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ABR Siowar | ThrcePhaseBusbarssysiem | Toss ESSP-BARSIA Tied by D- Caza do. VESONSBOSTOSO v.00 Pag. 157 SWITCHGEAR GT3-4 STUDY OF THE SIZING AND OF THE ELECTRODYNAMIC EFFORTS: OF THE THREE PHASE BUSBARS SYSTEM ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION me aan Ey ‘| oar Rae Dceaain | [ABB Arorae | Three Phase Bashar System “TO-ESSP-BARS34 [sie by, Cazzaiga ‘vg. VCSOOOSTUOUU He. Pag. 2017 1. SUBJECT Subject of the following technica peifiction i the study af the busbrs stem of prefabricated boxes fr the Switchgear GT-4 plant ‘he purpose ofthis stay to highligh the ing ofthe busbar system to ensue the normal operting conditions and any posible shor cre 2, BUSBARS SIZING “The section ofthe bars hive been shed according to the ated cument and to the short-cut ‘tents of he pan. “Th toe phase busbar sytem of the plat can be divided ito tre sections characterized by its rated opting erent The following re the technical data ofthe plant slic da Rated voltage 138 1KV) Frequency o (Ha) ‘Symmetrical soa -cireuitcurent 50 [KA the tee sets) ration ofthe shot rut 1 ee} Rated current section | 4000 (A) Rated crent section 2 12504), Rated current section 3 00 (A) Ambien temperature ase ABB Bioras | TieerhaseDusbarsytem | 7OBLESSP-BARSIA ese hy D.Carzani ‘dg VESOO3B0STOADO Rev. 00 Pag. 3007 Capacity of Busbars Section Forsecton 1s been chose formation of bars composed ofthe sub-conductors sie 12012 ‘mm. The following statin shows wo pases ofthe ars system with hoxizontally place Hines ‘nd the longest section side in hrizontl postion an cama ea ae Referng to standards CE UNEL O1433-72, the capacity ofa busbar system 120812 wn can be approximated by using the eapacity of 3750 [A] for a section of 100112 mm aed 4560 [A] for 9 section of 125x12 tam. Therefore, the capacity of a busbar system 120x12 mm Ch") proximaed to 4350 (A ith the folowing configurations and operating contons: "> 3 subscondactrs fate br, with he longest section side in vertical poston > ambient emperatur of 1" C; > temperature rise of 30°C; > frequency of 0 Hs “The real capacity ofthe busbar system i auld using coefficients corrective depending onthe configuration ofthe projet: Tm Ie kL eRe RE = 4850 6 148 + 0,75 + 0,913 = 4200 1A] with ~ KI =cametion fr for diferent values of ambient temperature 25 °C), temperature ris (65°C elated tthe maximum operating temperature ofthe insulators (100°C), = “Ka = conection fstoe for thermal load capacity variations duet differences in layout ‘he longest setion sein horizontal position 13 conection fico fo the diferent operating Frequency (60H. Inthe setion 1, the capac ofthe ars stom 4260 [A] is higher than the ated utent of 4000, 1. “Three Phase Busbars System {TOMESSP BARS dv. VCSOOSEOSTOSUD Rev.00| Pag dat For sections 2 and 3 has teen chosen a formation of bars composed of one conductor sized 10010 mm. The busbars stems hve diferent yous, the capacity is estimated forthe layout tat leads to the its lowest vale: ovizontlly pice ines and the Jongest section sie in horizontal postion. [As with section 1 refetngo standards CE UNE 01433-72 the capacity of the busbar eytem Pa Tne M2 eb = 1670 «1,48 = 0,85 = 0,013 00 Inthe sections 2 and 3, the sapacty ofthe bars system 1850 [A] is higher than the ated currents (of 1250-800 [A Caleulation of short-cireult withstand Refetng to standards CEL 11-17 and CEI EN 60439-1 to determin the minim ie of bat 0 ‘ensue the withstand of tena effects caused by shot ict current, one can use the Following formula: ee; symmetia shor: cet eument “Tee: dation of he sot ical (C eonstant dependent from the miei (copper), fom the operating temperature ad fom the maxima tempantire of the bars in cas of short ciel By set temperature ofthe busin case of short iret of 250°C, the valu constant °C" is 143, “The sections ofthe bars equal to 10D04320 mm therefore sty the condition ofthe stances. ABB Svorae | Three Phase Busbars Sytem TOBLESSP BARSA sed by D-Cazzn aug VCSOORRDSTOSOO Re. ag 517 3. ELECTRODYNAMICS EFFORTS, “The evaluation of eletodssamics efforts as examined by eaeulsing the maximam fores of ration and repulsion between the bars in cae of shor-clcul, avoning to the following expression (1. anieltpeeaef] >> Fin: maximum valteof dynamic fot that could develop in a single athe phase system tu in ease of short > lac: vale ofthe syttical shor circuit caren [A] > Asymmetty factor: this factor takes flo account the peak short circuit cument 1h the ‘exprestion above, ths value was set equa 016 > S:distance between as (mm) > factor which takes nto aecouut the space enfguration ofthe tree bs “To cone the mechanical strength of te busbar system in ease of shor-cicit the wlimate bending tes of he isolator mast be grater than the fore “Pm ® alle. “The tio “Fan” allows te calle the stess on the single insulator. The ent ‘he distance ofthe insulator on the bar M1." epesens [1fe“Industral Power Englacerng and Applications Handbook” K.C. Agrawal Verification “The pant was designed to vithsand a short cliuit symmetrical curentof SOKA for 5. “The insulators installed in the plant have the following mechanical characteristics: vlimate beading tess (respect othe heud of insulator) sequal to 12500 N; ereepage distance of 300mm; height of insiatr of 210 rm. Ihe sexton fy according tothe configuration of the projet the slstynamic effort wil te applied at an height of 30mm above the Head of th insulator. So the effort bearable fom the insulators equal to 11000 ¥. Inthe sections 2 the eletdynsmic effort wil be apliod at an height of 50 or Sm above the head of the instr, aceding the horizontal or vertical postion of the longest side ofthe section, So the effort bearable fon the inelstor i ua 10000 N with a vert poston, or 12200 with hovizontl position of the lnges side ofthe section. [ABB Asonu Three Phase Busbars System. OM-ESSP-BARSS4 Tsiued by D.Cazzaiga ov. VES 10000 Kev.00| Pag. 67 Seti ‘The mest steal contons ‘> S-=minimm distance bxween conductor ofthe plants equal to 300mm. > L-=maximum distance tween insulators is equal 6450 mn, “The maxi vl of the electodynamiesefot it nels ses ene EBIO reson] With equal to 12 ‘Theeffor an thesingleinwstoris: Fin* Le 16090 045 =7200N Sections 2 “The most tel contons 2S =misinum distance baween condor of the plants equal to 230mm. ‘> L.=maximum distance tetwee slates qual 6400 mm, With a horizontal posiin of longest side of the section, the maximum value of the lectrdynamic effort is Fawbelt tera as. 12S000%. se aco fA With Kequalto 1 ‘The effort on the single instr: With & vertical poston of the longest side of the section, the maximum value of the esr ynumie efforts is so000t s+ sr] With Kequa “The effort on the single slat Fin #L= 17400 #0, = 7000.8 ABB iorar | Tiveetinetotarsynten | TOs SsP-BARSSE Tested by D,Carzaniga ‘dg. VESTS 10000 Kev.00| Pag. 707 1 summary “+ tot naar eton 7200 1N} “+ Effet saab owe inslators 11000 ith orion position ofthe longest side af he section ‘lot instore setions 2-3 0100 (NI + fort besable fom thensulators —— 12200(N] ‘with vertical postion of th: longest side ofthe setion “© Effort saat setions 2-3 7000 8) “+ fort bearable fromthe insators 10000 INI “The results above shows a proper desi of the busbas system 10 withstand the electrodynamics effets in ease of short-circuit. “The sty ends by caultng the safety Factors, fr section 1 is equal 1100077200 = 1,52 while for sections 23 ve 1220011900 = 120 and 100007000 = 1.4,

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