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.\_ Torna daa Seema ortin Se cos eni dos: f0,cto,s01, ccllamissi Reais tore anion aud cline sOreteS * el ALG to ohica de la tonatidod { 301 SOstemido . RO pr tres TH “O4Or Air Ramon Noble Peal, 5 chet Eres Ta uaa Carles Calderén Sere as SOsteniag $s en clowe ole ? Como u-napro Co-mo mi Gobo aLiper ewe. "MOU-NE son-Fi = 'o- domiho-ri- zon - Contiht © By JEG 2005 Al Rights Reserved Ee ie 33 QOD =n re pro ERES TU Matt ener tgs mete eee Q Ym, a ~ lfitesgo, 45 yt a Ot doting, mo - gar @ ‘M— co-moel s-guade mi‘ fuente’ @ eS tee ai-goe-si co-moel fie go de-miho ge =, 7 : Después de segunda vec D.C. al fine y muriendi ee ee ae ee 0G ata uo mie e se ore tw el -fiae-go ‘miko ~ gor om SH Sy EL CARBONERO 4/3 FRANCISCO “PANCHO" LARA ARR, EZEQUTEL NUNFIO (1900- 1489) Moderato J SOPRANO = - Soy caro = ne-to que ven = go de las cum-bret Si se-Mor = AM gue ler = ALTO ‘TENOR Bom bom bom = bom = bom =~ bom bom conmicar = bonci-to negro que vier = BASS Bom bom tom = stom = bom = bam bom. que vier te m= bre den - mor sininiose > te dea-mer bom bom bom bom bom bom Bem Bom bom bom bom bom bom te lam - bre den = mor bom bom bom bom bom bem bom bom bem bom bom bom bom ear -bén te lum be dea = mor bom bom bem bem bom bom bom bom bom bom Bom bom bom Tempo de vals con mi car -bon-ci-t0 ap Of Siempre 50-11 (soy car-bo -ne-f0 que ven - go de las cum ~ bres si con mica -bon-ti-to [Oe bcm tes deo ss - deo-tpe poe _ bles yel Wianjo siem=pre soi ‘yon tom born bom bem fom born bom bom bom bor bom bom Bont bom bom e > buen car buen cat bom bom oo pe Sender les mia - Boe EL CARBONERO que vier = (Iom-be dea = mor. sender \les mi-car > bon 2 graf que vier = 1@ tam-bre dea = mor Yen der - es migar > bon S que vier=telum-bre doa = mor ‘que vier-t2 lum-bre dea - mor vender < Tes mecar = bon iin —y bie cha per - oy de co-pl ~ ao! bony de eha-par = noy de eo-pi = nol y decha-per =noy de c0-pi - nol bony deeha-per -noy de 60-pi~ nol de car bon + fo. gx ears bom + go 8e con mi car = ga dears Bim donde i ~ nel 10 = ‘om bombononbenbom bam bom bonibom aa Simi se fcr buen carbon Si se foe buen carbon se or buen ear -bén Si sear buen carbon to-do. se = Hor to-do 30 for to-do 38 to-do. 86 = or ven-goan - 4 'y euan-d0 es uen-car-bén «5 buen-car bn es buen-car bin ven-goen re = dan-doh-ti = 2an = ts Y evan-do le = goal cea 0 0-1-2 wi tw sao a+ “onener pe TEN pe - n om pre-Ious~ ted ‘buen car -bon bombem — bom bom i far = go taeji pte -go fo con mi mi tar = go afi pe =g0 = no con mi wi tar = go tej « pe 0 =o con mi de co-pi = nol oe co-pi ~ buen car~ bn St mis - for Si $9 = or (0-49 s6 - for to-do se = or to-do 50 = for yoo pete. yen cor = in twuen cr «bin y de cha -per y de cha -per spo Fela 4 EL CARBONERO ‘been carbon es boen-car = bon cs buen-car ben oy de co pi - nol oy de 60 com pre-lous ted om pre-lous- ted de mavens col buen cer-bon ben car =bon ‘Meno mosso J=15 1 do che por - oy Yy 6 cha -per ~ noy Alvin Cink ipet “Stand by me \/s Original de Bon B. King ‘Are Sonla Megias. Madrid, Noviemre'2008 ‘Basado en el areglo de Noelia Pardo para el Octo Anaceusa i cabezs en aps (x) on os fongmis "2 se eniten con le engus ua es dente, sin aire > Se puede elie wo 0 dot Beatboxes, BAe caso, os bas hard un sleaci ea as nla con cebezs on asp introduccién ISO TS ma ao Vents seem, when nib oman To dak, whuntbesigh ten, ahy ch Fi = pended ee 5, Went com, when nih he cones lind eh vente hp oA) om oR, Werte sins, where ih bt sme icin ed whether scone, wee Leg BO) TS ora epi ey Wes ep acne, where ight tr ineand lied Ib dak, whe Atoms, wee fy AO ARG A seu Matton wen tee oy He cal BOG Bom! OA Pe sight coe anda ik. Yeh — ie the on = iy He, sod he moon isthe on ty wee Oem Seo ee sigh scone nth is dk Anion is he 1) Hi, ante mson tony Te ORO) Sa oR A ih scone ands duh. Antenne he on -1y i, anton ony Ua estrofa 1 ; , sa Ole Io) oA od, andtenceiooy Hh yew Mistenhtavcons, viniepinconsisbea We ~ BOLD J 5 = = sey mat a 5 —, by | == SS andthe moon the only lip. canst iaaase Ld re = = = sncinosoniste only Hts Bom, bomatevembom bom, = bom ebambomn STANDBY ME Ar Sova. 208 7/5 ‘vhuathenigt his come, whan night Bas eme and helaod ia, ‘Andtherieon fe th on «ly ig, andthe the Stnon— tom, Dome bom tom, te bof dombom bom, bem, or tombom foe ert ees mecares : SSS i $ ¥ y ight will see. we will sce. 7 ———————— Stee ton ban bomen tom, bok bonrbom tom, bom, tom bm bom ” “ z = — SSS eee a be ald pave te «i a on ; Natwooten ai, rowers tn pod wants ld bat wontbes fl Lp = = —= = Y Uh, uh, ub. uh, 1, bam— thor ‘tonibemtom, 1 bom, — , tom bembem bem, Estribillo Ci My dor-ting, dar og sand by me, f= My dareing, dtr ag stand Tans yes, arlongaestand by ae yes atlonges ou say, yo aslong as you sly. yee, bom, bork Serban bom, z.bow, Wbenibom bem, bank w bomboM tem. ‘Bomtom basktabem benbon, fein ND BY EA Sn Mogi. 208 5 7 endhy me ye oh stand a sandy Be sand ty me sandy. me andy me om, Som, tZtom bomen, 2, bos, tbo bom, tz bum, @ombom bem, ts bom, Ubombum om, tz, bom, H bomen estrofa2 a, If testy Uatweleok up - on if te har we ook spon Yes, ab long as sted tyme tom, bom bom Bom bom. Bon, tom bom oot sybatwelock up-onhosldten-bleand fll and themoun-tia, aa shouldtembiond fl nd thers shouidcrum- te om, bom, bom bombomtzbom,—ecbom bom, tz, bom tzbombambom, tz, bam. tr bombom the wt, sed emoun-tun, oh Shoold crumble to tes, om, bom tbembem for, bom —txbomom Bom, txkam, bombombem Bont, 2, bom. teens STAND BY Mer: Sonia Mets. 208 u Is a 2 om i = tele Toto 1 yor ne pon) 2 oo) mow; jooom se, vee 2, Tost wonton Yo. loge you sa oot, tz bom mbombom tor, bum. bom — bom, bom tz bombo bom, bom, te Bom bom Estribillo sey aS = = = aut Wy dan ingén ing sand ty ? eee a od z $ === is - vb oe iearihy stm en Day 4 : yes. slongosstand by ey eae oe = = = aS aS SeS ee er oh std wand by. me tore, @ bom, @ bom bom, te bon, We kambom tom, bom Bemvbom tom ty, home —t bombom 8 Puente yp 3 7 = = ‘vt ve v os — _ ay = == = = === F SSeS i "ny H a Lee ne ly ST bs E es Yo, 8 ong and bye ‘ 2 = ae 4 em, tz Borne te bombom Bom, 1 bom 1% bors ie bom bom bom, t, boms bam Bom STAND BY ME. Ar Sonis Megs. 2008 /s tom, t, fom, tzbom bon, bom, irbombem bom, G_ bout teFembem bom, ty bom, tzbemben bom, ts bam febemrBem Estribillo (x2) nf ar = oy, ein ye snd yom — ar = ing, ein a oh sd ye stand ye bom Bombo: boi, tz, bor tbomom bom, , Hom, abombor bom, % tam bom ba, c barn, tbernbom ae long. at stand by bom, bom a bom Bom bom, bem te bom bam bom, i, tom m bom bom > ide == qe CT by oot Ine end tyme Yes ig asd bye ae == Sc so by dor + fing, dar ~ ting _— stand by me. Yes, ‘es tong as stand by me, fy de = OQ oo bey Ye fw and bye Sa Jd bom. ombom born, bem om Bam bom, 5 Toop es snd by me a (ee, Capriceiata 4/4 ‘Adviane Benchlesh No-bisi spetta - to nh, —ne-biispetia - om usdret! hor ho - ra quet-tro No-bilispette to = ri, no-billispetia - to - 3 et! hor No-bili spette = to erat! hor bo = ra oe ta iby - eo ho-ra ‘quattrobellihu smo > rh ‘ao - ra. quat tro bel Iihu mo = gust Hobe ha - mo; rh quattro bel ha mo" - re — per apne Un gt = ty un chi == per spas, far contra fir con tap pan te monte, far con trap pun ; We pun ta men- te, far con tra pan toe pun ta mento, far con tra pun tq mente, far con tra pun tna TE esrerereceeeseeSresSe Meare far contappuatepmen-te sopracuabes - so.Un ca > soprecpabes ‘arson pun. tance sopragua es v0 mente sopranun bes = =, : 2 sttoces Uhersetzung Werte Zuntrer, thr werdot Jott vor schéne Humorieten hren: Bin Hund, eine Katze, en Kuckuck and sine Bule ‘mpeovisieren sum Spa einen Kontrapunle: aber einen Bad ee! Contrappunto bestiale alla mente Sly ieee Fa le ja nla la ta ds te Te Te ta la, fa te ie la da de Fo la a la als la ie le if? la la lp lade ("a ta ta da tala in, f2 la ls le lols in la a la Is is fa le a, Fine Contrappunto. vie alla mente 2 : | chia eer eet ea 0b eas ot eu eh eu chit aio Gatto Cane Mian misu = misu misc miaumieu — miaumfa-a = miaumiawa mai Bau bew baw be Base alle contrap, ‘pau baw beubau beubae ‘beubau Nala nde me. - bis ih ‘peu naw bee bas ew eu bea bas bee bo me. + Rt squer - 7us, be - aus, be = aus cue, chit chit chi. fumian migumie-u — mbaumiec miaumia-u miaumiau Y er ‘pate. a baubaw ‘bau ban beu bau bau bau ec vei = he D.C. al Fine Ubersetzung ‘here imprevisieren einen Kontrapunlt ‘Traue nicht don Buckligen (Hund, Katze?) und auch nicht den Lahmen (Suckcek, Bale ‘wonn aber diecer Scher gelungen ft, s0 sehratb e oe J So UY

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