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1.1. Background...................................................................................................................4

1.2.Benefit ............................................................................................................................4

1.3.Objectives ......................................................................................................................4


2.1.IN BOOK “Etika Profesi Keguruan” – Ondi Saondi, M.Pd. dan Drs. Aris Suherman,

2.2. IN BOOK “Menjadi Guru Profesional Menciptakan Pembelajaran Kreatif Dan

Menyenangkan” – Dr.E.Mulyasa,M.Pd..................................................................................7

2.3. IN BOOK “Future of Teaching Profession ” – John MacBeath.....................................12

2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages

2.4.1 Advantages

2.4.2 Disadvantages


5.1. Conclusion......................................................................................................................16

5.2. Advice.............................................................................................................................16

5.3.Reference ........................................................................................................................16




Critical Book Report is one way to criticize a book to know the advantages and disadvantages
of a book that will be criticized. On this occasion we criticize the book entitled Professional
Teachers. I chose this book for my criticism because I was intrigued by the cover, which is
where the full color cover, and the cover image made me curious about this book. From reading
the table of contents containing the title looks that books on How to review the material content
of the teacher's professional in-depth. And I am interested in criticizing and reviewing and
steeped contents of these two books because I wanted to get some insight from these two books.


Critical Book Review helpful to broaden and literature writer on teacher professional matter,
and know the contents of the book in terms of both the outside and inside, and serves as a
reference for the development of teacher professional lessons.


Critical Book Review The purpose of this is to fulfill the task of education profession lecturing.



Summary Of Book

2.1. IN BOOK “Etika Profesi Keguruan” – Ondi Saondi, M.Pd. dan Drs. Aris
Suherman, M.Pd.

Identity Book 1
Title : Etika Profesi Keguruan
Author : Ondi Saondi, M.Pd. dan Drs. Aris Suherman, M.Pd.
Publisher : PT Refika Aditama
Years : 2010
Wide Book : 15, 4
High Book : 23, 8 cm
Thick : 176 halaman
ISBN : 978-602-8650-14-4
Book Prices : Rp34.000,00

Summary of Book 1
Education is essentially a civilizing efforts of man or humanize, education is strategic
to the intellectual life of the nation and is required to improve the quality of the nation as a
whole. In this case, the teacher is the spearhead, teachers are required to have basic skills
required as educators, mentors and teachers which is reflected in the ability of teacher
competence. Absence of quality education process is highly dependent on the creativity and
innovation held by teachers. Teachers who are very dominant factor and the most important in
formal education for students in general because teachers are often used as a role model even
figures of self-identification. At school, teachers are elements which influence the achievement
of educational goals than elements facility students and others. The success of education is
determined readiness of teachers in preparing their students through teaching and learning.
However, the strategic position of teachers to improve the quality of education is
strongly influenced by the professional abilities of teachers and the quality of its performance.
Teachers are required to have performance that is able to deliver and realize the hopes and
desires of all parties, especially the general public who have trusted the school and teachers in
fostering their students. In achieving a good quality of education is strongly influenced by the
performance of teachers in performing their duties so that the performance demands of teachers
becomes essential to achieve educational success. In general, the quality of education that is
both a barometer for the success of the performance shown teachers. Although many dilemma,
the factors that affect the performance of teachers is necessary to be studied, analyzed and
studied in depth in order to provide a clear picture of the factors that contribute more and urgent
that affect the performance of teachers. Thus the book is expected to be a small effort to
facilitate the things mentioned above.

2.2. IN BOOK “Menjadi Guru Profesional Menciptakan Pembelajaran Kreatif Dan
Menyenangkan” – Dr.E.Mulyasa,M.Pd.

Identity Book 2

Title : Menjadi Guru Profesional Menciptakan Pembelajaran Kreatif

Dan Menyenangkan
Author : Dr.E.Mulyasa,M.Pd.
Publisher : Rosda
ISBN : 979-692-372-0
Publisher Years : 2011
Language : Indonesia
Page : 232
Size : 15,5 x 24 cm
Book Prices : Rp. 38.000,00

Summary Of Book 2


In the daily practice of education, there are many teachers who make mistakes in task
and function. These errors are often not realized by the teachers, and even still among others
who considered it normal and common. In fact, the slightest mistake by the teachers, especially
in learning, will negatively impact on the development of learners. Teachers should be able to
understand the conditions that allow him do wrong, and most importantly is to control

themselves and avoid from mistakes. In connection with that, this chapter specifically discusses
the mistakes that often do teachers in learning and how to avoid them. It is expected that the
teachers are not only aware of the variety of conditions that allow them to do slah, but were
able to avoid the things that prompted him to make mistakes. Such errors include the following:
Taking shortcuts in Learning. Negative Behavior of Students waiting. Using Destructive
Discipline. Ignoring Difference Difference. Most Clever feel. Not Fair (discriminatory).
Forcing the Rights of Students.


Everyone believed that the teacher has contributed greatly to the success of learning in
schools. Guru was instrumental role in helping the development of learners to realize the goal
of his life optimally. This belief arises because human beings are weak, which in its
development always need other people, since birth, even at death. All that shows that everyone
needs others in development, such as learners; when parents enroll their children to school at
that time he had great expectations of the teachers, so that children can develop optimally.
Interests, talents, abilities, and potential possessed by learners will not development optimally
without the help of a teacher. They have a role and a very important function in shaping the
personality of the child, in order to prepare and develop the human resources (HR), and the
public welfare, the progress of the state, and nation. Teachers also must race to provide ease of
learning for all students, in order to develop potential optimally. In this case, the teacher must
be creative, professional, and fun, by positioning itself as follows; Parents are full of affection
on learners. Friends, a place to complain, and convey a feeling for the learners. Facilitators who
are always ready to provide convenience, and serving students according to their interests,
abilities, and talents. Contribute ideas to parents to dpat know the problems faced by children
and give advice solutions. The confidence, Berni and responsible. Familiarize learners to
interact (in touch) with others appropriately. Develop reasonable socialization process among
learners, others, and the environment. Developing creativity. Being a helper when needed. To
meet the above demands, the teacher should be able to make sense of learning, and to make
learning as a venue for the establishment and improvement of the quality of personal
competence of learners. For this purpose, with due regard to the study Pulias and Young (1988),
Manan (1990), seta Yelon and Weinstein (1997), can be identified at least 19 the role of the
teacher, the teacher as an educator, teacher, counselor, coach, advisor, innovator (innovator ),
a model and example, private investigators, and a driver of creativity, generating views, regular

workers, shifting the camp, carrying the story, the actors, emancipator, evaluators,
preservatives, and as Kulminator.


Learning is a complex process and involves various aspects are interrelated. Therefore,
to create a learning kretive, and fun, the necessary range of skills. Among these are study or
teaching skills. Teaching skills of professional competence that is quite complex, as the
integration of a variety of teacher competence completely and thoroughly. Turney (1973)
revealed 8 that was instrumental teaching skills and determine the quality of the learning skills
reinforcement member asked, holding variation, explained, opening and closing the lessons,
guided small group discussions, manage the classroom, and teaching small groups and
individuals. The mastery of teaching skills should be intact and integrated, so it requires a
systematic workout, for example, through the study of micro (micro teaching). Each teaching
skills have components and the basic principles of its own. Here was 8 skills and how to use it
in order to create a creative learning, professional, and fun.


This chapter presents the approaches and methods that need to be understood so that
teachers can implement effective learning in improving learning outcomes. (A). Developing
Learning Approach. Competence Approach Process Skills Approach Environmental Approach
Contextual Thematic Approach (B). Choosing Effective Learning Method Demonstration
Method Cost Method 7. Method Concept Enquiry 8. Assignment Method Methods Teaching
Method Experiment 9. invention FAQ 10. Method 11. Problem Solving Method Methods
Discussion Leisure


Learning success is the success of learners in shaping the competencies and goals, as
well as the success of teachers in guiding learners learning dam. This is important in order to
succeed the implementation of the curriculum, because the success of the curriculum is
essentially learning success. Guiding Students who Sluggish Intelligence is a mental ability
that general (ability) to make or to analyze, troubleshoot, resolve themselves, and generalize,
as well as a person's ability to think. 2. Guiding Students who Cerdasdi on Normal Students
belonging to an intelligent are those who have an IQ above normal. The education system in

Indonesia has touched outside Iasa children at school-school through extraordinary or special
schools. In connection with that, at least teachers must understand the characteristics of
exceptional children above normal, and how to provide proper guidance. 3. Individualization
Learning To create an atmosphere learn effective, creative, and learning should not be limited
to classical learning, but it is necessary to serve the difference to learners individually. Efforts
to do in order to include the individualization of learning between learning modules, Program
learning, and learning through electronics.


Based on the type, the research can be grouped into pure research, applied, and
strategic, academic research, descriptive and evaluative research, problem solving, basic
research, applied, instruman, and action. All kinds of research that have basic properties, which
means that planned, meticulous, systematic, and realiabilitas in discovering and deepening the
Master creative, professional, and fun must have a variety of concepts and ways to boost
the quality of learning .Here sniper stance to boost the quality of learning, among other things
by developing emotional intelligence, develop creativity in learning, disciplining students with
affection, stimulate appetite to learn, solve problems, utilize learning resources, and community
involvement in learning.


Teacher competency test can be done nationally, regionally and locally. Nationally can
be done by the central government to determine the quality and standards of competence of
teachers, in relation to the overall education with establishment.


Teacher Law, which specifically regulate various aspects of the world of teachers, both
concerning the rights and obligations. There is the National Education Act of Guru. Article 39,
Article 40, Article 41, Article 43, Article 44. And the last chapter of legal protection of article

2.3. IN BOOK “Future of Teaching Profession ” – John MacBeath

Identity Book 3
Title : Future of Teaching Profession
Author :John MacBeath
Publisher : University of Cambridge Faculty of Education
Publisher Years : 2012
Language : English
Page : 112

Summary Of Book 3

Chapter 1, To be a Teacher?
For teachers, it meant a radical change of behaviour, from an autocratic and punitive
relationship with students to a more positive stance, rewarding and encouraging good
behaviour. As was consistently pointed out in the course of interviews, teachers had been used
to caning, harassing, intimidating, and insulting students in order to maintain discipline. After
the Leadership for Learning programme, there had been a major change in mind-set with a
consequent impact on student behaviour. Beginning to show an appreciation of students’ work
and efforts had produced almost immediate returns. Punishment had been replaced by praise
and reward. (Malakulunthu, 2011, p. 20)

Chapter 2, Understanding and addressing the dissatisfiers

The balance between the satisfiers and dissatisfiers, the ‘force field’ which exerts a pull
on teachers to enter and stay in teaching, and the push factors that gradually tip the balance
towards a reluctant exit. For those charged with making policy and those charged with
implementing (and challenging) policy, coming to terms with, and addressing, the dissatisfiers
is a prelude to change and essential to the future of the teaching profession.

Chapter 3, From magnificent myth to the rise of schooleffectiveness

Long-serving or retired teachers will remember the good old days when there was greater
freedom to teach, less regulation and ‘snoopervision’. But to what extent were those days really
‘good’? What has been the contribution of an ‘effectiveness’ movement to raising standards
and to what extent has it had
a constraining influence on schools and classrooms? Whose interests does it serve? Who is it
for? And what essential aspects of human learning does it ignore? This chapter ends with a
return to what we know about learning, its theoretical underpinnings and essential principles.

Chapter 4, Getting a measure of teaching

After decades of school effectiveness studies and the discovery that teachers make a
difference, the focus of research turned to the teacher effect. Appraisal, evaluation and
performance measures have been embraced by governments worldwide. But what
distinguishes good teachers from bad and outstanding teachers from the merely good? What
criteria is used, and in whose judgement – policy makers? Pupils? Or teachers themselves?

With such knowledge what purposes may it serve? What have we learned from inspection and
self-evaluation that will prove helpful for the future of the teaching profession?

Chapter 5, Stories of change

What are the likely scenarios for the future which follow from different policy
premises? What conditions, forms of support and policy frameworks are most likely to enhance
the self-worth and self-efficacy of teachers and of those they teach? What is the process by
which the system moves from the status quo to a different or more desirable future? Drawing
on three influential models of change, this chapter begins with outlining these three theoretical
scenarios, none of which attempts to predict an uncertain future but all of which recognise the
impediments to change, the process by which paradigm shifts occur and the implications which
these change processes bring with them. The second half of the chapter examines aspects of
the future already in the present – initiatives that have been taken to explore learning beyond
curriculum and beyond the conventional parameters of the school. These carry implications for
the future of teaching, primarily the ‘where’ and the ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’.

Chapter 6, Changing minds: towards a professional future

To what extent is the future a captive of the past? And to what extent is teaching and
teacher education a captive of unforgiving policies? To what extent is teacher professional
development a conservative force and what scope does it allow for innovation, radical change
or critique of established canons of practice?
What will be the nature of the professional identity and priorities for the next generation of
teachers? What does it mean for change to be driven by the profession, by professional bodies
and by essential professional values? What are the seminal principles for a more confident
autonomous profession and the nature of practice, and policy, which this implies?

2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages

2.4.1 Advantages



Become a professional teacher is a mix quality with intergiritas, a teacher pforesional

is a necessity. However, the teaching profession is also very attached to the role of
psychological, humannis even synonymous with the image of humanity. Because it is like a
laboratory, a teacher as a scientist who is experimenting on the fate of the son of man, and also
a nation.


Based on the critical book that I made, there may be additions to fill critical deficiencies in this
book. Suggestions of everything will I gather to give encouragement and guidance in critical
writing of this book.


1. Ondi Saondi, M.Pd. dan Drs. Aris Suherman, M.Pd, 2010.ETIKA PROFESI
KEGURUAN.PT Refika Aditama
3. John Macbeath.2012.FUTURE OF TEACHING PROFESSION.University of


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