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Published in: British Medical Journal, 327, 2003, 741–744.

Simple Tools for Understanding Risks:

From Innumeracy to Insight

Gerd Gigerenzer and Adrian Edwards

Bad presentation of medical statistics such as the risks associated with a particular intervention can lead
to patients making poor decisions on treatment. Particularly confusing are single event probabilities,
conditional probabilities (such as sensitivity and specificity), and relative risks. How can doctors improve
the presentation of statistical information so that patients can make well-informed decisions?

The science fiction writer H. G. Wells predicted that in modern technological societies statistical
thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write. How
far have we got, a hundred or so years later? A glance at the literature shows a shocking lack of
statistical understanding of the outcomes of modern technologies, from standard screening tests
for HIV infection to DNA evidence. For instance, doctors, with an average of 14 years of profes-
sional experience were asked to imagine using the Haemoccult test to screen for colorectal
cancer.1 2 The prevalence of cancer was 0.3%, the sensitivity of the test was 50%, and the false
positive rate was 3%. The doctors were asked: What is the probability that someone who tests
positive actually has colorectal cancer? The correct answer is about 5%. However, the doctors’
answers ranged from 1% to 99%, with about half of them estimating the probability as 50% (the
sensitivity) or 47% (sensitivity minus false positive rate). If patients knew about this degree of
variability and statistical innumeracy they would be justly alarmed.
Statistical innumeracy is often attributed to problems inside our minds. We disagree: The
problem is not simply internal but lies in the external representation of information, and hence
a solution exists. Every piece of statistical information needs a representation—that is, a form.
Some forms tend to cloud minds, while others foster insight. We know of no medical institution
that leaches the power of statistical representations; even worse, writers of information brochures
for the public seem to prefer confusing representations.2 3
Here we deal with three numerical representations that foster confusion: single event proba-
bilities, conditional probabilities, and relative risks. In each case we show alternative representa-
tions that promote insight (Table 1). These “mind tools” are simple to learn. Finally, we address
questions of the framing (expression) and manipulation of information and how to minimise
these effects.

Single-Event Probabilities

The statement “There is a 30% chance of rain tomorrow” is a probability statement about a single
event: It will either rain or not rain tomorrow. Single event, probabilities are a steady source of
miscommunication because, by definition, they leave open the class of events to which die prob-
ability refers. Some people will interpret this statement as meaning that it will rain tomorrow in
2 Simple Tools for Understanding Risks: From Innumeracy to Insight

Table 1:
Examples of Confusing Statistical Information, with Alternatives that Foster Insight

Type of information Examples How to foster insight

Single event probabilities “You have a 30% chance of a side effect Use frequency statements: “Three out of
from this drug” every 10 patients have a side effect from
this drug”
Conditional probabilities The probability of a positive test result if Use natural frequencies, alone or toge-
the patient has the disease (sensitivity) ther with conditional probabilities (see
The probability of a negative test result
if the patient does not have the disease
The probability of the disease if the pati-
ent has a positive test result (positive
predictive value)
Relative risks If four out of every 1000 women (age 40 Use absolute risks, alone or together
or older) who do not undergo mammo- with relative risks: "In every 1000
graphy screening die of breast cancer, women who undergo screening one will
compared with three out of every 1000 be saved from dying of breast cancer."
who are screened, the benefit is often Use the number needed to treat or harm:
presented as a relative risk: “Mammo- “To prevent one death from breast
graphy reduces breast cancer mortality cancer, 1000 women need to undergo
by 25%.” screening for 10 years.”

30% of the area, others that it will rain 30% of the time, and a third group that it will rain on
30% of the days like tomorrow. Area, time, and days are examples of reference classes, and each
class gives the probability of rain a different meaning.
The same ambiguity occurs in communicating clinical risk, such as the side effects of a drug.
A psychiatrist prescribes fluoxetine (Prozac) to his mildly depressed patients. He used to tell them
that they have “a 30% to 50% chance, of developing a sexual problem” such as impotence or loss
of sexual interest.2 Hearing this, patients were anxious. After learning about the ambiguity of sin-
gle event probabilities, the psychiatrist changed how he communicated risk. He now tells patients
that of every ten people who take fluoxetine three to five will experience a sexual problem. Pa-
tients who were informed in terms of frequencies were less anxious about taking Prozac. Only
then did the psychiatrist realise that he had never checked what his patients had understood by
“a 30% to 50% chance of developing a sexual problem.” It turned out that many had assumed
that in 30% to 50% of their sexual encounters something would go awry. The psychiatrist and
his patients had different reference classes in mind: The psychiatrist was thinking in terms of pa-
tients, but the patients were thinking in terms of their own sexual encounters.
Frequency statements always specify a reference class (although the statement may not specify
it precisely enough). Thus, misunderstanding can be reduced by two mind tools: specifying a ref-
erence class before giving a single event probability or only using frequency statements.
Gerd Gigerenzer and Adrian Edwards 3

Conditional Probabilities

The chance of a test detecting a disease is typically communicated in the form of a conditional
probability, the sensitivity of the test: “If a woman has breast cancer the probability that she will
have a positive result on mammography is 90%.” This statement is often confused with: “If a
woman has a positive result on mammography the probability that she has breast cancer is 90%.”
That is, the conditional probability of A given B is confused with that of B given A.4 Many doc-
tors have trouble distinguishing between the sensitivity, the specificity, and the positive predic-
tive value of test—three conditional probabilities. Again, the solution lies in the representation.
Consider the question “What is the probability that a woman with a positive mammography
result actually has breast cancer?” The box shows two ways to represent the relevant statistical in-
formation: in terms of conditional probabilities and natural frequencies. The information is the
same (apart from rounding), but with natural frequencies the answer is much easier to work out.
Only seven of the 77 women who test positive actually have breast cancer, which is one in 11
(9%). Natural frequencies correspond to the way humans have encountered statistical informa-
tion during most of their history: They are called “natural” because, unlike conditional probabil-
ities or relative frequencies, they all refer to the same class of observations.5 For instance, the nat-
ural frequencies “seven women” (with a positive mammogram and cancer) and “70 women”
(with a positive mammogram and no breast cancer) both refer to the same class of 1000 women.
In contrast, the conditional probability 90% (the sensitivity) refers to the class of eight women
with breast cancer, but the conditional probability 7% (the specificity) refers to a different class
of 992 women without breast cancer. This switch of reference class can confuse the minds of doc-
tors and patients alike.



Estimates of probability (%)





30 Correct


Doctors who were given Doctors who were given
conditional probabilities natural frequencies

Figure 1. Doctors’ estimates of the probability of breast cancer in women with a positive result
on mammography, according to whether the doctors were given the statistical information as
conditional probabilities or natural frequencies (each point represents one doctor).2
4 Simple Tools for Understanding Risks: From Innumeracy to Insight

Figure 1 shows the responses of 48 doctors, whose average professional experience was 14
years, to the information given in the box, except that the statistics were a base rate of cancer of
1%, a sensitivity of 80%, and a false positive rate of 10%.1 2 Half the doctors received the infor-
mation in conditional probabilities and half in natural frequencies. When asked to estimate the
probability that a woman with a positive result actually had breast cancer, doctors who received
conditional probabilities gave answers that ranged from 1% to 90%, and very few gave the correct
answer of about 8%. In contrast most doctors who were given natural frequencies gave the correct
answer or were close to it. Simply stating the information in natural frequencies turned much of
the doctors’ innumeracy into insight, helping them understand the implications of a positive re-
sult as it would arise in practice. Presenting information in natural frequencies is a simple and
effective mind tool to reduce the confusion resulting from conditional probabilities.6 This is not
the end of the story regarding the communication of risk (which requires adequate exploration
of the implications of the risk for the patient concerned, as described elsewhere in this issue7),
but it is an essential foundation.

Relative Risks

Women aged over 50 years are told that undergoing mammography screening reduces their risk
of dying from breast cancer by 25%. Women in high risk groups are told that bilateral prophy-
lactic mastectomy reduces their risk of dying from breast cancer by 80%.8 These numbers are
relative risk reductions. The confusion produced by relative risks has received more attention in
the medical literature than that of single event or conditional probabilities.9 10 Nevertheless, few
patients realise that the impressive 25% figure means an absolute risk reduction of only one in
1000: of 1000 women who do not undergo mammography about four will die from breast cancer
within 10 years, whereas out of 1000 women who do three will die.11 Similarly, the 80% figure
for prophylactic mastectomy refers to an absolute risk reduction of four in 100: five in 100 wom-
en in the high risk group who do not undergo prophylactic mastectomy will die of breast cancer,
compared with one in 100 women who have had a mastectomy. One reason why most women
misunderstand relative risks is that they think that the number relates to women like themselves

Two ways of representing the same statistical information

Conditional probabilities
The probability that a woman has breast cancer is 0.8%. If she has breast cancer, the probability
that a mammogram will show a positive result is 90%. If a woman does not have breast cancer
the probability of a positive result is 7%. Take, for example, a woman who has a positive result.
What is the probability that she actually has breast cancer?

Natural frequencies
Eight out of every 1000 women have breast cancer. Of these eight women with breast cancer
seven will have a positive result on mammography. Of the 992 women who do not have breast
cancer some 70 will still have a positive mammogram. Take, for example, a sample of women
who have positive mammograms. How many of these women actually have breast cancer?
Gerd Gigerenzer and Adrian Edwards 5

who take part in screening or who are in a high risk group. But relative risks relate to a different
class of women: to women who die of breast cancer without having been screened.
Confusion caused by relative risks can be avoided by using absolute risks (such as one in
1000) or the number needed to treat or to be screened to save one life (the NNT, which is the
reciprocal of the absolute risk reduction and is thus essentially the same representation as the ab-
solute risk). However, health agencies typically inform the public in the form of relative risks.2 3
Health authorities tend not to encourage transparent representations and have themselves some-
times shown inmimeracy, for example when funding proposals that report benefits in relative
rather than absolute risks because the numbers look larger.12 For authorities that make decisions
on allocation of resources the population impact number (the number of people in the popula-
tion among whom one event will be prevented by an intervention) is a better means of putting
risk into perspective.13

The Reference Class

In all these representations the ultimate source of confusion or insight is the reference class. Single
event probabilities leave the reference class open to interpretation. Conditional probabilities such
as sensitivity and specificity refer to different classes (the class of people with and without illness,
respectively), which makes their mental combination difficult. Relative risks often refer to refer-
ence classes that differ from those to which the patient belongs, such as the class of patients who
die of cancer rather than those who participate in screening. Using transparent representations
such as natural frequencies clarifies the reference class.


Framing is the expression of logically equivalent information (whether numerical or verbal) in

different ways.14 Studies of the effects of verbal framing on interpretation and decision making
initially focused on positive versus negative framing and on gain versus loss framing.15 Positive
and negative frames refer to whether an outcome is described, for example, as a 97% chance of
survival (positive) or a 3% chance of dying (negative). The evidence is that positive framing is
more effective than negative framing in persuading people to take risky treatment options.16 17
However, gain or loss framing is perhaps even more relevant to communicating clinical risk, as
it concerns the implications of accepting or declining tests. Loss framing considers the potential
losses from not having a test, such as, in the case of mammography, loss of good health, longevity,
and family relationships. Loss framing seems to influence the uptake of screening more than gain
framing (the gains from taking a test, such as maintenance of good health).18
Visual representations may substantially improve comprehension of risk.19 They may en-
hance the time efficiency of consultations. Doctors should use a range of pictorial representations
(graphs, population figures) to match the type of risk information that the patient most easily
6 Simple Tools for Understanding Risks: From Innumeracy to Insight


It may not seem to matter whether the glass is half full or half empty, yet different methods of
presenting risk information can have important effects on outcomes among patients. That verbal
and statistical information can be presented in two or more ways means that an institution or
screening programme may choose the one that best serves its interests. For instance, a group of
gynaecologists informed patients in a leaflet, of the benefits of hormone replacement therapy in
terms of relative risk (large numbers) and of harms in absolute risk (small numbers).2
Pictorial representations of risk are not immune to manipulation either. For example, differ-
ent formats such as bar charts and population crowd figures could be used.21 Or the representa-
tion could appear to support short term benefits from one treatment rather than long term ben-
efits from another.22 Furthermore, within the same format, changing the reference class may pro-
duce greatly differing perspectives on a risk and may thus affect patients’ decisions. Figure 2
relates to the effect of treatment with aspirin and warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation. On
the left side of the figure the effect of treatment on a particular event (stroke or bleeding) is shown
relative to the class of people who have not had the treatment (as in relative risk reduction). On
the right side the patient can see the treatment effect relative to a class of 100 untreated people
who have not had a stroke or bleeding (as in absolute risk reduction).
The wide scope for manipulating representations of statistical information is a challenge to
the ideal of informed consent.2 16 Where there is a risk of influencing outcomes and decisions

5 100
No of people who have stroke or major bleeding

Major bleeding
in every 100 people with atrial fibrillation

4 80

3 60

2 40

1 20

0 0
No treatment Aspirin Warfarin Reference No Aspirin Warfarin
group of treatment
100 people
without stroke
or bleeding

Figure 2. Different representations of the same benefits of treatment: the reduction after treat-
ment in the number of people who have a stroke or major bleeding looks much larger on the
left, where the reference class of 100 patients who have not had a stroke or bleeding is not shown.
Gerd Gigerenzer and Adrian Edwards 7

Summary points

The inability to understand statistical information is not a mental deficiency of doctors or pa-
tients but is largely due to the poor presentation of the information.
Poorly presented statistical information may cause erroneous communication of risks, with se-
rious consequences.
Single event probabilities, conditional probabilities (such as sensitivity and specificity) and rel-
ative risks are confusing because they make it difficult to understand what class of events a
probability or percentage refers to.
For each confusing representation there is at least one alternative, such as natural frequency
statements, which always specify a reference class and therefore avoid confusion, fostering in-
Simple representations of risk can help professionals and patients move from innumeracy to
insight and make consultations more time efficient.
Instruction in efficient communication of statistical information should be part of medical cur-
riculums and doctors’ continuing education.

among patients, professionals should consistently use representations that foster insight and
should balance the use of verbal expressions—for example, both positive and negative frames or
both gain and loss frames.


The dangers of patients being misled or making uninformed decisions in health care are count-
less. One of the reasons is the prevalence of poor representations. Such confusion can be reduced
or eliminated with simple mind tools.2 23 Human beings have evolved into good intuitive statis-
ticians and can gain insight, but only when information is presented simply and effectively.24
This insight is then the platform for informed discussion about the significance and burden of
risks and the implications for the individual or family concerned. It also makes the explanation
of diseases and their treatment easier. Instruction in the efficient communication of statistical in-
formation should be part of medical curriculums and continuing education for doctors.

Contributors and sources: The research on statistical representations was initially funded by the Max Planck
Society and has been published in scientific journals as well summarised in Gerd Gigerenzer’s book Reckoning
With Risk: Learning to Live With Uncertainty. The work on framing is based on research by Adrian Edwards.

Competing interests: None declared.

8 Simple Tools for Understanding Risks: From Innumeracy to Insight

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2 Gigerenzer, G. (2002). Reckoning with risk: Learning to live with uncertainty. London: Penguin. (Published in
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