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Article appeared Friday, February 16th, 2018 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (513) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

We all live on planet earth. Do we ever ponder over this fact? For example, are there any
benefits of living on planet earth? And can such benefit exist without a design and a purpose? If
we wanted to ponder over these questions, where could we start? For example, do we ever look
at the stars as they appear from planet earth? Are there any thoughts that come to our mind as
we gaze at them? Do any questions arise in our minds?

Do they look beautiful? Are we in awe of their beauty? When we were little, the English poem
The Star written in the 19th century by Jane Taylor (1783-1824) {1} invited us to think about the
stars. The first stanza is given below:
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.” {1}

Did we, or do we wonder about our twinkling stars? While the planets in the Solar System move,
notice that the stars remain relatively fixed. Why do stars happen to be in the sky? Do we
benefit from the fixed positions of the stars? A very important use was the development of
navigation {2} as quoted below:
“Throughout History humans have looked to the sky to navigate the vast oceans, to
decide when to plant their crops and to answer questions of where we came from and
how we got here. It is a discipline that opens our eyes, gives context to our place in the
Universe and that can reshape how we see the world. When Copernicus claimed that
Earth was not the centre of the Universe, it triggered a revolution.” {2}

We will find that it is not just the fixed stars, the seasons created by the revolution of the earth
around the Sun, the phases of the Moon, the rotation of the Earth on its axis all spell out
benefits to human life. The website of the International Astronomical Union {2} goes further
spelling out other numerous benefits that have arisen sometimes even as byproducts from the
study of astronomy. If we wonder about these things, what questions might we come up with?
For example, who is behind the existence of all this? What benefits did the Almighty design for

If we look for answers to these questions in the Holy Scriptures, in particular, the Al-Qur’an, we
“It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty)
and measured out stages for her: that you might know the number of years and the
count (of time). Nowise did God create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) does
He explain His Signs in detail for those who want to know.” [10.5]

Beyond the benefits God also explains His purpose in creating all these objects. What possibly
could in truth and righteousness mean? As an analogy, when we look at a painting for example,
we have an estimate of the quality and skill of the painter. In addition, would the painter have the
right to be known as the painter of the painting? Similarly, when we gaze at the twinkling stars,
does it speak of the Abilities and Qualities of the One who made them? Does He have the right
to be known and acknowledged as the Designer, Originator, Maintainer and Sustainer of all the
systems in the Universe? In addition, since these things benefit humans, does this fact speak of
His Mercy?

So, for those who not ponder over the benefits and blessings given by Him, God asks the
following question in the Al-Qur’an,
21.30 “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined
together (as one unit of Creation) before We separated them? We made from
water every living thing. Will they not then believe?”
Here God is describing the steps of forming the planets – joining all particles together into a big
mass and then separating chunks to make the individual objects. After all these years after
Revelation of the Al-Qur’an Space Science now is in a position to confirm this. The website of
Las Cumbres Observatory {3} explains the formation of the planets.
“The planets in our Solar System are believed to have formed from the same spinning
disc of dust that formed the Sun. This disc, called the solar nebula, was composed
mainly of hydrogen and helium, but also had other elements in smaller proportions. The
nebula had a certain amount of angular momentum orbiting the forming Sun. Particles in
the spinning disc began to clump together as gravity attracted them to each other.”{3}

After formation of the planet earth, we are told that every living object is made from water. The
website Start of Journey {4} explains,
“As we are all aware science has advanced at rapid speed over the years and we now
know that cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell is made up of around 80% water.
Science has discovered that most organisms are made up of 50% – 90% water. We are
also aware that every living thing requires water to survive.” {4}

The next Verse informs us how the continental masses on the surface of the earth are stabilized
by pegs that make the mountains stand firm on the molten core of the earth. The website About
Islam {5} discusses this with scientific references. To understand the level of His Mercy, our
Almighty also points out that He has created passages for travelers to easily cross the ranges.

21.31 “And We have set on the earth mountains standing firm lest it should shake
with them and We have made therein broad highways (mountain passes) for them
to pass through: that they may receive guidance.”
Having scientifically discussed the formation and positioning of fold mountains, the website
“The above-mentioned discussion clearly indicates that one of the basic functions of the
mountains on land is its role in stabilizing continental masses lest these would shake
and jerk, making life virtually impossible on the surface of our planet. This fact is
stressed in ten Qur’anic verses…” {5}

The website adds that this is living proof that the Al-Qur’an is the word of our Creator.
“The precedence of the Holy Qur’an with more than 14 centuries in describing these
phenomena is a clear testimony of the fact that this Noble Book is the word of The
Creator in its divine purity and the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is His final

Despite the fact that these Verses were delivered through the Prophet {5}, he was ridiculed.
“When the Unbelievers see you they treat you not except with ridicule. "Is this" (they
say) "the one who talks of your gods?" And they blaspheme at the mention of the Most
Gracious!” [21.36]

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