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This script is for the Chair to use for their information. It is not intended to be distributed
as an agenda to the members or officers. This is for regular membership meetings and
not conventions. If, as the chair, you will fill in and print (recommended in big type and
placed in hard bound folder for easy use) this script for your organization, then you will
have a tool that will help to make your meeting go faster and smoother. Information in
green and blue can be deleted for easier reading during meeting.
Suggestions for Chair: Visit site for meeting early, set up with Flag (US Flag to Left of
Podium) and microphone if needed so that all may have the best view possible. Make
sure all outside distraction are to a minimum. Welcome members as they come in.
Always start on time.
The Chair always speaks in third person and refers to themselves as the Chair.
Each meeting fill in blanks appropriately for your organization so that you will not forget
names, motions, etc. when presiding over meeting.

Chair stands.
Call to Order
The presiding officer, after determining that a quorum is present, rises, waits or signals
for quiet, with one tap of gavel and says: The meeting of _name of your organization_
will come to order.

Opening Ceremonies (optional religious, patriotic, etc. exercises)

Please rise and remain standing for the invocation, which will be given by _ name_ and
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, which will be lead
by _name_. If all are given, the invocation, the national anthem, and the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America are given in that order.
Chair sits.

Chair stands.
Introduction of guest:
The chair would like to welcome…
Roll Call (if customary)
_Name of Secretary_, secretary will call the roll.
The Chair sits.

Chair stands.
Reading and Approval of the Minutes.
_Name of secretary_, secretary will read the minutes. Chair sits. Except in the smallest
of meetings, the secretary stands to read the minutes. Chair stands.
Are there corrections to the minutes? (Pause) If there are no corrections, the minutes are
approved as read. With corrections, the chair says: If there are no objections, the
secretary will make the correction(s)…If there are no further corrections, the minutes are
approved as corrected.
If minutes are suspended from previous meeting they must be approved at this meeting.
The secretary _name of secretary_ shall read correspondence.
Chair sits.

Chair Stands.
The treasurer _name of Treasurer_ will now report. Chairs sits. Treasurer gives report at
podium. Chair stands.
Are there any questions?
A treasurer’s report is never adopted. An auditor’s report, usually made annually, is
The question is on the adoption of the auditor’s report. As many as are in favor say
‘Aye’. (Pause) those opposed, say ‘No’. The ayes have it and the auditor’s report is


The next business in order is hearing reports of the officers, boards, and standing
committees. Officers and standing committees are called on in order they are listed in the
bylaws. The chair usually calls on only those who have reports to make. Call officers
and Committee chairs before the meeting to see if the will have a report; it makes the
meeting go much faster.
Report of Officers
The first report to be given will be the President’s report. I have completed the following
obligations for the organization since the last meeting: The chair lists the things they
have done in behalf of the organization.
_Name of officer_, _name of office_ will now report. Chair sits. Reporting officer should
not make a motion at this time, but another member may if it business of the office.
Repeat until all officers wishing to report have.

Chair stands.
Report of the Executive Board
_Name of member _ will give the Board report.
Chair sits.
The secretary or other reporting member of a board reports for the board. Only business
from the board is to be reported, NOT the minutes from the last meeting. Member:
By direction of the board I move the adoption of the motion to _state motion_ A second
to the motion is not needed if it comes from the board or a committee of more than one.
Chair Stands.
The question is on the adoption of _motion_. Are you ready for the question? The
member reporting then reports as first speaker, the recommendations and supporting
comments to the motion from the board.
Are you now ready for the question? All in favor say ‘Aye’. Those opposed say ‘No’.
Ayes (or Nos) have it and the motion to _repeat motion_ passes/fails.
Repeat until all business of board is finished.

Report of Standing Committees (announced only if committee has a report) reported

in the order they were appointed.
The next order of business in order is hearing reports of standing committees. _Name of
committee chair_ will now report on _name of committee_. Chair sits. The member
reporting on the committee can make a motion for that committee at this time. If it is a
committee of more than one a second is not necessary. Chairs stands.
The motion is on _state motion by member_. Are you ready for the question? All in
favor say ‘Aye’ those opposed say ‘No’. The Ayes (or Nos) have it and the motion to
_repeat motion_ passes/fails.

Reports of Special Committees (announced only if committee has a report)

The next business in order is hearing reports of special committees. _Name of member
reporting will report for the committee appointed to name of committee. Chair sits.
Special committees are called on in the order in which they were appointed.
The reporting member (usually the chairman) says:
On behalf of the committee, I move the adoption of the motion to… The member
reporting on the committee can make a motion for that committee. If it is a committee of
more than one a second is not necessary. Chairs stands.
The motion is on _state motion by member_. Are you ready for the question? All in
favor say ‘Aye’ those opposed say ‘No’. The Ayes (or Nos) have it and the motion to
_repeat motion_ passes/fails.

Special Order (announced only if there are special orders)

The next business in order is the consideration of special orders. At the previous
meeting, the motion repeat motion as postponed to this meeting and made special order.
The question is on the motion repeat motion, are you ready for the question?

Unfinished Business and General Orders (announced only if there is unfinished

business or general orders)
This is one of the most misused orders of business, this is NOT unfinished committee
reports or “old business”; it is motions that were not dispensed of at the last meeting. It
is very doubtful that your organization will ever use unfinished business.
Any questions previously introduced and not finished or any postponed to the present
meeting are under this heading.
The first item of business is the motion relating to…that was pending when the previous
meeting was adjourned. The question is on the adoption of the motion that…Are you
read for the question?

New Business
Is there any new business?
This is for any new motions, not announcements. To make it clear to membership you
can say “is there any new motions to come before the membership?”
You should list motions that you know will be made and then mark them off when made,
so that you don’t forget any or that you can remind someone you know that hasn’t made a
motion that you know they intend too.
The chair has the following announcement(s): List announcements that you know of so
you are ready to announce them..
Are there other announcements?

The chair does not “turn the meeting over” but announces;
The program committee will now present the program or introduce our speaker.

Is there any further business? (Pause) If there is no further business no motion to adjourn
is needed. Since there is no further business, the meeting is adjourned. If a motion to
adjourn is made and adopted, the chair would declare the meeting adjourned. A single
rap of the gavel may be used.
This meeting is adjourned.

This script was prepared by Karen Meador, RP from

information in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised

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