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A. Background
We can not disagree that every people in this earth, have heard about internet. The network
that connecting a computer another in all the world. We can search much information from it.
Every side of education can we get through internet. Education about politic, economy,
social, culture, even religion, we can download it easily from internet. The science that found
in 1970, make world so small. Even, from map server provider we can know the condition of
our home from sky, it is really nice science development.
But behind that nice development, there is much negative effect through internet sites. For
example deception, robbing, bully, humiliation about SARA, until pornography. Now,
pornography more glow with much package, and the sacrifice did not see the age, from
children that nota bene still “empty”, adolescents that still looking for who they are, until
adult people who have knew where is the bad and good, and become guidance for childrens
and adolescents. And the result, the moral of the country is in the hornpoint.

B. Problem Statement
1. What is “Adolescents” and “Pornography in Internet” ?
2. What is the effect of pornography in internet for adolescents?
3. How to against the negative effect of pornography in internet for adolescents?

C. The Purpose of Writing

The purpose of this paper is:
1. Complete the task of English subject.
2. To give the steps to prevent the bad effect from pornography through internet to


A. “Adolescents” and “Pornography in Internet”

In this paper the “Adolescents” and “Pornography in Internet” terms always talks, so, we
need to know about the terms.

1. Pornography in Internet
In its original meaning, pornography literally means "writing about prostitutes", from the
classical Greek word roots. This word comes from the Greek term for the people who
recorded "pornoai", or the famous prostitutes or who have certain skills of ancient Greece. In
modern times, the term is taken by social scientists to describe the work of people like
Nicholas Restif and William Acton, who in the 18th century and 19th published treatises
studying prostitution and submit proposals to regulate them. This term is still used with this
meaning in the Oxford Dictionary Home until 1905.
Later the term used for the publication of all things of a sexual nature, particularly those
considered low tasteful or not immoral, if the manufacture, preparation or consumption of
such materials are intended only to arouse sexual excitement. Now, the term is used to refer
to sexually all kinds of written or graphic material. The term "pornography" is often a
negative connotation and artistic merit are low, compared with erotica that is more
respectable. Euphemistically terms such as adult movies and adult videos are usually
preferred by the circles that produce these materials.
Based on Pornography Act RI, pornography is sexual material made by humans in the form
of drawings, sketches, illustrations, photographs, text, sound, sound, moving pictures,
animation, cartoons, poems, conversations, gestures, or other forms of communication
messages through various forms of communication media and / or performing in public,
which can arouse sexual desire and / or violate the values of decency in society.
With the advent of the internet, pornography became more easily available. Most of the
entrepreneurs are the most successful internet entrepreneurs are those who operate
pornographic sites on the Internet. Similarly, conventional photos or videos of porn, some
video game entertainment site "interactive". Due to international nature, the Internet provides
an easy means to consumers who live in countries where the existence of pornography is
prohibited by the law altogether, or at least those who do not need to show proof of age, can
easily obtain such materials from countries Other countries where pornography is not illegal
or result in lawsuits. See internet pornography.
Since the late 1990s, the "porn from society to society" seems to have become a new trend.
Digital cameras are cheaper, more powerful software and easy to use, and easy access to
sources of pornographic material has enabled individuals to make and distribute pornographic
materials made or modified by a very low cost and even free .
On the Internet, pornography is sometimes referred seagai pr0n is a play on the p0rn - porn
written with zero. One theory about the origins of this spelling is that this is a tactic used to
circumvent the filter text in the programs of short messages or chat room. According to
Google, every day occurred 68 million searches using the word "porn" or its variations.
Most countries try to limit the access of children under the age of pornographic materials
weight, for example by limiting its availability only in adult book stores, only through the
mail order, through the television channels which can be limited to parents, etc.. Porn shops
usually restrict the age of people who go in there, or sometimes items that are presented are
covered partially or totally plastered. Which is more prevalent again, the spread of
pornography to children under age is illegal. But many of these efforts proved unable to limit
the availability of pornography as a fairly open access to Internet pornography.
A research suggests more and more children and adolescents who view online pornography.
Most of them see it without accidentally salacious content.
Research conducted by researchers from the University of New Hampshire reported 42
percent of Internet users aged 10 to 17 years claimed to have seen pornography online.
However, 66 percent of respondents who view pornography admitted to do so by accident. In
this research, pornography is defined as images of naked people or who are having sex.
Emily Duhovny, teens 17 years editor of the reproductive health website for teenagers, says
pornography has become a common thing when someone uses the Internet. Nevertheless, the
editor said online pornography is not a healthy way of sex education. Similarly,
AP Medical, cited detik.NET Tuesday (02/06/2007).
Research carried out between March to June 2005. Most of the children who reported seeing
the pictures forbidden between the ages of 13-17. But this does not mean children aged 10
and 11 years of escape from it. Some 17 percent of boys and 16 percent of girls 10-11 years
also saw online pornography.
More than a third of boys aged 16 and 17 years who surveyed said that they deliberately visit
a site-esek esek. Conversely, in girls that figure reached only 8 percent.
Overall, 34 percent of respondents admitted to not wanting impressions online pornography.
This figure increased from 25 percent in 2005.
Source of 'pornography accidentally' primary for children is a file sharing program. However,
exposure to pornography is also experienced by children via the 'normal' such as e-mail, chat,
or online gaming.
University of Chicago psychiatrist Sharon Hirsch said exposure online pornography is feared
to make the kids behave sexually active before their time. "They're not yet emotionally ready
to see it, this will make the trauma," said Hirsch.
Janis Wolak, Chairman of the team of writers and researchers from the University of New
Hampshire, express delivery of pornography could give the wrong perception of children
about healthy sexual relationships. He said further studies on the effects of pornography on
children needs to be done.
Chairman of the Film Advisory Agency (IBRA), Dedy Mizwar suggested it was time to
Indonesia to block porn sites such as those being conducted by the PRC government should
issue a very large cost. "China is against the blogs porn site with a very large cost, although it
has not entirely," said Dedy to KR, recently. He argues, according to available data the
number of porn sites in the world there are about 4.2 million. While entering the tens of
thousands of new Indonesian porn site.

2. Adolescent
The definition of youth is very much, but in general, teenagers are human time teens. In
human adolescence can not be called an adult but can not also called a child. Adolescence is
the transition people from child to adult. Teenage is a time of transition between childhood
and adulthood that runs between the age of 12 years to 21 years.
Teenagers are young people who, of course, as future leaders. When a teenager can get
through this with success (not affected by a bad neighborhood), then certainly the potential
for future success also becoming big. Conversely, if an adolescent fails to get through this
well, then its destruction in the future will always haunt him. So that every teen always need
protection, guidance and encouragement to develop in a positive direction.
B. Impact of Pornography on the Internet for Youth

Besides a positive impact on human needs, of course, the Internet also can be a bad influence,
especially teenagers. Easily access the various sites of blue, also significantly affect the
morality of our youth. Speaking of pornography, the current Internet access providers can be
regarded as pornography fastest and easy to obtain. There are thousands of porn sites that are
accessible by all circles. The impact, would have probably not spelled out. Pornography sites
rape is considered as a trigger action. Ironically again, such actions often acted by children
under age. That new
Pornography on the Internet does give a lot of negative impacts, such as the trigger of the
action of rape. In addition, pornography on the Internet also can provide a negative impact as

1. Sexual Harassment
After viewing pornography, usually the last person to find a way to vent his sexual urge.
Adolescents are individuals who are particularly vulnerable to sexual harassment, especially
in Indonesia alone sex education for teens for most parents still taboo given. The result
adolescents often become victims of sexual outlet by the people around him especially close
to him.
Millions of Indonesia's young generation actively taking these vulgar images. From initially
just wanted to kill the sense of curiosity, over time become addicted, even began to emerge
the desire to perform.
Michigan police detective Darrel Pope uncover the truth; than 38,000 sexual crimes in
Michigan (1956-1979), 41% of them happened to watch pornographic material right before
the crime was committed. Psychotherapy David Scott found that "half the rapists use
pornography to get them aroused just before they find their victims."
2. Difficult concentration
How can the concentration that you have in mind teenagers are dirty thoughts. Not to mention
if the child has not been understood so that there is in the teenage brain is a variety of
questions about the pornographic scenes or impressions he had just seen. A danger again,
when it's embedded in the brain it will be very difficult to remove. Why? because sex is a
basic human need. teenagers who have found enjoyment of sex before his time and deeply
embedded in his mind it would be difficult to remove. Though his future is still long, still a
lot of concentration needed in his life.

3. Not confident
Teenagers can be so insecure, why? Because the frames that he saw the proliferation of
pornography or even a paradigmatic one of the surrounding environment. "If you want
beautiful and have many friends, it must be dressed in an open, if closed, aka not dress sexy,
it's not slang." Until the new teen finds his self-confidence when scantily clad and open.

4. Pornography Addiction
From CBS news, at any given time there are up to 30,000 people who enjoy pornography on
the internet. Of all who view pornography, four people also claim that they are addicted.
Sexual stimulation from watching pornography is releasing dopamine, which creates a kind
of dopamine "high" which can make the addiction. Until finally there is always a desire to
enjoy ponografi and seek a more exciting pornography.

5. Sully Human Dignity As a Moral Being of God

Spiritually and theologically it can be said that the pornography would damage the dignity of
man as the image of the Creator / Creator who created man by virtue of sexuality as a tool for
continuing generations of humans from time to time with a healthy and respectable.
In Islam, women are required to cover the entire body, and only allowed to show the face and
both hands. They had to show the beauty of their bodies to their husbands. Really beautiful
and noble, far different from animal behavior the women who are willing to show off the
beauty of her body to be seen by male philanderer.

6. Bring Forth the Wrong Paradigm

As a result of seeing the shows that smelled of porn, the teens can paradigmatic as follows:
- Sex is the proof of one's love to the opposite sex, when it has not had sex, then it was a sign
not of love. Yet in essence, when there are opposite sex couples who requested sex in pre-
illegitimate, then his love would be questioned.
- Wedding formal and have a family is not an attractive option, because free sex is good
because it can be mutually couples as they pleased. And free sex cause a high risk of AIDS
and can result in death.
Sixth impact of pornography on the Internet that has been mentioned only small negative
impact of pornography existing. In general, such that the impact of pornography on young
people, really scary and alarming.

C. Preventing the negative effects of pornography on the internet on teenagers

Based on the above description, it can be concluded that pornography is very bad impact to
human life. So could not another, there must be a joint effort the whole community against
pornography so as not to plunge us further and further to the denial of our nature as human
beings will be endowed by the Creator of all things, including sexuality for duty and noble
purpose, namely to create a sustainable human generation to the circumstances sound mind,
body and soul.
Pornography must destroy human life in general, now and in the future. So it will need a
concerted effort to efficiently fight against pornography.
Here are some steps to prevent the negative impact of the Internet, especially for adolescents:

1. Maximizing the role of family

We all know that family is the person closest to the teenager, from their families grow and
gain early lessons about life, so here it is very important to really maximize the role of the
family to prevent the effects of pornography through the Internet, especially to teenagers.
Some tips for the family as follows:
1. The role of parents as a companion is needed. Condition that go into the negative site
(content porn / violence) is something that is taboo, so the use of computers should be open
and parents should be able to see.
2. Put the computer in the family room or common room that is often bypassed in order
to continue to monitor children's activity while accessing the internet (preferably not in the
child's bedroom.)
3. Determine time online together. Parents and children sit together at the computer,
discuss the various information from the Internet.
4. Limitation of time browsing. Familiarize children to be bound by discipline of time
using the Internet. Avoid the child sitting in front of the computer till late at night.
5. Communicate the benefits of positive and negative internet to the child clearly.
Explain, the Internet is the most practical information media and the infinite. However, there
are several parties who use the Internet for purposes that are not good.
6. Provide practical tips to avoid those who want to take unilateral advantage of Internet
users. For example, by not giving personal data, do not give a phone number and address and
do not provide photos to anyone who is not known.
7. Using local internet protection software. This step is a simple and efficient steps to
prevent your children from the negative influence of the internet, including from the local
site. This protection service providers will filter all types of information or images from your
child's computer screen.
8. If a child shows an unnatural behavior, immediately discuss it with them. Find out,
whether the Internet is the cause.
9. Emphasize to children that socializing with the surrounding environment, not least
with fun surf all day.
10. Of no less importance is to provide religious education in the family. Religion is a
very powerful filter when really ingrained in every person.

2. Self-control to information related to pornography

It could be argued that this is a reflection of what is gained by the child from his family.
When the family managed to instill a minimum seerti the steps above, then certainly by the
teen's self pengndalian would present itself and become the most powerful shield in the stem

3. Supporting Regulations issued by the government in blocking porn sites

Government through the Ministry of Communications and Information (Depkominfo)
attempt to block sites that contain pornographic material and negative smells. Through its
specialized agencies blocking sites that apply from 1 April.
The government's move this one was proven to not playing games since before stopping all
circulation of negative sites, Depkominfo also been handed a draft Act on Electronic
Transaction Information (ITE), which has now been passed into law by Parliament. Broadly
speaking, this law contains several terms associated with the Internet.
Act which was passed on March 25, 2008 was also set actions that violate the law, the
following sanctions or penalties given to offenders. With the enactment of this Act, the maker
porn site-ketir ketar deserve.
Therefore, the government automatically has the legal power to menagkis all sites vulgar. No
half-hearted, the government could reward the perpetrators with a six-year prison sentence
and a fine of Rp. 1 billion.
Moreover, recently the government passed a course Pornography Act also provides strict
prohibitions and sanctions against the nation's moral destruction through pornography.
The government's efforts to save the morals of the nation from the devastation of
pornography would be useless when the active participation of communities do not
participate, because after all the communities who become perpetrators as well as
pornographic newspaper.


From the description that i pointed out above, it can be concluded that pornography is
circulated through the Internet really threaten the existence of youth as future leaders in the
future. Hence, the awareness of the dangers of pornography should be embedded in the minds
of all elements of society, to the prevention of the effects of pornography, especially through
the Internet, can always be done to save this nation's moral Indonesia.

To the readers to be able to apply what is gained from this paper, because why we learn
something if we don practice it in our life. Listening is not the same as seeing, and seeing not
the same as doing. Anything as beautiful teachings would be useless if not done. Once again
we expect suggestions from readers, so that the future would be, we can make work better.

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