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Learning objectives human and physical capital are its important sources and any
After reading this lesson, you will understand increase in them requires higher saving and investment, which
the financial system helps to achieve. Second, the financial
• Effects of financial system on saving and investment
system contributes to growth not only via technical progress
• Relationship between financial system and economic but also in its own right. Economic development greatly
development depends on the rate of capital formation. The relationship
• A cautionary approach- between capital and output is strong, direct, and monotonic
• The process of financial development (the position which is sometimes referred to as “capital
fundamentalism”). Now, the capital formation depends on
• Criteria to evaluate financial sector
whether finance is made available in time, in adequate quantity,
Students, today in the class let us discuss the correlation of and on favourable terms-all of which a good financial system
financial system and the economic development. The role of achieves. Third, it also enlarges markets over space and time; it
financial system in economic development has been a much- enhances the efficiency of the function of medium of exchange
discussed topic among economists. Is it possible to influence and thereby helps in economic development.
the level of national income, employment, standard of living,
We can conclude from the above that in order to understand the
and social welfare through variations in the supply of finance?
importance of the financial system in economic development,
In what way financial development is affected by economic
we need to know its impact on the saving and investment
processes. The following theories have analyzed this impact: (a)
There is no unanimity of views on such questions. A recent The Classical Prior Saving Theory, (b) Credit Creation or Forced
literature survey concluded that the existing theory on this Saving or Inflationary Financing Theory, (c) Financial Repression
subject has not given any generally accepted model to describe Theory, (d) Financial Liberalisation Theory.
the relationship between finance and economic development.
The Prior Saving Theory regards saving as a prerequisite of
The importance of finance in development depends upon the
investment, and stresses the need for policies to mobilise saving
desired nature of development. In the environment-friendly,
voluntarily for investment and growth. The financial system has
appropriate-technology-based, decentralised Alternative
both the scale and structure effect on saving and investment. It
Development Model, finance is not a factor of crucial
increases the rate of growth (volume) of saving and
importance. But even in a conventional model of modem
investment, and makes their composition, allocation, and
industrialism, the perceptions in this regard vary a great deal.
utilisation more optimal and efficient. It activises saving or
One view holds that finance is not important at all. The
reduces idle saving; it also reduces unfructified investment and
opposite view regards it to be very important. The third school
the cost of transferring saving to investment.
takes a cautionary view. It may be pointed out that there is a
considerable weight of thinking and evidence in favour of the How is this achieved? In any economy, in a given period of
third view also. Let us briefly explain these viewpoints one by time, there are some people whose current expenditures is less
one. than their current incomes, while there are others whose current
expenditures exceed their current incomes. In well-known
In his model of economic growth, Solow has argued that
terminology, the former are called the ultimate savers or
growth results predominantly from technical progress, which is
surplus--spending-units, and the latter are called the ultimate
exogenous, and not from the increase in labour and capital.
investors or the deficit-spending-units.
Therefore, money and finance and the policies about them
cannot contribute to the growth process. Modern economies are characterized (a) by the ever-expanding
nature of business organisations such as joint-stock companies
You All Tell Me What are your Opinions Regarding or corporations, (b) by the ever-increasing scale of production,
this? (c) by the separation of savers and investors, and (d) by the
differences in the attitudes of savers (cautious, conservative, and
Effects of Financial System on Saving and Investment
usually averse to taking risks) and investors (dynamic and risk-
It has been argued that men, materials, and money are crucial
takers). In these conditions, which Samuelson calls the
inputs in production activities. The human capital and physical
dichotomy of saving and investment, it is necessary to connect
capital can be bought and developed with money. In a sense,
the savers with the investors. Otherwise, savings would be
therefore, money, credit, and finance are the lifeblood of the
wasted or hoarded for want of investment opportunities, and
economic system. Given the real resources and suitable
investment plans will have to be abandoned for want of
attitudes, a well--developed financial system can contribute
savings. The function of a financial system is to establish a
significantly to the acceleration of economic development
bridge between the savers and investors and thereby help the
through three routes. First, technical progress is endogenous;
mobilisation of savings to enable the fructification of

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investment ideas into realities. Figure below reflects this role of providing insurance services and hedging opportunities, and by

the financial system in economic development. making financial services such as remittance, discounting,
acceptance and guarantees available. Finally, it not only
Relationship Between Financial System and
encourages greater investment but also raises the level of
Economic Development resource allocational efficiency among different investment
channels. It helps to sort out and rank investment projects by
sponsoring, encouraging, and selectively supporting business
units or borrowers through more systematic and expert project
appraisal, feasibility studies, monitoring, and by generally
Economic Development
keeping a watch over the execution and management of
The contribution of a financial system to growth goes beyond
increasing prior-saving-based investment. There are two strands
of thought in this regard. According to the first one, as
Savings & Investment or
Capital Formation emphasized by Kalecki and Schumpeter, financial system plays a
positive and catalytic role by creating and providing finance or
credit in anticipation of savings. This, to a certain extent,
ensures the independence of investment from saving in a given
Surplus Spending Deficit Spending period of time. The investment financed through created credit
Economic Units Economic Units generates the appropriate level of income. This in turn leads to
an amount of savings, which is equal to the investment already
undertaken. The First Five Year Plan in India echoed this view
Income Minus Income Minus when it stated that judicious credit creation in production and
(Consumption + (Consumption + availability of genuine savings has also a part to play in the
Own investment) Investment)
process of economic development. It is assumed here that the
investment out of created credit results in prompt income
generation. Otherwise, there will be sustained inflation rather
Surplus or Saving Deficit or Negative
Saving than sustained growth.
The second strand of thought propounded by Keynes and
Tobin argues that investment, and not saving, is the constraint
Financial System on growth, and that investment determines saving and not the
other way round. The monetary expansion and the repressive
policies result in a number of saving and growth promoting
forces: (a) if resources are unemployed, they increase aggregate
demand, output, and saving; (b) if resources are fully
employed, they generate inflation which lowers the real rate of
A financial system helps to increase output by moving the
return on financial investments. This in turn, induces portfolio
economic system towards the existing production frontier. This
shifts in such a manner that wealth holders now invest more in
is done by transforming a given total amount of wealth into
real, physical capital, thereby increasing output and saving; (c)
more productive forms. It induces people to hold less savings
inflation changes income distribution in favour of profit
in the form of precious metals, real estate land, consumer
earners (who have a high propensity to save) rather than wage
durables, and currency, and to replace these assets by bonds,
earners (who have a low propensity to save), and thereby
shares, units, etc. It also directly helps to increase the volume
increases saving; and (d) inflation imposes tax on real money
and rate of saving by supplying diversified portfolio of such
balances and thereby transfers resources to the government for
financial instruments, and by offering an array of inducements
financing investment.
and choices to woo the prospective saver. The growth of
“banking habit” helps to activise saving and undertake fresh The extent of contribution of the financial sector to saving,
saving. The saving is said to be “institution-elastic” i.e., easy investment, and growth is said to depend upon its being free or
access, nearness, better return, and other favourable features repressed (regulated). One school of thought argues that
offered by a well-developed financial system lead to increased financial repression and the low/ negative real interest rates
saving. which go along with it encourage people (i) to hold their saving
in unproductive real assets, (ii) to be rent -seekers because of
A financial system helps to increase the volume of investment
non-market allocation of investible funds, (iii) to be indulgent
also. It becomes possible for the deficit spending units to
which lowers the rate of saving, (iv) to misallocate resources and
undertake more investment because it would enable them to
attain inefficient investment profile, and (v) to promote capital-
command more capital. As Schumpeter has said, without the
intensive industrial structure inconsistent with the
transfer of purchasing power to an entrepreneur, he cannot
factor-endowment of developing countries. Financial
become the entrepreneur. Further, it encourages investment
liberalisation or deregulation corrects these ill effects and leads to
activity by reducing the cost of finance and risk. This is done by

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financial as well as economic development. However, as Second, it has been pointed out that the roles of capital


indicated earlier, some economists believe that financial formation and finance in development have been unduly or
repression is beneficial. The most recent thinking on this subject disproportionately stressed; that capital shortage is not the
says that the empirical foundations of financial liberalisation are single most important barrier to development. Empirically, it
not robust enough, and that mild, moderate, small repression has been very often found that the rate of capital formation
is more growth promoting than either large-scale repression or increased without raising the growth rate; and the relation
complete laissez-faire. between capital and growth has been one of correlation rather
than causation. It is estimated that in industrialized countries,
capital accumulation could account for at most one--fourth of
the rate of economic growth in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Increase in capital without suitable social, economic, political
conditions cannot cause growth; and, on the other hand,
favourable developments in the conditions just mentioned can
achieve much growth with minimum of capital. The
conventional thinking has always stressed the need for
substitution of capital for other factors but the scope and
possibilities for this kind of substitution, particularly in the
light of factor endowments, have never been really explored.
For growth, much additional capital, and, therefore, much
finance, is not always required; through depreciation allowances,
better composition of capital, appropriate technology, and
higher productivity, a lot of growth can be achieved. The
methodology used for estimating the financial resource
requirements (incremental capital-output ratio) is also riddled
with many valuations, measurement, and other problems.
The thrust and message of the above analysis are clearly
expressed in the following statements:
• Real growth cannot be bought with money alone (Chandler).
• By and large, it seems to be the case that where enterprise
leads, finance follows (Joan Robinson). Societies in which
Financial Sector and Economic Development: a other conditions of growth were favourable were usually
capable of devising adequate financial institutions
Cautionary Approach
Many economists have taken a cautionary view of the role of
financial markets in development. The capital market • The role of finance in development is a subsidiary one
enthusiasm and optimism implicit in certain theories of (Newlyn).
finance, viz., Capital Asset Pricing Model and Efficient Market The Process of Financial Development
Hypothesis with their multiple unrealistic, restrictive How does financial development occur? Is it influenced by
assumptions, have been questioned in different ways. economic development? Does the former always precede the
First, it has been argued that the financial sector can perform the latter? The literature talks about “supply leading” and “demand
developmental role if it functions efficiently, but in practice, it is following” financial development. Under the former, financial
not efficient. Tobin’s analysis in this respect is highly instructive. development occurs first and stimulates economic growth.
With logic and examples, he has explained how the prices in Under the latter, as trade, commerce and industry expand, the
financial markets rarely reflect intrinsic values; how very little of financial institutions, instruments, and services needed by them
the work done by the securities industry has to do with also expand as a matter of response. The financial development
financing real investment; how the allocation of funds by is said to be “active” in the first case, and “passive” in the
financial markets is hardly optimal; and that the services of second one.
financial system do not come cheap. According to him, financial Such a characterisation of the process of financial development
system serves us all right. But its functioning does not merit is not very apt. It is difficult to establish precisely the sequence
complacency. Financial activities generate high private reward of real and financial sector developments; the cause and effect
disproportionate to their social productivity. The ‘casino effect’ relationship between them is difficult to disentangle. It will be
of financial markets cannot be forgotten. The speculation in more correct to say that their growths are intertwined,
financial markets is a negative-sum game for the general public. symbiotic, and mutually reinforcing. While financial markets
More recently, through the application of chaos and fractal accelerate development, they, in turn, grow with economic
analyses to financial markets, it has been shown that they are development. In the words of Schumpeter, “the money market
characterized by asymmetry, turbulence, discontinuity, is always the headquarters of the capitalist system, from which
stampedes, non-periodicity, and inefficiency. orders go out to its individual divisions, and that which is

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debated and decided there is always in essence the settlement of corporate-sector-centric. (k) There are limits to the overall and

plans for further development. All kinds of credit requirements industrial growth, and, therefore, a “ceiling” on the targeted rate
come to this market; all kinds of economic project are first of growth has to be imposed. (l) The only legitimate role of
brought into relation with each other and contend for their the financial markets is infrastructural, hence they should not
realization in it; all kinds of purchasing power flows to it to be exist to provide opportunities to make quick, disproportionate
sold. This gives rise to a number of arbitrage operations and pecuniary gains. (m) It is the primary markets activity of
intermediate manoeuvres, which may easily veil the supporting new, economically and socially productive real
fundamental thing. Thus, the main function of the money or investment, trade, and flows of goods and services, which is of
capital market is trading in credit for the purpose of financial foremost importance. The enthusiasm, hyperactivity, and
development. Development creates and nourishes this market. preoccupation with the secondary markets ought to be avoided.
In the course of development, it becomes the market for
Questions to Discuss:
sources of income themselves.”
1. What are the effects of Financial System on saving and
Criteria To Evaluate Financial Sector Investment?
At the end of the discussion let us evaluate financial sector
2. Discuss the relationship Between Financial System and
critically. Given the controversy regarding the contribution of
Economic Development?
financial sector, it is necessary to have a framework to evaluate
the performance of the country’s financial sector. Let us first 3. Discuss a cautionary approach on Financial Sector and
look at the criteria formulated, in the form of questions, by Economic Development?
Richard D. Erb, the former Deputy Managing Director of the 4. What are the criteria To Evaluate Financial Sector?
International Monetary Fund: (i) Do institutions find the most Notes:
productive investments? (ii) Do institutions revalue their assets
and liabilities in response to changed circumstances? (iii) Do
investors and financial institutions expect to be bailed out of
mistakes and at what price? (iv) Do institutions facilitate the
management of risk by making available the means to insure,
hedge, and diversify risks? (v) Do institutions effectively
monitor the performance of their users, and discipline those
not making proper and effective use of their resources? (vi)
How effective is the legal, regulatory, supervisory, and judicial
structure? (vii) Do financial institutions publish consistent and
transparent information?
These criteria, useful as they are, do not encompass social and
ethical aspects of finance, which ought to be regarded as
important as economic aspects. Therefore, the relevant
normative criteria, organizing principles, and value premises
which should guide the functioning of the financial system are:
(a) Finance is not the most critical factor in development. (b)
The use of finance must be imbued with the virtues of
austerity, self--limit, and minimization. (c) Financial reforms are
not merely a question of “credit limits”; they encompass issues
involved in “limits of credit”. (d) State intervention is not the
best way to achieve a fair distribution of credit. (e) Financial
institutions must evolve from below rather than be imposed
from above. Financial development ought to take place at a
slow and steady pace rather than in spurts and in a programmed
or (time) encapsulated manner. (f) There should be a
replacement of large-scale by small-scale, wholesale by retail, and
class by mass banking. (g) The sufficing principle rather than the
maximising one should power the financial system. The
functioning of different financial institutions must be on the
basis of a communitarian spirit, not competition and profit
motive. (h) The financing of investment, which results in the
displacement or retrenchment of labour, should be
discouraged. (i) The scope for financing various sectors is
ultimately constrained by domestic saving. The substantial
increase in the total saving in India is unlikely to take place now.
(j) The working of the Indian financial system should not be

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