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Networking Lab Experiment no.

8 : Peer to Peer Communication

Q.1. What is Peer to Peer Communication ? Explain with proper diagrams. ( Use the
following points for framing the answer.)
a. Architecture
b. Unstructured Network
c. Structured Network
d. Applications
Q.2 State Difference between Peer to Peer Communication and Client Server
Communication. Explain with proper diagrams.

Q.3 Explain the Cable pin outs for Cat 5 RJ 45 Connector and the Cross Over Pinout
for the same .

Q.4 Explain the Commands given below : along with the screenshots of the
respective output
(Note : The Screen shots of the outputs have been appended at the end of this
document. U can stick the same in your write ups)
a. ipconfig
b. ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count] [-s count]
[[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]] [-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-4] [-6
c. ping /?

Q.5 Explain what is an IP address . How is it assigned ?

Q. 6. Explain what is meant by Subnet Mask and Default Gateway with a suitable
Q.7 . Identify the problem in the network if you get the following message with the
ping command
a. Destination host unreachable.
b. General Failure
You can refer to ‘’ for a proper explanation
Screenshots of the outputs

1. ipconfig

2. ping

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