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Competency: Identify the various categories water resources on Earth

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to identify the various categories
of water resources on Earth
II. Subject Matter:
Water Resources
III. Learning Resources:


Glencoe Earth Science, Feather and Snyder

Learning Episode 1:

a. Motivation
Today, I will show to you a short video clip showing the beauty of the different
water resources in our planet Earth. This video will help us explore on the various
water resources we have on this earth.

It is important to know and be able to identify the different water resources here
on earth so that we can responsibly utilize these water resources and help on its
protection and conservation.

After this lesson, we will know the various water resources on Earth.

b. Probe and Respond

After watching the short video presentation, what can you say about the short
video clips?

The video presentation shows the beauty of the planet earth and its various water

Learning Episode 2:

a. Modelling

What is water resources?

These are sources of water that are potentially useful for agricultural,
industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities.

Water resources is important on Earth and without it, we can’t do many things or
satisfy our needs.
Around 71% of the earth’s surface is covered in water. But only 2.5 % to 3% is
freshwater the other is saltwater.

What are the various water resources on the planet earth?

Water resources comes in many forms, but the 3 main categories such:

Saltwater Resources- is the abundant in the surface of the planet.

This include the sea, oceans, etc. This is not particularly useful to potable water supplies but it is useful as
it supplies salf water fish, source of tidal hydroelectric energy and also for transportation. Some countries
use desalination plants to convert saltwater in potable water, but the process is expensive.

Groundwater Resources- is the most plentiful of all fresh water

resources. This water percolates into the ground through layers of soil, clay and rocks. This water usually
accessed by human for consumption through ground drilling and wells. Springs also an outlet of
groundwater which is also use for human water supply.

Surface water Resources-the water that exist in streams, rivers

and lakes. This water is primarily used for portable water supply, recreation, irrigation, transportation,
etc. This resources also is the most at risk for destruction through water pollution. As many people throw
contaminant into the water making it dirty and some are not potable anymore.

Water resources is important on Earth and without it, we can’t do many

things or satisfy our needs.

Having identified the various water resources, we would have to take

care of the water resources because if we won’t, there comes a time there not
going to be enough water for us.

Learning Episode 3:

a. Guided Practice:
Group the class into 3. Assign each group with the water resources and
let them write what they know on the water resources and how to
conserve/ protect it. Then ask 1 reporter from each group to discuss their

b. Independent Practice:
I will show to you a different pictures showing the various water
resources on Earth. As I call a name, please stand up and identify the
water resources in the picture.
Learning Episode 4:


The teacher will distribute the test questionnaires.


1. ___________________ are sources of water that are potentially useful for

agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities.
(Water resources)
2. ___________________ the water that exist in streams, rivers and lakes. This
water is primarily used for portable water supply, recreation, irrigation,
transportation. (surface Water)
3. ___________________is the abundant in the surface of the planet. This
include the sea, oceans, etc. (saltwater resource)
4. ___________________this resources also is the most at risk for destruction
through water pollution. As many people throw contaminant into the water
making it dirty and some are not potable anymore.(saltwater resource)

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