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1. Simply 2- x 16 ¾ x 2o
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.1/2
2. Evaluate 16 ¾ - 8 1/3
64 2/3
A.1/64 B.1/8 C. ¼ D. ½
3. Evaluate 81 – ¼ x 36 ½ x10 o
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.20
4. The Expression (33/8) – 2/3 is equal to
A. 4/9 B. 2/3 C.3/2 D. 9/4
5. Express 3. 50 in Standard form
A. 1.4 X1 0-3 B. 1.4 X 102 C.1.4 X 103 D. 1.4 X 104
6. The Product of 0.0022and 0.071 expressed in standard form is
A. 3.74 X 10-3 B. 3.74 X 10-4 C. 3.74 X 10-5 D. 3.74 X 10-6
7. Evaluate 0.0035 , leaving your answer in standard form.
A. 1.67 X 10- 3 B. 1.67 X 10-2 C. 1.67 X10-1 D. 1.67 X 102
8. Evaluate log3 27 + log3 6 – log3 45
A. 0 B. log 3 2 C. 1/3 D. 1
9. The number whose logarithm is 2 .9030 is
A. 0.06 B. 0.006 C.0.008 D. 0.08
10. If a =x1/n, log a x n is
A. n2 B. n C. n-1 D. n -2
11. The number 327, 036 was connected to 327,000 which of the following can
exactly describe the degree of approximation used?
i. To 3.s.f ii. To sf.s.f iii. To 5.s.f iv. To 2s.f
A. 1 and 11 B. 1and 111 C. 111 only D. 111 and iv
12. Correct 610 to 1s.f
A. B. C. D.
13. Correct 29 to 1s.f
A. B. C. D.
14. Correct 6. 01235 to 4 Decimal Places
A. 0.0132 B. 0.0124 C. 0.0123 D. 0.012
15. Write 0. 045 in standard form
A. 4.5 X 102 B. 4.5 X 10– 3 C. 4.5X10–2 D.0.45 X 10-3
16. 1. 4235 + 2. 6137=
A. 0.0372 B. 4.0372 C. 1.0372 D. 3. 0372
17. 1. 4235 + 2.6137 =
A. 2.0327 B.0.0372 C. 2.0372 D.1.0372
18. 2. 7831 – 1.9256=
A. 2.8575 B. 2.8575 C.4.8575 D.0.8575
19. Find the number whose logarithm is 2. 3724
A. 2.357 X 102 B. 2.357 X101 C. 0.3724 D. 237
20. Find the number whose logarithm is 1. 0822
A.1.209 X 10-2 B. 1.209 X10-1 C. 0.109 X10-2 D. 0. 109 X10-1
21. Evaluate 0.0741÷23.82 and correct it to 3 s.f
A. 0.03111 B. 0.3111 C. 0.00311 D. 0.03111
22. 1. 7821= A. 1.9274 B. C. D.
23. 7. 2132= A. B.3.7377 C. D.
24. Logarithms cannot be used for addition or subtraction. True/ False
25. Open expression that involves addition and Subtraction cannot be done in
one operation using logarithm True / False
26. If there is limit to sequence, the summation gives a
A. finite series B. Infinite series C. Fibonacci series D. Geometric
27. A sequence in which these is a common difference, d between consecutive
terms is called. A. Fibonacci B. Geometric progression C. Arithmetic
Progression D. None of the above
28. The 7th term of am tn, is A. Tn= 2n2+3 B. Tn= a+ 2d C. Tn =a+ (n-1) d = 32+ 2/n
29. The 8th term of an A.P -4,-2,0……is A. 12 B. 10 C.-10 D.8
30. The 23 term of the sequence 4,7,10,………is A. 67 B. 70 C.73 D.92

31. The 11th term of the A.P 15, 9 , 3,….is A. 75 B. 51 C. -45 D.- 51
32. The common difference in the following 7,11,15,19……is A.4 B.3 C. 4 D. -3
33. Two or more arithmetic means may be between inserted between any 2
given numbers to form an A.P of A. m+3 terms B. m+2 term C. m-1terms D.
1a. The first of an A.P Is – 1 and the common difference is 0.5 The 6th term is A.
0.5 B.1.0 C.1.5 D.2.5
b. The sum of the first 1000terms of series 1+3+5+………………………………
2a. Find the p and q in the arithmetic progression – 12, p, q, 18…………………
b. The 5th and 10th term of an A.P are 0 and 10 respectively find the 20th term
of the A.P
3a. The 2nd and 9th terms of an A.P are 291 and 328 respectively find the 7th
term of the A.P
b. How many terms will sum to 351 in 3+7+11+……………………………………
4a. Evaluate 9-1/2 x 81/3/4
i. 163/4 – 8 1/3
64 2/3

ii. 16-1/2
64 2/3
iii. 81-1/4 x 36 ½ x 10o
b. Change the following to base10 and Evaluate
i. Log 17 ii log 20 iii.log 15 iv. log 82 v. log 5 73 vi log 6 23
7 8 3 4 5 log 9 42
5. Evaluate using log tables
a. (0.8233)4 x 7.152 ii 0.2463 x(0.1721)2
69.021 0.7621
Bi 3 0.0326 ii. (0.7401)4
1. Simply (13/4 – 2/3) x 2 2/5 A. 1 1/12 B. 1 3/10 `C. 2 ¾ D. 5 4/ 5
2. Find the product of LCM and HCF of 3 and 15 A. 15 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60
3 Find the HCF of 18 ,24 and 30 A. 6 B.5 C. 4 D. 3
4. Express 0.25 as a fraction A. 25/31 B.5/11 C. 25/61 D. 1/4
5. Express 0.000007 in standard form A. 7x10 6 B.7x 10-5 C. 7x 10-6 D. 7x 10 5

6. Express 546 . 523 in standard form A. 5.4652x10-2 B.5.4652x102

C. 5.4652x105 D. 5.4652x105

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