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The Colonnade The Woman's College of Georgia October 30, 1964


Volume 40 No. 3

'Bright Girl' Opens Here Nov. 5

After weeks of long and areas.: The cast has been WCG senior. Publicity
careful preparation, Col- in rehearsal for more than Manager is Joan Leslie.
lege Theatre's cast and five weeks, and the pub- Cynthia Marsh is in charge
crew are putting the final licity, prop, scenery, light, or properties for the pro-
touches on their fall pro- costume, and make - up duction; Rebecca Wind,
duction. Bright Girl, to be crews are becoming busier scenery; Janice Higgin-
presented in Russell Audi- and^busier as opening night botham, lights;Clara Lupo,
torium Thursday and Fri- approaches. costumes; and Pat Brown,
day, November 5 and 6. The production is direct- make - up.
Next week's presentation ed by James Maloon of the The play is set in an ex-
will display the results of Department of English and clusive girls* school, and
some intensive work done Speech. His Assistant Di- deals with the violent clash
in a number of different rector is Doris Parrish, of wills which occurs when
a new student, the "brights
girl" of the title, takes it
Fall Dance Tickets On Sale upon herself to plot dras-
tic vengeance against the
thoughtless cruelty of her
The Fall Dance will be Tickets, $1.50 per couple, classmates. The outcome
held Saturday, November ^ and $.75 stag, are on sale of. the plot throws the
College Theatre puts finishing touches on Fall Production. 7, in the gymnasium, from 'in the Student Union from whole school into crisis,
8:00 until 12:00 p.m. with 9:30 - 11:00, 12:00 - 1:00, arid brings to the fore
music by the Gem Tones. and again each night. Motel a number of themes which
The Recreation Associa-
Freshmen Elect Song Leoders tion plans this annual event
as a contribution to the
rates in Milledgeville will should make the pre-
be lowered for the benefit sent production a lively and
The climax of several their sponsor. of out - of - town guests. exciting one: conformity
scholarship fund jointly Dromitory closing hours verses non - conformity,
days hard practice came Now that the freshmen sponsored by REC, Y, and
for seven girls when Cher- have their sponsor and song will be extended until 12:30 sensitivity versus insen-
CGA. p.m. also.
yl Wade was elected song leader, they are all set to sitivity, and the larger pro-/
leader of the Freshman, begin working on Slipper. blem of getting along with
class. Betty Brown was others and with oneself.
named alternate. Freshmen Hold Curtain time will be 8:15.
The seven girls appeared
before a combined Fresh- Library Changes Regulations Tickets may be ordered by
Dorm Elections writing Box 799, WCG, or
may be purchased either at
man-Junior meeting Tues-
day night, October 27, to In order to help students day date. No materials the Student Union or at the
battle for the title. The return library materials will be checked out for a The Freshman Dorms door before each perform-
contenders were as fol- on time, and to make them period of less than two elected officers for the ance. The student price for
lows: Cheryl Wade, Bet- available to more read- weeks. For example, books 1964 - 65 House Council tickets is fifty cents (for
ty Brown, Mary (Mac) Mo- ers, the Library announc- checked out on Thursday, Wednesday, October 21. others, the price is seventy-
ore, Beth Burnham, Jane es a change in circula- November 5 will be Terrell Proper and A chose five cents).
Taylor, Beth Thornton, and tion regulations on a trial stamped due on Wednesday, Barbara Alexander as
Mary Copeland. basis. November 25. Under this President; Denece Pryor,
Dr. Lounsbury, intro- All books and record- plan, books should be Vice - President; Joyce SNEA Meets,
duced by Judy Welchel, was ings may be checked out checked on at least once a McCorkle, Secretary;
elected by the members of on any day, but will be week and those no longer Cheryl Wade, Treasurer; Names Guest
the Freshman class as stamped with a Wednes- needed returned to the lib- Jo Nobles, Chairman of
rary. The grace period will Floor Leaders, and Betty The first Student National
be extended to four days. Bower, Representative to Education Association
Delegation Attends College All books should be r e -
turned before Wednesday,
Honor Council. meeting of this year, held
Terrell B & C and Bell on October 15 at 6:45, be-
the date due, if they are no Annex elected Sherry Zei- gan with ice cream and folk
Government's Convention longer needed. This new
arrangement will get them
glar for their President; songs. Two freshmen, Sal-
Lila Osmundsen, V i c e - ly Newton and Lynn Garxi^^^^
D. Lawter (Dean of Stu- back in circulation and also President; Sheryl God- gan, were guest entertain-"'
Dean Julia S. deColigny, boult. Secretary; Mary Ann ers and led the singing.
Dr. Poindexter, and Cindy dents at Wesleyan Col- allow the library staff to
lege) are on the advisory handle the volume of busi- Hutchinson, Treasurer; Following the singing. Dr.
King attended the South- Judy Long, Chairman of Lounsbury gave an inter-
ern Intercollegiate Asso- board for the programs. ness more efficienty.
Floor Leaders; Ginger esting talk, on what SNEA
ciation of Student Govern- Copeland, Representative means and on the oppor-
ments convention at Emory
and Henry College in Em-
ory, Virginia, October 23-
WC Alma Mater to Honor Council. tunity to grow with the or-
Floor leaders were elect- ganization and to build fur-
25. The S. I. A. S. C , the Last year a new alma mater was presented to the Wo- ed in the freshman dorms ther interests on it. After
oldest association for stu- man's College. The words, written by Margaret Mead- on Monday, October 26. the program and business
dent governments, will cel- ows, and the music, arranged by Ruth Sandiford, have Those chosen to represent were completed, apples and
ebrate its Golden Anniver- become a part of the lives of most students. In order their halls in Terrell Pro- more ice cream were given
sary in March 1965. The to further acquaint the student body with this new song per andAwereElaineHew- to the students.
recent convention was a and to introduce the second verse, the Colonnade is print- ell, Cynthia Amann, Julie Mrs. Thelma Davis, Na-
preplanning session to or- ing the alma mater in its entirety. Epps, Glenda Lee, Carol tional President of the De-
ganize' the assembly next Robertson, Doris Cason, partment of Classroom
spring. Cindy King is the Lynn McKinster. Teachers, will be the guest
Alma Mater, Teacher, friend. The Floor leaders in Ter- speaker at the SNEA meet-
current President of the S. Counselor wise and strong,
I. A. S. G. rell B & C and BeirAnnex ing Tuesday night, Novem-
For virtues taught. are Ann Loper, Elva High- ber 3, at 6:30p.m., inChap-
The theme of the March For visions wrought, smith, Connie Clenney, pell Hall. AH students, fac-
convention will be YOU ASK We praise thee now in song. Mary Moore, Gail Mont- ulty, and public are cordi-
WHY! The delegates who gomery, Carolyn Larkins ally invited to attend.
will come from about 30 For joy of living, Jean Pearce, Ellen Red-
southern colleges plan to For strength in strife. dick, Liz Coleman, Kathy
meet in workshops to dis-
cuss the problems of stu-
For friendships that will not fail. Craddock, and Kay Temp- Art Club To
For love of beauty, of God, of life.
dent governments, the rea- Alma Mater, hail! All hail!
leton. Hold Party
sons for student govern- The Art Club will have a
ments, women in leader- Alma Mater, joy and pride, party at Lake Laurel,
ship roles in the world, and Star in the dark of night. Thursday, November 5, at
why women are beginning Bright sun that shines 4:15 a.m. Any prospective
to have a bigger part in On Life's designs. members as well as form-
world affairs. The host Revealing truth arid right. er members are invited to
school for the meeting will come. A sign - up sheet
again be Emory and Henry Our gratitude we offer you; will be posted in the hall
College. The speakers for Our faith, throughout travail. of the Art Building; or in-
the convention have not Our loyalty, always renew. terested students may see
been announced. Dean Alma Mater, hail! All hail!- Alice Barron by Tuesday.
deColigny and Dean Mary ' 1 "I

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'S Advice To Service Gui

Favorite Hq I [owe en Splinters, Toendils
, In this edition of the Col-
onnade, the Service Guild

MAJORITY Cditume Or Prank? The Schoollorn wishes to present itself to

W.C. This group of students
BETTYTDEWITT': "Wrap- How Goes is recommended by the fac-
ulty and voted on by the
CHOOSE? ping houses and egging."
•ghost."'.. •••/>:-:'•^'- '.*" • The Group?
other members of the blub.
The organization func-
By Paula Arnold, Editor MARY M E D F O R D : "A tions in several ways.iTwo
tramp. >) Dear Gnu Gnu, By Linda Rogers ^^^^^^^ of its main duties are ush-
ALICE SKEEN: "The ering at the concerts held
Since your presence is so generally taken for grant- on campus and acting as
witch, with my broom. I ed on this campus, it occurred to me that you must hostesses on various oc-
This editorialist is more than slightly con- was the best witch you've inevitably pick up quite a bit of inside information. Once upon 1933 in the good days during the Roosevelt casions throughout the
cerned over the poor turn-out for the dis- ever seen!" What are they going to name the new dormitory? era of changing views and perspectives, some very year. A new service ad-
MIRIAM STRICKLAND: Wanda Ringi interesting girls graduated from Vassar College. Eight ded recently to the clubs
cussion of the presidential candidates. To "A pink bunny rabbit." of these were most unique, for they provide the back- agenda is serving as host-
have only forty people out of a thousand SANDRA SMITH: "The Dear Wanda, ground for Mary McCarthy's rather controversial novel esses when prospective W.
attend is inexcusaible—especially on a college hobo." You mean they haven't already named it? At the on women involved in everything representative of
ROBERTA TOMLIN: "A risk of sounding dogmatic, I think it is inconceivable the era - • new developments in child bearing, archi- pus students C. tour the cam-
campus. College students are the hope of Beatnik." that they should call that most excellent edifice any- tecture, design, politics, and more, Miss McCarthy . These tours are a r -
the nation but would at be wise for any thing but its present name - Gnu Dorm. ranged by Mr. Linton Cox,
DOROTHY KETHLEY: has called it a 'kind of technological novel about Registrar, as a means of
forty of our one thousand students to shoulder "Patrick Henry." Gnu Gnu woman's sphere."' reaching these students. -
the responsibility for our nation's future? MARY MARGARET •p T* •!* *l* *p *P I* T* T* V •!* V V V V T* V V V ^ V "i* V T* T "P n*
The novel begins right after graduation when one The Service Guild looks
HALLMAN: "A werewolf." of that group marries a playwright. It ends timely
The democratic philosophy is that the major- PENNY CALHOUN: Dear Gnu Gnu, enough at her funeral seven years later. The mid- prosperoustoyear.
forward a busy and
ity rules. But if the majority does riot "Toilet paper in peoples' This year my roommate and I intend to catch the dle of the book is filled with the exciting antics and
care to act, we cannot say that we truly de- front yards." Great Pumpkin. We understand that he strikes very frustrations of the group. There is the slightly off-
JUDY BOSS: "Throwing late, but we're determined to stay up all night if neces- beat girl who marries and divorces her equally ec-
sire democracy, for we thus allow a minor- Excuse me, but I've got to get to my
eggs." ary. We can't decide what to do with him after we see centric Communistic husband to find bliss and peace
1 I I
ity to speak for the people. What will .#»!., X's^mafi JENNIFER JOHNSON: * A him. Do you have any suggestions? Frosh thereafter with an extremely well-adjusted ex-psychiatr-
happen to' the democracy that we profess witch." ist; there is also the girl who worked at Macy's to sup-
to cherish? Can we continue the practice JOY FECHTMAN: "Writ- Dear Frosh: port her artist husband until he tired of her and had
of praising our form of government while
neglecting to perform the crucial responsi-
Utters ing on screens with soap."
WALSH: "A for going into someone's room after hours.
her declared insane for no apparent reason. And
Stress that he must report himself to House Council of course, the true-blue Bostonian who. insures the
novel's success as a best seller by being seduced
bilities that such a democracy commands Gnu Gnu in the rather clinical and superfluous second chap-
of its citizens? If we permit the minority ^0 the editor CAROL ANN SWIDERSKI:
"A gypsy." * 4i * * * « 4t 4t i|t 4t * * It! * 4t * iK )|t i|t i|t * iH * * «)|! *
By Miss McCarthy's assertion that the book should
to decide for us at election time is our Dear Editor: Dear Gnu Gnu, be some sort of social history, her characters are
system altogether different from the system On Tuesday, October 24, Y held a Student Forum With Apology My situation is most desperate. I have finally found often too weak to effect such a conclusion. They seem
the Russians demonstrated two week ago— concerning the presidential candidates. As an inter- a date for the Fall Dance. Now my only three prob- to be and never to develop. The style is rather gos-
a system which permits a minority to choose ested observer I had watched for several weeks while
members of Y worked hard carrying out extensive
To lems: learning to dance, finding a dress, and styling sipy, and there is a noticeable lack of compas.sion
my hair appropriately. I'd appreciate any recommen- for the unbelievable situations in which Miss McCarthy's
the leaders? research and organizing material in order to present dations from. you. ' characters find themselves. The author has a tendency
their Forum to the student body. Charie$Shullz#3 Roz to get her characters in inescapable predicaments, and
Thosghts Miich The Forum, needless to day, should have been of inter-
est and concern to us all. Why, then, the small number
of students present for the Forum? Certainly the reason
By Sherl Hudson Dear Roz,
Recommendations: Step positively on to the dance looking at planes.
when all else fails, she just might allow one of the
heroines to fall out of a Vassar Club window while
Security is a bobby pin floor, Chen pump both arms and kick up each foot
(or excuse) could not be a lack of publicity about the
Mean The Most event. Am I to assume that the reason is a lack of
concern for anything as important as attempting to be
with a rubber tip.
Security is getting your
It is an amusing novel. Perhaps by creating such
alternately, while shaking your hair forward. If you a group of hap-hazard,iargelyunbelievable, "unordinary"
smile as though entranced, you will be a smash. For women Miss McCarthy is revolting againstthe ordinary Pop Corn
By Jocie Bridges more informed on the coming elections, whether or allowance on time. proper attire, dye your latest baby doll shift a solid "run of the college mill" type of woman. Whatever
y To pause and reflect on those thoughts which mean not one will be voting on November 3? I have heard Security is mail/male.
Security is knowing your
color and decorate with a pin. For a hairstyle, pull the reason. The Group is a very involving work but
one side behind your ear or part it in the middle. not very provocative one.
the most to us~thoughts which appear as brilliant some students say that they "just didn't have time"
flashes against the jumbled back-ground of our exper- to go. Are there so very few of us who still cling safety pins don't show. Definitely do not roll. See you there!
ience, gives a rare, indeed a unique, sense of pleasure, stubbornly to the outdated notion that there are some Security is having a place Gnu Gnu
things which are worth taking or making time for? to sit in the dining hall.
sweeter perhaps than the pleasure we felt at the reality—
certainly among the diverse impressions we gather our It is a pity that the presidential candidates and the elect- Security is a bicycle when
4i ill * I|! 3|t Hi 4! !it )|! I|t * * i|! I|t 9|! I | ! « * 4: * !|! !|< iK * !(<!(! 4:
Sad Movies Always MokeMeCry Coffee Pots
somewhat hectic campus life, those which bring us into ions are seemingly of no importance to the majority you are almost late to Dear Gnu Gnu, Feel like you need a good away from the desk for a j
the realm of the fine arts are of this most brilliant of students on this campus. class. . Mid-term grades are sent in by the teachers next cry to wash out your tear couple of hours and enthrall !
variety. When we are privileged to see a towering The absence of most of the elected officials and Security is having a clear week. Some upperclassmen have me worried. They glands? If you do, and if herself in the magnificent !
performance of play, a dance, a musical composition, conscience when you see said the school sends these marks home. Do they? you love sad but reward- episodes of Back Street. |
are "brought to a full realization of the inspiration
representatives in our body of student government was
most shockingly observed. I wonder why they were not Dr. Lee look your way. Scared ing movies, if you thor- Don't forget, now — Sat- Extension
and genius of the performer and the creator of each there. Sincerely, Ann Bruce Security is having a good oughly enjoy watching (per- urday ~ 7:30p.m.—hock-
work of art, and the appreciation we thus derive from excuse for missing chapel. Dear Scared: haps even reliving) trying ey field — great movie — Cords
each experience is as valuable a part of our education Security is knowing your WC is much too frugal with stamps to send the grades and unforgettable exper- everybody! Admission is
as studying for a test or putting the final effort on a PAULA ARNOLD alarm clock will go off in home. They call your parents collect. iences of twopeople in love, free, but you must furnish
term paper. In reality it is these rare experiences Editor time. Gnu Gnu or if you are the kind v/ho your own kleenex!
that will stay with us longer. Security is knowing that swoons over John Gavin and
For instance, when we have forgotten the date of the before you went to bed you worships Susan Hayward
first showing of "Antony and Cleopatra"—if indeed we JUDY WHELCHEL killed the spider on (Georgia's own little
CAROLE ROWDEN your wall. peach), then there is a
ever learned it—we will remember Margaret Webster's Business Manager Associate Editor Security is knowing there place for you on the hockey
superb rendition of the death scene from that Shakespear-
ean masterpiece. When we tend to confuse pointalism
and impressionism , we will see as vividly as before
won't be a fire drill.
Security is a strong box Paint and Putter 5hop field Saturday night.
Sports Day will be con- PRESCRIPTIONS...
the magnificent film on Michaelangelo and the paintings NEWS EDITOR Nancy Patterson of dimes and nickels. cluded Saturday, October
and sculpture exhibited in the Mamie Padgett Art Gal- FEATURE EDITOR Linda Rogers Security is a coat in Dr. 31, with the exciting, fabu-
lery by members of the WC faculty and other outstanding TREASURER Anne Halligan Green's class. Bu lous, spectacular movie COSMETICS...
artists. When we look back dimly on social science, CIRCULATION MANAGER Sheri Hudson Security is flip - flops in Back Street, starring the
history and government courses, we will also again ART EDITOR Melanie Iseman the shower. leading couple of all thea-
experience the close ties we were aware of while watch- PHOTOGRAPHER ., Lynn Horton Security is having an All trical couples, Susan Hay- GREETING CARDS..
ing the Raduga Dancers who spoke a language the whole eraser. ward and John Gavin. They
world can understand and appreciate. And when we REPORTERS - Helen Wilkinson, Jocie Bridges, Re- Security is having your play their most fantastic
becca Wind, Lynda Sue Briscoe, Ann Bruce, Janice
have forgotten how to determine the key of a piece of
music, each of us will think back on the performances Higginbotham, Carol Weaver,, Jennie Wilson, Fran
homework in on time.:
Security is knowing, you OIL Your
roles as two lovers —held
apart by a drunken wife.
of Hilda Gueden, George Bolet, Theodore Uppman, and Reynolds, Anne Marie Sparrow, Judy Cummings, haven't over cut. Their joy, disappointment,
Edward Kilenyi, and each of us will be pleased to say,'. Paulette Joseph and Patsy McBride, Linda Mc-
Farland, Mary Lou Blondheim,, Judy Thorne, Bar-
Security is remembering
to return your reserve
ART SUPPLIES HERE pleasure, and suffering can
be shared by any student
bara Stanley, Allie Mae McLendon, Kay Temple- books. who wishes to drag herself S. Wayne Phone 452.2255
"The music in my heart I bore ton, Sarah Grobel.
Long after it was heard no more >> Security is knowing you
are past the point of hitting
FACULTY ADVISORS Dr. Edward D:iwson, Mrs. Bar- tennis balls over the center
bara Tate. fence separating the
From The Dean's Office courts.

To clear up confusion
about the position of the S,
U. during campus events,
the following statement was
issued by the Dean's Of-
fice: "The Student Union
is closed during; all cam-
p u s - w i d e events by order
of the President and the
Dean of Students."
The staff of the COLONNADE hereby declares that
its niajor purposes are to serve as a clearinghouse
for student opinion, to treat controversial issues
with adequate discretion, to feature topics of interest
to students, and to report activities taking place on
campus. •
Security is having a prof
say something nice.
Security is knowing you
didn't hurt your PE tea-
cher when you accidentally
whammed her with your
golf club.

• r

h, Page 4 THE COLONNADE October 30, 1964

From The WC
Alumnae Office
to the Campus Theatre go to the person bringing this
This fall's edition of Col- puzzle, correctly completed, along with ticket stubs,
umns •. the quarterly book- sales slips, or some proof of purchase from three of
Ramblings let printed especially for
former W.C. students>has
this week's advertisers, to Judy Whelchel in Beeson
1 0 2 . : , ••
just been completed.
dy Linda McFariand News of former students
and faculty is included in
the publication, with in-,
Once upon a time, three little girls at W.C. decided formation about mar-
they needed a break from studying. They remembered riages, families, further
noticing unusual activity in Rec the past week, so they work in graduate school and
asked if anything was being planned for their enter- other things of interest to
tainment and recreation on Saturday, October 31. "In- people who know them.
deed it is!" they were told. "Saturday, October 31, is These publications are
Sports Day — a day to relax and have fun, to participate available only to the class
with your friends in various recreational activities, of *65 and alumnae, but a
and a day to help your dorm win the Sports Day trophey copy will be placed in the
for a year." "What fun!" the girls decided, so they reading room of each dorm.
signed up on the Sports Day sheet on their dorm bul- However, any student wish-
letin board for at least one of the sports — the one they ing to secure a copy of
enjoyed the most or were best at. They had a wide Column^, may inquire in
selection to choose from: tennis, softball, volleyball, the Alumnae Office in
^archery, ping - pong, and bridge. Parks Hall,
On Saturday morning these little girls were on the The second decade of the
tennis courts at 9:30 to hear an inspiring talk by Dr. gift prograim appeal went
Christenberry on sportsmanship, and to shout for their out to more than 13,000 al-
dorm in the pep rally. Then they either went to play umnae last week, and ap-
in an activity or to cheer for their team. At 1:00 they proximately $4,000 has
stopped for a delicious picnic lunch on front campus. already been received.
At 2:00 they were back playing hard for their dorm in The gifts are used for the ACROSS!
the semi - finals and enjoying every minute of it. By matching National Defense 2. This is a golden goal of all of us at W.C.
4:00 finals had begun and competition began to be nar- Education Program, In- 3. Here you can buy London Fogs, Bobbie Brooks, and
rowed down. Dinner was at 6:00 and at 7:30 they hurried vestment in the Scholarship Country Set clothes.
over to Russell Auditorium to hear the results of Fund, Scholarship Grants, 5. Take their coupon to them and receive your free
Sports Day. They took along plenty of handkerchiefs Columns. Funds Opera- golfish.
because they had heard that the movie to be shown. tions, and Personal Ser- 6. If you're interested in art, visit this new store in
Back Street with Susan Hayward and John Gavin was vices. Funds contribute town to see their display of supplies.
really said, guaranteed to make them cry. They de- also to the awarding of 7. A little extra walk to this store will give you great
cided that Sports Day was one of the most enjoyable scholarships each year to values in all sorts of dorm appliances.
things that had happened to them all year and they really Alumnae Scholars. The 8. At this pharmacy you can choose from a hilarious
felt sorry for those students who missed it. 1964 -65 grants and their group of greeting cards and an excellent selection
Did their dorm win or not? Let one of the girls be recipients are Elizabeth of cosmetics.
you, support your dorm teams this coming Satur- Moran, and Luite. Neese DOWN!
day, and perhaps this story will have a happy ending! Scholarship; Jean Small- 1. This is the office supply store where you can order
wood, the Antoinette Smith your personalized greeting cards and stationery.
Jenkins Scholarship; Linda 4. This restaurant of high repute needs another wait-
CWMPJJS SUNDAY THRU McFariand, the Nelle ress. If you're interested, apply within.
Wommack Hines Schol- 5. This is the theater where THE CARDINAL is play-
r ^ ^ ^
CMIlfc.UM' WEDNESDAY arship; Edna Taylor, the E. ing Thursday only.
Mae Jones Scholarship;
Emily Blachin, the Eliza-
beth Edwards Lawrence Attention week - end, Oct. 30 - Nov.

wiiii<^ Scholarship; Roberta Tom-

lin the Atlanta . Alumnae
Club Scholarship; Janice
All Baptists...
1, at Rock Eagle. A bus
will leave from the circle
at 6:30 Friday night for
The annual Baptist Con- those who have already
Baker, the Washington, vention will be held this
D.C. Alumnae Club Scho- signed up to attend.
larship; Sandra Fitzger-
ald, the Lynwood Smith
Scholarship; and Martha
Prieto, the Mildred En- -QuaHil^
glish Scholarship.
Choir Chooses
STORY Key Note Moore Office wupply
OF A YOUNG Willingness to accept r e -
sponsibilities assigned on w h e r e you con order
the spur - of - the - mom-
ent, a necessity for the
smooth functioning of an
organization, is a char-
acteristic for which the
Christmas Cards And
Key Note for October is
renowned. Betty Anne Bail-
SEE 'THE CARDINAL- FROM THE BE6INNIN6. ey, "Babs," who is a sen-
ior from Newnan, has ser-
ved as freshman repre-
sentative, secretary, vice
TAKE THIS COUPON TO president, part - rehear-
sal, leader, and accom-

CORDELL panist.
More important than mer-
ely serving effectively in
these capacities. Betty
C O U P O N ^M Anne contributes a vital
Good For One warmth and glow to A Cap-
pella Choir. LUNCH DINNER
CHECKERBOARD f 11:30 - 2:30 5:30 - 8:00
t Closed Wednesday And
FREE Compliments
ofCordeirs NOW O N

I >.'i-

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