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Prevention | ‘Active management of the third stage of labor ‘© Administration of uterotonic agents (oxytocin 10 1U IM or misoprosto! 600 pg orally if oxytocin is nether available nor feasible) Controlled cord traction Uterine massage after delivery of the placenta, as appropriate PPH Vaginal delivery >500 m_ of blood loss Cesarean delivery >1L of blood loss ‘Any volume o! blood loss with unstable woman Contra bleeding Aonic compression Uterine tamponade for atony Secure IV access Z ongoing bleeding \oritor maternal status Airway, Breathing, and Circulation Empty bladder WV access, ‘Examination to determine cause — Fluid bolus (aim to keep blood pressure >1000mm Hg) ‘of bleeding hytoci 20-40 IU/L IV fluid infusion Give blood products it available Uterine massage (there maybe muitile causes) $< ~~ Taian] [ieamedpaetta] sa [ inedplacanta] [Uterine inversion Tacerations —] v ¥ ¥ irotonice “Rtargijo manually | |Atiompi to replace lOxytoxin: 51U Ivor 10 1uiM,cr | | remove placenta. | | uterus: do not give pale all |20—40 IU/L IV fluid infusion Inraumeat ord | |uterotonics or attempt ||, areratone nection or misoprestal | to remove placerta | | e'vicand vagina| (800 yg) can be until uterus is replaced| [uk moun | considered as an examined, ae siteratve before especialy i ]O.2me i repeatae-+hoursit_ | | steratve beter irunswoosstu, | [ean recpired ior a maxirum oft 9 manvalronovts. | | arangete anaes | PQOCEOA abo |per 24 hours ienek: woman to center with: or ie surgical capability IMisoprostot: 800.0 sublinguaty | | —H unsuocessti tunable to (4200419 tablets) range to transfer ‘ata ete or cman to cerfar pealbsbaes ICarboprost: 0.25 mg IM with eapabity for Soopas latSmrutes (manmum2mg) | | dion and curettage — Wunsuocessiul, arange to tansler woman to next evel of care Mavailable Inrauterine tamponade ‘Shock trousers Uterine artery embolization [Laparotomy (hypogastric artery igation, B-Lynch sutures, andlor hysterectomy) These women are at risk of anemia Its important to give iron supplements for at least 3 months Maszare funds ter gr sth laser lai (maks 15) 1 vt |. | fokasinain ‘ besuas/bershian benuen| dorahsaapctketuban “eKempres manvsl ners (03) > ces Bmenit Teahnian Keema 2 mat + Rertan eget t Brera kontakt? Laan pengowenan tale V ~ Agra keluarga melakstan Kompresi bimanual else (KE) atuatan tangan (KBD scare hat hat ‘Subian Meth ergometin 0.2 mgim + aang inks + 201U Custos, guyr + asa oo KB “¢Rjuidiplan iaparctome ‘ Layuttan pembeten nfs + 201U Otstonn minimal 500 c/am hinge samp egutan Gambar 6. Penatalaksanaan perdarahan post partum PROTAP HPP BERSAMAAN bararo. UANGS/D6 UL 2 Roane ALAN LAR TAMPUL{O2 Mel te asamp ‘GA TEARANDAMNTED STABL BLA DOstsMaxbuaLsTABOR secray/vacina 1. PONYERABATONI:PERTIMGANGKANDILARUEAN HSTEREATOM /UGASIARTERUTERINA,/ MFOGASTRA 2. GARGGUIM PEMBEKLIN ABNORMAL: FRC, GOPRECIPTTATE THOMEDSIT SAGAN 5. Tatalaksana awal perdarahan pascasalin dengan pendekatan tim Lengan Kepala * Periksa nadi dan tekanan darah . © Cek kesadaran * Pasang akses intravena/infus + Ambil darch untuk pemeritsaan Woe coll alle olin laboratorium aa + Cek pemapasan dan beri 0, mato iti, , 2 ), golongan darah Lakukenpencatatanurutan Gmujipencocdan sie, kejadian/kronologi + Lakukan resusitasi cairan * Berikan obat-obat uterotonika Uterus Muli dari sini! Panggil bantuan! © Masase uterus * Lahitkan plasente dengan lengkap © Koordinasi dengan penolong lain pada posisi “kepala” dan “lengan” © Kosongkan kandung kemih « Jika atonia uteri, lakukan kompresi bimanual « Tentukan penyebab perdarahan + Rujuk bila perdarahan berlanjut Tabel 4.7.1 Jumlah Cairan Infus Pengganti Berdasarkan Perkiraan Volume Kehilangan Darah IT Votune | PerkrsanKenianga | mah cuiran nara Perdarahan Dareh (mi) | infus Kristaloié ene Ce LT ae a eo ee et ree ert ees =) oe 120 | 80umenit |Hangat |< 10% — | <600 ml (asumsi = erat badan 60 ke) 100n menit | Pucat | + 15% 900 mi 2000-3000 mi 5120 ment] Dingin | = 30% 1800 mi | 3800-5600 mi 140d menit| Basah |= 3000 ml | 6000-9000 mi hingga take | teraba Tabel 4.7.2 Penyebab Perdarahan Pascasalin TE or ‘Atonia uteri * Perdarahan segera setelah anak lahira + Uterus tidak berkontraksi atau lembek Plasenta belum dilahirkan dalam 30 menit setelan kelahiran bayi Sisa plasenta * Plasenta atau sebagian selaput (mengandung pembuluh darah) tidak lengkap + Perdarahan dapat muncul 6-10 hari pascasalin disertai subinvolusi uterus Retensio plasenta Robekan jalan lahir Perdarahan segerea * Darah segar yang mengalir segera setelah bayi lai Ruptura uteri ' Perdarahan segerga (perdarahan intraabdominal dan/ ‘atau pervaginam) "= Nyeri perut yang hebat = Lumen vagina terisi massa yeti ringan atau beratb ed rire) ee Gangguan pembekuan | » Perdarahan tidak erhenti, encer, tidak terlihat darah gumpalan darah * Kegagalan terbentuknya gumpatan pada uji pembekuan darah sederhana + Terdapat faktor predisposisi: * Solusio plasenta + Kematian janin dalam uterus + Eklampsia * Emboli air ketuban + Perdarahan dapat ringan bila bekuan darah menutup serviks atau bila ibu berbaring telentang, ® Paca inversio Komplit dapat tidak teradi percarahan

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