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Resume format for mba fresher

For anyone who is fresh out of school or college and is looking to enter the job
market, it could be an intimidating task; learning how to write a resume. It is natural
to feel trepidation of the task at hand, particularly because one has no actual work
experience to speak about at this stage. All the free sample resumes that are available
online seem to speak about the chronology of past jobs and functional resumes that
frankly don't make a lot of sense to a fresher!

So what should one put into a resume when one is a fresher? When people have little
or no work experience what should they put in their resumes. When talking about
examples of resumes of people with no work experience, what can they say? Here are
some dos and don'ts of how to write a resume when you have no job experience:

1. If you have never done this before take help from a website that offers free sample
resumes. This will give you an idea of what it should look like, the format, layout etc.

2. Collate all your contact information and make sure it is fully accurate and up to
date. If your main email address is frivolous sounding ( is
hardly going to create a good or professional impression) then change it pronto.
Create a new address that is more relevant to your identity and name if possible.

3. In a few sentences explain personal traits or qualities that are desirable or are
special or job appropriate in any way. Positive personality traits like good people
skills (this could help get a human resources related position) or good marketing skills
(may be useful if you are applying for sales or marketing jobs), a cheerful disposition
(if applying for a front desk sort of job that involves interaction with customers) can
also be mentioned.

4. If you don't have any work experience then do not bluff or lie or create false details.
Even if you don't get caught out, you will have started out on your professional life
with a lie which is neither honest nor desirable.

5. Mention vacation jobs if any; their duration and the kind of position you held.
Mention highlights if there are any worth mentioning.

6. Mention your qualifications such as educational background, majors and any other
skills you may have. Any academic achievements may not be out of place to mention
in the resume. Any school or college projects of significance where performance or
contribution above average can be mentioned.

7. Other skills that have been learnt can be mentioned. Volunteer work that has been
done, roles that one has assumed in the community such as the church, school
committees or youth groups can also be mentioned. Anything that displays leadership
qualities or managerial abilities can be mentioned.

8. Don't ramble and add extraneous or irrelevant details. Keep it short (must fit in a
page or less) and pertinent to the job that you are applying for.
9. Don't use pink paper, or scented stationery of fancy fonts. Those are only amusing
in movies.

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