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A position paper on: Transgender Rights

By: Melrose B. dela Vega


The Alteration of Sex Description and sex Status Act, which allows a transgender person
who undergoes a medical or surgical gender reassignment to apply to the Department of Home
Affairs to have the sex description altered on their birth record. If once the birth record is altered
they be issued with a new birth certificate and identity document, and are considered for all
purposes to be his or her new sex. A person may consider being a transgender person if their
identity is inconsistent or not culturally associated of what assigned sex at their birth, and also
with the gender role and social status that typically associated with sex. This paper will debunk
the positive sides of the transgender rights and I will give the negative values of having the
transgender rights.


All people are made equal but discrimination against LGBT`s (lesbians, gays, bisexual,
and transgender) people have met this problem especially the students. The transgender have also
the right because they are also living on this world.

Discrimination between the transgender people happened because they abuse their selves.
They bullied because of what they doing. They apply the transgenderism for the reason of they
did not want their true gender identity. They are not contented of who and what they are.

The degree of legal recognition provided by transgenderism varies widely throughout the
world. Many countries now legally recognize sex reassignment by permitting a change of legal
gender on an individual’s birth certificate. Many transsexual or transgender people can benefits
from the legal recognition given to them.

They can benefits? Benefits of taking the risk for certain types of diseases, transgender
persons are at increased risk for chronic diseases, cancers, mental health problems, prostate
cancers, and even death. You only consider the good benefits of being transgender persons but
you did not think the negative impacts and effects.
In recent years, lawmakers and school administrators in the Philippines have recognized
that bullying of LGBT`s is a serious problem, and designed intervisions to address it. In 2012,
the DepEd, which overseas primary and secondary schools, enacted a child protection policy
designed to address bullying and discrimination in schools especially on the basis of sexual
orientation and gender identity. This statement shows that being a transgender has a right
because they make laws against discrimination who bullied transgender people.

If the people obey the laws that made by man and not obeying the law of God, it is not
fair. It seems that man is more than powerful than God. The law of God must be the highest laws
of all the laws. Just accept the fact that humans have no right to change their gender.


The transgenderism can be raises issues and aspect especially in the spiritual aspect. Most
of these issues are generally considered a part of family law, especially the issues of marriage. In
the Bible there is a verse that can be found in the book of 1 Corinthians 11:8 that says “For the
man is not of the women” so be contented of who and what you are.

Many parents and teachers tell their children and students that being a transgender person
is immoral or wrong. Even the religious leaders, the Catholic Bishops` Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP) has condemned violence and discriminations against LGBT people.
According to them allowing transgenderism will open the door in same sex marriage, divorce
and the control of total population.

People who are transgender have no right to change their gender because they bring their
selves into their early burial, or in short into death. Today, in our world is full of discrimination
that`s why if you want to be not discriminated be formal. Be the person of your original identity
and gender.


Transgender people will spread over the world especially in the Philippines if the
government will allow this transgenderism in the country. Many lesbians, gays, bisexuals will
encourage to take the medical or surgical operation if the government allows them to continue
their identities. Instead of doing this transgenderism, be contented of who and what you are.

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