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Grade and Subjects: 4th grade (Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science)

1. Why is it important to learn about immigration and the

Overarching countries people come from?
Understanding Goals:
2. What are the challenges immigrants face upon entering the

3. Why did the immigrants choose to come to the U.S.?

4. What are the problems that exist today due to current

immigration policies?

Generative Immigration

1 2 3 4
The U.S. is A major Immigrants decide The Trump
Unit-Long a nation of challenge to come to the U.S. administration is
Understandin the immigrants face to find a job, get planning to dismantle
g Goals: descendent is language more money, have the DACA program,
of barriers. This access to clean which allows certain
immigrants. leads to water/food, have a people who come to
difficulties better future for the U.S. illegally as
finding suitable the family, and flee minors to be
employment, from a refugee protected from
secure housing, country. immediate
and access to deportation.
Sequence of UGs Understanding Ongoing
Understanding Performances Assessments

Introductory #1 a. Students will learn about Formative

Performances: peoples’ experiences (people in assessment will
Philly) as an immigrant. include discussion
and observing
b. Students will learn about the students’ writing
#2, #3 struggle and journey of notebooks.
immigration through a read
aloud of Peppe the Lamplighter “Check for
and Coming to America: The understanding” will
story of Immigration. include discussion.

c. Students will learn about

#1 countries through read alouds to
understand the types of
countries people are originally

Guided Inquiry #1 a. Students will write about Teacher will monitor

Performances: countries they know and students’ progress by
continue to add detail in their checking writing
writing notebooks. notebooks for every
student and provide

Assessments will
#3 b. Students will design their include discussion
water filters. and written response
from questions
teacher provides.

Teacher will provide

a graphic organizer
(venn diagram) to
#2, 3, 4 c. Students will explain the assess the students.
difference between past and
current immigration.
Culminating #1, a. Students will interview a Students will use
Performances: 2, 3 family member (someone they knowledge of
know if there is no family immigrants to ask the
member to interview) about interviewee about
their experience as an his/her experience.

Teacher will observe

b. Students will reflect on past students’ writing
#4 immigration to understand why notebooks and
people choose to immigrate and students’
the struggle people face today. discussions.

Skill Strands:
X 1. Nonfiction Narrative Text
✓ 2. Engineering Skills
X 3. Making Inferences/understand cause and effect
X - Major Focus ✓ - Reinforced ●-

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