belongings.
● Try to play on her emotions.
● Prevent her from expressing her thoughts.
● Gloss over details.
● Try to persuade her to act against deeply held principles.
● Assume that she does not wish to empathise.
● Substitute rhetoric for accuracy.
● Be immature, childish or silly.
● Use her quiet demeanour to seek to dominate or control.
● Be too loud and hearty.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Possible Blind Spots

Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we
are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less
conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind
Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them
for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

Hannah's possible Blind Spots:

Hannah gives the impression she believes in economy of effort. She must be careful that this is
not seen as, nor leads to, laziness. A rather private nature may prevent Hannah from asking
questions. Encourage her to demonstrate her grasp of new ideas by slowing the pace of the
interaction. She sometimes seems detached from the real world, involved in complex thought.
She would do well to accept that people she respects may want to know what is going on in her
life, and she should realise that the only one who can provide the accurate map is her. Her desire
for correctness tends to perfection. Her thinking rationale may be so acutely honed that she will
overlook what others tend to care about. She has a tendency towards perfectionism which leads
her to refine and polish her ideas to a point where they may even fail to emerge. Hannah prefers
not to confront issues. This may prevent matters from moving to a satisfactory conclusion.
As she can be seen as somewhat cold and uncaring, she needs to become more aware of her
own feelings as well as more considerate of the thoughts and feelings of others. Giving in on
small items decreases the likelihood of her being seen as too stubborn and controlling.
Sometimes rather closed minded, she may believe that someone else's ideas will not work as
well as her own. Hannah may reflect longer than is necessary before undertaking or beginning a
project. Becoming more aware of what is around her and relying more on proven information
may help her root her creative ideas in the real world.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Opposite Type
The description in this section is based on Hannah's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,
we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different
to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal
growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

Hannah's opposite Insights type is the Inspirer, Jung’s “Extraverted Feeling” type.

Inspirers are outgoing and enthusiastic, seeking favourable social environments where they can
develop and maintain contacts. Verbally effusive, they are good at promoting their own ideas.
They can create enthusiasm in others for their cause. They have a wide network of
acquaintances and relationships.

Hannah will notice that the Inspirer tends to misjudge the abilities of self and others. Inspirers
often leap to favourable conclusions without all of the information. To Hannah they may appear
inconsistent. Inspirers find controlling and planning their time difficult. The Inspirer is a smooth
talking persuader and may appear indifferent to people, such as Hannah, who appear to be not
such “extraverted achievers” as themselves. However, Inspirers sometimes take conflict or
rejection personally and bitterly.

Many Inspirers are convinced that they are naturally superior and may come across to Hannah
as somewhat boastful. They will prefer communicating orally rather than through the written word
and may dislike and avoid tasks that require attention to detail or heavy paperwork. Hannah may
perceive Inspirers as shallow or superficial, due to their glib way with words.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Opposite Type
Communication with Hannah's Opposite Type
Written specifically for Hannah, this section suggests some strategies she could use for effective
interaction with someone who is her opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

Hannah Jones: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:
● Omit unnecessary and intricate details.
● Agree exactly what needs to be done.
● Use an easy-going and fun approach.
● Avoid detailed reports, focus on people issues.
● Be alive and entertaining.
● Be personable and give sufficient time to “peripheral” matters.
Hannah Jones: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:
● Expect her to respond favourably if you dictate to her on policy or procedures.
● Be addicted to rules and procedures.
● Delegate routine or boring tasks to her.
● Fail to meet informally to discuss progress.
● Involve her in formal, lengthy or tedious meetings.
● Act aggressively or reject her ideas without explanation.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Suggestions for Development

Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.
However, listed below are some suggestions for Hannah's development. Identify the most
important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a
personal development plan.

Hannah may benefit from:

● Being seen as more attentive, warm, generous, playful and appreciative.
● Consciously fighting the negative “inner voice” that may prevent her from achieving her full
● Taking time out to dream about possibilities.
● Giving time to people with problems.
● Wearing something outrageous to work when it is least expected!
● Being more open about how she is feeling.
● Taking more things at face value.
● Reading motivational books and listening to motivational tapes.
● Trusting her feelings more.
● Recognising that actions based on feelings are as valid as those based on analysis.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Personal Achievement Chapter

At its best, life is a rewarding journey of personal exploration and growth.

This chapter is designed to focus on several highly important aspects of personal development.
Using the guidance suggested in these pages can lead to exciting changes and can have a
profound impact on success.

The sections will help Hannah define her life's purpose, set her goals and organize her time and
life to achieve them. It offers suggestions on how she can tap into her natural creativity, and
unleash further creative potential from deeper aspects of her personality, to overcome any

Finally, it gives powerful suggestions for Hannah to understand and enhance her preferred
learning styles.

When applied, the ideas contained in this profile can provide insights and support to life’s journey
of development.

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Hannah Jones

Living on Purpose
Having a sense of purpose and worthy goals are important to building a strong foundation for a
successful life. Here are some of the things Hannah should be aware of in setting goals and
defining her purpose.

Living on Purpose
Hannah keeps her goals personal rather than sharing them, and tends to prefer the individual,
rather than the team goal. Increasing her knowledge is seen as essential in continually moving
her towards her life purpose. She resists being labelled by others and is engaged in a continual
inner-search to enhance her self-knowledge and self-identity.
One of Hannah's natural abilities, in projects, is to set clear objectives. People may not figure so
significantly in her long-term plans if push comes to shove. Serious, conscientious and loyal,
Hannah is dedicated to her objectives and will look for an environment in which she can be highly
productive. She is a hard task-master when driving herself to new heights. She may have a
tendency to overlook other people's feelings and needs, especially if they differ from her own.
Hannah usually sets a clear action plan in place when considering the best way to achieve her
goals. With little time or space for trivial matters, her life is relevant and specific to matters in
hand. She accepts others' viewpoints, but rarely at the expense of her own. Hannah's analytical
skills allow her to monitor her progress. This puts her in position to adjust strategies as
necessary. In the organisation, it is usually Hannah who keeps people focused on the bottom

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Time and Life Management

Benjamin Franklin said "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is
made of". This section contains some strategies that Hannah can use to become more effective
in the area of time and life management. Choose the most significant ones and apply them every
day for high levels of effectiveness.

In managing her time, Hannah, Suggested Action For Development

Can keep going at a task that is of interest, → Plan regular time out for specific leisure
come what may. activity or quiet time.

Has the self-discipline to stick rigidly to her → Take care to avoid being seen as
plan. unsociable and inflexible.

Is a systematic, orderly planner. → Be careful not to over-plan - get going when


Increases efficiency by being concise and → Recognise that this may appear dry and
incisive in written and verbal impersonal to some.

Prefers to follow her own rules and agenda, → Be continually open to new and different
which keeps her on track. ideas from others - they may add value.

Remains in control in critical situations. → Be aware of the importance of involvement

of the team in taking tough decisions.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Personal Creativity
Creativity has been defined as seeing the same thing as someone else but thinking something
different. Different people have different creative strengths. This section identifies some of
Hannah's creative characteristics and how she can build on them.

In her creativity, Hannah, Suggested Action For Development

Is highly self-reliant. → Seek the expertise and advice of others.

Sometimes surprises others with her artistic → Remove the surprise element by
streak. demonstrating this often.

Sees solitude as an important part of the → Explore some of the benefits of sharing with
thought process. others.

Reflects deeply on her experience and → Share the learning with others.
learns from it.

Is expert at detached and objective thought. → Ask others for their ideas, without

Uses creative thinking to generate ideas. → Schedule periods of regular solitude.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Lifelong Learning
Continual learning is a key part of personal development and growth. This section identifies
several ideas Hannah can use to learn more effectively. Use these statements to map out a
learning strategy and to create the environment for optimum personal growth.

Hannah's preferred learning style is supported when she:

● Has access to, and time for, logical and structured thinking processes.
● Has all the data needed to arrive at the correct answer.
● Is able to tackle complex and challenging problems that have defeated others.
● Knows in advance what the process will be.
● Studies and can apply proven, effective techniques that others have used.
● Can analyse interesting theories and convert them into practical application.
Hannah can stretch in learning by:
● Being more open to the feelings and ideas of others.
● Involving the team members more.
● Mentally framing questions in a positive manner before articulating them.
● Including in her reading ideas on how to motivate people to achieve their personal goals.
● Volunteering to give presentations to groups.
● Getting closer to other people in order to appreciate their input.

Personal Notes

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Hannah Jones

Learning Styles
14 November 2017

Focused Thinking

Detached Analysis Practical Action

Systematic Processing Intuitive Experimentation

Considered Reflection Interactive Participation

Flexible Involvement

Focused Thinking
Practical Action
Intuitive Experimentation
Interactive Participation
Flexible Involvement
Considered Reflection
Systematic Processing
Detached Analysis

Less Comfortable Comfortable Preferred

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Hannah Jones

The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel

Conscious Wheel Position

35: Reforming Observer (Classic)
Less Conscious Wheel Position
35: Reforming Observer (Classic)

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Hannah Jones

The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics

Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)


6 100 6


3 0 3


0 100 0
4.68 2.76 2.44 3.72 3.56 2.28 1.32 3.24
78% 46% 41% 62% 30.8% 59% 38% 22% 54%


Less Conscious

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