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Initial Results after Implementation of a

Multimodal Treatment for Peritoneal Malignancies

W. Raue, N. Tsilimparis, C. Langelotz, B. Rau, W. Schwenk & J. Hartmann

To cite this article: W. Raue, N. Tsilimparis, C. Langelotz, B. Rau, W. Schwenk & J. Hartmann
(2011) Initial Results after Implementation of a Multimodal Treatment for Peritoneal Malignancies,
Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 111:2, 68-72, DOI: 10.1080/00015458.2011.11680709

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Original papers

Acta Chir Belg, 2011, 111, 68-72

Initial Results after Implementation of a Multimodal Treatment for Peritoneal

W. Raue1, N. Tsilimparis1, C. Langelotz1, B. Rau1, W. Schwenk2, J. Hartmann1
Department of General-, Visceral-, Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, Charité – University Medicine Berlin, Campus Mitte,
Berlin, Germany ; 2Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Asklepios Klinik Altona, Hamburg, Germany.

Abstract. Introduction : Peritoneal carcinomatosis represents a clinical condition with a limited perspective concerning
long term survival. The combination of surgical cytoreduction and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC)
represents a complex multimodal therapeutic management concept with promising results for prolongation of survival.
For the identification of pitfalls during implementation of the HIPEC procedure into clinical practice an observational
study was conducted.
Methods : Between 2005 and 2009 data from all patients treated with cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC for peritoneal
carcinomatosis was prospectively collected and analysed.
Results : During the observational interval a total of 42 patients underwent surgical treatment for peritoneal carcinomato-
sis. In 34 patients the complete procedure with surgical cytoreduction and HIPEC was performed. Perioperative mortal-
ity (6%) and morbidity (35%) was similar to other reported series. Twenty-five patients (76%) survived the 18 months
follow-up period after complete procedure.
Conclusion : The multimodal therapeutic treatment concept of surgical cytoreduction and following HIPEC leads to
promising results for patients suffering from peritoneal carcinomatosis. However this treatment concept is afflicted with
a relevant risk of postoperative complications.

Introduction Patients and Methods

The prognosis for survival is poor for patients with

proven peritoneal carcinomatosis. The mean survival
time is 6 months (1, 2). Frequently only palliative care is All patients with a histologically proven peritoneal carci-
possible. After the development of a combined therapeu- nomatosis presented at the Department for General-,
tical concept including extensive surgical cytoreduction Visceral-, Thoracic- and Vascular Surgery, Charité –
and the additional intraoperative hyperthermic intraperi- University Medicine Berlin Campus Mitte were assessed
toneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) curative results could be for treatment with a combined surgical tumour reduction
demonstrated for the first time (3, 4). These promising and simultaneous heated intraoperative intraperitoneal
data were confirmed in prospective randomised trials (1, chemotherapy.
2). A five-year survival rate of 25% was achieved by sur- Patients with extraabdominal tumour manifestations
gery and simultaneous HIPEC compared to 0% in the or proven invasive growth of the peritoneal malignancy
control group (2). were excluded from further surgical attempt and applied
Based on the newly available clinical evidence, this for palliative therapy. Age > 75 years, concomitant
multimodal therapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis was diseases like myocardial dysfunction (EF < 30%),
introduced in our department in 2005. A prospective pulmonary impairment with a forced expiratory volume
observational study was conducted to verify the reported < 1 l/min or ASA class IV (5) also led to exclusion from
results. Postoperative morbidity and mortality were scheduling for HIPEC-procedure.
meticulously recorded as well as perioperative basic All patients were informed in detail about the status of
treatment and vital parameters. Periodical follow up the recent knowledge, the therapeutic procedure and the
examinations were begun to assess mid and long term applied cytostatic medication. Written informed consent
effects of the HIPEC-procedure on patients’ survival. for participation in the present study was obtained from
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Initial Results after HIPEC 69

every patient in the attendance of the closest relative. descending aorta and in the perfusion machine.
The study was performed in accordance to the Specialised perfusionists ran a roller pump and heating
Declaration of Helsinki. unit of a heart lung machine for the hyperthermic
intraperitoneal perfusion to keep a constant flow of
Methods approx. 1-1.2 l/min and to assure the targeted intraab-
dominal temperature of 42°C for 90 min. The surgeon
The present observational clinical trial was conducted to
ensured an even distribution and ‘washing’ of the organs.
assess patients’ outcome during implementation of the
Depending on the tumour entity 15 mg/m² body surface
concept of surgical cytoreduction and HIPEC for peri-
area mitomycin or 25 mg/m² cisplatin diluted in a 1.5%
toneal malignancies into clinical routine.
glucose peritoneal dialysis solution were administered
The surgical procedure was strictly based on the peri-
intraperitoneally and the same dosage of chemotherapeu-
tonectomy procedure described by SUGARBAKER (3). The
tic agents was repeated after 45min (11).
management concept of peritoneal carcinomatosis was
Intestinal anastomoses were sutured after completion
divided into two therapeutic parts : the operative part
of HIPEC. Handsewn anastomoses were favoured.
with cytoreductive surgery aiming at a complete resec-
Staplers were used for low rectal or esophagojejunal
tion of all visible tumour mass and the second part :
anastomosis only. Regularly two 24 Charrière sump
simultaneous local intraoperative chemotherapy with
drains (Mallinckrodt Medical GmbH, Hennef, Germany)
hyperthermic lavage of the peritoneal cavity with cyto-
were left in place intraabdominally at the end of the pro-
static drugs (HIPEC).
cedure. Early extubation was attempted on our surgical
A median laparotomy was performed from the ensi-
ICU after completion of the procedure. Oral nutrition
form process to the pubis for surgical access. The anteri-
was initiated immediately after stabilisation of the vital
or peritoneum was dissected using the so called „Skin
Traction". Therefore a median abdominal incision was
performed leaving the peritoneum intact beside a small
window for inspection of the abdominal cavity. After that Follow up
the peritoneal layer was dissected using electrocautery The further follow up of the patients was conducted in
under continuous tension of the abdominal wall. A our outpatient clinic. It included office visits with clini-
detailed description of this technique was published else- cal examination and control of the tumour markers as
where (6, 7, 8). After abdominal exploration the extent of well as imaging studies with abdominal CT scan and
peritoneal carcinomatosis was documented according to chest radiography every six months.
the peritoneal carcinomatosis index (PCI) to enable bet-
ter comparability. Therefore tumour size was assessed Statistical analysis
and accumulated in each of the 13 abdominopelvic
regions. Assessment of tumour size was categorised into A relational database was created and statistical analysis
4 groups : 0, no detectable disease ; 1, minimal disease was performed using SPSS 15.0® for Windows®.
(tumour thickness < 0.5 cm) ; 2, moderate disease
(tumour thickness ≥ 0.5 cm and ≤ 5 cm) ; and 3, macro- Results
scopic disease (tumour thickness > 5 cm) (9). The resec-
tion of the affected peritoneum was performed stepwise Between October 2005 and February 2009 altogether
if necessary to a complete parietal peritonectomy. 42 patients were scheduled to undergo cytoreductive sur-
Resection of intraperitoneal organs was necessary in the gery and HIPEC. The complete procedure was accom-
case of affected visceral peritoneum. Infiltration of the plished in 34 patients. A palliative procedure was per-
small bowel mesentery or of several loops of the small formed due to extensive infiltration of the small bowel
intestine with symptomatic stenosis represented limiting (6 patients) or the iliac arteries (further 2 patients). In
factors for curative surgical intention. HIPEC was per- two female and one male patient HIPEC without peri-
formed after tumour resection and documentation of the tonectomy was performed to reduce substantial ascites.
achieved cytoreduction using the „Completeness of Peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian origin repre-
Cytoreduction Score” (CC score) as described by sented the most frequent indication for treatment
Sugarbaker (10). (Table I). The median operative time including HIPEC
A half-open coliseum technique was used for the per- was 395 min. (range 250-835). The postoperative stay in
fusion of the abdominal cavity. Thereby a contamination the intensive care unit averaged 11 days, while the
of the environment was prevented and temperature loss- duration of postoperative hospitalisation was 26 days
es were minimised at the same time. The body core and (Table II).
blood temperature was simultaneously taken intraab- In 56% of the cases (19 patients) complete tumour
dominally, inside the urinary bladder, directly in the resection was achieved (CC score 0). Residual tumour
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70 W. Raue et al.

Table I Table III

Indication for surgical cytoreduction and HIPEC Postoperative course and complications
Tumour entity N = 34 (%) Surgical complications : n (%)
Ovarian carcinoma 10 (29) Anastomotic leakage 2 (6)
Gastric cancer 5 (15) Superficial wound infection 5 (15)
Colorectal Carcinoma 7 (21) Deep wound infection 2 (6)
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 5 (15) Peritonitis / intraabdominal abscess 3 (9)
Mesothelioma 2 (6) Bleeding 5 (15)
Mucinous appendix carcinoma 4 (12) General complications :
Unknown primary 1 (3) Pulmonary 6 (18)
Renal/hepatic 5 (15)
Cardiac 6 (18)
Table II Mental disorder 7 (21)
Catheter associated infection 5 (15)
Patient demographic data and clinical characteristics
Number of patients with complications 12 (35)
N = 34
Age (years) 56 (27-73) Patients with need for surgical revision 7 (21)
Gender female 23 (68) In-hospital mortality 2 (6)

Body mass index (kg/m2) (BMI) 26 (21-31)

ASA score
I / II 27 (79) Table IV
III 7 (21) Treatment related toxicity according
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Index (PCI) 18 (4-33) to the NCI CTCAE classification
Completeness of cytoreduction score (CCS) Grade III Grade IV Grade V
0 (no remaining tumour) 19 (56%) Infection 7 3 2
1 (remaining tumour < 0,25 cm) 10 (29%) Gastrointestinal tract 2 1 2
2 (remaining tumour 0,25-2,5 cm) 5 (15%) Cardiovascular system 4 2 -
Chemotherapy Bone marrow 1 - -
Neurological system 4 4 -
Mitomycin C 23
Renal / Genitourinary system 4 - -
Cisplatin 11
Haematological system 2 - -
Time for complete surgery/HIPEC (min) 395 (250-835) Pulmonary system 3 2 -
Stay on the Intensive Care Unit (days) 11 (2-42)
Grade 5 refers to toxicity related deaths.
Postoperative hospital stay (days) 26 (8-71) Different complications can occur in one patient.
Data are given as median (range) or number (%).

remained in 15 cases (34%) (Table II). Three patients During the early postoperative course two patients
with CC score of 1/2 underwent reoperation for tumour (6%) died from a multi organ failure after anastomotic
progression to prevent mechanical ileus. leakage. Further 6 patients (18%) died during the follow-
Overall 7 (21%) patients suffered from complications up period from a progression of their underlying malig-
requiring surgical revision (bleeding : 5, anastomotic nancy. After a mean follow up of 18 months 76% of all
leak : 1, fistula : 1). General complications were seen in treated patients were still alive (Fig. 1).
12 (34%) patients. Cardiac failure with need for pro-
longed inotropic support or arrhythmias higher than Discussion
Lown III° and pulmonary insufficiency were the most
common general complications that resulted in a pro- The therapeutic concept combining HIPEC and surgical
longed time of mechanical ventilation or noninvasive cytoreduction for peritoneal carcinomatosis offers a
ventilation support (median 120h, range 4-860h). potentially curative treatment for the first time (3).
Furthermore transient mental disorientation occurred in Success of this approach must be weighed against pallia-
21% of all patients after extubation but full recovery was tive conservative treatment including modern systemic
achieved without specific therapy in all cases (Table III chemotherapy and best supportive care. Acceptable
and IV). treatment related mortality and morbidity must be
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Initial Results after HIPEC 71

comparable to the available data, we noticed a consider-

able lower incidence of fistulas and relevant anastomot-
ic leakages in our trial. One reason for this result might
be consequent creation of a defunctioning ileostomy if a
rectal resection had to be performed. Furthermore a
meticulous preparation including detailed workflows and
close integration of all medical disciplines (e.g. anaes-
thesiology and oncology) helped to improve the learning
curve during for the implementation of the procedure
into clinical routine.
Conclusions concerning the long-term course or the
postoperative survival are limited because of the small
number of treated patients and the short follow up in the
present trial. Nevertheless the preliminary data are prom-
ising. To elucidate further questions, all patients under-
going HIPEC treatment in our hospital will be enrolled in
prospective study protocols. Especially the prevention of
cardiopulmonary complications has not been extensively
studied yet and is in the focus of further investigations.
In conclusion the therapeutical approach of combined
cytoreductive surgery and simultaneous HIPEC offers a
Fig. 1 promising attempt for a considerable prolongation of
Survival time after surgery and HIPEC for peritoneal carcino-
matosis. survival with acceptable morbidity and mortality in cases
of peritoneal carcinomatosis. This procedure can be
safely implemented into clinical practice. However, the
requested. The results of several prospective trials in dif- successful introduction of the concept requires accurate
ferent tumour entities are promising (2, 12, 13, 14). The planning, support on multiple administrative and clinical
mortality of combined HIPEC and surgical debulking levels, as well as a preparatory phase for the clinical
varies in different studies from 1-12% (2, 12, 15, 16, 17, implementation.
18, 19, 20).
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