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ESL Pathways: Frontiers

English for Advanced Level

Language Learners


Daniel Harrington
Kimberly Heeren
David Treanor

Copyright 2004 by the authors. Unauthorized reproduction without the

expressed consent of the authors is prohibited.
Table of Contents
Lesson Page
1. Early American History Timeline 1

2. American History Timeline II 3

3. George Washington 5

4. The American Revolution 7

5. Buffalo Bill 9

6. The Original Cowboys 11

7. Bizarre Criminals 13

8. Organized Crime 15

9. Cross Cultural Marriage 17

10. Robinson Crusoe 19

11. Controversial Issues 21

12. Newspapers 23

13. The Earthquake of 1964 25

14. Disasters 27

15. Elementary Education-General Trends 29

16. Elementary Education-Problems 31

17. Littering 33

18. Solar Energy 35

19. Delicacies 37

20. Potato Chips 39

21. Growing up-Peer Pressure 41

22. Growing up-Role Models 43

23. Stress and Pressure 45

Lesson Page
24. Being Overweight and Obese 47

25. The American Civil War 49

26. Abraham Lincoln 51

27. Colonel Sanders 53

28. Hetty Robinson 55

29. Predicting the Future 57

30. Personality Traits 59

31. Buying a Pet 61

32. Facts about Cats and Dogs 63

33. Smoking in Public Places 65

34. Underage Smoking 67

35. Ghost Stories 69

36. Urban Legends 71

37. Computers 73

38. Keeping in Touch 75

39. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 77

40. The Great Depression 79

41. Effects of Television 81

42. Family Television 83

43. Westward Expansion 85

44. Yellowstone Park 87

45. Occupational Hazards 89

46. Department Stores 91

47. Arguments in Favor of Zoos 93

48. Arguments Against Zoos 95

Lesson 1 Early American History Timeline
• What is a timeline?
• Who was Christopher Columbus?
• What is a colony?
• Who colonized America?
• What was the American Revolutionary War?
• Who was the first president of the United
• What do you know about him?

Read the timeline of early American history.

• 1492 – Christopher Columbus sails from Spain and discovers the New World.

• 1607 - The English settle Jamestown, Virginia.

• 1619 - A Dutch ship transports 20 Africans to Jamestown. From here, African

slavery would eventually spread in the Southern colonies.

• 1620 - English citizens, searching for religious freedom and reform, leave
England and settle at the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts.

• 1765 - The first direct tax, the Stamp Act, is imposed on the colonists by the
British government.

• 1770 - The Boston Massacre occurs on March 5th.

• 1773 - The Sons of Liberty carry out the Boston Tea Party on December 16th.

• 1775 - The American Revolutionary War begins.

• 1776 - The thirteen colonies declare independence from Britain. Thomas

Jefferson, John Adams, and Ben Franklin write a draft for a Declaration of

• 1776 - George Washington is placed in command of the Continental Army.

• 1781 – The final battle of the Revolutionary War is fought at Yorktown, Virginia.
The British army surrenders and the Revolutionary War ends.

• 1783 - The Peace of Paris officially ends the Revolutionary War. The U.S. is
officially recognized as a free and independent country around the world.

• 1788 - The Constitution becomes law in the United States and creates a new
form of government, based on individual rights and representation.

• 1789 - George Washington is sworn in as the first president of the United States.
Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Christopher Columbus discover?

2. Who settled Jamestown, Virginia?
3. What early event eventually led to slavery and to the Civil War?
4. Who settled the Plymouth colony?
5. What were they seeking?
6. What was the first direct tax passed on the colonists?
7. When did the Boston Massacre occur?
8. When did the American Revolution begin?
9. Who worked on a draft for the Declaration of Independence?
10. Who was placed in command of the Continental Army?
11. When was the final battle of the Revolutionary War?
12. Who surrendered?
13. What officially ended the Revolutionary War?
14. What also happened at The Peace of Paris?
15. When did The Constitution become law in the United States?
16. Who was the first president of the United States?
17. When was he sworn in?

Discussion Questions:

1. Why did people leave their home and sail to the New World?
2. Why do you think so many people choose to move to America?
3. Would you want to move to America? Why?
4. If you immigrated to another country what things would you probably miss
about your home country? What things would you take with you?
5. What kinds of crops are grown in your country?
6. What kinds of things are imported into your country?
7. What kinds of things are exported from your country?
8. Why are imported items usually more expensive than domestic items?
9. What imported things do you like to buy?
10. What is religious freedom? What religions exist in your country?
11. What is your religion? Are you a religious person?
12. Do you think it is interesting to talk about religion and politics? Why?
13. What is a revolution? Do you know about any famous revolutions?
14. What is colonization? Which countries have been colonized?
15. What kind of government exists in your country? What are the political parties?
16. Do you vote? Do you think your vote really matters? Why?
17. If you could be the president of your country, what is the first thing you would

Complete this sentence:

If I were president I would _______________________________________.

18. What other changes would you make if you were president of your country?
19. If you could meet anyone from the past, whom would you choose? Why?

Lesson 2 American History Timeline II
• Are you interested in history? Why?
• What do you know about American history?
• Name some famous explorers. Where did they go? What did they do?
• What do you know about World War II?
• Do you know anyone who was alive during World War II? Who?
• Do you have any stocks? Which ones?
• Are stocks a good investment? Why?

Read the timeline of American history.

• 1800 - Thomas Jefferson is elected president.

• 1803 - Jefferson negotiates the Louisiana Purchase with Napoleon from France.

• 1804- 1806 - The Lewis and Clark expedition across the new Louisiana lands is a

• 1849 - Gold is discovered in California.

• 1860 – Abraham Lincoln is elected president.

• 1861 – The American Civil War begins.

• 1863 – The Emancipation Proclamation becomes law. Slavery is abolished and

slaves are legally declared free.

• 1865 – The American Civil War ends and the Union is preserved.

• 1917 – The United States joins Britain and France in World War I.

• 1929 – The stock market crashes and Great Depression begins.

• 1941 – Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and the United States enters World War II.

• 1948 – The Cold War begins.

• 1950 – The United States enters the Korean War.

• 1961 – The United States officially commits to the Vietnam War.

• 1963 – President John F. Kennedy is assassinated.

• 1979 – The Iran hostage crisis begins.

• 1991 – The Cold War officially ends as the Soviet Union breaks apart.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who was elected president in 1800?

2. Who did Jefferson negotiate the Louisiana Purchase with?
3. Who were Lewis and Clark?
4. What happened in California in 1849?
5. When was Lincoln elected president?
6. What happened in 1861?
7. When did slaves become legally free?
8. When did the Civil War end?
9. When did the US enter World War One?
10. What happened after the stock market crash of 1929?
11. Why did the US enter World War Two?
12. When did the Cold War begin?
13. What happened in 1950?
14. What happened in 1961?
15. What happened to President Kennedy?
16. When did the Iran hostage crisis begin?
17. When did the Cold War officially end?
18. Why did it end at this time?

Discussion Questions:

1. How many leaders has your country had? Which ones did you like? Dislike?
2. What responsibilities do presidents have? What problems do they have to face?
3. Has gold or silver ever been discovered in your country?
4. Would you like to be a gold miner? Why?
5. Do you like to wear gold? Do you have any diamonds?

6. Have you ever been to the United States? Where?

7. Why do people want to immigrate to America?
8. Would you like to move to America? Why?
9. What was the Cold War about? Who was involved?
10. What is communism? Which countries are communist today?
11. Do you think communism works better than democracy? Why or why not?
12. Can you name some well-known communist leaders?

13. What is the voting age in your country? Are you old enough to vote?
14. Do you ever vote in elections? Why?
15. How do you feel about the United States getting involved in foreign wars?
16. If your country went to war, which other countries would help you? Why?
17. For what reasons would your country fight a war?

Timeline: Draw a timeline of some important events in your country’s history.

1600 1700 1800 1900

Lesson 3 George Washington
• Who is your country’s current leader?
• Who was the first leader of your country?
• Who was George Washington?
• What do you know about George Washington?
• Who is the current American president?
• What do you know about the current American
• Which other American presidents do you know about?
• Name some other well-known world leaders.

Read about George Washington.

George Washington was the first president of the United States and is known as the
‘Father of His Country’. He was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland Country,
Virginia. He was the oldest son of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Ball
Washington. He came from a wealthy Virginia farmer family of English descent and they
brought George up as an 18th century Virginia gentleman. In 1754, he began his
military career and was commissioned as a lieutenant colonel.

From 1759 until the beginning of the American Revolution, Washington managed his
lands around Mount Vernon, Virginia. He married Martha Custis and devoted himself to
the life of a farmer. However, Washington felt exploited by British merchants and was
annoyed by British regulations. As quarrels with the mother country grew, he
moderately but firmly voiced his resistance to the restrictions of British rule.

When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775,

Washington was elected Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. On July 3, 1775,
he took command of his ill-trained troops and fought in the six-year-long Revolutionary
War. As an army general, Washington helped the 13 colonies win the Revolutionary
War against the British. In 1787, Washington presided over the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia, during which the US Constitution was written.

George Washington wanted to retire from the military and return to his former life as a
farmer. However, he soon realized that the new nation was not functioning well, so he
decided to enter politics. Electors unanimously elected Washington president in 1789
and in 1792. He was the only president in American history to be elected unanimously.

During his presidency, the Bill of Rights was adopted but Washington decided to
concentrate most of his efforts on foreign policy. When the French Revolution led to a
major war between Britain and France, Washington insisted on remaining neutral until
the United States could grow stronger. In his farewell address Washington urged his
countrymen against excessive party spirit, involvement in foreign affairs, and long-term
alliances. Washington enjoyed less than three years of retirement. He died on
December 14, 1799 of a throat infection.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When was George Washington born?

2. Where was Washington born?
3. Where were Washington’s parents from?
4. Did George have any older siblings?
5. When was George commissioned lieutenant colonel?
6. Who did Washington marry?
7. When was Washington elected Commander-in-Chief of
the Continental Army?
8. How long did the American Revolutionary War last?
9. How many colonies did America originally have?
10. Where was the US Constitution written?
11. Why did Washington decide to enter politics?
12. How many terms did Washington serve?
13. What did Washington concentrate his efforts on?
14. What were the three things that Washington urged against in his farewell speech?
15. For how long did Washington enjoy his retirement?
16. When did Washington die?
17. How did Washington die?

Discussion Questions:

1. George Washington’s stature reflected a man of great qualities. Look at his picture
and decide what kind of a man you think he was.
2. Who was the first leader of your country? How did he or she come into power?
3. Who is the leader of your country now? How many terms can he or she serve?
4. In America there are two major political parties, Republican and Democrat. What
are the major political parties in your country? What are their platforms? Who do
they represent?
5. Do you prefer any one political party over the others? Why?
6. Have you ever voted? Why? Who did you vote for? Why?
7. What are some important political issues in your country right now?
8. Do you ever disagree with anything your government does? What?
9. Why do countries have constitutions? Who benefits from having a constitution?
10. What is a foreign alliance? Why do you think Washington urged against them?
11. Who are your country’s main allies? Who are your countries enemies?
12. July 4th is Independence Day in America. Does your country have an
independence day? Why?
13. What are some other important holidays in your country? When are they?
14. What are the main differences between kings and presidents?
15. Which countries still have royal families today? Where are these countries?
16. What do you think about royal families? Are they important? Why?
17. Have you ever had a throat infection? What did you do about it?

Lesson 4 Th
he Amerrican Re
• What is a reevolution?
• Why do peo ople revolt against their governme
• Which coun ntries have had revoluttions?
• What do yo ou know abo out the American Revoolution?
• What is taxxation? Are taxes high in your couuntry?
• Why do govvernments have taxes??
• Who usually pays the highest taxes in a coun ntry?

ad about the Amerrican Rev

At one
o time, th he British Empire
E was the most ssuccessful that
t the wo
orld had eve
er seen.
Theen, the thirte
een coloniees of British North Ameerica attemp
pted someth
hing that no
o colony
had ever tried to do. They revolted against
a their mother co

Thee British Em
mpire in Norrth America a was creatted when different
d gro
oups of peo ople left
their homes to start new lives in a neew land. They
T went too different places, at different
timees, and for different re
easons. Somme were seeking busin ness venturees and othe ers were
king for reliigious libertty. The Am
mericans weere a very diverse gro oup of peop ple who
werre governed d by a mother country that
t was at least two months
m awaay by ship.

By 1763
1 Great Britain had es. British officials
d a lot of problems witth its Amerrican colonie
had no plans ffor dealing with the ra apidly grow es. British administrattors and
wing colonie
polittical adviso
ors only kneew how to manage a small island d and lacke ed the expe ertise of
g-distance manageme ent. They tried to manage
m Am
merica from m London but the
onists demanded the right to manage their ow
colo wn lands without Britissh interferen

Thee British govvernment and

a army protected
p th
he Americans from Na ative Americans as
welll as from French and Spanish
S setttlers. As a way of repaying the British, a series
s of
taxees were im mposed on the colon nies. The Sugar Actt taxed im mported sug gar and
prohhibited the import of foreign
fo rum and French h wine. Th
he Currencyy Act prohibbited the
onists from issuing leg gal money of their ow wn. The Sttamp Act p placed a tax x on all
nted items, from newsspapers to playing
p card
ds. The Toownsend RRevenue Actts taxed
papper, tea, gla
ass, lead, annd paints. The colonists thoughtt these taxe es were unfair and
got revenge byy boycotting g English im
mported goo ods.

In 1768,
1 Samuel Adams wrote
w a circu
ular letter opposing
o ‘taxation without represe
and called for the colonistts to unite against the e British govvernment. Violence began
b to
pt between British offiicials and groups of an ngry colonissts. One of the most notable
events, the Bo oston Masssacre, occurrred in 177 70 when an American n mob hara assed a
up of British
h soldiers. The British soldiers the en fired theeir muskets pointblank into the
wd, killing a number off colonists.

At dawn
d on Ap 5 the Ameriican Revolutionary War began. T
pril 19, 1775 The war lastted until
81. Americca eventually won ind dependence e from Gre
eat Britain and was officially
declared an ind
dependent country
c in 1783.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How many colonies did British North America

originally have?
2. What did the colonies do that no other colony had
ever done?
3. Why did colonists go to America?
4. What were the problems that Great Britain had with
its American colonies?
5. How long did it take to get to America from England?
6. Who did the British protect the Americans from?
7. What was the Sugar Act? The Currency Act? The
Stamp Act?
8. Who wrote the ‘Circular Letter’? When?
9. What was the point of the ‘Circular Letter’?
10. What was the Boston Massacre?
11. When did the American Revolution begin?
12. When did it end?
13. How long did the American Revolution last?
14. What was the outcome of the Revolutionary War?
15. When did the United States officially become an independent country?

Discussion Questions:

1. What is colonization? What is a colony?

2. Which countries have been major colonial countries? Which areas did they colonize?
3. Name some former colonies. What is their status today?
4. Do you think colonization has helped or hindered colonies? Give an example.
5. Hong Kong is a former British colony. What do you know about Hong Kong? Is it
better off now or when it was a colony? Why?
6. One act imposed by the British was the Tea Act. It was an import tax on tea arriving
into the colonies. In retaliation, a group of colonists disguised themselves as
Mohawk Indians, boarded British ships and dumped 342 containers of tea into
Boston Harbor. This was known as the Boston Tea Party. Why do you think the
colonists did this? Was it a good idea? Why?
7. Patrick Henry gave a speech against British rule in which he declared, “Give me
liberty or give me death!” What do you think he meant by this?

8. The United States was based on principles of liberty and justice for everyone. Do
you think America is a place where everyone is treated equally? Why?
9. America is known at ‘the land of opportunity’. What do you think this means?
10. If you had the chance to immigrate to the United States, would you go? Why?
11. Would you rather immigrate to the USA, some other country, or not immigrate at
all? Why?
12. What are some advantages and disadvantages of immigrating to another country?
What problems would immigrants have? What benefits would they have?

sson 5 B
Buffalo B
• Have you eever seen a western mo ovie?
• What did A
American cow wboys lookk like?
• What did A
American cow wboys do?
• Would you like to be a cowboy? Why?
• What is a ccircus? Wha
at can you see
s there?
• What can yyou see in a zoo? Do you
y like zoo
os? Why?

ad about Buffalo Bill.

William F. Codyy, or Buffalo o Bill as he was later kknown, wass born in 18846 in Iowa. While
he was
w still a child,
c his fam mily moved d to Kansas.. When he was eleven n years old, Buffalo
Bill left home. He got a job herding g cattle andd working asa a driver on a wago on train.
Thiss was the beginning of o his caree er. He we ent on to fu ur trapping
g and gold mining.
The en, he joine ed the Ponyy Express in n 1860 as a messenger. After serving
s timee in the
Civil War, Codyy scouted for f the Armyy and gaine ed the nickkname "Bufffalo Bill" duue to his
hun nting skills. Cody’s life in the Wesst was made e popular in
n newspape ers and nove els. His
life paints a piccture of life in the old American
West. He be ecame an Am merican folk k-hero.

In 1859,
1 Buffalo Bill tried his luck as a gold prospector in the
t Pikes Pe eak gold rush. For
twoo months he e searched for gold bu ut was unsu uccessful. The next yyear, he joined the
Ponny Express. They were e looking forr skinny, exxpert riders who were wwilling to rissk death
dailyy. Buffalo Bill was alrready familiar with the e plains andd at age 14, he deliverred mail
for the
t Pony Exxpress.

During the Civvil War, Bufffalo Bill se

erved as a Union scou ut. As a scout, he fo ought in
seve ative Americans. After the war, he continue
eral battles against Na ed to work
k for the
my. He was chief of sccouts and tookt part in
n 16 battless. For his service oveer these
years, he was awarded thet Congressional Med dal of Hono or in 1872.. This awa ard was
en back in 1976 becau use Buffalo Bill was no ot a membe er of the arrmed forcess at that
e. The awa ard was resttored in 19889.

During this timme, Buffalo Bill

B earned a reputation n for skill an
nd bravery and was be ecoming
a national folkk hero. It was said that
t he kille
ed over 4,0 000 buffalo
o in one yeear. He
supplied the men
m working g on the raiilroads with
h buffalo me eat and earrned his nicckname,
Bufffalo Bill. In 1869, Ne ed Buntline created a character named Bufffalo Bill in a dime
novvel. In 187 72, Ned perrsuaded Bufffalo Bill too act in a play
p called, The Scouts
ts of the
Plaiins. Althouggh Buffalo Bill
B was not an actor, he h agreed and was veryy successful.

Acting inspired Buffalo Bill. In 1883, he organizzed Buffalo Bill’s Wild W

West Show. It was
an outdoor
o ow that dramatized buffalo
sho b huntts with real buffalo, Inndian attaccks, and
Ponny Express rides.
r The show was like a circu us but it wa
as also a history lessoon. The
showw was a hugeh succe
ess and touured the UUnited State es and Eurrope for 30 0 years.
Bufffalo Bill mad
de a fortune from his show busin
ness successs, but eventtually lost itt due to
financial mismanagementt. Buffalo Bill died on n January 10,
1 1917, a and is burieed near
Dennver, Coloraado.

sion Ques

1. What wass William F. Cody’s nickkname?

2. When didd Buffalo Bill leave hom me?
3. When didd Buffalo Bill join the Poony Expresss?
4. Why did he
h go to Pikkes Peak?
5. Was he successful?
6. What kind of
o men wass the Pony Express
E lookking for?
7. What did Buffalo Bill do for the Pony Expre ess?
8. What wass Buffalo Bill’s job in th
he army?
9. What wass he awarde ed in 1872??
10. Why was the award taken backk?
11. How did Buffalo
B Bill earn his nicckname?
12. In what play
p did Bufffalo Bill act?
13. What did he do in 18 883?
14. What couuld you see at a Wild West
W Show?
15. Was the show
s succeessful?
16. How did Buffalo
B Bill lose his forttune?
17. When didd Buffalo Bill die?
18. Where is he buried?

scussion Questions
Q s.

1. Do you thhink life in the

t old Ame erican West was easy or
o difficult? Why?
2. Would yoou like to ha ave lived in the old American Westt? Why?
3. uld travel back in time,, when and where wou
If you cou uld you go?
4. What did your counttry look like in 1870?

5. Buffalo Bill was a folk hero. Some of his sttories are trrue while otthers are ficctional.
Does youur country have any fam mous folk heroes? Wh hat did they do?
6. Why were e people likke Buffalo Bill fighting against
a Natiive Americans?
7. Does youur country have a nativve population? If so, ho ow are theyy treated?

8. Have you u ever been to a circus?? What can n you see in

n a circus?
9. If the circcus came too your townn, would you u go? Why??
10. Some peo ople think th ecause theyy are cruel tto animals. Do
hat circusess are bad be
you agree e or disagre
ee? Why?

11. Say someething positive about zo

12. Say someething negative about zoos.
13. Should we
w have zooss? Why?
14. Do you th
hink animalss should ha
ave rights? Why or why not?

15. Why do some

s compaanies test th
heir productts on animaals?
16. How do you
y feel abo out testing products
p on
n animals?
17. When youu buy things, are you concerned
c a
about anima al testing? Why or why not?
18. Do you th
hink we shoould test pro
oducts on humans
h instead of animmals? Why??
19. Would yo
ou like to ea
at buffalo meat?
m Why??

Lesson 6 The Original Cowboys
• Describe an American cowboy.
• Were cowboys generally good guys or bad guys?
• What did cowboys do for a living?
• What did a cowboy wear?
• Are there still cowboys today?
• Where did cowboys live?
• What famous cowboys do you know about?
• Are there any cowboys in your country?

Read about the first cowboys.

The first cowboys were dedicated to doing their best and took pride in a job that
required hard labor. A professional cowboy had to be an expert rider and roper. He
worked from sunup to sundown with two hours of night guard duty. The dangers of the
job included: leading a thousand stampeding cattle without getting trampled, the risk of
being kicked by a horse or charged by a steer, drowning at a river crossing, getting
struck by lightning, or dying of pneumonia.

Cowboys usually wore clothing that was very practical. The first cowboys, discharged
from the Civil War, sometimes wore their military uniforms. Later, their clothing
changed. The cowboys wore chaps over their pants to protect their legs while riding.
They wore boots to the knee to keep out gravel, spurs to urge the horse to move
quickly, bandanas to keep dust from their faces, and hats to protect their heads and
faces from the heat and rain.

A cowboy’s main job was driving cattle. He could earn about $50-$90 for one drive.
Following the Civil War, cowboys went on long drives from Texas to the North. They
took cattle to trains to be delivered to the East where there was a demand for beef.
The cook was also a very important member of the cattle drive. He cooked three meals
a day, and served as a doctor, dentist, barber, and counselor. A good cook was
necessary in order to keep the cowboys happy. Most meals consisted of beans, biscuits,
coffee, beef stew, and sometimes a sweet dessert like apple pie.

Cowboys later joined shows to demonstrate their roping and riding skills. Buffalo Bill’s
Wild West Show toured cities and towns where people were not familiar with that kind
of lifestyle. Europeans were very interested in the cowboy shows and perceived
America as a wild western country. Wild West shows later evolved into rodeos. One
legendary cowboy was Bill Pickett. He was the first African American to be inducted into
the Cowboy Hall of Fame. Cowboys portrayed in Hollywood were generally white actors
but actually one of every three cowboys was African-American, Native American, or
Hispanic. Whether represented in truth or fiction, Americans continue to be fascinated
with the cowboy legends and the lifestyle of the Wild West.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What did a professional cowboy have to be an expert at?

2. How long did a cowboy work?
3. What were the dangers of a cowboy’s job?
4. What did the first cowboys wear?
5. What was the purpose of chaps? Knee boots? Spurs?
6. What was a cowboy’s main job?
7. How much could a cowboy earn on a cattle drive?
8. Where was there a demand for beef?
9. What were the various jobs of a cook?
10. What kind of food did cowboys eat?
11. What did cowboys do at Wild West shows?
12. What did Wild West shows evolve into?
13. How did Europeans perceive America?
14. Who was the first African American to be inducted into
the Cowboy Hall of Fame?
15. Were all cowboys white?

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe what an authentic cowboy looked like.

2. What kind of personality do you think cowboys would have had?
3. What are the similarities and differences between authentic cowboys and the
cowboys that Hollywood portrays?

4. Cowboys of the old West would sit around the campfire at night and entertain one
another with poems, tall tales and just plain good old stories about their
adventures. Have you ever sat around with friends and relatives and entertained
one another with stories, poems, or songs?
5. What are some tall tales or legends associated with the history of your country?

6. African-American, Native American and Hispanic cowboys were generally ignored

by those who made movies and television shows about the old American West.
This convinced viewers that there were no minorities involved in the frontier cattle
industry in the American West. How does this statement make you feel? Is this
fair? Why would this happen?

7. Hollywood usually glamorizes images of cowboys. What images does Hollywood or

television usually portray of:

Politicians? Gangsters? Judges? Lawyers? Detectives? Secret Agents?

8. Imagine that you and some friends are going to travel on horseback for
a week through the American West. Prepare a list of equipment that
you would need to take as modern cowboys going off to explore the
rugged American West. You should outfit yourself as completely as
possible with appropriate clothing, tools, and other necessary supplies
and equipment.

Lesson 7 Some Bizarre Criminals
• Why do people steal things?
• Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
• Have you ever stolen anything?
• Do you think your country is a safe place to live?
• Have you ever seen a crime?
• Is it ever okay to break the law? Why?
• Have you ever broken the law? Why?

Read these stories about some bizarre criminals.

• A thief was arrested after he was found asleep in a pub he was robbing after he tried
some expensive liquor. The 42-year-old man entered the pub through the roof and
started to load his pockets with money and whatever he could find. Then, he tried
some whiskey and other drinks but could not stop. The pub’s owner found him in the
morning. The owner called the police but not before writing the burglar's bill which
was about $120. The thief was charged with burglary and faces at least three years in
jail. The police said the man had robbed another bar the day before.

• Another thief broke into a residential home but did not plan his crime very well. He
entered the house and quickly unhooked and removed two television sets, a VCR
player, and some stereo equipment. Then, he remembered that he was on foot and
had no way of getting the stolen goods back to his apartment. He worked hard to
steal all that stuff and didn't want to leave it behind, so he called a taxi. He stacked
all the equipment on the sidewalk, sat down, and waited for the taxi to arrive.
When the taxi arrived, the driver helped the man load all of the equipment into the
truck. The thief jumped in and gave the driver his address. The driver thought the
situation was a bit strange, so he called the police. The cops arrived at the thief’s
house and immediately arrested him.

• An employee at Edwards Elementary School stole one of the school's refrigerators

and took it home. When she got home she discovered the refrigerator wasn't
working. She called a repairman to fix it, but not just any repairman. She called the
school system's maintenance department. The repairman came to her house and
recognized the refrigerator. He told the woman that he knew she had stolen the
fridge but she did not offer the man ‘hush’ money to keep it a secret. She didn't
even offer him money for fixing the fridge. The maintenance man called the police
and the woman was arrested and fired from her job.

• A purse-snatcher was arrested after he chose the wrong person as his victim. The
man, who was suspected of a string of handbag robberies, sped past his last victim
on his motorcycle and lifted her purse without slowing down. As he turned around to
see the surprise on his victim's face, he realized he had made a stupid mistake. The
woman was his mother. She immediately reported the incident to the police and
said she believed her son was stealing purses to finance his drug habit. The next
time the mother and son were reunited it was in a courtroom.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Where was the first thief caught?

2. Why was he sleeping?
3. Who found him in the morning?
4. How much was his bill?
5. What was he charged with?
6. What did the second thief break into?
7. What did he try to steal?
8. What did he call?
9. What did the taxi driver think?
10. Who did the taxi driver call?
11. Where did the third thief work?
12. What did she try to steal?
13. What did she discover when she got home?
14. Who did she call?
15. What did she tell the repairman?
16. Why was the purse-snatcher arrested?
17. How did he steal the purse?
18. Who was the woman?
19. What did she do?
20. Where were they next reunited?

Discussion Questions:
1. Is your city a safe place to live? Why?
2. Does your city have any dangerous areas? Where are they?
3. Are you afraid to walk outside after dark? Why?

4. Do you know anyone who has been robbed? If so, what happened?
5. Have you ever been robbed? Have you ever had something stolen from you?

6. If a person steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, should he be

punished? Why?
7. Is it ever okay to break the law? If so, when?

8. What are some things people can do to protect themselves from crime?
9. What are some things that are legal but you personally think should be illegal?
10. What are some things that are illegal but you personally think should be legal?

11. What crimes have you heard about recently in the news?
12. What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?
13. What crimes do you think will increase in the future? Why?
14. What crimes do you think will decrease in the future? Why?

15. Does your country have the death penalty? If so, for what crimes can people
receive the death penalty?
16. Do you think the death penalty is a fair punishment? Why?
17. Are there any reasonable alternatives to the death penalty? What?

Lesson 8 Organized Crime

• What is organized crime?

• What do you know about the mafia?
• Does organized crime exist in your country?
• What do gangsters do?
• What do gangsters look like?
• Have you ever seen a gangster? Where?
• Have you ever heard of Al Capone?

Read about organized crime.

Organized crime is crime carried out by formal criminal organizations. Organized crime
is defined as the illegal activities of a highly organized and disciplined association. Some
criminal organizations, such as terrorist organizations, are politically motivated. Mafias
are criminal organizations whose main goal is financial profit.

The mafia originated hundreds of years ago in Sicily, Italy. The Spanish were occupying
Sicily and the locals felt they could not trust the Spanish police. The Sicilians formed
their own protection societies which developed into the mafia. The mafia spread to
America when Italian immigrants came to American cities. They were unable to speak
English and were considered strangers by the locals. Many Italians felt that they could
not rely on the local police force to help them so they turned to the mafia for protection.

Criminal organizations keep their actions secret, and members communicate by word of
mouth. Many organized crime operations have legitimate businesses, such as gambling,
trash hauling or dock loading which provide "cover" for drug trafficking, money
laundering, prostitution, protection and extortion.

In order for a criminal organization to be successful, it needs support from the society in
which it exists. It is often necessary to corrupt some of society’s respected members
through bribery, blackmail, and relationships with legitimate businesses. People in the
government, police forces, businesses, and the legislature are occasionally targeted for
control by organized crime through bribes, threats, or both.

In addition, criminal organizations also benefit if the people distrust the government or
the police. Criminal organizations sometimes arise in closely-knit immigrant groups who
do not trust the local police or the local government. Criminal organizations can usually
organize quickly when the need arises. They are quick to take over newly-opened
markets and quick to rebuild themselves under any disguise when caught by the police.

Criminal organizations operate all around the world. Although the Italian mafia is the
most well known operation, there is also the Russian mafia, Japanese mafia, and the
Chinese mafia. If you are interested in learning more about the mafia, movies such as
The Godfather, GoodFellas, and The Untouchables are entertaining and informative.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is organized crime?

2. What is the main goal of the mafia?
3. Where did the mafia originate?
4. Who was occupying Sicily at that time?
5. How was the mafia spread to America?
6. How do members of criminal organizations communicate?
7. What kind of legitimate businesses do criminal organizations have?
8. What do these businesses provide a cover for?
9. Who does a criminal organization need support from?
10. How do criminal organizations corrupt respected members of society?
11. What kind of people do criminal organizations target to control?
12. How can a criminal organization benefit if the people distrust the police?
13. Where do criminal organizations sometimes arise?
14. Where do criminal organizations operate?
15. What are some good movies to watch about the mafia?

Discussion Questions:

1. Does organized crime exist in your country? What do you know about it?
2. What is the difference between a gang and the mafia?
3. What does a gangster look like? Have you ever seen one?
4. Is there a problem with gangs in your country?
5. If illegal drugs were made legal, do you think organized crime would still exist?

6. What kind of crimes to gangsters commit?

7. What are the most common crimes in your country?
8. Do you think prison is an effect form of punishment? Why or why not?
9. What do you think the punishment for murder should be?
10. Can organized crime ever be stopped? How?

11. Do you know about any famous gangsters?

12. What makes some people become criminals?
13. What kind of weapons do the police carry in your country?
14. Do you think people should be allowed to own a gun? Why or why not?
15. Why do you think the crime rate is higher in some countries than others?

16. American gangsters often have interesting nicknames. Think about these people
and what their nickname means.

­Scarface      ­Jimmy the Blade    ­Johnny Two­times   ­Sammy No­nose 

­Mikey the Rat   ­Frankie the Beard    ­The Dapper Don  ­Tommy Three­fingers 

Lesson 9 Cross-Cultural Marriage
• Culture involves many different things. How many aspects of culture can you name?
• What do you know about American culture?
• How is American culture different from the culture of your country?
• How is American culture similar to the culture of your country?
• Why do people get married? Why do they get divorced?

Read about an American girl and a Chinese man.

Susan is a twenty-six year-old American girl. She went to Beijing to learn Mandarin
Chinese. While she was studying at the university language center, she met John. John
is a thirty year-old Taiwanese man and he is a professor at the university. He teaches
chemistry. John and Maria dated for about six months and then they fell in love with
each other. Eventually, John proposed to Susan. She accepted his proposal and they
are going to get married next year. Now they have many things to do and many things
to consider:

1. They have to tell their parents, friends and families their good news.
2. They need to plan the wedding ceremony and the reception.
3. They must decide if it will be a small, medium, or large wedding
4. They have to decide whom to invite.
5. They need to send out invitations.
6. They must choose a best man and a maid of honor.
7. They have to buy rings.
8. They need to pick out a wedding dress for Susan and a new suit for John.
9. They must hire a photographer.
10. They need to decide where to go on their honeymoon.
11. They must decide where to live after they are married.

Comprehension Questions:
1. How old is Susan?
2. Why did she go to Taipei?
3. When did she meet John?
4. What is John’s job?
5. Who proposed to whom?
6. When will they get married?
7. Who do they have to tell?
8. What do they need to plan?
9. What must they decide?
10. What do they need to send?
11. Who must they choose?
12. What do they have to buy?
13. What do they need to pick out?
14. Who must they hire?
15. What other things do they have to

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think John’s parents will approve or disapprove of the marriage? Why?
2. Do you think Susan’s parents will approve or disapprove of the marriage? Why?
3. Do you think their friends will approve or disapprove of the marriage? Why?
4. In which country should they have the wedding and the reception? Why?
5. Where should they have the wedding and the reception (what kind of places)?
6. Should they have a small, medium or large wedding? Why?
7. Should they have a Western-style wedding or a Chinese-style wedding? Why?

8. Do you like to go to weddings? Why?

9. What kind of food do people usually eat at Chinese weddings?
10. What kind of food do people usually eat at Western weddings?
11. In Chinese culture people give cash in ‘red envelopes’ to the newlywed couple as a
wedding gift. In Western cultures people usually give a gift. Which custom do you
think is better? Why?

After they are married:

12. Which country should they live in? Why?

13. Do you think Susan and John should have kids? Why?
14. Susan doesn’t know how to cook Chinese food. John doesn’t really like to eat
Western food. What should they do?
15. Should their children have an American or a Chinese education? Why?
16. What other problems do you think John and Susan will face?

17. What are the positive things about cross-cultural marriages like John and Susan’s?
18. Do you know anyone who has a cross-cultural marriage?
19. Would you ever marry someone from a different culture? Why?

Think of some positive and negative aspects of cross-cultural marriages. Fill in the
chart with your ideas:

Positive Aspects Negative Aspects

Lesson 10 Robinson Crusoe
• Have you heard of Robinson Crusoe?
• What do you know about this story?
• Imagine that you are on a deserted island:
1. What would you need to do?
2. What would you need to find?
3. What would you need to make?
• Would you like to be on a deserted island? Why?
• Do you think it would be interesting or boring? Why?

Read the following story.

Robinson Crusoe is a young man who lives in Hull, England. He is eighteen years old.
Although his father wishes him to become a lawyer, Robinson dreams of going on a sea
voyage. When his parents refuse to let him, he runs away and goes to Yarmouth, a harbor
town on the south coast of England. In Yarmouth he manages to find a voyage headed to
Brazil. He works on the ship as a cabin boy. The cabin boy’s job is to help the captain.

On the way to Brazil there is a huge storm on the ocean. The ship rocks in the water
and capsizes. There is a terrible shipwreck and Robinson is the only survivor. He
manages to swim to the shore of an island. Robinson stays on the island for twenty-
seven years. He is able to take many provisions from the ship, as it is wrecked near the
shore. In that time, he does many things. He builds a home, learns how to cook, raises
goats and chickens and grows crops. At first he is very miserable, but he is a Christian
and his religion helps him. He finds a bible on the ship and reads it everyday.

Robinson doesn’t see any other people until about 15 years later. One day, when he is
walking around the island he sees a footprint, and later sees some local island natives.
He discovers that they are cannibals and they have a prisoner whom they plan to eat.
Later that night, Robinson rescues the prisoner and they go to the other side of the
island to hide from the natives. Robinson names the prisoner Friday, because he saved
him on Friday. The cannibals don't live on Robinson’s island. They come in canoes from
another island not too far away. Robinson is filled with outrage, and plans to scare them
away. Using his guns, Crusoe scares them and they go back to their island. They never
return to Robinson’s island.

Friday is extremely grateful and becomes Robinson's devoted servant. He learns some
English and takes on the Christian religion. For many years the two live happily on the
island. Then one day a Spanish ship arrives and Friday and Robinson are rescued and
taken to England. Even though Crusoe has been gone a long time, he finds that his
family’s plantations have done very well and he is quite wealthy. He gives some money
to the Spanish captain who was so kind to him and Friday. He returns to the English
countryside and settles there. He marries and has three children. He is glad to be back
in England, but sometimes he misses his life on the island. Friday loves the sea so
much that he stays with the Spanish captain and travels all around the world.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Where did Robinson live?
2. What did he want to do? Imagine you are stranded on a desert
3. What was the problem? island. Write a short letter to your
4. What did he do about it? family.
5. Where was the voyage going?
6. What happened to the ship?
7. What did Robinson do?
8. How long did he stay on the island?
9. When did he see other people?
10. What kind of people were they?
11. What were they doing?
12. What did Robinson do?
13. How did he scare them?
14. What did Friday become?
15. Who rescued them?
16. What happened in England?
17. How did Robinson feel?
18. What did Friday do?

Discussion Questions:
1. What kind of shelter could you use on a desert island?
2. What could you eat? What would you need to find? What would you need to do?
3. How could you pass the time if you were alone on a desert island?
4. What would you miss most about your home?
5. If a ship came to rescue you would you go with them or would you want to stay
on the island? Where do you hope they will take you?
6. How could you signal for help if you wanted to be rescued?

7. What provisions would you take from the ship? What would you leave behind?
Look at the following lists. Imagine that you can only take four things from each
list. What will you take to the island? Say why you will take each one and why
you didn’t take the others.

Tools Food Clothing Equipment Others

Flashlight Canned meat Winter jacket Gas stove Rifle

Batteries Canned fruit Sweaters Oil lamps Bullets
Swiss army knife Vegetables Shorts and T-shirts Oil and gas Bow and arrows
Shovel and saw Salt and sugar Hiking boots 2-person tent Fishing pole
Compass Whiskey Sandals Sleeping bag Matches
Magnifying glass Coffee Hat and scarf Backpack First-aid kit

8. Which of these things do you think are most useful? Why?

9. Which of these things do you think are most useless? Why?
10. What other things (not on the lists) would you like to have on the island? Why?
11. If you could choose one person to be with you, whom would you choose? Why?

Lesson 11 Controversial Issues
Different people have different points of view, opinions and ideas about many things.
Often these things become issues or questions for people to answer or decisions for
them to make. Issues become controversial when people disagree or even argue about
them. People are often divided on controversial issues. Some people support one side
of an argument. Other people oppose this side and support another side. Sometimes
we have to decide whether we are for or against such issues because they can affect
and influence our daily lives and the country and the world that we live in. Sometimes
we have to reach a compromise. A compromise is a solution to an issue that both sides
can agree upon.

One such controversial issue is about using animals in laboratory experiments.

Before you read the article, think about these questions:

• What kinds of animals are usually used in laboratory experiments?

• What kinds of things are scientists trying to find out?
• Why do they use animals instead of using humans in the experiments?

Every year about seventeen million animals are used in medical laboratory experiments.
In many countries, people are questioning whether this is morally right or wrong. They
are asking the question: Do we have the right to use animals in research this way?

The case for using animals in medical research:

The use of animals in medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research
has enabled researchers to develop cures and treatments for many diseases. This
includes treatments and medicines for heart disease, AIDS, cancer, hypertension, and
depression. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for smallpox and polio
without using animals for research. Every drug anyone takes today was first tested on
animals. This way we can be sure it is safe and there are no harmful side effects.
Which is more important: the life of a mouse or the life of a human?

Another argument for using animals in laboratory experiments is that it can help to get
rid of unwanted animals. Last year in the USA five million animals were killed in animal
shelters because nobody wanted to taker them as pets.

The case against using animals in medical research:

Using animals in laboratory experiments and research is cruel and unnecessary. Animals
suffer a lot in these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and sometimes
do not have enough room to move. The experiments often are painful, uncomfortable
experiences for the animals. The animals are often afraid or forced to take dangerous
drugs and medicine. They can even involve killing the animals. Much of the research
done on animals could be done in other ways. Researchers could use cell samples or
virtual computer simulations to do experiments instead of using animals.

Ten Controversial Issues:
Think about these controversial issues. Fill in the chart.

• What are the pros and cons of each?

• What would people who support them say?
• What would people who oppose them say?
• What is your personal opinion?
• Try to think of a compromise for each of these issues.

Issue Support Oppose Your Opinion

Animal Testing

Religion in

Legal Abortion

Death Penalty

Legal Guns


Higher Taxes

Military Service

Electric Cars

Nuclear Power

Discussion Questions:

1. What are some controversial issues in your country right now?

2. What is the pro-side? What is the con-side? What is your opinion?
3. Can you think of a compromise for these issues??

4. What are some controversial issues in some other countries right now?
5. What is the pro-side? What is the con-side? What is your opinion?
6. Can you think of a compromise for these issues?

7. Are there any controversial issues in your family right now?

8. What is the pro-side? What is the con-side? What is your opinion?
9. Can you think of a compromise for these issues?

Lesson 12 Newspapers
• Which newspapers do you or your family read?  
• Why do you read that one?
• What different kinds of stories can you read
about in the newspaper?
• What kinds of newspaper stories interest you?
• What kinds of stories don’t interest you?

Look at theses newspaper headlines.

What kind of story is each?
1. WHO Sees Civet Cats as Prime Suspect in SARS Spread.
National News
2. U.S. Fast-Food Chains Expanding in China.
3. Mayor opens new city park.
4. 2003  Computer  Viruses  Caused  $55  Billion  Middle East
5. NASA Looks to Prepare for Mars Mission  Health
6. First Japanese Soldiers Leave for Iraq Sports

7. Wie, 14, About to Make PGA Tour History Local News

8. Jackson Set to Appear in California Court National News 

9. President travels to Japan on an un-official state Famous People 


Match the headlines with the appropriate text.

Analysts said the number of attacks between January and June 2003 exceeded 70,000,
which is about twice the rate for 2002.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is discussing plans to send people on
three-year trips to Mars, the most hazardous voyage ever planned.

“It doesn't prove anything, but it showed that the civet cats carried the virus," Robert
Breiman, head of the WHO team told a news conference earlier Friday.

Jackson had a similar experience 10 years ago after making a multimillion-dollar out-of-
court settlement with the family of a teenage boy.

The troops are expected to arrive in Kuwait on Saturday and travel overland later in the
month to southern Iraq, where they will take part in humanitarian and reconstruction

The president will spend a week in Tokyo visiting with Japanese politicians and

KFC also plans to increase the number of drive-through outlets, currently just one in
Beijing. This decision reflects the sharp growth in private car ownership among urban

Wie is a ninth grader at Punahou School in Hawaii. At 14, she is believed to be the
youngest player to compete on the PGA Tour

A large crowd of people gathered at the park entrance on Sunday to see the mayor and
take part in the opening ceremony.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What animal is taking the blame for SARS?
2. Who is Robert Breiman?
3. Where are US fast food chains expanding?
4. What do drive through outlets reflect?
5. What did the mayor do?
6. What day did then park open?
7. How much damage did computer viruses cause?
8. How much of an increase in computer attacks occurred between 2002 and 2003?
9. Where does NASA want to go?
10. How long will it take to get there?
11. Where were the Japanese soldiers going?
12. What will they do there?
13. Who made PGA history?
14. Where does she study?
15. What happened to Michael Jackson?
16. What happened to him ten years before?
17. Where is the president going?
18. How long will he spend there?

Discussion Questions:
1. What do you know about SARS? How can you prevent being infected?
2. Do you like U.S. fast food? Why? What do you like to eat?
3. Say something good about U.S. fast food. Now say something bad about it.
4. How often do you go to the park? What do you like to do there?
5. What other things do people like to do in the park?
6. Do you have a computer? What do you use it for?
7. Would you like to go to Mars? Why?
8. Do you like to play golf? What other sports do you like?
9. What do you think of Michael Jackson?
10. What popular music do you like to listen to?
11. Have you ever been to Japan? Would you like to go?
12. Do you like Japanese food? Do you like raw fish and wasabi?
13. What other international food do you like?

Lesson 13 Disasters: Earthquakes
• What is an earthquake? What causes earthquakes?
• Have you ever felt an earthquake? What was it like?
• What kinds of damage can an earthquake do?
• What should you do during an earthquake?
• Which countries have had serious earthquakes?

Read about the earthquake of 1964.

It was Good Friday, March 27, 1964. I had gone to an afternoon movie with my family
because we all had the day off. The movie was going along fine until at 5:36 p.m. the
earth started to move. Both of my parents thought to themselves, “this is really a good
movie. It feels like the earth is moving.” It was the beginning of an earthquake.

Within a fraction of a second, the earth started to roar. The lights were flashing and
you could see the seats rolling in peaks of four-foot high waves. The picture on the
screen started jumping from the floor to the ceiling. The film finally broke and the
screen went blank. My parents threw their arms out to keep us in our seats. People
started to panic, scream, and run up the aisles. They were trampling each other.
Finally, my father stood up and yelled, “Sit down!” A few other people started chanting
with my father, “Sit down, sit down, sit down!”

The ground roared, jerked, and rolled for about four minutes. Then, it went into a slow
rolling movement like a bowl of jello. People started to get up and a lot of them
thanked my father for stepping up and taking control. My mother stepped outside to
see what had happened. She came back in and said, “Go look at 4th Avenue.” My
father went and looked but 4th Avenue was gone. At first, he thought Russia had
dropped a bomb. The destruction was complete. All you could see on the left side of
4th Avenue were the roofs of the buildings that had dropped to street level.

The 1964 earthquake in Alaska was the second largest earthquake ever recorded in the
world. Roads, railroad tracks, and bridges were lost. In Anchorage alone, thirty blocks
of houses and buildings were destroyed or badly damaged. The schools in Anchorage
were almost all wiped out. Although the earthquake was destructive, the death toll
remained amazingly low. The earthquake happened at 5:30 on a holiday. Most people
were already at home because schools and businesses were closed. Homes in Alaska
are made from wood and wood is more flexible than concrete.

The shaking lasted for about 4 minutes. In some areas the movement on the ocean
floor caused the most disastrous tsunami that ever hit the west coast of the United
States and Canada. It traveled down the West Coast and across the ocean to Hawaii
and Japan. The largest wave height was 67 meters (220 feet) at Shoup Bay, Alaska.
This great earthquake and ensuing tsunami took 125 lives (tsunami 110, earthquake
15), and caused about $311 million in property loss and damage.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What was the holiday on March 27, 1964?

2. Where had the family gone?
3. What happened at 5:36 p.m.?
4. What did the earth start to do?
5. What did the picture on the screen start to do?
6. What did the father stand up and yell?
7. Why did the father start to yell?
8. How long did the ground roar and jerk?
9. What happened to 4th Avenue?
10. What was the first thought that came to the father’s mind?
11. What was the damage in Anchorage?
12. Was the death toll high or low?
13. What time did the earthquake happen?
14. What did movement on the ocean floor cause?
15. How many people died?
16. How much property loss and damage was caused?

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? If so, what was it like?

2. What are some other kinds of natural disasters?
3. Do you have a lot of natural disasters in your country? What kind?
4. What is the worst disaster that your country has experienced?
5. What happens during a landslide? Have you ever witnessed one?
6. Do typhoons happen in your country? When? Where?

7. Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do?
8. Do you think global weather patterns are changing? How?
9. What season receives the most rain in your country?
10. What season is the hottest in your country?
11. What is the average temperature in your country?
12. What kind of weather is your favorite? Why?
13. What is your favorite season? Why?

14. Does your country ever have snow? Have you ever seen snow? Where?
15. What kind of climate do you prefer when going on vacation? Why?
16. In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful? Why?

17. If there was an earthquake right now what would you do?
18. Is there anything people can do to make their homes safer during an earthquake?
19. What can people do to help victims of earthquakes and other natural disasters?
20. What man-made disasters do you know about?
21. Which are worse: man-made or natural disasters? Why?

Lesson 14 Disasters: Air Tragedies
• What do you think is the safest way to travel?
• Are you afraid to travel by air?
• When was the last big airplane crash in your country?
• What is a zeppelin?
• What is a space shuttle?
• What do you know about the Hindenburg?
• What kinds of transportation do you usually use?

Read the following about air tragedies.

On May 6, 1937 the German zeppelin Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed within a
minute. It was attempting to dock at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey.
Although the disaster is famous, of the 97 people on board, only 35 died. The zeppelin
was named after the German President Paul von Hindenburg. The Hindenburg was a
brand-new all aluminum design. It was 245 m long (804 feet), 41 m in diameter (135 ft),
and would travel at a maximum speed of 135 km/h (83 mph). It could carry 72
passengers and had a crew of 61. It made its first flight in March 1936.

The Hindenburg was filled with highly flammable hydrogen. Knowing of the risks with
the hydrogen gas, the engineers used various safety measures to keep the hydrogen
from causing any fire when it leaked. They also treated the airship's coating to prevent
electric sparks that could cause fires. The Zeppelin Company was very proud of the fact
that no passenger had ever been injured on one of their airships. Zeppelins were
considered extremely safe. However, the Hindenburg accident changed all that. Public
faith in airships was completely lost after the Hindenburg disaster. Zeppelin transport
came to an end. It marked the end of the giant, passenger-carrying airships.

TWA Flight 800 was a passenger flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport in
New York to Charles De Gaulle International Airport in France. On July 17, 1996, the
plane, a Boeing 747, exploded off Long Island in mid-air and crashed into the ocean. It
killed all 230 people on board. The flight number was retired after the crash, although
TWA continued to operate flights between New York and Paris. The cause of the
explosion is still unknown. Investigators decided the plane exploded due to an electrical
failure. However, many people still believe terrorists were responsible for the crash.

The Space Shuttle Challenger was the second shuttle to be placed into service. Its first
voyage was on April 4, 1983. On January 28, 1986, Space Shuttle Challenger was
destroyed 73 seconds after launch and all seven astronauts on board were killed. It
exploded because of rocker booster failure. Among the crew was Christa McAuliffe,
scheduled to be the first teacher in space. Students worldwide watched the shuttle
launch and explode on television. The Challenger flew 10 flights, including its final fatal
mission. It spent 69 days in space and made 987 orbits of the Earth.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When was the Hindenburg destroyed?

2. Was the Hindenburg an airplane?
3. How many people were on board the Hindenburg?
4. How many people died on the Hindenburg?
5. Who was the Hindenburg named after?
6. When did the Hindenburg make its first flight?
7. What was the Hindenburg filled with?
8. Where was TWA Flight 800 going?
9. Where is John F. Kennedy International Airport?
10. When did TWA Flight 800 crash?
11. Did it crash into a mountain?
12. How many people were killed on TWA Flight 800?
13. What was the explanation for the crash?
14. What do many people believe really happened?
15. When did Challenger make its first voyage?
16. When did Challenger explode?
17. How many astronauts were killed?
18. Who was Christa McAuliffe?
19. How many flights did Challenger fly?

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you like to take a zeppelin ride?

2. Would you like to be an astronaut and go to outer space?
3. Have you ever watched a space shuttle take off or land on TV?
4. Did you see the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on TV?

5. Why are some people afraid to fly?

6. Are you afraid to fly? Why?
7. Do you think airplane travel is exciting, boring or dangerous? Why?
8. Have you ever been on an airplane? Where did you go?
9. Name some famous international airlines. What do you know about them?
10. Name some famous domestic airlines. What do you know about them?

11. How many different kinds of transportation have you used in your life?
12. What do you think is the safest kind of transportation? Why?
13. What do you think is the most dangerous kind of transportation? Why?

Think of some advantages and disadvantages of airplane travel. Write your ideas here.

Advantages Disadvantages

sson 15 Elemen
ntary Ed
on: Gen
neral Trrends
• Did you enjjoy elementtary school?? Why?
• Who was your favorite e teacher? Why?
• Who was your least faavorite teachher? Why?
• What was yyour favoritte subject in
n school?
• Do you pre
efer private or public scchools? Whhy?

ad about elementa
ary educa
ation in Am

In America
A ele
ementary scchool is usually a plea asant experience. School starts around
8:000. It’s man ndatory thatt you attend d the school closest to your house e unless you u attend
a prrivate schoo ol. Some kids walk to school or rider ou live far from the
their biccycle. If yo
schoool then yo ou can takke the scho ool bus. Private
P schoools charge e tuition an nd offer
sma aller class sizes and sppecialty classses. The majority
m of children atttend public schools
whe ere there is no tuition, except for minimal fee es. Before classes
c begin everyone e recites
the Pledge of A Allegiance. The Pledge e of Allegiance was firsst said on October
O 8, 1892 by
over 12 million n American school chiildren. Afte er that dayy, the Pledg ge became a daily
routtine in all of
o America’ss public sch hools. The teacher an nd studentss all say, “II pledge
giance to th he flag of the
t United States of A America, an nd to the re epublic for which
w it
stannds, one nation, under God, indiviisible, with liberty and justice for a all.”

Classs size in A
American eleementary scchools can be as small as 15 and d as big ass 30. It
deppends on wh hether you live in a big
g city or a ssmall town. The morniing may beg gin with
Engglish, Spellin
ng, and Scie
ence classe es. At 12:0 00 the children go to tthe cafeteria a to eat
luncch. Some kkids buy lun nch from th he school while
w otherss bring a ‘saack lunch’ or
o lunch
box from home e. After lun
nch the kidss usually go o to recess. Recess ussually lasts from
f 15
to 30
3 minutes anda children n can swing g, play kickbball or sit arround talkin
ng with frien

Classses begin again at 12 2:30. You might havve 3 more subjects

s likke music, gym and
writting. At the
e end of thhe day the principal makes some announcem ments, the children
pack up their tthings and they
t go home at 3:00. School iss finished and then its time to
y. There is rarely a lott of homewoork and theere are only a few testss in one yea ar. After
schoool some kids go to baaseball practtice, dance class, or just stay homme.

mentary schhool in Taiw
wan is a diffferent experrience. Kids are usually in the cla
as early
e as 7:3
30. During this time they
t study, read bookss, and do their assigne ed jobs.
Somme kids clea
an the black kboard while others mmop the flooor. Classes begin around 8:30
and class size averages
a arround 40 to
o 50 studennts. The children also study 4 sub bjects in
the morning an nd lunch beegins at 12::00. Lunchh is broughtt into the cllassroom annd most
every child eatts the schoool lunch. After lunch h the children take a nap for ab bout 40
minutes. Classees begin ag
gain at 1:300 and the sttudents studdy 3 more ssubjects. At
A 4:00,
mosst kids go home while other
o go to cram schoo ols.

A busy elemenntary studen

nt goes to a cram sch hool from 4:30 to 6:30 0 and maybbe again
m 7:00 to 8:30. Whenn classes are
e finished th me to do his or her
he student returns hom
hommework. On the avera age, elemenntary schoool students in Taiwan stay
s up unttil 10 or
11 p.m.
p doing homework and studyin ng for tests..

Comprehension Questions:

1. What time does elementary school start in America?

2. Where do the children eat their lunch?
3. Do American kids always buy the school lunch?
4. What do the kids do after lunch?
5. Do American kids take naps at school?
6. What is recess? What can kids do?
7. What time do elementary school students go home?
8. What do American kids do after school?
9. What time do kids in Taiwan go to school?
10. What is the typical class size in Taiwan?
11. Where do Taiwanese kids eat their lunch?
12. What kind of jobs do Taiwanese kids have at school?
13. Where do some kids go after school? Why?
14. What time does a busy Taiwanese child finish class?
15. What time does a hard working elementary student go to bed? Why?

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel about elementary education in America?

2. What are its advantages? Disadvantages?
3. How do you feel about the Taiwanese educational system?
4. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
5. Which elementary school experience sounds better to you: The American one or
the Taiwanese one? Why?

6. Do you think that tests are important in school? How do they help us learn?
7. Did you enjoy elementary school?
8. What did you usually do after school?
9. How much homework did you usually have each night?
10. Which subjects did you like in elementary school? Why did you like them?
11. Which subjects didn’t you like in elementary school? Why didn’t you like them?

Complete this sentence about elementary school subjects:

I liked to learn _______________________ and _____________________ but I didn’t

like to learn _____________________ or ___________________ in elementary school.

12. How do you feel about cram schools? Are they useful or useless?
13. What kinds of kids usually go to cram schools?
14. Would you send your children to a cram school? Why?
15. How do you feel about wearing uniforms to school? Are they necessary?
16. What are the differences between a public school and a private school? Which one
do you prefer? Why do you prefer this one?

sson 16 Prob
blems in
n Eleme
entary Educat
E ion
• What kindss of problem
ms do eleme entary schoo ol students face
in your cou
• How do you ntry’s educattional syste
u feel aboutt your coun em?
• How are scchools in your country different
d om schools in
other counttries?
• Did you enjjoy elementtary school?? Why?
• If you had the chance,, would youu like to go to school in
another couuntry? Whyy?
• What things should eleementary scchools teach h their

ad about some pro
oblems in American
n elementary scho

Currrently, the biggest prooblems facing America an schools are the use
e of drugs, lack of
financial suppoort, busy parents, pove
erty, school safety, and
d gangs.

It’s hard to im
magine an elementary
e school stud
dent using drugs, butt in America
a it has
becoome realityy. Drugs haveh found their way into the poockets of yyoungsters through
oldeer brothers, sisters, or through frie

Pubblic schools often find it hard to offfer extra cclasses and activities due to lack of
o funds
or financial
f sup
pport. Publlic schools fund
f their programs
p th
hrough tax increases.
i If there
are not enough h tax dollarrs then therre are fewe er teachers,, bigger class sizes, an
nd more
oppportunities fo
or kids to ‘g
goof ‘ aroun
nd and not cconcentrate e on their scchoolwork.

Busyy parents a are also a big problemm. When m mothers beegan to go back to wo ork, the
latch-key kid w
was created d. Children went to scchool with a house keyy attached to their
beltt. This was to prevent the child frrom losing tthe house key.
k hild needed the key
The ch
g into the house beca
to get ause mom wouldn’t
w be
e there afterr school. Ass children were
w left
unsupervised for
f long perriods of time e, they had
d more time e to get intoo trouble. Working
pareents are alsso tired parrents. Wheen they com me home th here isn’t always time to help
their children wwith their homework
h o attend PT
or TA meetinggs. Divorce e is also a problem
for elementaryy school children. Sin ngle motherrs or fatherrs rarely ha ave the exttra time
needed to makke sure thatt their childrren are behaving prope erly in schoo
ol or after school.

Children below
w the povertty level sufffer the most in Americaan public scchools. If theyt are
unable to buy books
b or exxtra materiaals then theyy automaticcally will falll behind in class.

Ganngs, guns, and knivess also plag gue school safety. More and more scho ools are
installing metal detectors at the main entrance. This is an unfortunaate fact, bu
ut it is a
neceessity when
n considerin
ng the safetyy of the stu
udents and the
t teacherrs.

ng a teacheer in Amerrica has chhanged. Te eachers nott only have e to educaate their
dents but also have to act as police officers. Safety witthin classroo
oms has be ecome a
major problemm in Americaan society. A big question for Am merican edu ucation in the
t new
ennium is: How can teachers keep their classroomss safe for ttheir students and
w a good education??
provvide them with

Comprehension Questions:

1. What are the biggest problems facing American elementary schools today?
2. How have drugs found their way into the pockets of elementary school students?
3. Why do public schools find it hard to offer extra classes and activities?
4. How do public schools fund their programs?
5. If there are not enough tax dollars, what can happen?
6. What is a ‘latch-key’ kid?
7. How did latch-key kids begin?
8. What can happen when kids are left alone for long periods of time?
9. Why are parents not more involved in their child’s education?
10. How is divorce a problem for elementary school parents and children?
11. Which kids suffer the most in elementary schools?
12. Why do poor children fall behind in class?
13. What are more schools installing at the main entrances?
14. How has the job of a teacher changed in America?
15. What is a big question for American education in the new millennium?

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel about the problems facing American schools?

2. After reading this article, would you send your child to an American public school?
3. Why do you think the American school system is failing?
4. How do you feel about gun control? Should guns be legal? Why?
5. Why do kids try drugs? Is this a big problem in your country?
6. How does divorce affect children’s education?
7. How can parents involve themselves more in their children’s education?
8. Do schools have parent-teacher conferences in your country? How often?
9. Do you think that mothers should work or stay home with their kids? Why?

10. How do you feel about day-care centers?

11. What do day-care centers do for children?
12. Are day-care centers usually expensive in your country? How much does it cost to
send a child to a day-care center?

13. Do you think teachers give too much homework?

14. Do you think teachers are paid enough?
15. What is a reasonable salary for a teacher?
16. What are the characteristics of a good teacher? Is your teacher a good teacher?
17. Would you like to be a teacher? Why?
18. What are the characteristics of a good student? Are you a good student?

19. What were your favorite subjects in elementary school?

20. What were your favorite subjects in junior high school?
21. What were your favorite subjects in college?
22. What would you like to learn in the future? Why?

sson 17 Littering
• What is litte
ering? Wha at causes littter?
• Does litter bother yourr? Is there a lot of litte
er in your
neighborho ood?
• Have you e ever thrown your garba age on the ground?
• What shoulld you do if you have to t throw sommething
away but th here aren’t any garbag ge cans nearby?
• Do you eve er pick up littter off the street? Whhy?
• Do you eve er recycle? What thing gs do you re

ad the folllowing article abo
out litterin

Litteer is an im mportant envvironmental issue. It is amazing that 94% of people identify

er as a majo mental problem and ye
or environm et people still litter. Littter causes harm to
peo ople and aniimals, dama ages our waterways, costs
c us mooney and su uggests that we do
not care for ou ur environment. Fortunnately, we can
c all do something
s too help prevvent and
redu uce litter.

Theere are manyy sources off litter. Peddestrians droopping garbbage in the sstreet or guttters and
mottorists discaarding garbaage out of caar windowss are two waays people ccommonly litter.l
Litter can also result from household garbage dissposal and collection.
c Commerciaal refuse
and disposal thhat are not properly
p sealed can alsoo become littter. Entertaainment eveents
creaate a large aamount of liitter, which can overfloow onto neigghboring arreas when
meaasures to control it are not
n carefullly planned. Illegal dummping and people
p at leisure are
otheer sources oof litter.

er can causse many problems for everyone in the com mmunity. Litter disca arded in
eets and parrks can travvel through the water system to our
stre o bays an nd oceans, where
w it
can cause harm m to wildliffe. Plastic litter can cchoke or suuffocate bird
ds and marrine life.
Careelessly disccarded conttainers can n trap smalll mammalss. Removiing litter frrom the
environment co osts everyo one money. Litter is a threat to public
p health
h and is a breeding
grouund for gerrms and baccteria. Item ms such as broken glasss and syrin nges can be e health
haza ards in pubblic places. Litter negaatively affeccts the imag
ge of placess, especiallyy tourist
locaations. Litteer sends ou ut a messag
ge that people do not care for the e environment and
thatt it is accepttable to litte

Theere are a nu
umber of simmple ways to t help prevvent litter. Make sure your waste goes in
the garbage ccan, not be eside it. Take
T your garbage
g ome when visiting parks and
garddens. Windd and anima als can often lead to litttering in ou
ur parks. Piick up garbaage and
put it into a trrash bin. Sweep
S paved areas and pick up all the garbage, rath her than
hosing it downn into gutterrs and drainns. Pack a garbage frree lunch with reusable e plastic
conttainers and
d water botttles rather than
t dispossable containers and d drink boxes.. Never
hose e paths beccause the water
w will wash
w your waste into the drainag ge system. Use a
reussable bag when
w you arre shopping, or choose e cardboard boxes inste ead of plasttic bags.
Nevver pour oilss down the sink. Thro ow them out with othe d garbage. Take a
er household
pickk-up-bag wh hen walkingg your dog. Don't leavve its droppings in the gutter orr on the
ewalk becauuse they will wash into the drainag ge system and
a contaminate the water.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How many people identify litter as a major environmental problem?

2. How is litter harmful?
3. What are some sources of litter?
4. How can entertainment events cause litter?
5. How does litter harm wildlife?
6. Does litter cost people money?
7. How is litter a threat to public health?
8. What kind of message does litter send people?
9. What can people do to prevent litter?
10. What can lead to litter in parks?
11. Litter can be a breeding ground for what?
12. Should you sweep or hose down paved areas with litter?
13. What should you use when you go shopping?
14. What should you never pour down the sink?
15. What should you take when walking your dog?
16. What can happen to dog droppings?

Discussion Questions:

1. Who takes out the garbage in your house? How often?

2. What kinds of things do you throw away?
3. How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
4. Is your neighborhood generally clean or messy? Why?

5. What are some things that can be recycled?

6. What are some things that you recycle?
7. Do you think it is important to recycle? Why?

8. What kinds of litter do you commonly see on the street?

9. Why do some people litter?
10. What are some ways that you can personally reduce litter in your neighborhood?
11. What can you do to help prevent littering in your community?

12. Is littering a major problem in your country?

13. Do you think people in your country are concerned about litter?
14. Do you ever litter? What kinds of things do you throw on the ground? Why?
15. How do you feel when you see people littering?
16. How do you feel when you see people picking up litter?
17. Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty for littering?

18. Have you ever thrown anything out of your car window?
19. Do you ever pick up garbage on the street and put it into a trash bin? Why?
20. Some people think that there are not enough trash bins on the street. What do
you think? How could you change this situation?

Lesson 18 Solar Energy
• What are fossil fuels? What are they used for?
• What is solar energy?
• Is solar energy used in your country?
• What other power sources do people use in your country?
• What major environmental problems is the world facing
right now?
• What major environmental problems is your country
facing right now?
• Do you think the air that you breathe is clean or dirty?

Read about solar energy:

As the world becomes more polluted by fossil fuels, people are looking for alternatives to
these non-renewable resources of energy. Many alternatives exist but they all have
disadvantages and drawbacks. Solar energy is one alternative source for future energy.
Over the course of the next century, solar energy may have a large impact on the world
energy market.
Solar energy is the most abundant form of energy known. The sun releases energy at a
rate 15,000 times greater than the rate that the earth uses energy. Solar energy can be
used to produce clean, cheap electricity in amazing amounts.

In the early 1990s lower prices for fossil fuels, coupled with government subsidies,
helped to make fossil fuels appear more economical than renewable fuels. The United
States government hoped to develop new technologies so they launched a research and
development project headed by the Department of Energy. This research has begun to
pay off because of lower prices for light- and heat-collecting solar cells, as well as higher
storage capacity of those cells.

Solar cells release far less pollution than fossil fuels. With lower emissions, the
greenhouse effect can be slowed and global warming nearly stopped. These
advantages are some reasons people may begin building more solar power plants in the
near future. The price for solar plants has continued to drop while fossil fuels are being
continually depleted. Eventually, this constant depletion will raise the price of coal,
natural gas, and petroleum.

One argument against solar power is the cost of the initial start-up. Building solar
power plants is very expensive. However, the plants require almost no maintenance,
clean up, or dumping of waste. This helps to offset start-up costs. Some experts argue
that a solar plant can practically pay for itself after two or three years.

Experts from the United States and Canada have said that solar energy could play a part
in changing our lives in the twenty-first century. If solar power use increases and
emissions decrease, solar energy and other alternative fuels could supply more and
more of our everyday electricity needs. Environmentalists argue that we should power
our homes with solar power and other cleaner sources or energy instead of polluting the
air with fossil fuels or dumping nuclear waste into the environment.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is polluting the world?

2. What are people looking for?
3. What is an alternative source of future energy?
4. What is the most abundant source of energy known?
5. What happened in the early 1990s?
6. Who hoped to develop new technologies?
7. Do fossil fuels release more pollution than solar cells?
8. What are some advantages of solar power?
9. Has the price for solar power plants gone up or down?
10. Why might the price for fossil fuels go up?
11. What is one argument against solar power?
12. What helps offset start-up costs of solar power plants?
13. Who says solar power may change our lives in the 21st century?
14. What do environmentalists argue?
15. What could happen if solar power use increases?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think solar power is a good alternative source of energy? Why?

2. What are some other alternative sources of energy?
3. What is nuclear power?
4. Do you think nuclear power is generally safe or dangerous?
5. Are there nuclear power plants in your country?
6. How would you feel if a nuclear power plant was built near your home?
7. What do you think about hydropower? Is it a good idea? Why?
8. What are some ways people waste energy? Do you ever waste energy? How?
9. Should governments be responsible for developing alternative energy resources?
10. What can you do to promote alternative sources of energy?
11. Are you ever bothered by air pollution? Why?

Think of some practical solutions to these environmental problems.

Environmental Problem Solution

Air pollution

Nuclear waste


Water pollution

Global warming

Lesson 19 International Delicacies
• What is a delicacy?
• What are some traditional delicacies in your country?
• Do you ever like to eat unusual or different food?
• Would you ever dare to eat chocolate covered ants?
• When you go to a restaurant do you usually order the same dishes every time or do
like to try new dishes that you have never tried before? Why?
• What is the strangest food you have eaten?
• What is the strangest food you have ever heard of? Where do people eat it?

Read about some delicacies in different countries.

Would you like some chicken’s feet? How about frog’s legs or a fifty-year-old egg?
People around the world eat just about everything. A delicacy is a food that is rare and
considered to be a delight. For instance, elephant’s trunks and monkey brains are
delicacies in some countries. Although eating an elephant’s trunk may seem disgusting,
some people pay a lot of money to eat it because it is considered to be a delicacy.

Snakes and eels are delicacies in most parts of the world. In France and England, fish
shops sell eels that are still alive. In Asia, there are special restaurants for snakes.
Everything on the menu is snake. For example, you can order snake soup, snake
appetizers, snake main course, snake desserts, and snake wine. When you go to the
restaurant, the snakes are alive. You can choose the snakes you want to eat. The
waiter will kill the snake right in front of you, if you can bear to watch.

Insects are also considered delicacies to many people. Termites, ants, and bees are
delicacies in Africa. For instance, people fight over termite nests. They eat the termites
alive and say they taste like pineapple. In India, people make ants into a paste and eat
them with curry. In Borneo, people mix ants with rice. They say it gives the rice a
special flavor. In Australia, the native people drink ants. They mash them in water and
say the drink tastes like lemonade.

Fetus soup is a delicacy in China. Some people believe that the soup has special
vitamins and minerals that can make your body strong. The Chinese also consider shark
fins and bird’s nests delicacies. They are available dried and are used for flavorful
soups. Eskimos consider seal blubber and whale fat tasty. In Spain and Mexico, bull
testicles are considered a delicacy. After a bullfight, the testicles are removed from the
bull and grilled with butter and olive oil.

It seems that unusual foods always belong to someone else. Although your stomach
cannot tell the difference between cow meat and donkey meat, your taste buds and
your mind can. We consider certain foods strange or disgusting depending on our
cultural background. Would you be willing to try a spider burger or fried lambs brains?

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is a delicacy?
2. Where do people sell eels that are alive?
3. Where are there special restaurants for snakes?
4. Can you choose the snakes you want to eat?
5. Where are insects considered a delicacy?
6. What do termites supposedly taste like?
7. How do people eat ants in India?
8. How do people eat ants in Borneo?
9. How do Australians say ants taste?
10. Why do Chinese people eat fetus soup?
11. What else do Chinese people consider a delicacy?
12. What do Eskimos consider to be tasty?
13. Where are bull testicles considered a delicacy?
14. How are they cooked?
15. Why do we consider some delicacies to be disgusting?

Discussion Questions:

1. What delicacies from your country do you like to eat?

2. Would you be willing to try some of the delicacies mentioned above? Which ones?
3. If you were living abroad, what food would you miss most from home?
4. Is there any food that you really dislike to eat? What?
5. Which international foods have you tried?
6. What country’s food do you like the most? Why?
7. What foods have you tasted that you will never forget?

8. What do people in your country usually have for breakfast?

9. What did you have for breakfast today?
10. What do people in your country usually have for lunch?
11. What did you have for lunch today?
12. What do people in your country usually have for dinner?
13. What did you have for dinner today?

14. What is the most unusual thing you have ever eaten? Did it taste good or bad?
15. What kind of foods do you think are the healthiest? Why?
16. What kind of foods do you think are the unhealthiest? Why?
17. What special foods do you eat during the holidays?

18. If you were on death row, what would you request for your last meal?
19. If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would you
choose? Why would you choose this?
20. If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, which other foods
would you miss the most?

Lesson 20 Potato Chips
• Do you like to eat potatoes?
• Do you like to eat french fries?
• How else do people cook potatoes?
• What is your favorite snack food?
• How often do you eat snacks?
• Is snack food the same as junk food?
• What do you consider to be junk food?
• What are some healthy snacks?
• What are some unhealthy snacks?
• Which healthy snacks do you like to eat?
• What have you eaten today?

Read about the first potato chips.

In the late 18th century, Thomas Jefferson introduced fried potatoes to the United
States. At that time Jefferson was the American ambassador to France. He had tasted
fried potatoes while he was in Paris. Jefferson always served fried potatoes to his
dinner guests. They were considered to be a delicacy. The french fry is an American
invention but its name is based on the country of the origin of fried potatoes-France.
The simplest explanation of the origin of the name is that the verb "to french" is a
cooking term meaning "to cut into thin strings"; therefore, french fries are potatoes that
have been frenched, and then fried.

During the early 19th century, fried potatoes became increasingly popular in the United
States. They became a common menu item at restaurants across the country. In 1853,
a diner at Moon's Lake House in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., ordered the fried potatoes with
his meal. The diner, Cornelius Vanderbilt, complained and said the potatoes were too
thick. He sent the potatoes back to the kitchen and demanded a crispier potato. The
chef at the restaurant, George Crum, was furious with the criticism. He sliced the
potatoes paper-thin, salted them heavily and refried them. Instead of ruining the meal
for the diner, Crum's creation was a hit with the customer. The owner of Moon's Lake
House realized that the chips were a hit and made them a menu item. Eventually, Crum
opened his own restaurant that featured the thin, fried potatoes. He called them
Saratoga Chips. As word of the chips got out, other restaurants began to serve them
too. It wasn't long before potato chips were a staple at restaurants across the country.

For several decades potato chips were largely a Northern dinner dish. In the 1920s,
Herman Lay, a traveling salesman in the South, helped popularize the food from Atlanta
to Tennessee. Lay peddled potato chips to Southern grocers out of the trunk of his car.
He built a business and a name that is still known today. Lay's potato chips became the
first successfully marketed national brand of potato chips. Today, Americans consume
more potato chips than any other people in the world. Some people say this could be
one reason why so many Americans are overweight or obese.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who introduced fried potatoes in the United States?

2. What did Jefferson always serve to his dinner guests?
3. Who invented the french fry?
4. When did fried potatoes become popular?
5. Who complained about his potatoes in 1853?
6. Where was the diner eating?
7. What was wrong with his potatoes?
8. What did the chef do?
9. Did the chef ruin the customer’s dinner?
10. What did Crum call the chips?
11. Who was Herman Lay?
12. Where did Lay peddle chips to local grocers?
13. What was the first American national brand of potato chips?
14. Who eats the most potato chips in the world?

Discussion Questions:
1. Do you ever eat potato chips? Why?
2. Why are potato chips not really a healthy snack?
3. What snacks do you like to eat?
4. Why do people eat snacks?
5. When do you like to have a snack?
6. What are some other popular snacks in your country?
7. How many snacks should we eat in one day?

8. What things do you consider to be junk foods? Why?

9. How many times do you eat in one day?
10. What kind of foods should we eat to maintain a healthy diet?
11. What does it mean to go on a diet?
12. Have you ever been on a diet? If so, did it work?
13. Why can’t some people stop eating?
14. Is obesity a problem in your country? Why are some people overweight?
15. Some people say that ‘we are what we eat’? What does this mean?
16. What is your favorite thing to eat? How often do you eat it?
17. If you were at a restaurant and didn’t like the food, would you complain? Why?

Make a list of some healthy and unhealthy snacks.

Healthy Snacks Unhealthy Snacks

Lesson 21 Growing Up: Peer Pressure
• What kinds of problems do young people face growing up these days?
• Did your friends ever try to talk you into something you didn’t want to do?
• Were you usually a leader or a follower in school?
• What kinds of peer pressure did you face in school?
• Did you enjoy your teenage years? Why?

Read the following stories about peer pressure.


Tracy Warner is a new seventh grade student at Paine Junior High School. She likes the
new school, but she has not made many friends because she is a little shy. She was
very happy when Julie, one of the more popular girls, asked her to her birthday party.

Tracy arrived at the party and was beginning to relax and enjoy herself. Julie and another
girl named Michelle came up to Tracy. They told her how glad they were that she came
to the party. They asked her to step out in the back yard so they could show her
something. When they got outside Julie said, "When we make a new friend, we always
share a beer with her." Then, Julie took out a can of beer and opened it. She took a
couple of sips. She then smiled at Tracy and Michelle and held the can of beer out for
Tracy to take.
Tracy knew that she was too young to be drinking alcohol. Her parents had always told
her it was something they did not want her to do. If she drank the beer, she would do
something that was against the law. Tracy was also afraid she might get caught with
beer on her breath. She wondered what her parents would say if they found out she
had been drinking alcohol. If she didn't drink the beer, Tina and Susan might not be her
friends. She might never get invited to another party, and everyone might think she
was a nerd. Tracy was confused and wondered what she should do.


Sam and Brian have been best friends for a long time. They are in ninth grade at
Jefferson High School and sit next to each other in math class. Tomorrow, they have
their final exam. Sam is good at math but Brian is not doing very well. If Brian doesn’t
get at least 80 percent on the test, he will fail the course. If he fails the course, he will
have to go to summer school.

That night, Brian called Sam on the phone. Brian asked Sam if he would help him cheat
on the exam. Brian wanted Sam to let him look at his exam paper and copy the
answers. Sam wasn’t sure this was a good idea. If they had all the same answers, the
teacher might think it looked suspicious. The teacher might see Brian looking at Sam’s
paper during the test. If they both got caught cheating, they both would fail the course
and both have to go to summer school. Sam didn’t know what to do. Brian was his
best friend and he didn’t want to let him down. Sam would also disappoint his parents if
he got caught. Brian was confused and wondered what he should do.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What grade is Tracy in?

2. What school does she go to?
3. Why hasn’t Tracy made many new friends?
4. Whose birthday party is going to?
5. Where did Julie, Tracy, and Michelle go?
6. What did Julie want to share with Tracy?
7. Why was Tracy not sure she should drink the beer?
8. What might happen if she didn’t drink the beer?
9. How did Tracy feel?
10. What grade are Sam and Brian in?
11. What school do they go to?
12. What class do they have together?
13. Is Brian good at math?
14. What will happen if he doesn’t get at least 80 percent on the final exam?
15. What did Brian ask Sam to do?
16. Why didn’t Sam think cheating was a good idea?
17. What would happen if they both got caught cheating?
18. How did Sam feel?

Discussion Questions:

1. What would you do if you were Tracy?

2. Did you ever face a situation like hers?
3. How old were you when you had your first beer?
4. What did your parents tell you about drinking alcohol?
5. Do you think Julie and Michelle are bad girls?

6. What would you do if you were Sam?

7. Did your friends ever ask you to help them cheat on a test? What did you do?
8. Do you know anyone whoever got caught cheating? What happened?
9. Do you think it is fair for Brian to ask Sam to help him cheat?

10. What was the punishment for cheating in your school?

11. What would your parents do if you were caught cheating on an important exam?
12. Did you ever get in trouble at school? If so, what for?
13. Do you think peer pressure is a big problem for teenagers growing up?
14. What other problems do teenagers face these days?

15. Parents often make rules for their children to follow. Imagine you have a sixteen-
year-old daughter. What rules are appropriate for her:

• Curfew:
• Spending Money:
• Boyfriends:
• Television:
• Nutrition:
• Weekend Entertainment:

Lesson 22 Growing Up: Role Models
• Who were your role models when you were younger?
• Did you ever look up to any celebrities?
• Do you think celebrities should be role models? Why?
• Do you think that playing sports helps children learn some things? What? Why?
• Who are some famous athletes?
• Who are some of your favorite athletes? Why do you like these people?

Read the following about athletes as role models.

One main controversy surrounding professional sports is whether or not athletes should
be considered role models for children. Since the history of sports, athletes have
inspired many to follow their dreams to play. Athletes teach sportsmanship and moral
lessons. Children, like it or not, look up to athletes and want to copy their success.
They hang athletes’ posters on their walls. They collect sports cards and imagine what
it would be like to be a superstar athlete.

In the world of basketball, people look up to stars like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
Michael Jordan won six NBA championships and is considered to be the best basketball
player of all time. Yet, he has been rumored to have a gambling problem. He also has
admitted to cheating on his wife. Kobe Bryant has been called the best player in the
game today. He won three NBA championships with the Los Angeles Lakers and is still
in his twenties. In 2003, he was accused of raping a young woman. Should children
look at these men as role models?

Other sports, like boxing, also contain questionable role models. Former undisputed
heavyweight champion Mike Tyson once bit his opponent’s ear off and fought another
during a press conference. Tyson was also convicted of rape and spent three years in
prison. Some people once accused Muhammad Ali of being a bad role model for
dodging the draft during the Vietnam War. For his beliefs, Ali was stripped of his boxing
title. Today, Muhammad Ali is considered to be one of the most respected figures in
professional sports.

There are other factors that could determine which people would not make a good role
model. For example, drugs have become a major factor in the world of sports. Top
athletes have spoken out about the issue of drugs in baseball. Some athletes have been
fined or suspended for testing positive for steroids and other drugs. An athlete’s
personal life may affect the way people think of an athlete. Murder, divorce, and bad
attitude all can cause an athlete’s popularity to fall. However, there are also many
professional athletes that are active in their community and do a lot of charity work to
help needy people.

Should professional athletes be held at a higher standard than the general public?
Some people might say with great fame and money comes more responsibility. Others
would argue that professional athletes like everyone else, are human and make mistakes
from time to time.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is one main controversy surrounding professional sports?

2. What do athletes teach?
3. Who do children look up to?
4. What do children hang on their walls?
5. What do children collect?
6. How many NBA championships did Michael Jordan win?
7. What kind of problem has Jordan been rumored to have?
8. How many NBA championships did Kobe Bryant win?
9. What was Bryant accused of in 2003?
10. What has Mike Tyson bitten off?
11. What was Mike Tyson convicted of?
12. What was Muhammad Ali stripped of?
13. How is Ali looked at today?
14. What has become a major factor in sports?
15. What can cause an athlete’s popularity to fall?
16. What do some people say comes with great fame and money?

Discussion Questions:

1. What professional athletes do you think are good role models? Why?
2. Is Michael Jordan a good role model? Why?
3. What celebrities do you think are good role models?
4. Is Madonna a good role model for women? Why?
5. Should politicians be considered role models? Why?
6. Name some positive role models for children and teenagers.
7. Name some negative role models for children and teenagers.

8. Do you think politicians in your country are good role models? Why?
9. What should parents teach children about famous people?
10. Should parents be a child’s most important role models? Why?
11. What other people in a child’s life are role models?

12. Do adults ever have role models? Who?

13. Name some positive role models for adults. Why did you choose these?
14. Name some negative role models for adults. Why did you choose these?
15. Who are some of your role models now? Why?
16. Who were your role models when you were younger? Why?
17. Are your adult role models different from your childhood role models? Why?
18. Would you make a good role model?

Complete this sentence: I would make a good role model because ___________

19. Would your teacher make a good role model? Why?

Complete this sentence: My teacher would make a good role model because ___

Lesson 23 Stress and Pressure
All of us experience some stress in our daily lives. A little stress can help to motivate us
to work harder and more efficiently. Too much stress, however, can lead to health
problems, and can seriously affect a person’s happiness.

• What are some symptoms of too much stress?

• What things cause stress for you?
• What would cause stress for parents?
• What would cause stress for teachers?
• What would cause stress for students?
• What would cause stress for doctors?
• Which of the people above do you think has the most
serious stress? Why?

Read some advice about stress from Dr. Walker.

Hello, my name is Doctor Alice Walker. I am a general practitioner in the Los Angeles
City Hospital. Last week I treated a woman for her third throat infection in three months.
Her name is Linda. Linda is usually a very healthy and conscientious person. I suspect
that stress is causing her health problems. Linda often gets headaches. She finds it very
difficult to relax. She also is not sleeping very well. Because of this she often feels tired
and irritable. She drinks a lot of coffee during the day to help keep her awake. The
coffee makes her insomnia worse, so she sometimes takes sleeping pills at night to help
her sleep.
Linda’s job is very stressful. She is a Los Angeles high school teacher. Everyday she
has to deal with lots of stressful situations at work. Sometimes her students misbehave
in class. Sometimes she has disputes with her colleagues. Sometimes her job makes
her feel frustrated and angry. Linda’s personal life is stressful as well. She spends a lot
of her time taking care of her sick mother. She spends a lot of time traveling from her
apartment to school and too her mother’s house.

Linda also feels that she doesn’t have enough time to eat right. She often grabs a snack
or fast food and eats in the car. She feels that her schedule is too full and she is too
busy. She feels like she doesn’t have enough free time for herself.

For someone like Linda I generally recommend a stress management program. General
techniques of the stress management program include:

• Self-management: become better organized, plan a schedule.

• Conflict resolution: start to try solve any major problems at home or at work.
• Positive attitude: try to be more optimistic about things.
• Breathing: start to do deep breathing exercises.
• Meditation: try some relaxation techniques.
• Exercise: try to exercise regularly (three times a week).
• Diet: try to eat healthier food.
• Rest: get enough sleep at night. Take a short afternoon nap.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who is Alice Walker?

2. Who is Linda?
3. Why does Linda find it difficult to relax?
4. Why does Linda feel tired and irritable?
5. Why does Linda drink coffee?
6. What is Linda's job?
7. What problems does she have at work?
8. How is Linda's personal life?
9. What does she have to do?
10. Why does Linda often eat fast food?
11. What does Dr. Walker generally recommend for people like Linda?
12. What self-management suggestions does she offer?
13. What conflict resolution suggestions does she offer?
14. What attitude suggestions does she offer?
15. What breathing suggestions does she offer?
16. What meditation suggestions does she offer?
17. What exercise suggestions does she offer?
18. What diet suggestions does she offer?
19. What rest suggestions does she offer?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you sympathize with Linda? Why?

2. Which is Linda’s biggest source of stress?
3. Which sources of Linda’s stress are easier to control? Why?
4. Which sources of her stress are more difficult to control? Why?
5. What should you do if you have a headache?
6. What should you do if you have insomnia?

7. Would like to have her job? Why?

8. What are some other stressful jobs? Why are they stressful?
9. Is your life stressful?
10. What are some sources of stress in your life?
11. What can you do about the stress in your life?

How do these factors relate to your life?

• Self-management: Are you organized? Do you ever plan a schedule?
• Conflict resolution: Do you have any problems that you haven’t solved?
• Positive attitude: Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic? Why?
• Breathing: Do you ever do any deep breathing or other breathing exercises?
• Meditation: Do you ever meditate? What are the benefits of meditation?
• Exercise: How often do you exercise? What kind of exercise do you do?
• Diet: What kinds of food do you normally eat? Is your diet healthy or unhealthy?
• Rest: Do you usually get enough rest? How much do you sleep at night? Do you
ever take an afternoon nap?

sson 24 Be
eing Ov
ght and
d Obese
• Do you kno
ow anyone who
w is overrweight?
• Why are so
ome people overweightt?
• What health problems do overweight people e have?
• What kind of
o exercise do you like?
• How often do you exercise?
• What healthy things do you eat or
o drink?
• What unhealthy thingss do you eat or drink?

ad about being ove
erweight and obes

ng overweig ght and obe ese are twoo major problems facin ng people in n the Unitedd States
todaay. In 2003 almost 61 percen nt of U.S. adults and 13 percen nt of childrren and
adolescents we ere overweight. More than 30 percent of U.S S. adults arre obese, acccording
to th
he U.S. Cennters for Dissease Contrrol and Prevvention. Thhat equals 559 million peeople.
Thee chance o of developin ng serious health im mplications, such as h heart diseaase and
betes risk in
ncreases in overweight
o people and d rises dram obese people.
matically in o

Oveerweight an
nd obesity is
i determinned by calculating an individual’ss Body Masss Index
MI). BMI represents a ratio of weeight to heig
ght. Obesitty is defined
d as havingg a body
masss index off more thaan 30. Thatt usually m means bein
ng about 30 0 pounds (15 kg)
overweight forr a woman and 35 to 40 pounds (17 to 20 kg) overwe eight for a man of
average heightt. Overweight is defin
ned as a BM MI of 26 orr higher. T That usuallyy means
ng about 155 or 20 pou
unds (8 kg) overweight for a man n and 10 to o 15 poundss (6 kg)
for a woman. Look at thee formula to
o see how BMI
B is determined.

BMI Weight Status

Beelow 18.5 Underw


Weight in Kiloggrams 188.5 – 24.9 Norm
BMII = x 10,000
(Heighht in cm) x (Heeight in cm) 255.0 – 29.9 Overw

30.0 and Above Obeese

ere are diffeferent cause es of beingg overweight and obe ese. One is in not eating
e a
anced diet. Too manyy Americanss eat too many m fatty foods
f with too many calories.
Thiss includes m
many fast fo oods, junk foods,
f and unhealthy in-between meal snacks. Not
ough physica al activity iss another re
eason people might be e overweigh
ht or obese.. In the
Unitted States, 40% of adults
a do not do any leisure tim me physical activity. 43% of
adolescents wa atch more thant 2 hourrs of televission each daay. Family genes are another
causse of being overweightt and obese e.

Whaat should you

y do if you have a weight pro oblem? Th he American n Surgeon General
es the follow
wing advice
e. First, see
e your doctor and ask for a profeessional opin
nion. If
you are overw weight or ob g just 10% of your bo
bese, losing ody weight can improve your
health. If you need to loose weight, do so graddually. Be physically a active and limit TV
e to less tha
time an 2 hours per day. Yoou should a
also eat a well-
w balance
ed diet.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What are two major problems facing people in the United States today?
2. What percent of US adults are overweight?
3. What percent of US adults are obese?
4. How many adults are obese in the US?
5. How is obesity determined?
6. What does Body Mass Index represent?
7. How is Body Mass Index calculated?
8. How is obesity defined?
9. How is being overweight defined?
10. What are three causes of being overweight and obese?
11. How can diet affect being overweight?
12. How can physical activity affect being overweight?
13. What should you do first if you have a weight problem?
14. What lifestyle changes should you make if you want to lose weight?

Discussion Questions:

1. Is being overweight and obese a problem in your country?

2. What’s your opinion of overweight and obese people?
3. Why are some people overweight? What causes obesity?
4. Are you afraid of being overweight? Why?
5. Do you eat a well-balanced diet? What different foods do you eat?
6. What healthy foods do you eat? How often do you eat them?
7. Do you eat a lot of junk food? What is your favorite kind of junk food?
8. What unhealthy foods do you eat? How often do you eat them?
9. What kinds of food can cause people to become overweight or obese?
10. What kinds of habits or lifestyle can cause people to become overweight or obese?

11. How many hours of TV do you watch per day?

12. Do you think that you watch too much TV? Why?
13. Do you know anyone who has had heart trouble?
14. Do you know anyone who has diabetes?
15. In your opinion, are most Americans healthy or unhealthy? Why?
16. Do you think most people in your country eat a well-balanced diet?
17. Are there many overweight children in you country? Why are they overweight?
18. Is anyone in your family overweight? Why?
19. Do you ever feel sorry for someone who is really obese?
20. Do you think overweight and obese people are lazy?
21. How can overweight and obese people become healthier?
22. Would you rather be overweight or underweight? Why?

23. What is your height? _________Cm. What is your weight? ________Kg.

24. Calculate your body mass index: BMI = __________

• Are you overweight, underweight, obese, or normal?

Lesson 25 The American Civil War
• What is a civil war?
• How is a civil war different from a world war?
• Has your country ever had a civil war?
• What is racial discrimination?
• Have any people in your country ever been
discriminated against? Who? Why?
• Look at these two flags. What do they represent?

Read about the American Civil War.

The American Civil War began in 1861 and ended in 1865. It was a conflict between the
Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states (the Confederacy). It is generally
known in the South as the War Between the States. It is also known as the War of the
Rebellion, the War of Secession, and the War for Southern Independence. The Civil War
began as a war for and against Southern independence. Although slavery was the issue
that started the conflict between the North and South, the initial war goals of both sides
were simple. Confederates (southerners) fought for the right to secede from the union
and form their own country. Union forces (northerners) fought to prevent them.

In the days of the American Revolution and the Constitution, there were differences
between the North and South, but they were generally ignored. During the 19th century
the areas had become two different places. The South was almost completely
agricultural. It was filled with large plantations where slaves worked. Free slave labor
formed the basis on which the South gained its wealth, and slavery was essential for its
economic prosperity. There were a few areas in the North that could be farmed but it
did not depend on farming, as the South did. The North was becoming filled with
factories, taller buildings, and larger cities. It was more advanced and African
Americans in the North were free.

When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the South began to worry. Lincoln was
against slavery and the states in the South feared that he would prohibit the use of free
slave labor. South Carolina called a meeting and voted to remove itself from the Union.
The Union was the official name of the United States at that time. South Carolina
seceded first. Then, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas
seceded. Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina followed soon after. These
eleven states formed the Confederate States of America. They had withdrawn
themselves from the Union and formed a separate country.

At first, Lincoln had one war goal: preservation of the Union. As the war continued,
Lincoln faced pressures to change his goal to freedom for the slaves. This move was
necessary because America had to prevent Britain from supporting the Confederacy.
Lincoln did not want any international interference. The war officially ended in May
1865 when the remaining Confederate soldiers surrendered. Over 620,000 Americans
died in the war, with disease killing twice as many as those lost in battle. 50,000
survivors returned home as amputees. The Civil War was, and still is, one of the
bloodiest periods in American history.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When did the Civil War begin?

2. When did it end?
3. What are the different names for the war?
4. Why were the Confederates fighting?
5. Why were the Union forces fighting?
6. During the 19th century, how were the North and South
7. Why did the South worry when Lincoln was elected
8. Which state was the first to secede from the Union?
9. What eleven states made up the Confederate States of
10. What was Lincoln’s first war goal?
11. What was Lincoln’s second war goal?
12. Why did Lincoln change his goal?
13. When did the Civil War officially end?
14. How many Americans died during the war?
15. How did the victims of war die?

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the main differences between civil wars and world wars?
2. Why do people fight wars? Would you ever fight in a war? Why?

3. Has your country ever experienced a war? What was it about? Who was fighting?
How did it end?
4. If the South had won the war, the United States would have been split into two
separate countries. What other countries have been divided as a result of war?
5. The history of the world is filled with stories about conflict between nations. What
are some important conflicts of the past? Why were these wars fought?
6. Do you think humans are naturally violent? Why? Give an example.

7. Slavery is on of the most shameful events in American history. What do you know
about slavery in America?
8. Who benefits from slavery? Who suffers from slavery?
9. What are some shameful events in your country’s history?
10. During the 19th century the American South was mainly agricultural while the North
was more industrial. Where are the main agricultural areas in your county? What
do they grow?
11. Where are the main industrial areas in your country? What do they manufacture?

12. Look at the picture of the American flag again. Do you know the significance of
the design? Why are there fifty stars and thirteen stripes?
13. What other flags do you know that have significant designs? What do they mean?

Lesson 26 Abraham Lincoln

• What do you know about the American Civil War?

• Who was Abraham Lincoln?
• What do you know about Lincoln?
• What is slavery? What did Lincoln do about slavery?
• Was your childhood easy or hard? Why?
• Have you ever moved to a new place? Where?
• Would you rather work on a farm or study? Why?

Read about Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. He was born in a log
cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. Lincoln’s childhood was not easy. His father
was a farmer and had to work hard to earn a living. When Abraham was 7, the family
moved to southern Indiana. Abraham had gone to school briefly in Kentucky and did so
again in Indiana. In 1818 Lincoln’s mother died from milk sickness, a disease from
drinking the milk of cows that had grazed on poisonous grass. Thomas Lincoln
remarried the next year, and Abraham loved his new stepmother.

As Abraham grew up, he loved to read and preferred learning to working in the fields.
This caused difficulty in his relationship with his father who was just the opposite. The
Lincolns moved again to Illinois and Abraham worked several jobs there. He managed a
store, surveyed land, and served as a postmaster. He was well liked by the local people
he earned the nickname "Honest Abe."

In 1860 Lincoln was elected president and he soon faced the greatest internal crisis U.S.
President has ever faced: the American Civil War. Lincoln raised an army and decided
to fight to stop the Union from falling apart. His goal was to preserve the Union. As the
war dragged on, Lincoln had to find a new goal. There were rumors that the Civil War
could escalate into an international conflict if it continued. Lincoln’s worst fear was that
the British would side with the South. Lincoln then decided to change his original war
goal. He had always opposed slavery and on January 1, 1863, the Emancipation
Proclamation was introduced. This was Lincoln's declaration of freedom for all slaves in
the United States. Lincoln won re-election in 1864, the Union defeated the South, and
the Civil War finally war ended in 1865. The North were the victors.

On April 14, 1865, the Lincolns attended a play entitled Our American Cousin at Ford’s
Theater in Washington D.C. During the performance John Wilkes Booth arrived at the
theater and shot the president in the back of the head. Lincoln died the next morning.
This was the first presidential assassination in American history, and the nation mourned
its leader. His death was the result of the deep divisions and hatreds of the times.

Abraham Lincoln is remembered for his vital role as the leader in preserving the Union
during the Civil War and beginning the process that led to the end of slavery in the
United States. He is also remembered for his character, his speeches, and as a man of
humble origins whose determination led him to America’s highest political office.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Where was Abraham Lincoln born?

2. How old was Abraham when the family moved to southern Indiana?
3. How did Abraham’s mother die?
4. What did Abraham love to do when he was growing up?
5. What jobs did Abraham have in Illinois?
6. What was his nickname?
7. What crisis did Abraham face after he was elected
8. What was Lincoln’s original war goal?
9. Why did Lincoln change this goal?
10. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
11. When was Lincoln re-elected?
12. When did the Civil War end?
13. Which side were the victors?
14. What happened on April 14, 1865?
15. Where is Ford’s Theater?
16. How is Abraham Lincoln remembered?

Discussion Questions:

1. Racial discrimination was, and continues to be, a problem in the United States.
Does racial discrimination exist in your country?
2. What other kinds of discrimination are there? What kinds of people are generally
discriminated against? Why?
3. What do you think about slavery? Why? Is slavery fair or unfair? Why?

4. Lincoln is known as a person of humble origins whose determination led him to the
nation’s highest office. Is there anyone in your country like this?
5. Lincoln’s face is on the US five dollar bill and the one-cent coin. What pictures are
on the coins and bills in your country?

6. Lincoln’s nickname was “Honest Abe”. Why do you think he had this nickname?
7. Do you have a nickname? What is it? Why do people call you by this nickname?
8. Are you an honest person? Give an example.
9. Lincoln’s family moved a lot when he was young. Has your family ever moved?
Where? Do you think moving was a good thing or not for your family? Why?
10. People move to new places for many different reasons. How many can you think
of? Make a list.

11. Say something optimistic about moving to a new city.

12. Say something pessimistic about moving to a new city.
13. Say something optimistic about moving to a new country.
14. Say something pessimistic about moving to a new country.

15. Lincoln was assassinated. Why do people assassinate other people?

16. Which other famous people have been assassinated?

Lesson 27 Colonel Harland Sanders
• Are you a determined person?
• What is something you are determined to do?
• What do you know about this man?
• Where is Kentucky?
• Do you like the food at KFC? Why?
• Do you like to cook? What?
• Do you ever baby-sit children? Who?
• What food is famous in your country?

Read about Colonel Sanders.

Colonel Harland Sanders was born on September 9, 1890. He began franchising- selling
his chicken business- at the age of 65. Now, the Kentucky Fried Chicken business has
grown to be one of the largest fast food restaurants in the world. Two billion of the
Colonel's "finger lickin' good" chicken dinners are served annually, and not just in North
America. The Colonel's cooking is available in more than 82 countries around the world.

When Harland was six, his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young
Harland had to take care of his three-year-old brother and baby sister. This meant he
had to do much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master at cooking
a variety of dishes. When he grew up Harland had a variety of jobs. He was a railroad
fireman, insurance salesman, and gas station attendant. When he was 40, Harland
began cooking for hungry travelers who stopped at his service station in Corbin,
Kentucky. He didn’t have a restaurant but served folks on his own dining table in the
living area of his service station.

As more people started coming just for the food, Harland moved across the street to a
motel and restaurant that seated 142 people. Over the next nine years, he perfected
his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices. This is the basic cooking recipe that is still used
in KFC restaurants today. The Governor of Kentucky made him a Kentucky Colonel in
1935 for his contributions to the state’s cuisine.

In the early 1950’s, a new highway was planned to bypass the town of Corbin. The
Colonel saw an end to his business and sold his restaurant. He paid his bills and was
reduced to living on his $105 monthly Social Security checks. The Colonel was confident
in the quality of his fried chicken, so he devoted himself to franchising his business. In
1952, he traveled across the country by car from restaurant to restaurant. He cooked
batches of chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If they liked the chicken,
he made a ‘hand shake’ agreement. This agreement paid him one nickel (five cents) for
each chicken the restaurant sold. By 1964, Colonel Sanders had more than 600
franchised restaurants in the United States and Canada.

The Colonel eventually sold his share in the company for $2 million but remained a
public spokesman for the company. The Colonel traveled 250,000 miles a year visiting
the KFC restaurants that he had created. In 1980 at the age of 90, the Colonel was
stricken with leukemia and died. The success of KFC franchising began with a 65-year-
old southern gentleman who used his monthly Social Security checks to start a business.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When was the Colonel born?

2. At what age did he begin franchising his business?
3. How many countries have KFC restaurants?
4. What was Harland forced to do when his mother had to go back to work?
5. How old was the Colonel when he started cooking for hungry travelers?
6. Where was the Colonel’s service station?
7. How many people could sit in the Colonel’s first restaurant?
8. What basic cooking recipe is still used in KFC restaurants today?
9. What happened in 1935?
10. Why did the Colonel sell his restaurant?
11. What did the Colonel do in 1952?
12. How much did the Colonel first receive for each chicken sold?
13. By 1964, how many franchised restaurants did the Colonel have?
14. Where were these restaurants?
15. How much did the Colonel receive for his interest in the company?
16. How old was the Colonel when he died?

Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to go from rags to riches?

2. What is determination?
3. Do you think you are a determined individual? How?
4. What does it mean to be successful?
5. Have you been successful throughout your life? How?
6. Do you know any success stories? If so, share one with the class.
7. Would you like to own your own business? Why or why not?
8. What are the advantages of owning your own business? Disadvantages?
9. Do you like working for other people? Why?
10. How much should the average person work in one week?
11. Do you think most people work too much? Why?
12. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do?
13. How much time off do you take each year? Is it enough?
14. Do you like to eat fast food? Why?
15. What is your favorite kind of food? How often do you eat it?
16. Is fried chicken a healthy food? Why?
17. Do you like to eat fried chicken? Why?

Say some good and some bad things about fried chicken. Write your ideas in the chart.

Good things Bad things

Lesson 28 Hetty Robinson
• Would you like to be very wealthy? Why?
• How do people become wealthy?
• If you won ten million dollars, what would you do?
• Who are some of the world’s most famous wealthy people?
• What do very wealthy people look like?
• What kinds of problems do very wealthy people have?
• If you were wealthy would you be stingy or generous?
• Do you know any wealthy people?

Read about Hetty Robinson.

Hetty Robinson was born in 1834. Her family had made a fortune in the nineteenth
century in whaling and foreign trade. When her brother died as a baby, Hetty became
the sole heir of her family’s wealth. Hetty learned about the world of business and
finance at an early age. At the age of 6, she began reading the daily financial
newspapers to both her father and grandfather. She attended private schools and her
childhood education focused on business. She learned from her father how to deal with
competitors and how to protect family interests.

In 1867, Hetty married millionaire Edward Henry Green. Although they were both
millionaires, Hetty insisted that they keep their finances separate. They moved to
London and had two children. In the early 1870’s, Hetty’s parents died and left her $10
million. She had acquired a large amount of money and it made her the richest woman
in America at that time.

In 1874, the Greens moved back to New York City and Hetty continued to increase her
wealth. She bought government bonds and railroad stocks. She bought land in New
York, Chicago, and St. Louis, the fastest growing cities at that time. Hetty became a
shrewd investor and financer. She saw her wealth increase many times during her life.

Hetty was the richest woman in the United States but she was very stingy. She always
wore the same black dress and became known as the ‘witch of Wall Street’. Her
undergarments were old newspapers that she got from garbage cans. She lived in a
run-down boarding house with no heat. She never had a house in New York City
because the taxes were too high.

Hetty only ate onions, eggs, and cold oatmeal. She never cooked her food because she
thought it was a waste of money to pay for electricity. She was even stingy with her
children. For example, when her son hurt his knee in an accident, Hetty did not call a
doctor. She dressed him in old clothes and took him to a free clinic. The doctors
recognized her and asked for money. Hetty refused and took her son home. The boy
did not receive medical treatment, and a few years later his leg was amputated.

In her old age Hetty began to suffer from a bad hernia but refused to have an operation
because it cost $150. Hetty Green died 1916 at the age of 80. Estimates of her net
worth are around $100-200 million.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When was Hetty Robinson born?

2. How did her family make their fortune?
3. What did her father teach her?
4. Who did Hetty marry in 1867?
5. How many children did she have?
6. How much did Hetty’s parents leave her?
7. Where did Hetty buy land?
8. What was Hetty’s nickname?
9. Where did Hetty get her undergarments?
10. Where did Hetty live?
11. Why didn’t Hetty live in New York City?
12. What did Hetty eat?
13. Why didn’t Hetty cook her food?
14. What happened to Hetty’s son?
15. Why did she refuse to have a hernia operation?
16. When did Hetty die?
17. What was her net worth?

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?

2. How important is money to you? What is more important than money?
3. If you had no money, do you think you could be happy?
4. If someone gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it?
5. Some people say that money makes the world go around. Do you agree?
6. What do you spend most of your money on?
7. What is something you bought recently that cost a lot of money?
8. What is something you bought recently that was a good bargain?
9. What is something that you want to buy but don’t have enough money to buy?

10. What kinds of things are you saving your money for?
11. What qualities must a person have to make ‘big’ money?
12. Do you ever give money to beggars on the street? Why?
13. Do you ever give money to charity? If so, which ones?
14. If you found a bag of money, what would you do with it?
15. Who takes care of the money in your house? Why?
16. If you had to save money, what could you do without?
17. If you needed some extra money, how would you earn it?

18. What are some different legal ways to get money really quickly?
19. What are some different illegal ways to get money really quickly?
20. Would you ever try to get money illegally? Why?
21. Would you ever sacrifice a friendship for money? Why?
22. How would you feel if a good friend betrayed you for money?
23. Would you rather have a lot of money or a lot of friends? Why?

Lesson 29 Predicting the Future
• What do fortunetellers do?
• Why do people go to see fortunetellers?
• Do you believe most fortunetellers are accurate?
• What methods do fortunetellers use to predict the future?
• Can a fortuneteller really see into the future?
• Have you ever had your fortune told? What did it say?
• What good things do you think will happen to you in the
• Are you usually more scientific or more superstitious? Why?

Read about fortunetellers.

Fortune telling is the practice of predicting the future, usually of an individual, through
mystical or supernatural means. Common methods used in fortune telling include
astrology, tarot card reading, crystallomancy (reading of a crystal sphere), and
palmistry. Are you interested in having someone read your palm? Would you like to
take your chances with tarot cards? Would you like to visit an old-fashioned Gypsy
fortuneteller who looks into a crystal ball and sees everything?

There are many different forms of psychic art and different kinds of fortune telling
methods. For example, palmistry is a method of interpreting the shape of the hand and
the lines of the palm to determine your character and life experiences. One type of
palmistry attempts to tell your future by reading the lines on the palm of your hand.
Another type of palmistry tries to read the strengths and weaknesses of your personality
from the shape of your hand. Other forms of fortune telling include the observation of
the wind currents and cloud formation, interpreting the damage when a hatchet is
smacked into a table, reading smoke, tea leaves or coffee grinds, reading the holes or
mold in cheese, and even interpreting the lines in your belly button.

A psychic is someone who claims to have paranormal or supernatural powers that he or

she uses to answer your questions or make observations about you. The psychic might
simply look you over and start talking, or they may use props or aids such as tarot
cards, astrological charts, your palm, or pieces of jewelry or metal that have been
against your skin. Readings can focus on issues of the past, present or future and are
offered in various degrees of detail and complexity.

Visiting a psychic can be a lot of fun. How much of it you take seriously is up to you.
However, it can be interesting to hear what someone who doesn’t know you has to say
about you and about your life. Most people who take psychics seriously often don’t use
them for predicting the future, but use them as an aid in expanding the way they view
themselves and / or their possibilities for the future. They see fortunetellers as advice
or suggestion givers, rather than actually predicting what will happen in the future.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is fortune telling?

2. What are some common methods of fortune telling?
3. What can a gypsy fortuneteller do?
4. What is palmistry?
5. What are some other forms of fortune telling?
6. What is a psychic?
7. What props might a psychic use?
8. What kinds of issues can psychic reading focus on?
9. What is up to you when you visit a psychic?
10. What do most people who take psychics seriously often use them for?

Discussion Questions:
1. Name some things that are considered good luck in your country.
2. Name some things that are considered bad luck in your country.
3. Are you usually a lucky or unlucky person? Give an example.
4. What lucky things have happened to you recently?
5. What unlucky things have happened to you recently?
6. Do you believe in miracles? Why?
7. What is a magician? How are magicians and fortunetellers different?
8. Do you know anyone who can predict the future?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you, or anyone you know, ever seen a ghost? If
so, describe the experience.
10. If you could ask a fortuneteller three questions, what would they be?
11. Do you know anyone who has been to see a fortuneteller? Who? What did the
fortuneteller say? Was the prediction accurate or not?
12. How much should you pay a fortuneteller for a psychic reading?
13. How much should you pay a fortuneteller to read your palm?
14. What different lines on your palm do fortunetellers identify?
15. What is your zodiac (star) sign? (Refer to the zodiac chart below)
16. Find an English newspaper. What is your horoscope for today? Is it accurate?
17. If possible, find yesterdays newspaper. Was your horoscope accurate?

  March 21 – April 19 Libra September 23 – October 23


Taurus April 20 – May 20 Scorpio October 24 – November 21

Gemini May 21 – June 21 Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Cancer June 22 – July 22 Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Leo July 23 – August 22 Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Virgo August 23 – September 22 Pisces February 19 – March 20

Lesson 30 Personality Traits
Check the box that best describes your different personality traits.

Personality Traits Very Tend to be Somewhat Can be A little Not at all















Make a sentence:

I’m very ____________________________. I can be ___________________________ ..

I tend to be _________________________. I’m somewhat ____________________ .
I’m a little __________________________. I’m not at all ______________________ .

Match the personality trait with a behavior.

Personality trait Behavior 

Doesn’t like to share
Hardworking Respects her parents
Lazy Likes to gossip
Always gives presents
Doesn’t get angry easily
Serious Always thinking about things
Easygoing Likes to go to parties
Quiet Nervous to meet new people
Generous Doesn’t like to work
Outgoing Always works overtime
Talkative Easily angered
Likes to shake hands
Has many friends
Funny Tells jokes
Doesn’t like to talk

Discussion Questions:
1. Describe your personality. Use the sentences and words from above.
2. Are you shy or sociable? Give an example.
3. Are you lazy or hardworking? Give an example.
4. Do you have a good sense of humor? Give an example.
5. Do people think you are funny? Give an example.
6. Are you ever moody? What puts you in a bad mood?
7. Are you neat or messy? Is your bedroom tidy or messy?
8. Do you think you are a generous person? Give an example.
9. Are you ever stingy? Are you ever selfish?
10. Are you a filial person? What do you do for your parents?
11. What personality trait is most important to you?
12. Would you like to change your personality?
13. If you could, what would you like to be like?
14. What’s more important: personality or appearance?
15. Do you like serious or easygoing people?
16. What personality traits do you like in your friends?
17. Describe your friend’s personality.
18. Do you and your friends have similar personalities?
19. Describe your father’s personality.
20. Describe your mother’s personality.
21. Describe your sibling’s personality.
22. Describe your teacher’s personality.

Lesson 31 Buying a Pet
• What are good animals for people to keep as pets? Why?
• What animals are not suitable to keep as pets? Why not?
• Do you have a pet? What is it?
• What responsibilities do pet owners have?
• What should you consider before having a pet?
• What are some popular pets in your country?
• What are some status-symbol pets?

Read the following article about buying a pet.

About 60% of U.S. households have at least one dog, cat, bird, or other pet. Many have
more than one. Pets are popular because they provide companionship, joy,
unconditional love, and a sense of safety for their owners. These are probably some of
the reasons why people choose to have a pet. Owning a pet is most enjoyable when
you take the time to consider which animal best suits you and your family.

Select your pet the way recommended by veterinarians. A pet will become your daily
responsibility, so make an informed pet selection. Don’t choose the first playful puppy,
kitten, or bird you see or the latest status-symbol pet. Remember, you are accepting a
responsibility for which you and your family must be prepared. There are millions of
unwanted pets that have to be put to death each year. Pets selected on impulse, "for
the children," or as a gift sometimes end up this way.

Selecting a pet should be a family project. Everyone's needs, concerns, fears, and
medical history (including allergies) should be considered. Family members should
decide together what kind of animal they want and the amount of time they have to
spend with it. Families should also talk about the amount of responsibility each person
has to assume. Promises from some family members, particularly children, may not be
fulfilled. Identify the best animal for your living space, lifestyle, and budget. Take your
time and involve the family.

Make sure you have enough room for your pet. Young dogs need more space and more
daily exercise than older dogs. Make sure you have enough time to spend with your
pet. Pets depend on people for daily affection and attention. Young puppies and
kittens require time for housebreaking, training, and feeding. Feeding, exercise,
grooming, and play are daily time commitments that must be considered in caring for a
healthy, happy pet. If you are renting your home, make sure your landlord allows pets.
Pet care can sometimes be expensive. All pets need food and shelter. Most should
have regular visits to a veterinarian for health checkups and vaccinations.

Before bringing a pet into your home, prepare a special place for it to eat and sleep.
Decide where you will exercise your pet. Also, you should buy any necessary
accessories (such as collar and ID tag, leash, scratching post, litter box, travel crate,
bird cage, etc.) before you bring your pet home.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What percent of U.S. households have at least one pet?

2. Why are pets popular?
3. What kind of pet should you not choose?
4. What happens to millions of unwanted pets?
5. Should you select a pet impulsively?
6. What should be considered when selecting a pet?
7. Should children decide by themselves what kind of pet to buy?
8. What kinds of dogs need more space?
9. What do pets depend on people for?
10. What do young puppies and kittens require time for?
11. What are some daily time commitments people have when caring for pets?
12. Who should you ask to make sure pets are okay in your home?
13. Can pets be expensive?
14. Where do pets need to go for vaccinations?
15. What should you do before bringing a pet into your home?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why?

2. What animal do you think makes the best pet? Why?
3. What responsibilities do pet owners have?
4. What are some pros and cons of keeping a pet? Fill in the chart.

Good points of owning a pet Bad points of owning a pet

5. What can children learn by having a pet?

6. What is the most unusual pet you have ever seen?
7. What joys do pets bring to their owners?
8. What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?
9. Why do some people not like pets?
10. How can pets be useful to their owners?

Sometimes pet owners give their pets unusual or interesting names. Think of some
unusual or interesting names for the following pets:

Lizard: Parrot: Piranha: Horse:

Monkey: Husky: Siamese cat: Goldfish:

Lesson 32 Facts about Cats and Dogs
• Do you know any interesting facts about dogs?
• Do you know any interesting facts about cats?
• Do you know any funny animal stories?
• Do you know why cats sleep so much?
• What else do cats do besides sleeping?
• What do dogs do?
• How fast can dogs run?
• What tricks can dogs and cats do?

Read the following facts about cats and dogs.

Cats get more sleep than almost any other animal. They average about 16 hours of
sleep per day. Much of that sleeping is in the form of short catnaps. Catnaps are short
shallow periods of sleep that are relaxing to the cat. Catnaps also allow the cat to be
fully alert at a moment's notice. Cats spend about 30% of their waking hours grooming
themselves. Cats start grooming themselves following a certain pattern. They start by
licking their mouths, cleaning their faces, moving to the front paws and eventually
working their way down to their tails.

Cats can be trained to use a toilet, come when called, and sit when told. They can also
be trained to heel, jump through a hoop, eat with their paws, roll over, fetch and many
other small tricks. Training a pet takes a lot of patience. You can tell a cat’s mood by
reading its body language. If a cat is sharply moving its tail in a quick back and forth
motion, it's angry or annoyed. A cat walking with ears erect and tail straight up is
feeling content and satisfied.

Many people believe that dogs are colorblind. This is not true. Dogs can see color but
they do not see colors as vividly as most humans. It is much like our vision in the early
evening. Dog experts estimate that some dogs’ sense of smell is almost 1 million times
greater than humans. A dog can sniff out all sorts of smells that human noses miss.
People train dogs for jobs such as tracking, rescue, or bomb detection. They also train
dogs to detect a wide variety of other scents, such as drugs and fruits.

Have you ever wondered why dogs bark? Barking is sometimes like an alarm. Dogs
bark to tell humans or other dogs that someone or something is near their territory.
Dogs also bark when they are excited, hot, cold or hungry. Sometimes you will hear a
dog howl. City dogs are often left alone for long periods of time. They howl because
they feel lonely. Wild dogs howl to gather the other dogs in their pack.

If you have ever seen a dog chase a cat, then you know dogs can run like the wind. But
just how fast are they? Most domestic dogs are capable of reaching speeds of about
nineteen miles per hour when running at full speed. However, greyhounds are the
fastest dogs. They are able to reach speeds of up to forty-four miles per hour. Today
greyhound racing is a popular betting sport in America and many other countries around
the world.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How many hours a day does a cat sleep?

2. What are catnaps?
3. How do cats spend 30% of their waking hours?
4. What pattern do cats follow when grooming?
5. What can cats be trained to do?
6. How can you tell a cat’s mood?
7. How does a cat feel when its tail is moving sharply back and forth?
8. Are dogs colorblind?
9. How much greater is a dog’s sense of smell than a human’s?
10. What do people train some dogs to do?
11. What are some reasons that dogs bark?
12. Why do some city dogs howl?
13. Why do wild dogs howl?
14. How fast can most domestic dogs run?
15. How fast can greyhounds run?

Discussion Questions:

1. Are there many stray dogs in your neighborhood?

2. Are there many stray cats in you neighborhood?
3. Are stray animals a big problem in your city?
4. What should you do if a dog bites you?
5. Does your city have a dogcatcher?
6. Does it bother you when dogs bark?
7. Do cats bark? What noises do cats make?

8. Have you ever watched greyhound races?

9. Have you ever watched a horse race?
10. Have you ever seen a cockfight?
11. What do you think about these kinds of games?

12. Are there animal rights groups where you live?

13. Do you consider yourself to be an animal lover?
14. Do you think it would be fun to train a cat or a dog to do tricks?
15. What kinds of tricks would you train a dog or cat to do? Why?

How are dogs and cats similar and different? Fill in this chart.

Similarities Differences

Lesson 33 Smoking in Public Places
• Does it bother you when people smoke while you are eating?
• Should smoking be banned in bars and restaurants?
• Are you concerned about secondhand smoke?
• Why do some people smoke?
• How can people quit smoking?

Read the following opinion about smoking in public places.

Since California passed a statewide public smoking ban in 1998, smoking bans have
been an issue of debate around the country. From California to Delaware, smoking bans
have emerged throughout the nation. There are several issues surrounding public
smoking. Nonsmokers are concerned about the health effects of secondhand smoke
inside bars, restaurants, and other public places. Business owners are concerned with
their right to manage their businesses as they see fit.

Restaurant owners should be responsible for making decisions that drastically affect
their business. Restaurants are customer-friendly establishments and can decide how to
meet their customers’ needs. In a recent survey, eighty percent of the general public
supports business owners having the choice to ban smoking in their establishments and
86 percent of the public thinks that ventilation systems can have a big impact on
addressing secondhand smoke issues. Business owners are completely capable of
accommodating smoking and nonsmoking customers in the same restaurant.

Smoking-ban supporters are most concerned about health effects of secondhand smoke.
Some restaurant and bar employees who work in establishments that allow customers to
smoke have concerns about their health as well. However, the level of exposure to
secondhand smoke for bartenders and employees is considerably lower than federal air
quality limits established by the federal government.

Several studies designed specifically to prove secondhand smoke causes negative health
effects were not able to show any such results. The Congressional Research Service
found there to be “no scientific basis for the notion that secondhand smoke endangers
health.” The World Health Organization conducted one of the largest studies on
secondhand smoke and lung cancer and found that there is no statistical evidence that
passive smoking causes lung cancer. Public smoking might be annoying to some
nonsmokers, but eating or drinking around smokers is not a health risk.

One solution to accommodate both smoking and nonsmoking patrons is ventilation

systems. With effective ventilation systems, the air quality in restaurants that permit
smoking is actually better than in those that prohibit smoking. Some filtration systems
are able to capture 99.97 percent of smoke, viruses, bacteria, allergens, carbon
monoxide, and hazardous gases associated with sealed buildings. This system is ideal
for businesses that allow their customers to smoke in designated sections of their
establishments, especially because it usually costs under $3,500. This price is affordable
to most business owners, especially when compared to financial losses because of
declining clientele and violation fines. Business owners should have the right to choose
how to manage their businesses.

Comprehension Questions:

16. When did California pass a statewide public smoking ban?

17. Is California the only state with a public smoking ban?
18. What are nonsmokers concerned about?
19. What are business owners concerned about?
20. What should restaurant owners be responsible for?
21. What do eighty-eight percent of the general public support?
22. How many people think that ventilation systems can have a big impact on
addressing secondhand smoke issues?
23. What are business owners capable of?
24. What is lower than federal air quality limits established by the federal government?
25. Did studies prove secondhand smoke causes negative health effects?
26. What is one solution to accommodate both smoking and nonsmoking patrons?
27. What are some filtration systems able to do?
28. How much are ventilation systems?
29. Should business owners have the right to choose how to manage their businesses?

Discussion Questions:

14. Do you agree with the opinion of the writer of the above article? Why?
15. What would you think if you saw the cook at a restaurant smoking while he is
cooking your food? Would you complain?
16. Do you think banning smoking in bars and restaurants is a good idea?
17. Should smoking be banned in all public places? Why?
18. Have you ever told someone to put out his or her cigarette?
19. Are people allowed to smoke where you work?
20. Are ventilation systems a good idea for bars and restaurants?
21. Where should you not be allowed to smoke?
22. What are the smoking laws in your country?
23. Do you let friends smoke in your house? Why?
24. Should people be able to smoke on airplanes? Why?
25. Should people be able to smoke on buses? Why?
26. Do you think secondhand smoke can give you lung cancer?
27. Should people be able to smoke in open-air restaurants?
28. Are you more concerned with secondhand smoke or air pollution from cars and
other vehicles?
29. Do you ever go to restaurants where people smoke? Does it ever bother you?

Write a warning to put on a cigarette pack.

Lesson 34 Underage Smoking
• Do many teenagers smoke in your country?
• Why do teenagers start smoking?
• Did you ever smoke? Why?
• Do you feel that underage smoking is becoming a problem?
• What are some of the problems facing teenagers today?

Read about underage smoking.

There are a variety of reasons why teenagers begin smoking. Peer pressure and the
idea that smoking is cool may encourage a teenager to light up a cigarette. Advertising
also creates the impression that smoking is socially acceptable. Sports sponsorship by
tobacco companies and the televising of sponsored events increases young people’s
awareness of the brands. Teenagers are also more likely to smoke if one or both of their
parents smoke. Teenagers do not give much thought to the long term effects cigarettes
can have on their bodies. This is not surprising since young people routinely engage in
many types of other risk taking behaviors like drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and
drinking and driving without thinking through the dangers and risks involved.

Adolescents who smoke are two to six times more susceptible to coughs and increased
phlegm, wheezing and shortness of breath than those who do not smoke. The earlier
young people become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults, the greater the
risk of dying prematurely. Adolescents who experiment with cigarettes quickly become
addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. One US survey found over half (58%) of regular
smokers aged between 12 and 17 years say that they would find it difficult to go without
smoking for a week while 72% thought they would find it difficult to give up altogether.

There are laws that make it illegal for minors to smoke but the number of underage
tobacco users is climbing at an alarming rate. In 2002, a survey in America showed that
3.8 million young people age 12 to 17 regularly smoked cigarettes. There have also
been calls for harsher penalties against minors caught smoking and shop owners caught
selling cigarettes to minors. Unfortunately, there is no compelling evidence to suggest
that these calls for harsher penalties will have a significant impact. High prices can deter
adolescents from smoking because they do not possess a large disposable income. A
recent American study has shown that while price does not appear to affect initial
experimentation of smoking, it is an important tool in reducing youth smoking once the
habit has been established.

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,

Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious
Risks to Your Health.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal
Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What are some reasons why teenagers smoke?

2. What is peer pressure?
3. What kind of impression do advertisers create about smoking?
4. What increases teenagers’ awareness of brands?
5. Are young people more likely to smoke if their parents smoke?
6. Do teenagers consider the long-term effects of smoking?
7. What kinds of risk taking behavior do young people engage in?
8. What are adolescents who smoke more susceptible to?
9. Do adolescents who experiment with cigarettes become addicted slowly?
10. How many young smokers said they would find it difficult to go without smoking
for a week?
11. How many young smokers said they would find it difficult to quit smoking?
12. Is the number of underage smokers increasing or decreasing?
13. How many young smokers were there in 2002?
14. Can higher prices deter adolescents from smoking?
15. What can reduce youth smoking once the habit has become established?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think cigarettes should be advertised on TV? Why?

2. Do you think cigarette companies should sponsor sporting events?
3. What is the legal age you must be to buy cigarettes in your country?

4. Did you ever smoke when you were a teenager? Why?

5. Would you let your teenage son or daughter smoke? Why?
6. Did you face any peer pressure at school?
7. Did any of your friends in high school smoke?
8. Why do you think young people want to smoke?

9. What are the penalties for young people caught smoking in your country?
10. Can shop owners be penalized for selling cigarettes to minors?
11. Do you have to show your ID card when buying cigarettes?
12. Are teenagers in your country taught about the harmful effects of smoking?
13. Do you think there should be more education for teenagers about the harmful
effects of smoking? Why?
14. If you were trying to teach your child about the dangers of smoking, what would
you say?

15. Are there any positive things about smoking?

16. Why is smoking so popular?
17. Where can you see cigarette advertising?
18. Where can you buy cheap cigarettes?
19. How much is a pack of cigarettes in your country? Do you think this is a fair price?
20. Do you know any smokers? Are they a heavy or a light smoker?
21. If one of your friends asked you to help her quit smoking, what could you do?

Lesson 35 Ghost Stories
• Do you believe in ghosts? Why?
• Do you know anyone who has ever seen a ghost?
• Do you believe that houses can be haunted?
• Would you like to go inside a haunted house?
• Is it possible to communicate with ghosts? How?
• Do you like to watch scary horror movies? Why?
• Are ghosts generally good or evil? Why do you
think so?
• Why are people afraid of ghosts?
• Can ghosts really harm people? How?

Read the following ghost story.

For quite sometime my dad's next-door neighbor had been complaining about a female
ghost that was bothering them. They said it would appear behind them while they were
looking in the mirror or when they were busy doing chores. They said she seemed to be
in her late 40's or early 50's, rather heavy set with long black hair, and tall. They told us
she always wore an old cheap white nightgown with a cheap white robe covering it.

My Dad and I live in separate cities so when I visit him I usually stay overnight.
Unfortunately, the ghost appeared on the night I was staying over. It's a small house so
I had to sleep on the floor in my younger brother’s bedroom. We got settled and I
dozed off. I awoke about ten minutes later to my younger brother playfully slapping my
ankles. My eyes were still closed but I was awake. The slapping continued up to my
calves and I finally said, "Cut it out!" The slapping became more and more rapid. I
opened my eyes expecting to see my brother, but I didn't. I only saw darkness and my
brother was sound asleep, so I shut my eyes again quickly.

The slapping continued all the way to my chest, but I could not scream. I tried but
couldn't because I was filled with fear. I tried to get up but as I tried, the ghost pushed
me back down and held me there. I was able to feel its hands on me and they felt real.
The whole time I could not scream for help no matter how hard I tried.

Then, I thought to myself, maybe if I look at it eye to eye, it will know that I am not
afraid. Maybe, it will leave. When I opened my eyes the ghost was in my face. We
were nose to nose. She was breathing hard and looked angry. Finally, I was able to
scream. It was a weak scream and I had a hard time breathing after it, but I screamed.

Finally my little brother woke up and I explained to him what happened. He got a
candle that had been blessed, lit it, and we said prayers. Before we went back to bed,
my brother saw the ghost in the mirror. We knew she was still there but she did not
bother us for the rest of the evening.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What had the neighbor been complaining about?

2. Where did the ghost appear?
3. What did she look like?
4. What did she wear?
5. Where did the man sleep?
6. Who did the man think was slapping his ankles?
7. Who was really slapping his ankles?
8. Was the man’s brother awake?
9. Why couldn’t the man scream?
10. What happened when the man tried to sit up?
11. How did the ghost’s hands feel?
12. Who did the man see when he opened his eyes?
13. How did the ghost look?
14. What did the man and his little brother do?
15. Who saw the ghost in the mirror before they went back to bed?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think the ghost story was scary? Why?

2. Have you ever seen a ghost? If so, what happened?
3. Is there an area where you live that is believed to be haunted? Where?
4. Do you believe in haunted houses? Would you like to visit one?
5. Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?

6. What are some things in our universe that cannot be explained? Give examples.
7. Are you afraid of ghosts? What would you do if you saw one?
8. Why can some people see ghosts while others cannot?
9. Do you believe in God? Why?
10. Do you believe in life after death? Why?

11. What is the most frightening experience you have ever had?
12. Do you believe in coincidences? Why?
13. Do you believe that some people can predict the future?
14. Why do some people go to fortunetellers? Have you ever been to one?
15. What methods do fortunetellers use to predict the future?

16. Imagine this situation: You and your spouse are a newlywed couple. After your
honeymoon is over you move into a house near the beach. The house is an old
house and needs some repairs but you both love it. It is in a perfect location and
the rent is cheap. One day your neighbor tells you that the house is haunted and
warns you to get out. What would you do? Would you ignore the neighbor and
stay, or would you listen to the neighbor and leave? Explain your choice.

Lesson 36 Urban Legends
• What is a legend?
• What is an urban legend?
• Where do legends come from? How are they spread?
• Have you heard any good gossip recently?
• Do you know any good jokes?
• ‘Laughter is the best medicine’. What does this mean?

Read about some urban legends.

In 1994, the Las Vegas police reported a disturbing series of crimes along the Vegas
strip. The first victim was an Ohio man in town for a sales convention. At the bar in his
hotel, the man happened to strike up a conversation with an attractive young woman.
According to the man, the two hit it off, sharing several drinks over the course of a
couple of hours. At some point, the man passed out, and when he came to, he found
himself lying in a hotel bathtub, covered in ice. There was a phone on the floor beside
the tub, with an attached note that said, "Call 911 or you will die." He called an
ambulance and was rushed to the hospital, where the doctors informed him that he had
undergone massive surgery. A gang selling human organs on the black market had
removed one of his kidneys.

There's a good chance that you've heard this story, or some variation of it. Thousands
and thousands of people have passed on news of the Las Vegas “organ thieves” over
the course of 10 years. Word of mouth, e-mail, and even printed fliers have relayed it.
However, there is absolutely no evidence that any such thing ever occurred, in Las
Vegas or anywhere else. This fictional story is an urban legend.

An urban legend is any modern, fictional story, told as truth, that reaches a variety of
people by being passed from person to person. Urban legends are often false, but not
always. A few turn out to be true, and a lot of them were inspired by actual events but
have changed from person to person. Urban legends are usually a combination of
humor, horror, warning, embarrassment, or morality. In the story of the organ
harvesters, you can see how some of these elements come together. The most
outstanding feature of the story is its sense of horror. The image of a man waking up
lying in a bathtub full of ice, with one less kidney is a scary thought. The story also
includes a moral lesson. The businessman ended up in the unpleasant situation only
after going to drink at a bar and then flirting with a mysterious woman.

Not all urban legends are horror stories. Many of them are amusing stories or ordinary
jokes told as if they really occurred. One common story is about a drunk driver who is
pulled over by the police. The officer asks the man to step out of the car just as
another car up the road crashes into a telephone pole. As the officer runs off to help
the other driver, the drunken man flees the scene. In the morning, he hears a loud
knocking on his door and opens it to find the police officer from the night before. The
man swears he was home all night. The officer asks to have a look in his garage. When
he opens the door, he's shocked to see the officer's police car parked there instead of
his own car.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When did the police report a series of disturbing crimes in Las Vegas?
2. Where was the first victim from?
3. Where did the man meet a strange woman?
4. When the man woke up, where was he?
5. What did the man find attached to the telephone?
6. What did the man do?
7. What did the doctors tell the man?
8. How has this story been passed along?
9. What is an urban legend?
10. Are urban legends always false?
11. What are urban legends usually a combination of?
12. What was the moral lesson of this story?
13. What happened when a drunk driver was pulled over?
14. Who knocked at the driver’s door the next morning?
15. Whose car was in his garage?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think the Las Vegas story is true? Why?

2. Do stories like the Las Vegas story make you afraid?
3. What did you learn from the Las Vegas story?
4. Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? Why?
5. If a stranger knocked at your door late at night, what would you do?

6. How often do you read books? When do you usually read?

7. What kind of stories do you prefer to read?
8. What was the last book that you read? What was it about?
9. Have you ever thought about writing a book? If so, what kind?
10. Do you have a favorite author? Who is it?
11. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie? Why?
12. Urban legends become embellished as they are spread from person to person.
Why do you think this happens?

13. What things make you laugh?

14. Have you laughed today? Why?
15. What is the difference between a joke and a riddle?

Try to solve these riddles:

• What has the head of a cat, the tail of a cat but is not a cat?
• What type of nut has a hole?
• If a rooster laid an egg on a roof, which way would the egg roll?
• What starts with e, ends with e, but usually contains only one letter?
• What starts with P and ends with E and has a thousand letters?
• A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed 3 days and then left on Friday. How
is this possible?
• Why did the guy throw the clock out the window?

Lesson 37 Computers
• What can personal computers do?
• Do you have a computer? What do you use it for?
• Do you like to use computers? Why?
• What is the Internet? Is it useful? Why?
• What can computers do that people cannot do?
• What can people do that computers cannot do?
• What kind of people use computers everyday at work?
• Name some of the different parts of a computer.
• Do you like to do math? Why?

Read about the meaning of the word computer.

Over the years there has been several slightly different meanings to the word computer,
and several different words for the thing we now usually call a computer.

For instance "computer" was once commonly used to mean a person employed to do
arithmetic calculations, with or without mechanical aids. According to the Barnhart
Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the word came into use in English in 1646 as a word
for a "person who computes" and then by 1897 also for a mechanical calculating
machine. During World War II it referred to U.S. and British servicewomen whose job it
was to calculate the trajectories of large artillery shells with such machines.

Charles Babbage designed one of the first computing machines called the Analytical
Engine, but due to technological problems it was not built in his lifetime. Various simple
mechanical devices such as the slide rule and abacus have also been called computers.
In some cases they were referred to as "analog computers", as they represented
numbers by continuous physical quantities rather than by discrete binary digits. What
are now called simply "computers" were once commonly called "digital computers" to
distinguish them from these other devices (which are still used in the field of analog
signal processing, for example).

In thinking of other words for the computer, it is worth noting that in other languages
the word chosen does not always have the same literal meaning as the English language
word. In French for example, the word is "ordinateur", which means approximately
"organizer", or "sorting machine". In Chinese, a computer is called "dian now" or an
"electric brain". In English, other words and phrases have been used, such as "data
processing machine".

With the invention of the microprocessor in the 1970s, it became possible to produce
very inexpensive computers. Personal computers became popular for many tasks,
including keeping books, writing and printing documents, calculating forecasts and other
repetitive math with spreadsheets, communicating with e-mail and, the Internet.
Computers' wide availability and easy customization has seen them used for many other
purposes. Computers are highly versatile tools.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What was computer once commonly used to mean?

2. When did the word first come into the English language?
3. What did the word mean in 1897?
4. What did it mean during World War Two?
5. What did Charles Babbage do?
6. Why was it not built in his lifetime?
7. What are analog computers?
8. What is the French word for computer?
9. What does it mean?
10. What is the Chinese word for computer?
11. What does it mean?
12. When was the microprocessor invented?
13. What can personal computers do?
14. Why are computers useful for many other purposes?

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about computers generally? Are they useful or not?
2. What do you personally use computers for?
3. What kinds of things do people download from the Internet?
4. Do you think it’s okay to download things from the Internet?
5. How has the Internet benefited people?
6. What problems has the Internet caused?

7. People often speak of a ‘global village’. What does this mean?

8. Some people believe that computers will one day become able to think for
themselves. Do you think this is possible? Why?
9. What benefits would thinking computers provide?
10. What dangers would thinking computers present?

11. What is a technophobe? Do you know anyone who is a technophobe?

12. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why?
13. What other modern devices do you use everyday?
14. Would you trust a completely computerized car? Why?

Think of some benefits and problems caused by technology. Fill in the chart.

Benefits of technology Problems with technology

Lesson 38 Keeping in Touch
• Do you have a cell phone? What’s the number? How often do you use it?
• Do you use e-mail? What’s your e-mail address? How often do you send e-mail?
• Do you ever write letters? Who do you write to? How often do you write?
• Do you prefer to talk on the phone, send e-mail or write a letter? Why?
• What other ways can people use to keep in touch?
• Who do people usually like to keep in touch with?
• Why do we sometimes lose touch with people?

Read the following timeline of communication technology history.

• 3000s BC - Egyptians develop papyrus for writing.

• 1500s BC - Phoenicians develop an alphabet.

• 105 - Tsai Lun invents paper.

• 1450 - Chinese develop wooden block movable type printing.

• 1454 - Johannes Gutenberg finishes a printing press with metal movable type.

• 1831 - Joseph Henry proposes and builds an electric telegraph.

• 1835 - Samuel Morse develops the Morse code.

• 1843 - Samuel Morse builds the first long distance electric telegraph line.

• 1860 - Pony Express deployed before the first transcontinental electric telegraph

• 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson exhibit an electric telephone
in Boston.

• 1877 - Thomas Edison patents the phonograph.

• 1889 - Almon Strowger patents the direct dial telephone.

• 1925 - John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal.

• 1989 - Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau built the system which became the
World Wide Web.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Egyptians develop in 3000 BC?

2. When did Phoenicians develop an alphabet?
3. Who invented paper?
4. When did Chinese develop wooden block movable
type printing?
5. What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?
6. When did Joseph Henry build an electric telegraph?
7. What did Samuel Morse develop?
8. When else did Samuel Morse build?
9. What happened in 1860?
10. When did Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson
exhibit an electric telephone in Boston?
11. What did Thomas Edison patent in 1877?
12. Who patented the direct dial telephone?
13. What did John Logie Baird do in 1925?
14. When was the WWW originally started?

Discussion Questions:

1. How often do you write letters? Who do you send them to?
2. Do you ever send cards to people? Who? When? What Kinds?
3. Say the English alphabet. Now say it backwards.
4. Which other languages use alphabets? Which languages do not use alphabets?

5. Which newspapers do you read? Why do you read these?

6. What was the last book you read? What was it about?
7. Which English books have you read? Which did you like? Which did you dislike?
8. Would you rather read a novel or a magazine? Why?

9. How many telephones are there in your house? Where are they?
10. How many phone calls do you usually make each day? Who do you call? What do
you usually talk about?
11. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
12. What was the last CD that you bought? Do you like it?
13. What CD would you like to buy next? Where will you probably buy it?

14. How many TV sets are there in your house? Where are they?
15. How much TV do you usually watch every day?
16. What kind of TV shows do you like to watch?

17. Computers are very useful machines. Make a list of things people can do with a
computer, or things that computers can help people do.
18. Do you have a computer? What do you use it for?
19. Do you ever go on-line? Where do you go? What do you look at?
20. How much does a new computer cost?

Lesson 39 Franklin D. Roosevelt

• Who was FDR? What did he do?

• What is an economic depression?
• What do you know about the Great Depression?
• Has your country ever suffered an economic crisis?
• Who is affected the most during an economic crisis?
• How is the economic situation in your country right now?

Read about Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. He attended
Harvard University and Columbia Law School. He followed the example of his fifth
cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt, whom he greatly admired, and entered politics.
As a Democrat, he was elected to the New York State Senate in 1910.

In the summer of 1921, when he was 39, FDR was stricken with polio. He temporarily
lost the use of his legs and had to use a wheelchair. Demonstrating great courage, he
fought to regain the use of his legs, by swimming in hot springs. Roosevelt was a man
of determination and perseverance that was known for his famous words, “we have
nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Roosevelt was elected president in November 1932, to the first of four terms. When
FDR assumed the presidency, the United States was in the middle of the Great
Depression. Almost all banking activities had stopped; the financial system was failing;
industrial production had collapsed; agriculture barely existed; many of the 12.8 million
unemployed were wandering around homeless, hungry, even starving. A mood of
despair had gripped the country. In his first "hundred days," Roosevelt proposed a
program to bring recovery to business and agriculture, relief to the unemployed and to
those in danger of losing farms and homes.

Roosevelt created the New Deal program. He introduced strict supervision of banking,
credits, and investments, putting banks under government control. Then, Roosevelt
began national reconstruction. He created the Public Works Administration that
provided electricity throughout rural America, built canals, tunnels, bridges, highways,
streets, sewage systems, and housing areas. The New Deal also constructed hospitals,
schools, and universities across the United States. In essence, Roosevelt’s program put
Americans back to work and provided many public facilities for the American people.

The New Deal projects also established minimum wage, created insurance for the
unemployed, sick and old, established decent health care and abolished child labor.
Roosevelt’s Social Security Act of 1935 secured him a place in history. Roosevelt tried to
keep the United States out of World War II but when the Japanese attacked Pearl
Harbor on December 7, 1941, he had no choice. He felt that the future of peace of the
world would depend upon relations between the United States and Russia so he devoted
much thought to the planning of a United Nations where he hoped international
difficulties could be settled. As the World War II drew to a close, Roosevelt’s health
deteriorated and on April 12, 1945, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Where was Roosevelt born?

2. What schools did Roosevelt attend?
3. Who was Roosevelt’s fifth cousin?
4. Was Roosevelt a Democrat or a Republican?
5. What happened to Roosevelt at the age of 39?
6. How did Roosevelt fight to regain the use of his legs?
7. What were Roosevelt’s famous words?
8. How many terms did Roosevelt serve?
9. When Roosevelt became President, what was the country
suffering from?
10. What were the problems during the Great Depression?
11. What did the New Deal program do?
12. What did the Public Works Administration do?
13. What event forced FDR to enter World War II?
14. What is the main intention of the United Nations?
15. When did FDR die?
16. How did FDR die?

Discussion Questions:

1. When was the worst economic crisis in your country? How were the people
affected? How was the crisis solved?
2. Roosevelt had a willingness to try everything. He believed that the right solution
to any problem would eventually turn up. What do you do when a problem seems
to have no solution?
3. Eleanor Roosevelt, FDR’s wife, once said that the nicest men are those who keep
something of the little boy in them. What does that mean?
4. Roosevelt developed a welfare program in the United States to help the
unemployed. If you are unable to work or are fired from your job, Americans have
the option of unemployment benefits. Does a system like this exist in your
country? If so, how does it work?
5. Roosevelt also established social security. At the age of 62, every American is
entitled to social security benefits. They receive a fixed amount of income
according to how much money they put into the program throughout their working
life. How does your government provide for your old age?
6. FDR was the only president in American history to serve 4 terms. How many
terms can the leader of your country serve? Why do countries have restrictions on
the number of terms that leaders can serve?
7. Think about FDR’s famous words, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” What
does this mean? What things are you afraid of? Would you ever be willing to
confront your fears? Why?

8. What do you know about the United Nations?

9. If you were the leader of your country, what things would you change? Why?
10. What responsibilities would you have as leader of your country?
11. Do you think you would enjoy being the leader of your country? Why?

sson 40 The Grreat De
• What is an economic depression?
d ?
• Has your coountry everr experience
ed hard time es?
• How is your country’s economy now?
• Do you feel that you earn
e a comffortable livin
• Do you savve money? Why or whyy not?
• Do you pre
efer to save money or spend
s mone ey? Why?
• Do you own n any stockks? Why?

ad about the Greatt Depress
sion in Am

Thee 'Great Dep pression' was

w a period d in United States histtory when business was w poor
and many people were ou ut of work. It began in October 1929, when n the stock
k market
in th
he United States
S droppped rapidly. Thousand ds of investtors lost larrge sums off money
and many inve estors lost everything
e t
they ownedd. The 'crassh’ led Ame erica into th
he Great
Deppression. This
T period was the lon ngest and worst
w perio
od of high u unemployment and
low business activity in modern timess. Banks, sstores, and factories w were closed and left
milliions of Ameericans jobless, homeless, and penniless. ManyM peoplle came to depend
on the
t governm ment or cha arities to pro
ovide them with food.

Thee Depression n became a worldwide e business slump

s in th
he 1930's th
hat affected
d almost
all nations.
n It led to a sh ase in world trade as each counttry tried to protect
harp decrea
their own indu ustries and products byy raising taariffs on imported goo ods. Some nations
changed their leaders an nd their ty
ype of gove ernment. In German ny, poor ecconomic
condditions led to the risee to power of Adolf Hitler. The Japanese iinvaded China and
developed indu d mines in Manchuria.. Japan cllaimed thiss economic growth
ustries and
wou uld relieve tthe depresssion. The actions
a of th
he Germanss and Japan nese eventuually led
to World
W War II
I (1939-194 45).

In the
t United States, President Herb bert Hooverr held office e when the e Great Deppression
began. The economy continued to slump almo ost every month.
m Fra
anklin D. Ro
wass elected P President in
n 1932. Roosevelt
R created the 'new deal' reforms. These
orms gave tthe governm ment more power and helped easse the Deprression. Ro oosevelt
put people bacck to workk by building roads, scchools, brid dges, and h hospitals. He also
starrted program
ms to providde electricitty to the rurral areas of the United States.

Thee Great Dep d in 1939. World Warr II helped get America

pression offiicially ended a out of
the depressionn because th he governm ment needed d people to o build tankks and othe er things
for warfare. People
P went back to workw and money
m startted to flow again. Th he Great
Deppression and Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ D progra
ams chang ged the relationship between
Ame ericans and
d their gove
ernment in twot ways. First, the government
g t would be directly
olved in reg e economy in order to
gulating the o prevent an nother disa
aster like th
he Great
Deppression. Second,
S thee governme ent would take
t the reesponsibilityy of caring for the
needy through welfare pro ograms and d caring for the elderly through so ocial securityy.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What was the Great Depression?

2. When did it begin?
3. What happened when the stock market crashed?
4. Who lost their money during this time?
5. Did the Great Depression affect the rest of the world?
6. During this time, who came to power in Germany?
7. What did the Japanese do in Manchuria?
8. Who was the US president when the Depression began?
9. When was Roosevelt elected president?
10. Who created the ‘New Deal’ reforms?
11. How did Roosevelt put people back to work?
12. When did the Depression end?
13. What helped America get out of the Depression?
14. Why would the government be directly involved in regulating the economy?
15. Who else would the government take responsibility for?
16. How did the relationship between Americans and their government change?

Discussion Questions:

1. How is the economy in your country now?

2. Does the economy affect the way you live your life? How?
3. Have you ever experienced hard times? If so, what was it like?
4. Has your country ever been in an economic recession?
5. Does your country take care of poor people? How?
6. Does your country provide for your old age? How?
7. Do you feel that you earn enough money?
8. What is the average salary in your country?
9. Do you think that you pay too much tax?
10. Why do people pay tax? What does the government do with tax revenue?

11. Do you save money each month? How much?

12. Do you ever budget your money? Why?
13. How much should you save from your salary (In percent)?
14. Do you think you live fairly comfortably? Why?

15. Some people like to invest in the stock market. Why do they think that this is a
good investment?
16. What other things do people invest their money in?
17. Do you think investing in the stock market is a good idea or not? Why?
18. Have you ever invested in the stock market? Why?
19. Are there any ‘hot stocks’ that you think would be a good investment now?
20. Have you ever invested in anything else? What?
21. How would you feel if you invested your life savings in the stock market and there
was another stock market crash? What would you do?

Lesson 41 Effects of Television Viewing
• What are some positive effects of watching television?
• What are some negative effects of watching television?
• What have you learned form TV?
• Has TV ever affected you negatively? How?
• Do you watch TV everyday? What do you like to watch?
• What other things do you like to do in your free time?
• Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? Why?
• Did you watch a lot of television when you were young?
• How much TV should kids be allowed to watch each

Read some conclusions of recent research into TV viewing.

American children view an average of three to five hours of television daily. Research
indicates that TV viewing may be linked to a range of negative behaviors including:
violence or aggression, obesity, poor academic performance, precocious sexuality, and
the use of drugs or alcohol.

Time Spent Watching Television: When children spend three to five hours a day
watching television, time for other activities is severely limited. Childhood is a period of
growth and development, when kids need to play -- both alone and with peers. Children
need to read and talk with other children and adults.

More Violence: The amount of violence on television is increasing. A recent report

from the National Institute of Mental Health indicates that television violence can be
harmful to young children. Children who see violence on TV can become frightened,
worried, or suspicious. Researchers also found that children who watch many violent
programs tend to be more aggressive than other children on the playground and in
class. Be aware that viewing violent programs may encourage your child's tendency
toward aggression.

TV and Learning: Many recent studies indicate that excessive television viewing may
have a negative effect on learning and school performance. The hours spent viewing
television interfere with homework and limit the time available for other ways of
learning. If your child is not performing well academically, ask yourself whether
television watching is contributing to the problem.

Commercials: The average child sees more than 20,000 commercials a year.
Advertisers spend roughly $700 million annually to reach large numbers of kids. The
majority of food advertising is for heavily sugared products such as candy and pre-
sweetened cereal during children's viewing time. This emphasis on snack foods can give
children a distorted picture of how they ought to eat. A recent study found a direct link
between amount of television watched and a child's risk of being overweight or obese.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How many daily hours of TV do American children watch?

2. What does research indicate?
3. What negative behaviors may be linked to TV viewing?
4. What happens to time for other activities?
5. What is childhood?
6. What do children need to do with other children and adults?
7. What is happening to the amount of violence on television?
8. What can happen to children who see violence on TV?
9. What does research suggest?
10. What effect does excessive TV viewing have on learning?
11. What should you do if your child is not performing well academically?
12. How many commercials does the average child see each year?
13. How much money is spent on childrens' advertising annually?
14. What kinds of products are advertised during children’s' viewing time?
15. What has a recent study found?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you agree with the information in the article, or is it too serious?

2. Do you think children watch too much television?
3. What should children do instead of watching television?
4. What indoor activities are good for children to do? Why?
5. What outdoor activities are good for children to do? Why?
6. What activities can children and parents do together?

7. What did you and your parents do together when you were a child?
8. What is your happiest memory from childhood?
9. Did you watch a lot of TV when you were a child?
10. What television shows did you like to watch when you were a child?

11. Are there many overweight children in your country?

12. What causes children to become overweight?
13. How can children lose weight?
14. Do you know any overweight children? Why are they overweight?
15. What problems do overweight children have?

Make a list of some healthy and unhealthy activities for children.

Healthy activities Unhealthy activities

Lesson 42 Family Television Viewing

• How many television sets are there in your house?

• How much television do you watch a week?
• Do you watch television every day?
• What TV shows do you like? Why do you like them?
• Which TV shows do you dislike? Why do you dislike them?
• What kinds of things do TV commercials usually advertise?
• What are some popular TV commercials right now?
• Do you like any products advertised in TV commercials?

Read about how parents can improve children’s TV viewing experience.

You can help your child avoid television's negative influences - and use TV as a positive,
creative force for learning. These four suggestions will get you started.

Set Limits. Know how many hours of television your child watches. Don't be afraid to
limit viewing to one or two hours per day. You can ease the transition by encouraging
and participating in alternative activities: sports, games, chores, reading, conversation,
or hobbies. Examine your own TV-viewing habits and try to be a good role model.
Eliminate some TV watching by setting a few basic rules, such as no television during
meals, or before household chores or homework are completed.

Plan. Encourage your child to use a TV guide or newspaper listing rather than flipping
the channels to decide what to watch. The TV set should go on only for specific
programs, and it should go off when they are over. Help your child to decide which
show to see, and talk about the show after it ends. Select programs that feature
children in your child's age range. Try to balance action, comedy, fine arts, and sports.

Participate. Know what your child watches on television, and watch with him or her.
Discussing TV programs may make it easier to explore difficult topics, such as sex and
war. Parents who watch TV with their kids are able to point out that violence on
television is not real, and that the actor has not actually been killed or maimed. They
can also show disapproval of the violent episodes and stress that such behavior is not
the best way to resolve a problem. By discussing the violence shown on television with
your child, you can lessen its impact. The best solution, of course, is to eliminate the
most violent programs from your child's schedule.

Resist Commercials. Poor eating habits can be learned early and with ease.
Advertisers have market researchers, writers, and producers with big budgets on their
side. When your children requests foods and toys advertised on television, teach them
that television makes them want things they doesn't necessarily need and that may
even be harmful. Help your children to analyze commercials. Note the exaggerated
claims, and point out that the makers of the product pay for the advertising.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How many suggestions for TV viewing does the article mention?

2. What time limits are suggested for children’s' TV viewing?
3. What alternative activities does the article suggest?
4. What should adults examine?
5. What should adults try to be for their children?
6. How can parents eliminate some TV watching?
7. What should parents encourage their children to use?
8. When should the TV go on and off?
9. What should parents talk to their kids about?
10. What programs should parents select?
11. What kinds of shows should parents try to balance?
12. What should parents try to know?
13. What can discussing TV programs help?
14. What can parents explain about TV violence?
15. What is the best solution?
16. When are poor eating habits learned?
17. What do advertisers have?
18. What should parents help their child to do?
19. What should parents note and point out to their children?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think the article’s suggestions are generally useful?

2. Which suggestions are most useful? Which ones are not very useful?
3. What is a reasonable time limit for children’s TV viewing time? How many hours
per day or week should children be allowed to watch?

4. What kinds of TV programs are suitable for young children?

5. What kinds of TV programs are suitable for elementary school children?
6. What kinds of TV programs are suitable for junior high school, students?
7. What kinds of TV programs are suitable for older teenagers?

8. Is it appropriate for teenagers to watch TV shows that have sexual content?

9. Is it appropriate for teenagers to watch TV shows that have violent content?
10. Which do you think has a stronger effect on teenagers: TV sex or TV violence?
11. How do you feel when you see sexual content on TV?
12. How do you feel when you see violence on TV?

13. What is your favorite television program? What channel is it on? How long is it?
What time does it begin? What time does it end? Who is in it?
14. The article suggests that parents should watch TV with their children. Did your
parents watch TV with you when you were a child? What did you watch?

15. What other things did you and your parents do together when you were a child?
16. What things do you and your family like to do together now?

Lesson 43 Westward Expansion
• Why did European people sail to the New World?
• Why do people move to different places?
• Have you ever moved to a new city?
• Do you own any land? Is land expensive in your
• Do you think buying land is a good investment?
• Why do you think people moved from the east
coast to the west coast in America?
• How far is it from the east coast to the west
coast of the USA?

Read about The Westward Expansion.

In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson sent a secret message to Congress. He wanted

someone to explore the area west of the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.
Jefferson's message was secret because France owned the territory and such an
expedition would be considered trespassing. Then, in July of the same year, Napoleon
of France, offered the whole Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15,000,000.
America accepted and overnight the United States grew by about one million square
miles, from the Mississippi to the Rockies and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada.

Shortly before this news, Jefferson had handed his personal secretary, Meriweather
Lewis, whom he chose to lead the exploration, his instructions for the expedition. He
told him to explore the area by traveling along the rivers. Jefferson believed that if they
followed the water, it would be the most direct route to the Pacific Ocean. When Lewis
needed a second-in-command, he recommended his good friend William Clark. On May
14, 1804, the Lewis and Clark Expedition started from St. Louis in search of the Pacific
Ocean. Two and a half years and 8,000 miles later the explorers returned to St. Louis.
Although their route never became widely used, it was the start of the western
exploration movement. The search for America had begun.

When America expanded to the West, the event that made people want to move was
the California Gold Rush of 1849. That discovery boosted California's population by
80,000 people. It was not only the Gold Rush that made people want to move. The
pioneer spirit that existed in the 19th century was born from a need to own land.

The stories that were told by explorers and missionaries, just back from the west, were
filled with images of open landscapes, plenty of animals to hunt, and clear rivers and
lakes. The easterners longed for this type of life because the larger cities along the
eastern seaboard were moving into the industrial age. The streets were crowded with
workers and the skies were constantly blackened by coal smoke from numerous
factories. This change in cities had occurred so rapidly that early settlers began to yearn
for the simpler life they had led before. They found this life out in the Wild West.

Comprehension Questions:

1. When did Jefferson send his secret message?

2. Why was Jefferson’s message secret?
3. Who sold the Louisiana Territory to Jefferson?
4. How much did it cost?
5. Who was Jefferson’s personal secretary?
6. Who did Jefferson choose to lead the expedition?
7. Who was the second-in-command?
8. Where did the expedition start?
9. How long did the expedition last?
10. What happened in 1849?
11. What was the pioneer spirit born from?
12. Who told stories about the West?
13. What did they say the West looked like?
14. Why did people from the East want to move west?
15. Why were eastern skies blackened with smoke?

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the purpose of an expedition?

2. If you lived in America during the 19th century, would you have moved west or
stayed in one of the eastern cities? Why?
3. Do you prefer country life or city life? Why?
4. How is the east of your country different form the west?

5. Has gold or silver ever been discovered in your country? If so, when?
6. What are the advantages of working in a mine? Disadvantages?
7. Gold and silver were the original forms of money in the United States. What was
the original form of money in your country?
8. As America was being built, the Native Americans were killed and forced off of
their lands. How do you think this could have been avoided?
9. Does your country have a native population? If so, how are they treated?
10. What was life like in the 19th century in your country? How did people get
around? What kind of houses did people live in?
11. Would you rather live now or in the 19th century? Why?

12. Do you think owning land is profitable? How?

13. If you were going to buy land, where would you buy it? Why?

14. Who originally explored your country?

15. Are there any unexplored areas left on earth? If so, where?
16. If humans are finished exploring the earth, what is left to explore?
17. If you could go on an exploring adventure, where would you go? What would you
do? Why would you want to go there?

18. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
19. Would you like to move or stay where you are now? Why?

sson 44 Yelllowston
ne Park
• What is a n
national park?
• Why do govvernments make national parks?
• What can yyou see in national
n parks?
• What can yyou do in na
ational parkks?
• How many national pa arks are in your
y countryy?
• Where are the nationaal parks in your
y countryy?
• How many national pa arks have yo ou been to??

ad about Yellowsto
one Natio
onal Park.

Natiional parks are large re

eserves of land,
l usuallyy owned byy national governmentss. They
are protected from most human devvelopment. This mea ans construcction of roa
ads and
buildings is lim owstone National Park is in the sttates of Ida
mited. Yello aho, Montana, and
Wyooming. It is the first and
a oldest national
n park in the world. It covvers 8,983.2
210 km²
219,790.71 acres) mosttly in the noorthwest co
orner of Wyo oming.

Thee human hisstory of Yellowstone Pa ark dates back

b 12,000 e aboriginal natives
0 years. The
knew it as " the "River of Yellow Roccks," becausse of the high sulfur co ontent of th
he rocks
in the
t river's canyons. Fur trappe o bubbling mud and roaring
ers' fantastiic stories of
geysers made ttheir way back
b east. Se
everal expe
editions werre sent to in
nvestigate, opening
the west to fu urther explloration. In
n 1871, Ferrdinand Ha ayden led a an expedition that
uded artist Thomas Mo oran and ph hotographeer William H.H Jackson. TThey broug ght back
pictures and photograph
p hs that helped convin nce Congre ess that thhe area known as
owstone ne eeded to be protected and
a preservved.

In 1872, President Ulyssses S. Gran nt signed a law decla aring that Y Yellowstone
e would
ever be "ded
dicated and
d set apart as
a a public park or plea
asuring ground for the e benefit
and enjoymentt of the peo wstone wass the world's first natio
ople." Yellow onal park.

Yelloowstone is one of the most popular nationall parks in th

he US. It iss unique be
ecause it
feattures multip
ple natural wonders alla in the ssame park. You can find geyse ers, hot
springs, a grannd canyon, forests, wilderness, wildlife
w and even a larrge lake insside the
parkk. There iss also a vaariety of an
nimals to se
ee in the park. Yellow wstone is home
h to
grizzly bears an
nd wolves, moose, and d free-ranging herds off bison and elk.

e list of actiivities for visitors
v is ne
early endlesss. Visitorss can go ba ackpacking,, hiking,
mouuntain climbbing, kayakking and fishing. Theyy can also go g sightsee eing and wa atch the
mals wande ering into th he parking loot of the vissitor centerss. All visitors to Yellow
oy a memorrable experiience in natture.

Due owstone the odor of su

e to the geyysers in Yello ulfur is com
mmon and ca an be quitee strong.
espiratory difficulties sh
Visittors with re hould consu
ult their docctors before
e visiting. Wild
W land
fire is common n in the parrk. One majjor wildfire in 1988 burnt down m much of the e forests
in th
he park. Visitors to the e park mustt always rem
member to be careful.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What are national parks?

2. Where is Yellowstone National Park?
3. How large is the area of Yellowstone?
4. What did the native aboriginal people call Yellowstone?
5. What happened in 1871?
6. Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
7. What did he do in 1872?
8. Why is Yellowstone Park unique?
9. What kinds of animals can you see in the park?
10. What kind of activities can visitors do?
11. What happened in 1988?
12. What must visitors always remember when visiting a national park?

Park rules and regulations.

In 1988 a major wild fire burnt down much of the forests in Yellowstone Park. Visitors
to the park must always remember to be careful and to follow the rules of the park.
Imagine you are a park ranger. What kind of laws and rules should you have in the
park so that it will stay natural and safe? Write your ideas here. Try to think of five.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________

Share your park’s rules and regulations with your classmates. Are your ideas similar or
are they different? Which rules are the most important ones? Why?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you like to visit national parks? Why?

2. Which national parks have you visited? What did you do there?
3. In Yellowstone you can see many wild animals. You can see grizzly bears and
wolves, moose, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk. Which of these animals
would you be interested in seeing? Why?
4. What wild animals have you seen? Where did you see them? What were they
doing? What did they look like?
5. In Yellowstone visitors can do many different kinds of activities. They can go
backpacking, hiking, mountain climbing, kayaking and fishing. Which of
these activities are you interested in? Which of these activities do not interest you?

Lesson 45 Occupational Hazards
There are occupational hazards to almost every job. Sooner or later almost everyone
gets injured or sick at work. Some jobs are more dangerous than others. Some are
safer than others. What kind of injuries might people who do these jobs get?

• Taxi Driver
• Factory Worker
• Police Officer
• Chef
• Soldier
• Baseball Player
• President
• Construction Worker

Some businesses have more robberies than others. At these places it is the employer’s
responsibility to make the work place safer for the employees who work there.

• What kinds of businesses are often robbed?

• What can these businesses do to prevent robbery?
• What things can an employer do to make the workplace a safer place to work?

Read the following story.

Gary was a student at the state university. He needed some extra money so he got a
part-time job at a gas station. He was a gas station attendant. He studied at the
university during the day so he always worked the evening shift or the night shift at the
gas station. One night, he was working alone at the gas station. There were no
customers so Gary was studying his physics book. Suddenly two robbers came into the
gas station. They were both armed with knives and they told Gary that they wanted the
money in the cash register. Gary tried to see their faces but they were both wearing
masks so he couldn’t see clearly. Gary was very nervous. He opened the cash register
and took out the money. One of the robbers gave him a bag and told him to put the
money inside. Gary followed the robbers order and put the money in the bag. Gary
was shaking as he did this because he was so nervous, but he tried to stay calm. The
robbers kept looking around the gas station to make sure that no other people came in
during the robbery. Nobody else came in and the robbers left with their money. Gary
had cooperated with the robbers so he didn’t get hurt. After the robbers left Gary called
the police and told them what had happened. The police came as soon as they could.
They asked Gary what had happened. He told them that two men had come into the
station and took all the money in the cash register. The policemen asked Gary if he
could describe what they looked like. Gary told them that he couldn’t because they
were wearing masks and he couldn’t see their faces. The policemen told Gary that he
had done everything he should have. He was calm, he cooperated with the robbers, he
gave them the money and no one got hurt. The police officers told Gary that he was
lucky. If he had resisted or not cooperated, things maybe would have been different for
him. He could have been hurt, or maybe even worse…

Comprehension Questions:

1. Who was Gary?

2. Why did he get a part-time job?
3. Why was he studying his physics book?
4. Who came into the gas station?
5. What kind of weapons did they have?
6. What did they tell Gary?
7. Why couldn't Gary see their faces?
8. How did Gary feel?
9. Where did Gary put the money?
10. Why did he put the money there?
11. Why did the robbers keep looking around the gas station?
12. Why didn't Gary get hurt?
13. What did he do after the robbers left?
14. What did they ask Gary?
15. What did Gary tell the police officers?
16. What did they tell him?
17. Why was Gary lucky?
18. What might have happened?

Discussion Questions:

1. If you were Gary, what would you do if the gas station was being robbed?
Would you cooperate with the robbers or resist them? Why?
2. What should you do if you are robbed on the street?
3. Are there many robberies in your city?
4. Do you think where you live is a safe place to live? Why?
5. Is your home a safe place to live? Why?
6. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? What happened?
7. Have you ever stolen anything? Don’t lie, what did you steal?
8. Do you know anyone who is a police officer? Do they like their job?
9. What are some good points of being a police officer? What are some bad points?

10. Do you think students should work? Why?

11. What are some good part-time jobs for students?
12. Have you ever had a part-time job? Where did you work? What did you do?
13. How much money should a part-time job pay per hour?
14. What are some dangerous jobs? Try to name at least six dangerous jobs.
15. Do you know anyone who has a dangerous job?
16. What are some very safe jobs? Try to name at least six very safe jobs.
17. Do you know anyone who has a very safe job?
18. Would you prefer to have a dangerous job or a very safe job? Why?
19. Which jobs have high salaries? Do you know anyone who has a high salary? What
do they do? Do they like their job? Why?
20. Which jobs have low salaries? Do you know anyone who has a low salary? What
do they do? Do they like their job? Why?

Lesson 46 Department Stores
• What is a department store? What is a department?
• What kinds of things can you buy in department stores?
• Which department stores are near where you live?
• Do you like to got to department stores? Why ?
• What is the largest department store you can think of?
• What is a chain store? Name some chain stores.

Read about department stores.

There are many department stores in the USA. Department stores organize their goods
by departments. Department stores are different from ordinary stores because of their
size and range of goods and merchandise. Department stores provide the convenience
of easy accessibility to a large variety of goods and merchandise.

Department stores first started in the USA in the late 19th century. They started in both
New York City and Chicago. Department stores first sprung up along Michigan Avenue
in Chicago, with stores such as Marshall Fields. Born on a farm, Marshall Fields became
an errand boy for a dry-goods store at age 16. He moved to Chicago and was hired in
1856 by a general store, in which he later attained full partnership. In 1867 he and a
partner bought the general store they had joined two years earlier, and in 1888 he
bought out his partner, creating Marshall Field and Co. In his store Field emphasized
customer service, liberal credit, the one-price system, and the acceptance of returned
merchandise. His department store was the first to have a restaurant for shoppers.

In 1906, Harry Gordon Selfridge a junior partner in Marshall Fields left America to set up
a department store, Selfridges in London. After it opened in 1909 it stimulated wide-
ranging changes to British retail practice, and the establishment of further department
store chains.

In New York, the first stores were McCreary's and Abraham & Strauss. Macy's, founded
on the corner of 14th Street and 6th Avenue in New York City as R.H. Macy & Company
in 1858, later moved to 18th Street and Broadway on the "Ladies' Mile," the 19th
century's elite shopping district, where it remained for nearly 40 years. As of 2004,
Macy's has 248 stores in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Guam,
Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas,
Virginia, and Puerto Rico.

In the beginning the departments were leased out to individual merchants, but by 1900
the smaller companies were purchased or replaced by the larger company. In some
ways they were very similar to our modern malls, where the property owner has no
direct interest in the 'departments' or 'stores,' other than to collect rent and provide
utilities. Today only the most specialized departments are leased out. This could include
photography and photo finishing, automotive services, or financial services. But this is
rare. Even the store restaurant is usually run by the department store now.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How do department stores organize their goods?

2. How are department stores different from ordinary stores?
3. What do department stores provide?
4. When did department stores first start?
5. Where did they first start?
6. Who was Marshall Fields?
7. What did he do in 1867?
8. What did he create?
9. Why was his store special?
10. Who was Harry Gordon Selfridge?
11. What did he do?
12. What were the first department stores in New York?
13. How many stores did Macy's have as of 2004?
14. What was the 'ladies mile'?
15. How many states does Macy's have department stores in?
16. Who leased the departments in the early days of department stores?
17. What does the property owner do in modern shopping malls?
18. Which departments are leased out today?
19. Who usually runs the department store's restaurant?

Different departments.

These are some different departments in American department stores. What would
you find in these different departments? Write five examples for each department.

1. Housewares:

2. Men’s Fashions:

3. Women’s Fashions:

4. Baby:

5. Furniture:

6. Appliances:

7. Electronics:

8. Cosmetics:

9. Kitchenware:

10. Home Entertainment:

11. Hardware:

Lesson 47 Arguments in Favor of Zoos
• Have you ever been to a zoo?
• What animals can you see at a zoo?
• What’s your favorite zoo animal? Why?
• Which zoo animals do you dislike? Why?
• Does your city have a zoo?
• Do you think zoos are educational?
• What is an endangered species?
• Which species are endangered right now?
• Why are these species endangered?

Read the following argument in favor of zoos:

There are many zoos in the world today. Most countries have zoos. People go to zoos
to see many kinds of animals, such as lions, elephants, gorillas, snakes, and giraffes.
Zoos have kept and protected many kinds of animals for a long time. Why are there
zoos in the world? Zoos provide good education for people. Many parents take their
children to zoos. They learn how animals survive, eat, behave, and breed. They also
learn where the animals come from, how many varieties there are, and which animals
are endangered species. Some people believe that we can get enough information
about animals or wildlife from television. We often hear it said that television is now the
best way to teach children and adults about wildlife. However, seeing an animal up
close offers a more lasting effect on your memory.

Many animals feel comfortable in zoos. Everyday, animal habitats are quickly
disappearing all over the world. Zoologists are learning more and more about animals
and their habitats. Zoos make it possible to provide excellent homes for different animal
species and meet their particular needs. Many original habitats in which particular
animals have developed and grown have been changed by human activities. The
animals living in zoos might remind people that humans are destroying animals' natural
habitats. Zoos may also remind people we must save some wild places or lose many
different kinds of animals forever.

Some animals are safer in zoos. There are some wild animals being captured and sold
or killed by illegal poaching. Some animals are sold to private buyers as exotic pets.
Most private buyers do not know how to properly care for the animal. The animals
usually die from poor care. Zoos provide a safe environment from hunters. Many wild
animals are killed for their fur. A tiger’s skin can be sold for thousands of dollars. The
ivory from a rhinoceros tusk can also be sold for a lot of money. Animals in zoos are
protected from this illegal poaching.

Zoos are a good place to study wild animal diseases. The University of Nebraska has
worked many years at diagnosing and preventing common and exotic animal diseases.
They work with zoos to find treatments and cures for different animal illnesses. Good
zoos continue to create a more natural habitat for the animals. They educate people
about animals and provide a safe place for them to live.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Why do many people go to zoos?

2. Do zoos educate people?
3. What do children learn about animals at the zoo?
4. Where do some people believe we can get enough information about animals?
5. What is good about seeing an animal up close?
6. What are disappearing all over the world?
7. What are zoologists learning?
8. What do zoos make it possible to provide?
9. Are some animals safer in zoos?
10. Who are some animals sold to? Why?
11. Do most private buyers know how to care for wild animals?
12. What usually happens to animals sold to private buyers?
13. What are many wild animals killed for?
14. Do zoos help protect animals from poaching?
15. Are zoos a good place to study animal diseases?
16. What has the University of Nebraska done?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you feel zoos are basically good or bad? Why

2. What animals would you want to see at the zoo? Why?
3. What animals would you not want to see at the zoo?
4. How many zoos have you been to? Were they all the same?
5. If you could be an animal, what would you want to be? Why?
6. Would you rather go to a zoo or to an aquarium? Why?
7. What kinds of things can you see at an aquarium?
8. Should entrance to zoos be free? Why?
9. How much is a reasonable entrance fee for a zoo? Why?

10. Which animals do you think are the strangest-looking?

11. Which animals do you think are cute? Why?
12. Which animals do you think are ugly? Why?
13. Which animals are symbols of your country?
14. Which animals are you afraid of?
15. Which animals do you think are the most dangerous?
16. What is the largest animal you have ever seen?

17. Some animals have special abilities. What special abilities do these animals have?
Polar bear:

Lesson 48 Arguments Against Zoos

• Do you think zoo animals are happy?

• Do you think it’s okay to keep animals in cages?
• Should animals be used for entertainment?
• Do you think zoos are cruel to animals?
• Do you think all zoos take good care of animals?
• What kinds of people work in zoos?
• Would you like to work in a zoo? Why?

Read the following argument against zoos.

Many people say that zoos educate people and preserve species. However, many zoos
do not. Most zoo cages are quite small. Many zoos provide little information about the
animals. Visitors are more interested in entertainment than in educating themselves.
The purpose of most zoos is to breed and maintain more animals. This helps increase
their numbers. However, many of the animals living in zoos are not endangered. They
are also not being prepared for release into natural habitats. Zoos are full of animals
that are commonly seen - such as mongooses, peacocks, wolves and ducks. These
kinds of animals should not be kept in zoos. They should be released. This would
create more space for endangered animals.

Scientists have said that animals are psychologically affected by the lack of space. They
are also affected by a lack of privacy. These poor living conditions in zoos and the lack
of privacy often lead to animals behaving abnormally. They bang their heads against the
wall, bite cage bars and even bite their own limbs! Many zoo animals have marks their
head from the banging. Many animals die in zoos every year because of depression.

Of course, zoos do give visitors a chance to see animals they would never be able to
see. However, people should be aware these animals are not behaving normally.
Animals behave differently when they are in their natural environment. Animals locked
in a cage for their entire life is not healthy for the animals. Many animals go crazy.
They start behaving strangely. Some animals pace back and forth in their cage. Some
animals go insane from boredom like tigers and lions. They want to roam and hunt in
wide-open spaces. Some zoo visitors tease the animals so they will move or make a
sound. People should respect the animals. Animals are not in a zoo to play for the
people. They are there to educate them. Zoo animals should be respected.

Wildlife preserves are an alternative to zoos. Wildlife preserves try to keep endangered
species alive in their own natural habitat. They also protect the animals from hunters,
poachers and human development. Many wildlife preserves also serve as eco-tourism
areas. Eco-tourism gives people a chance to see animals in a way that is closer to their
true nature. Eco-tourism makes it possible for wildlife preserves to fund their
conservation activities. They also give conservationists a chance to educate the general
public about animal protection and animal behavior.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Do all zoos educate people and preserve species?

2. Are most zoo cages big or small?
3. What are many zoo visitors interested in?
4. Are all animals living in zoos endangered?
5. Why should some commonly seen animals be released?
6. What are some animals psychologically affected by?
7. How do some animals behave abnormally?
8. What do many zoo animals die from every year?
9. Do zoo animals behave the same as wild animals?
10. Is being locked in a cage healthy for an animal?
11. What do some animals go insane from?
12. Why do some zoo visitors tease the animals?
13. Should animals be respected?
14. What is an alternative to zoos?
15. What are some good aspects of eco-tourism?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

2. Have you ever seen animals act strangely in zoos? What did they do?
3. Do you think animals have feelings?
4. Do you think animals can be depressed or bored?
5. Does it bother you seeing animals treated badly?
6. Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
7. Do you think people should buy and wear fur coats?
8. How many national animal preserves do you have in your country?
9. Are there any animal preserves near your city?
10. What do you think of animals being raised in zoos?
11. Does eco-tourism appeal to you? Why?
12. Do you think zoos do more harm than good?
13. Do you think zoos are necessary to educate people about animals?
14. Have you ever been to a bad zoo? What was it like?

Write some good points and some bad points about zoos in the chart.

Good points Bad points


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