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The role of oxidative BOLENT GORLER, HOSEYIN VURAL,


stress in diabetic AHMET SATlel, NURTEN AKSOY


Abstract Key words Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic

retinopathy, Glutathione peroxidase, Lipid
Purpose To investigate the role of oxidative
peroxidation, Superoxide dismutase, Vitamin C
stress in the development of diabetic
Methods This study included 25 patients with Free radicals (FR), described as atoms and/ or

diabetic retinopathy (group 1),34 patients with molecules with one or more unpaired electrons

non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the outer orbit, or in the other words reactive

without any angiopathy complications (group oxygen (02) derivatives, continuously form in

II) and 26 healthy subjects (group III). The aerobic organisms as a result of various

serum malondialdehyde (MDA)-like metabolic processes. These highly reactive

metabolite levels as an index of lipid molecules affect biomolecules such as lipids,

peroxidation, the erythrocyte glutathione proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates, , In

peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase order to compensate the effects of FR, there are

(SOD) and serum vitamin C levels of the defence mechanisms in the organism called

patients and healthy subjects were measured. antioxidants, If the sensitive balance between

Results The mean serum concentration of FR and antioxidant levels is not protected

MDA-like metabolites of patients in group I properly, many pathological alterations occur

was 4.38 ± 1.31 nmollml, in group II was that result in cell damage, and the integrity of
B. Gurler
3.38 ± 0.95 nmollml and in group III was the cell and tissue is threatened. In recent years,
H. Oguz
A. Satici 2.61 ± 0.85 nmollml. There were significant research related to diseases caused by FR has
Department of differences between the groups (p = 0.001 for gained in importance. It is now known that FR
Ophthalmology play an important role in the pathologies such
group I compared with group II, p = 0.0001 for
Harran University
group I compared with group III and p = 0.002 as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus
Faculty of Medicine
Sanliurfa, Turkey for group II compared with group III). There (DM), Parkinson's disease, heart lesions related
was a significant correlation between the to stress, liver pathology, ageing and various
H. Vural types of infectious diseases. These FR are
serum lipid peroxidation concentrations and
N. Aksoy
duration of the disease (r = 0.36,P = 0.047). The continuously formed in all aerobic cells, and
Department of Biochemistry
mean erythrocyte GSH-Px and SOD levels of consist of the superoxide radical (02-'),
Harran University
Faculty of Medicine group I were respectively 68.97 ± 18.04 and hydrogen peroxide (H202) and hydroxyl radical
Sanliurfa, Turkey 1597.78 ± 296.46 U/g Hb, of group II were (OH). These metabolites are responsible for
64.30 ±19.26 and 1581.33 ± 278.08 U/g Hb, lipid peroxidation (LPO), which is described as
N. Yilmaz
and of group III were 65.52 ± 17.58 and a conglomeration reaction of the
Department of Internal
Medicine 1587.44 ± 281.17 U/g Hb. There were no polyunsaturated fatty acids found in the cell
Harran University significant differences among the antioxidant membrane (phospholipids, glycolipids,
Faculty of Medicine enzyme levels in the three groups (p > 0.05). glyceride and sterol) to various products such
Sanliurfa, Turkey
The mean serum vitamin C level in group I as peroxides, alcohols, aldehydes, hydroxy fatty

Dr Bulent Gurler � was 42.72 ± 8.90 [Lmolll, in group II was acids, ethane and pentane, In addition, FR
Department of 49.26 ± 11.52 [Lmolll and in group III was damage DNA, inactivate enzymes and oxidise
Ophthalmology 12
58.57 ± 9.75 [Lmoill. There were significant hormones, ,
Harran University
differences among the mean serum vitamin C Antioxidants, described as substances which
Faculty of Medicine
Ara�tirma ve Uygulama
levels of the three groups (p = 0.02 for group I prevent or delay oxidative damage in target

Hastanesi versus group II p = 0.001 for group I versus molecules, may be classified as enzymes or
63200 Sanliurfa, Turkey group III and p = 0.002 for group II versus small non-enzymatic protein molecules
Tel: +90414314 11 70 group III). according to their structure, and as endogenous
Fax: +904143151181 Conclusions Free radicals forming in diabetes or exogenous antioxidants according to their
e-mail: gurlerb@doruk.neUr
mellitus and increasing over time may play a source. In the organism there are many enzymes
role in the development of diabetic with an antioxidant role, such as superoxide
Received: 29 July 1 999
Accepted in revised form: retinopathy, which is an important dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase
13 April 2000 complication of the disease. (GSH-Px), catalase, cytochrome oxidase and

730 Eye (2000) 14, 730-735 © 2000 Royal College of OphthalmologiSts

small molecules such as glutathione, melatonin, taken (confirmed with Doppler ultrasonography) were
carotenoids, retinoids and vitamins C and E. One of considered as having angiopathic complications and
these, SOD, decreases the intracellular O2- level by excluded from the study. Subjects with complaints which
catalysing its transformation to H202 and O2. GSH-Px may imply diabetic neuropathy such as paresthaesias
reduces H202 and organic hydroperoxides. Vitamin C is and foot pain were also not included in the study. In
an important component of the cellular defence against fundus examinations of the dilated pupil with direct and
LPO and O2 toxicity caused by FR. It suppresses O2-', indirect ophthalmoscopy, those with microaneurysms,
OH and singlet oxygen, and reacts with the tocopheroxyl dot and/ or blot haemorrhages, or hard and/ or soft
radical to re-form tocopherol, and thus prevent LPO. exudates were diagnosed as DR and fundus fluorescein
It has long been known that there is an imbalance angiography (FFA) was carried out with a Canon
between oxidants and antioxidants in DM. In 1979, Sato CF-60UVi. Subjects with DM who had no angiopathic
et a.1 reported that plasma LPO levels of diabetic complication were considered as group II. Group III
patients are higher than in normal people, and LPO consists of the subjects who presented to the Eye Clinic
levels of diabetic patients with angiopathy are higher with no pathology other than a refraction error and had
than in the other diabetic patients without any normal results after systemic examinations. Informed
complications. This has been supported by studies consent was obtained from all subjects. A history was
indicating that LPO products increase in the blood of taken from all subjects, the time of onset of the disease,
patients with DM (both type I and type II) and also in and height and weight measurements. Body mass index
4 21
diabetic rats. - Reactive O2 metabolites, including FR, (BMI) was calculated by using the following equation:
increase with auto-oxidation of glucose and glycosylated BMI weight (kg)/length (m ). All subjects were on no

proteins in DM, and with the activation of the sorbitol other treatment except oral antidiabetics.
pathway during hyperglycaemia. Insufficient Planned biochemical parameters of the subjects who
neutralisation of FR causes the oxidation of cellular were chosen according to the criteria mentioned above
lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, glycolipids and were investigated at our Faculty's Department of
glycoproteins? This oxidative effect also causes damage Biochemistry Laboratory. Approximately 10 ml of
to the vascular endothelial cells. Additionally, venous blood was taken from the antecubital vein
prostaglandin synthesis is affected due to oxidation of following a 12 h fast. Five millilitres of the blood was
arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Therefore, transferred to tubes with heparin for the separation of
it is claimed that the long-term complications of DM are erythrocytes, and 5 ml to plain tubes for the separation of
related to the accumulation of increased FR and LPO serum. Plain tubes were kept at room temperature for
3,4,7 9,12-14,16,17,20
productS. - about 30 min and then centrifuged for 15 min at
This study was planned to research the role of 3000 rpm to separate the serum. LPO was investigated
oxidative stress in diabetic retinopathy (DR). Three immediately. Heparinised tubes were centrifuged for
groups of patients were studied: DM cases with DR, DM 10 min at 3000 rpm to separate plasma. An erythrocyte
cases without DR or any angiopathic complication, and package was prepared by washing erythrocytes three
healthy individuals. The serum malondialdehyde times with physiological serum. The erythrocyte package
(MDA)-like metabolites as an index of LPO, erythrocyte was stored at -20°C for GSH-Px and SOD analysis.
GSH-Px and SOD levels and serum vitamin C GSH-Px and SOD activities were measured within a
concentration were determined and the data obtained maximum of 2 weeks.
from these three groups were analysed statistically. Serum LPO level was measured using Satoh's method
based on the reactivity of thiobarbituric acid (TBA).
MDA creates a coloured complex that gives a maximum
Materials and methods
absorbance at 532 nm as it reacts with TBA. MDA is a
This study was carried out on 25 patients with DR (group final product of fatty acid peroxidation and is accepted as
1),34 patients with non-insulin-dependent DM (NIDDM) a measure of the LPO index. Serum LPO was given as
without any angiopathic complication (group II) and 26 nanomoles MDA per millilitre.
healthy subjects (group III). Subjects with DM included GSH-Px activity was measured with a Hitachi 911
in the study were chosen according to the following automated analyser using a commercial kit (Randox
criteria among the subjects with NIDDM who were Lab., UK) in erythrocyte haemolysates. GSH-Px
under observation in the Internal Medicine Department. estimation was based on the following principle: GSH-Px
A systemic examination of the subjects, all of them catalyses the oxidation of glutathione by cumen
normotensive, urine analysis for nephropathy, hydroperoxide. In the presence of glutathione reductase
electrocardiography (ECG) for macrovascular and NADPH the oxidised glutathione is immediately
angiopathic complications and peripheral pulse converted to the reduced form with a concomitant
examinations were performed to exclude any subjects oxidation of NADPH to NADP . The decrease in
from group I who might have any angiopathic absorbance at 340 nm is measured. This technique is
complications other than DR. Those subjects with based on the method of Paglia and Valentine.
proteinuria detected with urine analysis, post­ Erythrocyte SOD activity was measured in an
myocardial infarction and/ or ischaemic symptoms automated analyser (Hitachi 911) using a commercial kit
detected with ECG or whose peripheral pulse was not (Randox Lab., UK). SOD estimation was based on the

Table 1. Sex, a1'erage age, body "ra,;,; i"dex IRMl), fIllA/, a"d dllralio" of di,;C/l,;e of Ihe grollI'';
Sex (F1M) Age (years) BMI (kg/m ) HBA!c ( )
"0 Duration of disease (years)
Subjects with retinopathy 171R 5·UO :':: 6.R5" 27.5R ':': 4.05 9.14:+: 1.9i' 7.64 :+: 2.R9
(group 1; " = 2S)
Subjects without complications 21 In 51.79 :':: 7.6LJ 26.6LJ :+: 4.39 R.7R :+: 1.46' 3.69 :+: 2.05
(group II; " = 34)

Healthy subjects 1 4 /12 50.23 :+: 6.RLJ 25.71 :+: 3.R2 4.79 � 0.R 2
(group III; " = 26)

Values are the average:+: SO.

ap 0.02 in group I compared with group 1lI (Mann-Whitney U-test); 1'
= 0.001 in group I compared with group 1lI; 'p
= 0.001 in group =

II compared with group III (Student's I-test); . 1' 0.0001 in group I compared with group II (Mann-Whitney U-test).

generation of O2-, produced by xanthine and xanthine and III (p > 0.05), there was a statistically significant
oxidase, which reacts with 2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4- difference between groups! and III (p = 0.(2). Although
nitrophenol)-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride to form a red the BM! of group I was higher than that of the other
formazan dye. The SOD activity is then measured by the subjects, there were no statistically significant differences
degree of inhibition of this reaction. This technique is
among the groups (I' > 0.05), Whereas the HbA1c level of
' 2�
used by many investigators.l , .20 Enzyme activities
group! was slightly higher than that of group II, there
were given as units per gram haemoglobin.
were no statistical differences between them (I' > 0.05).
Serum vitamin C level was measured using the
'i,27,2H However, the HbA1c levels of both groups were
dinitrophenylhydrazine method.! Vitamin C in
significantly higher than that of the healthy subjects
serum is oxidised by Cu(lI) to form dehydroascorbic acid
(p 0.001). There was a significant difference (I' 0,0001)
(DHA), which reacts with acidic 2,4-
= =

between the duration of disease in group! (3-16 years)

dinitrophenylhydrazine to form a red bi�-hydrazone,
which is measured at 520 nm. Ascorbic acid (AA) was and group II (6 months to 8 years) All the subjects in the

also used as a standard and the results were expressed as first group, whose fundus examination and FFA were

micromoles per litre. done, had non-proliferative DR Table 2 shows LPO,

Results are given as the average:+: SD, For average antioxidant enzyme and vitamin C levels of these groups.
age and duration of disease analysis, the Mann-Whitney LPO assessment of the groups suggested that all
U-test in the SPSS package program was used, and for subjects with DM showed an increased LPO, and there
other analysis Student's I-test and Spearman correlation were statistically significant differences between group!
tests were used. (4.38 :+: 1.31 nmol/ml) and group II (3.38 :+: 0.95 nmol/
ml), group I and group III (2,61 ± 0.85 nmol/ml), and
group II and group III (p 0.0001 and p 0.002,
= =

respectively). There was also a positive relationship

Table 1 shows the sex, age, BM!, HbAlc and duration of
between the duration of disease and LPO in the
disease for 25 subjects with DR of whom 17 were female
correlation analysis (r = 0,36, I' = 0,047). When
and 8 male with ages between 42 and 69 years (average
antioxidant enzyme levels were compared, there were no
54 .60 :+: 6.85 years); 34 subjects with uncomplicated DM
statistically significant differences among the groups
of whom 21 were female and 13 male with ages between
(p > 0.05). Vitamin C levels were low in all subjects with
41 and 66 years (average 51.79 :+: 7.69 years) and 26
DM compared with healthy subjects and there were
healthy subjects of whom 14 were female and 12 male
with ages between 41 and 63 years (average 50.23 ± 6.89 statistically significant differences between group!

years). (42,72 ± 8,90 jJ.mol/l) and group II (49.26 ± 11.52

Regarding the average age of the subjects it was found jJ.mol/I), group! and group III (58.57 ± 9.75 jJ.mol/l) and

that although there was no statistically significant group II and group III (p = 0.02, P = 0.001 and p = 0,002,
difference between groups! and II and between groups II respectively).

Table 2, Saw" lipid peroxidaliml (LPO), erylhrocyfc glllialhiollc I'l'roxida,;c (CSH-i>x), ,;Ill'l'roxide dismula,;c (500) lind serum uilamin C levels
of Ihe gmup,;

LPO (nmol/ml) GSH-Px (U/g Hb) SOD (U/g Hb) Vitamin C (f,lmol/l)

Subjects with retinopathy 4.3R :: 1.31"/' 68,LJ7 ::: 18,()4 ISLJ7.7R ::: 296.46 42.72 ::: R,90d.e
(group I; 11 = 25)

Subjects without complications DR:+: 0,9S' 64.30 :':: 19.26 15RU3 :':: 278. 0 R 49.26 :+: l1.i
(group II; 11 = 34)
Healthy subjects 2,61 :':: O,RS 6S.52 :+: 17.5R 15R7.44 :+: 281.17 SR.57 ::: 9.7S
(group 1II; 11 = 26)

Values are the average:,:: SO.

"I' = 0.001 in group
I compared with group II; /'1' = 0,0001 in group I compared with group 1II; 'p 0. 002 in group II compared with =

0.02 in group I compared with group II; <"I'

group III (Student's I-test); oil' = 0.001 in group I compared with group III; 'I'
= 0.002 in =

group II compared with group III (Student's I-test).

Discussion enzymes by non-enzymatic glycation due to persistent
hyper glycaemia as shown with SOD by Arai et al., the
The balance between the production and destruction of
oxidative stress increase also depends on the
oxidants formed in cells and tissues has a vital
insufficiency of the antioxidant defence system, among
importance for survival of the structural integrity of
other reasons.
tissues. Inclination of the balance to the side of oxidation
Vitamin C, which is a water-soluble vitamin and the
causes cell damage. LPO products causing oxidative
most important antioxidant vitamin, inactivates FR
damage are one of the most important endogenous
found in the cytosol, plasma and extracellular
factors that destroy the lipid layers of cell membranes. In
environment. It is reported that when the FR in plasma
the studies on the aetiology of DR, it has been
increases, LPO can not occur until all the AA present in
demonstrated that plasma and tissue LPO products in lO
the environment has been oxidised. In healthy tissue
patients with DM were higher than in healthy persons;
AA always turns to DHA, which returns to AA. If the
therefore, it has been proposed that increased oxidative
regeneration of DHA to AA can not occur, that means if
stress is implicated in the aetiology of DM and its long­
the AA/DHA ratio decreases, the antioxidant capacity of
4 7 9 12 14 16 17 2 0
term complications?, , - , - , , , In our study it was
the tissue decreases and oxidative damage develops. In
found that serum LPO levels of subjects with DR were
our study, we detected serum AA levels significantly
higher than in subjects with DM who had no
lower in all DM patients than healthy subjects. In
complications and healthy subjects, the differences
addition, we found that AA levels of the DR group were
between the levels being statistically quite significant.
lower than those of the DM group who had no
Similarly, serum LPO levels of subjects with DM without
complications. This result was confirmed by both human
any complications were higher than the LPO levels of . . 9 17 2842-45 9 43
and ammaI expenments.' , , S'mcI' I ,
a1r et a.
healthy subjects, the differences between the levels again
reported that serum AA levels were lower than in
being statistically significant. Our findings were in
21 controls, and even lower in DM cases with
agreement with those in the literature?- The reasons for
microangiopathy. They also emphasised that the ratio of
increased LPO in DM are: increased reactive O2 products AA to DHA in DM patients with microangiopathy
as a result of auto-oxidation of glucose and glycosylated decreased compared with both DM patients without
proteins, polyol pathways, and decreased non-enzymatic microangiopathy and control groups. Similarly, in the
antioxidants. In addition, hyperglycaemia increases the 17
study by Sundaram et a.l it was shown that in DM
formation of triose phosphate, whose oxidation causes when the severity and number of secondary angiopathic
the formation of two free radicals: alpha oxaldehyde and complications increased, the levels of serum vitamin C
H202. The increased levels of lipid peroxides can cause gradually decreased. The decreased AA level in DM may
oxidative injury to blood cells, cross-linking of be explained by (a) the enhanced consumption of AA as
membrane lipids and proteins, increasing of cell ageing, a result of increased oxidation of AA to DHA to scavenge
imbalance of prostacyclin/prostaglandin and 43 45
increased FR , and (b) failed regeneration of AA from
vasoconstriction. DHA. Intracellular regeneration of AA from DHA may
SOD, which belongs to the metallo-proteinase family, be impaired because of competitive inhibition of its
catalyses the dismutation of O2-', into H202. Also transport across the cell membrane by glucose, a
GSH-Px has a key role in enzymatic defence systems and 44 46
structurally similar molecule. ,
acts on peroxides (H202 lipid or organic peroxides) to We have determined a positive relation between LPO
remove them. In the literature, different results have levels and the duration DM. The longer the duration of
been reported in different organs and tissues regarding DM, the higher the LPO levels (which means more
the levels of these two enzymes in DM (human and oxidative stress); this finding shows a parallelism with
15 1830 34
experimental). , , - In our study, the erythrocyte SOD the fact that the possibility of DR increases with the
and GSH-Px values were quite similar in each group. 47
duration of DM. This finding was also emphasised by
Different results were also reported in the literature 17
Sundaram et a.l FR in the blood may have a direct
regarding the levels of these two enzymes in the cytotoxic effect on the endothelial cells and cause cellular
18,30 35 ,36 1M8
erythrocytes of DM subjects. In some studies , the trauma. Moreover it was reported that O2- and OH
erythrocyte SOD levels were low, but in others they were increased in the vessel walls of DM and thus the
ll 37 38
normal or high. , While in the study by Hagglof et endothelium-dependent vasodilatation may be impaired
39 14 49 5D
a.l the SOD and GSH-Px activities were low, in the in diabetes. . , Beside this, inhibition of the
study by Sundaram et al. the SOD activity was low and biosynthesis of prostacyclin by lipid peroxides causes
GSH-Px activity was high. In accordance with our study, vasoconstriction and proaggregant effects of
21 40 41
Ruiz et al., Jos et al. and Walter et al. also found the thromboxane, so that there may be a tendency to
erythrocyte SOD and GSH-Px activities similar in DM thrombosis.
and healthy subjects. It is not clear to us whether these Endothelial cell destruction has an important role in
different results are based on different assay methods or microvascular obstruction and leakage, which are basic
compensatory mechanisms, or on other factors such as pathologies of DR. When it is considered that even a
age, duration of diabetes and diabetic state. According to slight trauma to the endothelial cells of an artery is
the authors who found antioxidant enzyme levels low in effective in atherogenesis, in DM, where such trauma
DM, because of the inactivation of the antioxidant occurs chronically and increases over time as a result of

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diabetic rats. Indian J Exp Bioi 1997;35:389-92.
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