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Byron Tene
NAME: _________________________
COURSE: ______________________
DATE: __________________________



positive negative

long form contracted form long form contracted form

can -- cannot can't
could -- could not couldn't
may -- may not --
might -- might not --
ought to -- ought not to oughtn't to
-- -- need not needn't
shall 'll shall not shan't
should 'd -- shouldn't
will 'll will not won't
would 'd would not wouldn't

1.- Fill in all the gaps with "can" or "could", then check your answers.

1. Bob ______________ , but he doesn't have a car. (drive)

2. When she was in school she ______________ farther than anyone else. (jump)

3. I ______________ Bill. (not / understand)

4. He ______________ football well when he was a kid. (play)

5. I ______________ this exercise yesterday. (not / do)

6. Ask Jim, he ______________ you. (help)

7. Some years ago I ______________ ten miles. (run)

8. He had hurt his leg, so he ______________ very well. (not / walk)

9. I ______________ her at her office at the moment. (not / contact)


10. I ______________ Bob on the corner. (see)

2.- Word order. Put these sentences in the right order.

1. people/on the moon/a hundred years ago/walk/could/.

2. women/pilots/be/can/.
3. can't/we/send/emails/.
4. can't/to the sun/astronauts/fly/.
5. a thousand years ago/couldn't/people/write/.
6. can/deep-sea diving/be/very dangerous/.

Write a little composition about your abilities in the present and past. Use can and could










1. He_____be working.

2. She_____be in the school.

3. _____I take this book?


4. _____I listen to the radio?

5. You_____want to go to the cinema.

6. He_____have sold his car.

7. I_____go to the cinema this Saturday.

8. She_____come with us to the party.

9. We_____help you.

10. You_____ask him.

Write a little composition about your possible future. Use may and might (80words)








4.-. Rules in our school. What must you do and what mustn’t you do in our school? Choose must
or mustn’t
Example: You must obey your teacher.
a. You ____________ listen to the teachers.
b. You ____________ eat inside the class.
c. You ____________ bring your mobile telephone to the school.
d. You ____________ ask for permission to go to the toilet.

5.-. Translate into English:

Example: Debes prestar atención en clase. You must pay attention in class.
a. No debes llegar tarde. _________________________
b. ¿Debo coger el autobús? _________________________
c. No debemos tirar basura al suelo. _________________________
d. Debes estudiar todos los días. _________________________

e. Debéis ir a casa antes de las diez. _________________________

f. No debo traer el móvil a clase. _________________________
g. ¿Debemos ayudar a nuestros compañeros? _________________________

6.-. Correct the errors:

Example: They mustn’t to smoke. They mustn’t smoke.
a. He must goes home now. _________________________
b. I mustn’t making noise. _________________________
c. Do I must be quiet? ? _________________________

7.- Fill in the blanks with MUST or MUSTN’T

1. We _______________hurry or we will miss the bus.

2. You _______________eat fruit and vegetables.

3. The baby is sleeping. You _______________shout.

4. You _______________be friendly to everybody.

You _______________walk on the grass.


8. You must / mustn’t listen to your teacher.

9. You must / mustn’t give place to old people.
10. You must / mustn’t be polite.
11. You must / mustn’t fasten your seat belt.
12. You must / mustn’t take notes during the lessons.
13. You must / mustn’t speak loudly in hospitals.

9.- MAKE SENTENCES USING MUST or MUSTN’ T and create a set of rules for you room

1. In my room you must / mustn’t listen to bad music!

2. In my room you must / mustn’t be nice to me!
3. In my room you must / mustn’t shout at me!
4. In my room you must / mustn’t play with me!
5. In my room you must / mustn’t help me with my homework!
6. In my room you must / mustn’t share everything with me!
7. In my room you must / mustn’t use my computer.
8. In my room you must / mustn’t tell the truth only!
9. In my room you must / mustn’t break my stuff!

10.- Exercise. Chose should or shouldn't.

1. You ---should / shouldn't be so selfish.

2. I don't think you ---should / shouldn't smoke so much.

3. You ---should / shouldn't exercise more.

4. I think you ---should / shouldn't try to speak to her.

5. You are overweight. You ---should / shouldn't go on a diet.

11.- English Exercises > sickness exercises > Should or Shouldn´t .Giving advice

Read the sentences. Write should or shouldn´t

1)If it´s rainy you ___________ take an umbrella.

2)Tom ___________ eat so many lollipops. It´s bad for his teeth.

3) a) I___________ drink hot tea if I have a sore throat?

b) Yes, you___________ .

4) They have a test tomorrow. They ___________ go to the cinema . They___________ stay at
home and study!

5) Children ___________ eat lots of vegetables but they eat lots of sweets.

6) I have a party tonight. What ___________ I wear? A dress or a pair of trousers?

7) The doctor said: "_ You ___________ eat healthy food. You___________ eat fast food. You
___________ watch so much
TV. You ___________ walk 1 hour a day. You ___________ drink fruit juice and water. You
___________ drink wine or beer

12.- Look at the pictures . Make sentences giving advice to these people . Use should.

1.- He has a stomachache / earache / headache so He shoud drink hot tea / He should take some
aspirin/ He should put on a band aid

2.- He has a broken leg / earache / stomachache so He should take some medicine / He should drink
a milk shake / He should have a bath.

3.- He has a headache / temperature / cut on his head so he should call the doctor / he should drink
tea with honey / he should wear a plaster

4.-He has a headache / runny / nose earache so he should drink tea with honey and take some
aspirin / he should have a cold shower / he should put on a band aid

5.- He has a broken arm / an earache / a cut so He should wash and put on a band aid / He should
go to the doctor´s / He should take some aspirin

13.- Complete the sentences using the words listed in the box below, Some gaps may have more
than one correct answer.
can / could / have to / must /might / should

1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He ___________be exhausted after such

a long flight. He ___________prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

2. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you ___________

___________walk downtown and explore the waterfront.

3. Hiking the trail to the peak ___________be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic

weather changes. You ___________research the route a little more before you attempt the


4. When you have a small child in the house, you ___________leave small objects lying around.

Such objects ___________be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

5. Dave: ___________you hold your breath for more than a minute?

Nathan: No, I can't.

6. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ___________have cost a fortune.

7. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they


8. I ___________speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we

moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I

knew as a child. Now, I ___________just say a few things in the language.

9. The book is optional. My professor said we ___________read it if we needed extra credit. But

we ___________read it if we don't want to.

10. Leo: Where is the spatula? It ___________be in this drawer but it's not here.

Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer. It ___________be in

there. That's the only other place it ___________be.



Put in have to or has to into the gaps.

Example: I _________ get up early every day.

Answer: I have to get up early every day.

1) They _____________ write a test.

2) She _____________ clean her desk.

3) Ken and Liz _____________ learn English words.

4) Andy _____________ help his brother.

5) We _____________ do our homework.

Put in don't have to or doesn't have to into the gaps.

Example: I ____________ wear a pullover.

Answer: I don't have to wear a pullover.

1) He ____________work in the evening.

2) We____________ go shopping.

3) The friends ____________get up early.

4) Mandy ____________read the instructions.

5) You ____________do the project.

Write a little composition about something is necessary to do in your future as a professional.



some or any - Choose the correct answer.

1) We need some / any bananas.

2) You can't buy some / any posters in this shop.

3) We haven't got some / any oranges at the moment.

4) Peter has bought some / any new books.

5) She always takes some / any sugar with her coffee.

some or any - Choose the correct answer.

1) Have you got some / any tomatoes?

2) There are some / any exercise books on the floor.

3) Did you get the ketchup? No, they hadn't got some / any .

4) You should eat some / any fresh fruit.

5) We had to wait for some / any minutes.

Some, Any
1) Ann has some / any candies.
2) Bill doesn't have some / any money.
3) Sue will give us some / any information.
4) There is some / any milk in the fridge.
5) There isn't some / any beer.
6) There aren't some / any boys in my family.
7) Bill won't give me some / any help.
8) Ann shouldn't smoke some / any cigarettes.


Put in the correct question tags.

Example: Peter works in the shop, _________ ?

Answer: Peter works in the shop, doesn't he?

1) She is collecting stickers,__________ ?

2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, __________ ?

3) You have cleaned your bike, __________ ?

4) John and Max don't like Maths, __________ ?

5) Peter played handball yesterday, __________ ?

A) Which sentence goes with the question tag? PUT AN X

____ A.. Pat and John are from Bristol,
____ B.-Pat and John are not from Bristol,
____ C.- Pat is from Bristol, aren't they?

____ A.-They haven't seen this film,
____ B.-We haven't seen this film,
____ C.- We've seen this film, haven't we?

____ A.-He's your English teacher,
____ B.- I'm your English teacher,
____ C.- You are my English teacher, aren't I?

B) Which sentences are correct? PUT AN X

1) Which sentence is correct?

____ Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, do you?
____Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, will you?
____Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, won't you?

2) Which sentence is correct?

____Let's go swimming, aren't we?

____Let's go swimming, isn't it?

____Let's go swimming, shall we?

3) Which sentence is correct?

______ They used to live in New Orleans, aren't they?
______ They used to live in New Orleans, didn't they?
______ They used to live in New Orleans, don't they?

C) Choose the correct question tag.

1) She didn't come to the shop, did she? / didn't she?

2) Open the window, don't you? / will you?

Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland,_________________________________?

2. The car isn't in the garage, _________________________________?
3. You are John, _________________________________?
4. She went to the library yesterday, _________________________________?
5. He didn't recognize me, _________________________________?
6. Cars pollute the environment, _________________________________?
7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, _________________________________?
8. The trip is very expensive, _________________________________?
9. He won't tell her, _________________________________?
10. Hugh had a red car, _________________________________?

Put a question tag on the end of each sentence. (The first sentence is given as an example.)

1. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in Keystone,

2. The rock was a sacred Indian site once, ________________________________?
3. It has been a national memorial since 1925, ________________________________?
4. The monument doesn’t show the bust of President Clinton,

5. George Washington was the first President of the United States,


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