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The following are the prices of shares of a company from Monday to Saturday:

Day Price (Rs.) Day Price (Rs.)

Monday 200 Thursday 160
Tuesday 210 Friday 220
Wednesday 208 Saturday 250
Calculate the range.

Range = 250-160 = 90

2. Calculate the range from the following data:

Profits (Rs000) Number Profits (Rs000) Number

10-20 8 40-50 8
20-30 10 50-60 4
30-40 12

Coefficient of range = 60 − 10 =50

3. You are given the frequency distribution of 292 workers of a factory according to their
average weekly wages. Calculate the median and inter quartile range from the following

Weekly Wages (Rs.) No. of workers Weekly Wages (Rs.) No. of workers
Below 1350 8 1450 – 1470 22
1350 – 1370 16 1470 – 1490 15
1370 – 1390 39 1490 – 1510 15
1390 – 1410 58 1510 – 1530 9
1410 – 1430 60 1530 & above 10
1430 – 1450 40

Weekly Wages (Rs.) No. of workers (f) Cumulative frequency
Below 1350 8 8
1350 – 1370 16 24
1370 – 1390 39 63
1390 – 1410 58 121
1410 – 1430 60 181
1430 – 1450 40 221
1450 – 1470 22 243
1470 – 1490 15 258
1490 – 1510 15 273
1510 – 1530 9 282
1530 & above 10 292
N= 292

𝑁+ 1th
Median = observation = 146.5th observation

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Median lies in the class 1410 -1430.

(𝑁+1)⁄2 –𝑝.𝑐.𝑓 146.5 –121

Median = L + * i = 1410 + * 20 = 1410 + 8.5 = 1418.5
𝑓 60

Where L is the lower limit

N is the total frequency
.f is the frequency where median is expected to lie
p.c.f is the previous cumulative frequency
.i is the class interval

Q1 = 4 th observation = 73.25rd observation
Q1 lies in the class 1390 – 1410.
(𝑁+1)⁄4–𝑝.𝑐.𝑓 73.25 –63
Q1 = L + * i = 1390 + * 20 = 1390 + 3.53 = 1393.53
𝑓 58

3(𝑁+1) th
Q3 = observation = 219.75 observation
Q3 lies in the class 1430 – 1450.

3(𝑁+1)⁄4–𝑝.𝑐.𝑓 219.75 –181

Q3 = L + 𝑓
* i = 1430 + 40
* 20 = 1430 + 19.75 = 1449.375

Q3 – Q1 1449.375 – 1393.53
Quartile Deviation = 2
= 2
= 27.93

4. Consider the following data:

53, 61, 38, 65, 72, 58, 52, 63, 69, 74, 66

i) Find the mean.61.0

ii) Find the standard deviation.9.92

5. Two workers on the same job show the following results over a long
period of time.
Worker Worker
Mean time of completing the job (minutes) 30 25
Standard deviation (minutes) 6 4

a. Which worker appears to be more consistent in the time he requires to complete the job?

b. Which worker appears to be faster in completing the job? Explain.


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C.V (A) = 20% & C.V (B) =16&
a. Worker B appears to be more consistent in the time he requires to
complete the job, since he has a smaller C.V.

b. Worker B appears to be faster in completing the job, since he has a

smaller mean. (You could actually test this.)

6. Find the standard deviation from the weekly wages of ten workers in a factory:

Workers Weekly Wages (Rs.) Workers Weekly Wages (Rs.)

A 1320 F 1340
B 1310 G 1325
C 1315 H 1321
D 1322 I 1320
E 1326 J 1331


(𝑥− 𝑥̅ ) 2
S.D (σ) =√∑ 𝑛
∑𝑋 13230
Mean 𝑥̅ = = =1323
𝑛 10
Σ(Xi -𝑥̅ ) = 622

σ = 7.89

7. An analysis of production rejects resulted in the following figures:

No. of rejects per No. of operators No. of rejects per No. of operators
operator operator
21-25 5 41-45 15
26-30 15 46-50 12
31-35 28 51-55 3
36-40 42

Calculate the mean and standard deviation.

Convert discrete data to continuous data (20.5-25.5, 25.5-30.5..etc)and find midpoint
∑ 𝑓𝑋 4435 ∑ 𝑓𝑑 2 2
Mean 𝑥̅ = = =36.96 σ= √ − (𝑑̅) * I
𝑁 120 𝑁
σ = 6.754 where I is the class interval
∑ 𝑓𝑑 (𝑋−𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛)
𝑑̅= 𝑁
;d= 𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑙

8. In two factories A and B engaged in the same industry, the average monthly wages and standard
deviation are as follows:

Factory Average Monthly S.D of Wages (Rs.) No. of Wage Earners

Wages (Rs.)
A 4600 500 100
B 4900 400 80

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i. Which factory A or B pays larger amount as monthly wages?
ii. Which factory shows greater variability in the distribution of wages?

i. For finding out which factory A or B pays larger amount as monthly wages, we have to
compare the total wages bill

Factory A: Total wage bill = 4600 * 100 = Rs. 460,000

Factory B: Total wage bill = 4900 * 80 = Rs. 392,000
Hence Factory A pays larger amount as monthly wages.

ii. For determining which factory shows greater variation in the distribution of wages, we have
to compare coefficient of variation

𝜎 500
C.V (Factory A) = 𝑋̅ * 100 = 4600 * 100 = 10.87
𝜎 400
C.V (Factory B) = 𝑋̅ * 100 = 4900 * 100 = 8.16

Since coefficient of variation is higher in factory A, hence factory A shows greater variability in the
distribution of wages.

9. Calculate the median, lower quartile and upper quartile from the following date
Sales (Rs.000) No. of Companies
Below 50 12
50-60 30
60-70 65
70-80 78
80-90 80
90-100 55
100-110 45
110-120 25
Above 120 10
Sales (Rs.000) No. of Companies C.F
Below 50 12 12
50-60 30 42
60-70 65 107
70-80 78 185
80-90 80 265
90-100 55 320
100-110 45 365
110-120 25 390
Above 120 10 400
𝑁+ 1th th
Median = 2 observation = 200.5 observation
Median lies in the class 80-90.

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(𝑁+1)⁄2 –𝑝.𝑐.𝑓 200 .5– 185
Median = L + 𝑓
* i = 80 + 80
* 10 = 80 + 1.9375 = 81.9375

Q1 = 4 th observation = 100.25th observation
Q1 lies in the class 60 - 70.
(𝑁+1)⁄4–𝑝.𝑐.𝑓 100.25–42
Q1 = L + * i = 60 + * 10 = 60 + 8.96 = 68.96
𝑓 65

Q3 = 4 th observation = 300.75th observation
Q3 lies in the class 90 – 100.

3(𝑁+1)⁄4–𝑝.𝑐.𝑓 300.75 –265

Q3 = L + 𝑓
* i = 90 + 55
* 10 = 90 + 6.5 = 96.5

10. The box-and-whisker plot below shows the starting salaries for graduates of a small college.

What is the range of the starting salaries?

A $20,000 B $33,000 C $53,000 D $72,000

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