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Baruchcource = Partner Institution Exchange Student Nomination Form NOMINATING INSTITUTION: _!!M CALCUTTA STUDENT INFORMATION Name of nominated student: Eee GANESHERASAD, (rrespee nessa ae Tito Student's ate of birth: _12_18_1987_seuden's gender on passport: [_JFemate [mate Tat bayer Seiden enail gaan aist ganeshprasadr2019@cmai iimeal.acin Student’s major concentration at home university: pa HOME INSTITUTION CERTIFICATION OF EXCHANGE STUDENT NOMINATION To be completed by the sending institution official overseeing exchange nominations to Baruch College: | hereby certify that the student named above is currently enrolled in our institution and has been nominated as a candidate for the Baruch College Exchange Program for the following term(s) (please check all that apply): [V]Falt semester 2018 Spring semester 20, This student will be enrolling at Baruch College as a(n) undergraduate student | graduate student DASGUPTA SOMA, Tastrame Fist name STEP Coordinator Name of Official: Title/Position of Official: Date _ 22/02/2018 Official’s Signature Please sign this form digitally, or print, Sign manually and scan the form, and submit the signed POF form via, ‘email according to the instructions to: Dr. Richard Mitten Director of Study Abroad Baruch College Baruchcouece teres iy Unvriyl Now ek Pon's Gas 31220972001 Fax: 46 312 207 basen das ‘e-mail: study. abromdxc@baruch, Partner Institution Exchange Student Nomination Form NOMINATING INSTITUTION: _!M CALCUTTA STUDENT INFORMATION Name of nominated student: HEGDE NIKHIL (@s it appears in passport) | ——~tase name Fist name Staden’'s date of ith; 7 _04 students gender fn pasport): []Feate [hale wets bayer Spident!varian sere nikhilh2019@emailiimeal.acin Student's major concentration at home university: Finance HOME INSTITUTION CERTIFICATION OF EXCHANGE STUDENT NOMINATION To be completed by the sending institution official overseeing exchange nominations to Baruch College: hereby certify that the student named above is currently enrolled in our institution and has been nominate as a candidate for the Baruch College Exchange Program for the following term(s) (please check all that apply): [V/]Falt semester 2018 Spring semester 20, This student will be enrolling at Baruch College as a(n) fa undergraduate student graduate student DASGUPTA SOMA Taitrame Fistname Co Please sign this form digitally, or prin, sign manually and scan the form, and submit the signed POF form via ‘email according to the instructions to: Or, Richard Mitten Director of Study Abroad Baruch College Name of Official: Title/Position of Official: pate __ 2202/2018 Official’s Signature

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