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Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions, Vol.

29, October1996, pp 506-513

Behaviour of bond between concrete and steel

in a large post-yelding field
Gaetano Manfredi and Marisa Pecce
Dipartimento di Analisi e Progettazione Strutturale, Facolta di Ingegneria, Universith di Napoli FedericoII, p.le Tecchio, 80125 Napoli, Italia

A B S T R A C T R I~ S U M I5

The bond-slip relationship between concrete and steel La relation d' adh&ence entre l' acier et le b&on est tr~s impor-
is very important in evaluating the non-linear behaviour of tante clans l'analyse du comportement non lin&ire des structures
reinforced concrete structures. In this paper, the problem is en b~ton armL Dans cet article, on dtudie le probl~me pour des
analysed for reinforced concrete elements in tension. Two dldments de b~ton armd en traction. Deux m&hodes analytiques
different analytical approaches are applied in order to esti- diff&entes sont utilis&s pour &aluer leurs performances. Cette
mate their performances. This research underlines the recherche souligne l'importance de la moddlisation de l'adh&ence
importance of bond-slip modeling in a steel post-yielding en pr&ence &fortes d~rmations plastiques de l'acier, en compa-
field by comparison among three well-known, different rant trois relations ana[ytiques bien connues. Les r&ultats d'un
bond-slip relationships. Moreover, the results of simple simple essai exp&imental sur des dldments en b&on armd en trac-
experimental tests on reinforced concrete tensile elements tion permettent d'&aluer l'efficacitd des modules d'adh&ence prd-
are shown to assess the reliability of previously proposed sent& auparavant, qui semblent efficaces clans le domaine dlas-
models in the elastic range and to confirm that an appro- tique, et de confirmer la ndcessitd d'dtablir un module approprid
priate model for the post-yielding range of behaviour is pour ce qui conceme les ddformations plastiques de l'acier.

A c = area of concrete Bond between concrete and steel is a main topic in
A s = area of steel concrete structures. It has been widely analysed both
E = steel modulus of elasticity experimentally and theoretically; in fact, the definition
F = force in springs ofbidimensional model of a reliable theoretical bond-slip ('r relationship
c. = confined influences the concrete structure's behaviour, especially
ds = diameter of the bar in the non-linear field. The investigation of this bond
fc = cylindrical concrete strength influence can be carried out, both theoretically and
ni = initial notch spacing experimentally, by an appropriate analysis of tensile r.c.
nf = final notch spacing elements with different dimensions and load conditions.
s = slip This analysis allows evaluating the effect of bond perfor-
sm= average slip mance on b e a m - c o l u m n joints, portions of beams
u =displacement in springs ofbidimcnsional model
between two cracks and connection zones between col-
u c = displacement in concrete
umn and foundation.
u s = displacement in steel
x = abscissa In particular, an r.c. element loaded at one or two
xo = abscissa with zero slip ends by forces with the same directions (pull-out tests),
Ac = crack spacing i.e. compression on one side and tension on the other,
~c = concrete strain simulates the behaviour of a beam-column node with
es = steel strain continuous reinforcement, when the beams linked in the
es,m = average steel strain node are stressed by opposite bending moments. If the
oc = concrete stress forces at the end of the r.c. element are both of tension
Os = steel stress (direct tensile tests), this symmetric element represents
~11 = longitudinal concrete stress the central tensile part of a simple supported beam in
"~b = bond stress bending; in this case, the yielding and then failure of
"~b,m= average bond stress steel happen without the pull-out of the bar.

0025-5432/96 9 RILEM 506


In this latter case, the post-yielding steel-concrete confirm that an appropriate model for the post-yielding
bond largely influences plastic rotations of the r.c. beams; range of behaviour is necessary [13]. These results high-
therefore, it is clearly important to define the most suit- light some interesting topics, but their application to struc-
able bond model for both post-yielding and up to failure tural analysis also requires the evaluation of the influence
of the steel in order to introduce it into reliable theoretical of reinforcement detailing (stirrups, bar diameter, etc.).
procedures for the calculation of plastic rotations [1-3].
Recently, many experimental tests have been carried
out to define steel-concrete bond. Some researchers have 2. ANALYTICAL MODELS
analysed the problem in the dastic range, either by esti-
mating the strain distribution along the steel bar [4-6] or The behaviour of a specimen can be theoretically
by measuring this distribution [7]; others have begun to analysed using a monodimensional or a bidimensional
study the post-yielding distribution of strains with pull-out approach ; the first one is characterised by a low compu-
or direct tensile tests [8-10]. Tests on post-yielding bond tational charge, but is less accurate, while the second is
behaviour near cracks have been carried out as well [11]. more refined, but requires complicated constitutive laws
An overall view of the experimental tests mentioned and implies a heaW computational cost. The main topics
above highlights the increasing interest in the post-yield- concerning the two approaches are summarised in the
ing behaviour of bond, especially for direct tensile ele- following. Then, in order to develop some assessments
ments. However, these types of tests are very difficult for of the reliability of models and bond-slip laws, two con-
evaluating strain distribution along the steel bar due to crete elements are theoretically analysed. These prisms
the following problems : have a cross section of 150 x 150 m m 2, two different
- introduction of strain-gauges can cause a modification lengths (100 and 150 mm, respectively) and are rein-
of the steel-concrete interface behaviour, thus the num- forced by a steel bar with a diameter equal to 14 mm.
ber of strain-gauges might not suffice or the specimen
arrangement may be too sophisticated [7, 8];
- measure of post-yielding strain requires the appropriate 2.1 Monodimensional approach
transducers, which are very difficult to introduce at the
steel-concrete interface; and The monodimensional approach is based on the
- alternative methods are very expensive. Bernoulli hypothesis and results in a system of integer-
This last problem is amplified near cracks, where differential equations described in the following.
high slip, due to large debonding phenomena, has to be The slip s in a cross section can be defined as the dif-
measured; moreover, strains in this part of the element ference between the displacement of steel Us and the dis-
are very important because they represent a large contri- placement of concrete Uc [14]:
bution to the total slip.
s(x) = Us(X)- Uc(X) (1)
In this paper, a theoretical analysis is developed in
two steps: firstly, a comparison between a monodimen- where x is the longitudinal abscissa along the bar.
sional and a bidimensional model is conducted to evalu- The solution to the problem at the steel-concrete
ate the advantages of a more refined approach; and sec- interface can be obtained by the expression of the equi-
ondly, a c o m p a r i s o n is developed using three librium conditions along the longitudinal direction x,
well-known bond-slip relationships to evaluate their either for the whole section or only for the steel in a step
reliability within different fields of structural behaviour, of the element; finally, the congruence of steel and con-
such as elastic fields, post-yielding and, particularly, the crete has to be imposed:
steel-collapse condition.
This investigation demonstrates the necessity of a 4
better modelling of bond in the large post-yielding field; dx d~
in fact, the choice of the bond model greatly influences (2)
the evaluation of structural deformability at the ultimate ds(x) - ~ , ( x ) - ~ ( x )
state, and the formerly-proposed models provide very dx
scattered results. Moreover, the constitutive relationships of steel, con-
Furthermore, some experimental tests [12] have been crete in tension and bond-slip have to be introduced. In
carried out using a procedure capable of analysing the the following analysis, for concrete in tension a linear
post-yielding behaviour of bond in tensile r.c. elements. elastic relationship is assumed, and for steel in tension, an
The experimental method is very simple and allows experimental stress-strain relationship is considered.
obtaining an accurate and reliable distribution of the For the steel-concrete bond, three different laws are
plastic strain along the bar at the steel's failure, without introduced: the formulation by Eligehausen et al. [14, 3]
any influence of measuring instruments on bond behav- with two different variation laws from the crack distance
iour. The specimens are made with preformed cracks to and the formulation by Okamura et al. [9].
exclude the influence of cracking. The load condition is The bond action, as mentioned previously, also
in tension at the end of the specimen. depends on the distance from the crack, since the con-
The experimental results enable evaluating the reliabili- finement effect of concrete decreases near the cracks; for
ty of formerly-proposed models in the elastic range and this reason, the Eligehausen model is variable along the

5 0 7
Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions,Vol,29, October1996

bar. In the parametric analysis, two hypotheses on the

confinement level are assumed considering the concrete
confined (Fig. 1) and unconfined in the central zone
between two cracks. In this figure, the three-dimensional
graph shows the value of bond stress % on the vertical axis
versus the slip value s and the distance from crack x, non-
dimensional with respect to the bar diameter ds, on the
horizontal axis. The most "degraded" constitutive law
corresponds to the cracked section. A steel-concrete bond
relationship of this type is also suggested by CEB [15].
The bond degradation near the cracks is introduced
into the formulation by Okamura et al. [9] with the
dependence of the bond strength % on the steel elonga-
tion Es (Fig. 2).
The analytical expression of the Okamura law is:

0.730o(1+,s)) 3
fc 1 + G' 105 (3)

where S is the non-dimensional slip (S = 1000 . (s/ds))

andre the cylindric concrete strength in compression.

2.2 Bidimensional approach

The bidimensional approach is based on the finite

element method. In this case, concrete between two
cracks is subdivided into a mesh of rectangular
Lagrangian plane elements with four nodes; the steel bar

Fig. 3 - Longitudinal stress (511 o f concrete :

a) Steel stress 325 MPa; b) Steel stress at failure.

is subdivided into monodimensional elements connected

with the nodes of the concrete elements by non-linear
springs. A local relation in the nodes of steel and con-
crete is assumed in terms of force and displacement (F-
.,--" u). This procedure has also been used by other authors
0.3 1.0 3.0 10.0 0.0
with different interface elements [16, 17]. The analysis,
S [n~"n ] shown in the following, has been carried out using the
finite-element code ABAQUS.
Fig. 1 - Confined Eligehausen bond-slip relationship. In the calculation, the experimental constitutive rela-
tionship is used for steel, and an isotropic linear elastic
relation is assumed for concrete in tension; this simplifi-
e,0x,0y 3 '
I cation is suitable because cracks are preformed in testing
0.4 s 10 -3
and further cracks do not form. The above mentioned
F-u relation, between spring force and displacement,
~ 5.0 x 10 -3

represents the bond-slip relation; in particular, the bond
model ofEligehausen et al. [14] is assumed in the follow-
ing analysis.
8 ~ 1.0 x I0 -2 The bidimensional model provides the bond-slip dis-
tribution along the bar; moreover, longitudinal strains and
0.1 g~2,0x 10. 2
stresses in steel as well as longitudinal and transverse
0 F"774"0 X 10 " strains and stresses in concrete are obtained. Therefore,
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 O.Og 0.1 0.12 this approach allows analysing the longitudinal stress of
s/ds concrete ~lt as displayed in Fig. 3, where these stresses are
Fig. 2 - Okamura bond-slip relationship. shown in the case of element length equal to 100 mm; in

Manfredi, Pecce

8tx monodlmenslonal~
B i g . C.

EIIg. u.c.monodlrnenslonall
6b,. "".. I -.o=,-..,o-, IJ
"'-. .......... EIIgehausen
| c,

-~ -.~ ............ O. a)

L "-"-<2 ....
"'2'2' ........ ! O,

0 20 40 60 0.1 0.2 2 6 10 14
distance from crack (ram) s t e e l s t r a i n ~ s (10 -2)

Fig. 4 - C o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n bidimensional and

monodimensional models
0,8 p-.,--..,. ,,
a) the case of a steel stress before yielding is considered,
and in b) the condition of steel failure is drawn. 0.6
It can be observed that before yielding, the stress in
concrete extends as far as 2.5 times the diameter of the 0.4
bar, confirming the value suggested by CEB [15] for the
definition of the "effective area" of concrete in tension 0.2
in evaluating crack spacing. After yielding, this area
reduces and at failure it is at about 1.2 diameters, because
0.1 0.2 2 6 10 14
the slip increases and the bond strength decreases. s t e e l s t r a i n ~ s(lO "2)
In Fig. 4, a comparison between bidimensional and
monodimensional models is shown in terms of slip, for Fig. 5 - Steel strain - n o n d i m e n s i o n a l slip relationship :
(a) C r a c k spacing 100 m m , (b) C r a c k spacing 150 m m .
the case of element length equal to 150 mm. The results
are practically coincident: the monodimensional model is
efficient in the determination of strains, stresses and slip ences result for strain values greater than about 3%,
along the bar, using the assumption of Bernoulli's which corresponds to the end of the plateau in the steel
hypothesis, because the deformation of concrete in ten- constitutive relationship, the difference is obviously
sion has a very small influence on the steel deformation; increasing with element length.
however, the bidimensional model allows evaluating the This result is probably due to the model development
behaviour of concrete in tension and clearing out the area procedures: the two Eligehausen et al. models have been
around the bar where concrete is more heavily-loaded. A developed using the external slip values of pull-out tests
careful evaluation of this "effective area" is important in with the steel practically in the elastic range, and the
the study of cracking in r.c. elements, while it is clear that Okamura model was obtained using the results of a large
in a problem with prefixed crack spacing, the monodi- number of pull-out and direct tensile tests (also with
mensional approach is very reliable for defining the measurements along the bar), with elastic and yielded
deformability of the steel-concrete system. Therefore, all steel without very large strains (i.e., es < 3-4%). For this
of the following analyses are carried out by the monodi- reason, the reliability of these three models in the elastic
mensional approach. field is high; the Okamura law seems more suitable in
describing the distribution of post-yielding strains along
the steel bar with no large strain, but in the large post-
2.3 Comparison among bond-slip models yielding field, the three models still have to be tested.
The pertinent issues of Fig. 5 show that the models
The behaviour of the tensile elements, as previously are really more uncertain in the field where the available
described, has been studied in order to analyse the influ- experimental tests are very limited; moreover, the large
ence of the bond model on the r.c. behaviour. In Fig. 5 (a) influence of this deformation range on the ductile
and (b) the ratio ~-: behaviour ofr.c, structures underlines the importance of
s(0) research being conducted in this field.
- (4)

between the slip of the embedded bar at end section s(O) 3. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
and of the naked one 8s(O).kc/2 is drawn as a function of
steel strain at end sections Es(0). It is interesting to As a consequence of these theoretical remarks, an
observe that the three models provide practically the experimental program has been developed to investigate
same results in the elastic range. While the largest differ- the bond behaviour in tensile r.c. elements with steel in

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 29, October 1996



"~ 0.3 measured values t

corrected values with
"low pass b filter



50 100 150 200 250 300 350
abscissa (ram)
Fig. 6 - Specimen dimensions and details. Fig. 7 - Typical strain distribution along the specimen after
the post-yielding field. The simple, but reliable, proce-
dure used in this study is able to analyse this range of
The specimens are concrete prisms with an embed-
ded steel bar. The geometrical characteristics are equal to
those of the elements previously examined analytically. I
Therefore, the concrete element has a cross section of ~f
150 x 150 mm2 and is 600 lnm long; furthermore, ~ 0.08
cracks are preformed by means of transverse steel sheets. ~0.06 ~ Ac=lOOrara
The steel bar length is 1000 mm; the bar is reinforced at 0.04 o L~c=lOO ram (not centered bar)
the ends by two yokes attached with resin, to avoid steel Ac =150 ram
failure in the loaded zones of the specimen; around the
yokes, stirrups are used (Fig.6). 0 I I b [ I I I
10 20 3 40 50 60 70 80
Two different crack distances are considered (kc = 100 distance from crack (mm)
and 150 mm); moreover, in the case ofAc = 100 mm, the
bar is positioned either at the centre or at 30 mm from one Fig. 8 - Average strain distribution in steel bar.
of the faces of the concrete element. For each of the three
types of specimens, 3 elements are tested. In fact, during the test the crack width is measured at
The specimens are made with concrete of an average subsequent steps of loading up to steel yielding ; these
cylindrical resistance equal to 31 MPa in compression values represent the slip in the cracked section.
and 3.2 MPa in tension, as obtained by indirect testing. Another experimental output is the residual strain
The steel is a BTS 500 type characterised by the follow- distribution 8 in the steel after failure ; it can be evaluat-
ing average parameters: yielding stressfy = 540 MPa, ed as follows:
stress at failurefu = 625 MPa, uniform strata eu = 13.7%,
nf -n i
diameter ds = 14 mm. The load was applied using a uni- = (5)
versal testing machine; the load was transmitted by rigid ni
end fittings to the yokes of the steel bar. where ni is the distance between two notches before the
In order to measure the steel strains after failure, loading (5 mm) and nf the distance measured after the
accurate notches have been made on the naked steel bar steel rupture by an optical reader.
at a fixed distance; these notches have been carved by a By this method, it is possible to carry out a reliable
precise cutter every 5 mm. The position of these notches and accurate distribution ores along the bar in the failure
after failure allows defining the permanent strain; the condition that corresponds to the rupture of steel
measurement of this final position has been carried out (Fig. 7). It is worth noting that in the rupture section,
by an optical reader with a precision of 0.001 millime- the steel strain is greater than the eu of the naked bar, due
tres. Furthermore, crack width was measured during the to the necking phenomena. In the following analysis, all
test for different load steps. results refer to the part of the specimen where the neck-
ing is absent in order to ignore its influence on bond.
The average values of strains between cracks are calculat-
4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ed considering the 3 equal specimens and the elements
between cracks of the same specimen where failure did
Experimental measurements can be summarised into not occur; these results are presented in Fig. 8.
two types: the cracks opening during the loading appli- These values of strains can be considered as not being
cation, and the strain distribution along the bar at steel influenced by necking; moreover, the elastic strain of the
failure. steel, which is lost after failure of the bar, and the tensile

Manfredi, Pecce

strain of concrete cannot be considered because these

values are negligible compared with the plastic strain at
failure. These results can therefore be taken as the strains 80 i~ ~

at the ultimate condition.

The experimental results in terms of strains allow ~so
evaluating slip s(x) and bond stress %(x) along the bar
using the following expressions:
,(x)= s(X)aX;b(x)= 4<- ' <(x)
dx (6) 2O
//" I
naked bar
while neglecting the concrete deformation. 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
crack opening (ram)

Table I - Experimental average values Fig. 9 - C r a c k opening in the elastic range :

C r a c k spacing 150 m m .
Crocks Bar em sliPcrack sm "rb,m
spacing position (%) (mm) (mm) (MPa)
100 centred 10.90 5.45 2.10 0.51
[C.O.V.=0.181 0.14 ~: ,. ""~

100 eccentric 11.16 5.58 2.44 0.65

[C.O.V.= 0.041
150 centred 8.27 6.20 2.12 2.25 .S
[C.O.V. = 0.241 o ..........., , % 2 2 . . . . -..
In Table 1, the main experimental results at steel col- oo4
lapse are summarised. The values refer to the average of
three specimens in the sections without necking; the . . . .
results show low values of C.O.V. The slip in the pre- 20 40 60
cracked section obviously increases with the crack spac- distance from crack (ram)
ing, while the average strain 8m and the average slip Sm
between cracks decrease because the stiffening effect of Fig. 10 - Steel strain distribution : Crack spacing 150 m m .
bond increases with the embedded length as shown by
the average bond stress %,m. The effect of the bar posi-
tion is negligible, as presented in Table 1 and in Fig. 8;
in fact, the global behaviour is not dependent on the [
transverse position of reinforcement because the cover
depth is sufficient to avoid splitting. [ "%~ Elli~hausen 9

"'-, ----=--

A theoretical-experimental comparison is developed,

using a monodimensional approach, with reference to 40 60
the three well-known bond-slip relationships described distance from crack (mm)
With respect to the elastic range of steel in Fig. 9, the Fig. 11 - Slip distribution: Crack spacing 150 m m .
crack opening, which is an average value of the 3 equal
specimens, is plotted as a function of load in the case of
crack spacing equal to 150 mm for the centred bar; in
the same figure, the theoretical values are also reported, Concerning the post-yielding field, the evaluation of
including the behaviour of the naked steel bar. the specimen's deformation at the failure of steel is very
It can be observed that all three models, practically dependent on the bond model as demonstrated in Figs.
equivalent, provide results in good agreement with the 10, 11 and 12. In these figures, the experimental values
experimental ones. Therefore, the high reliability of of strain 8s, slip s and bond stress %, for both the tested
bond-slip models in the elastic range is confirmed as crack spacing distances, are shown together with the the-
previously discussed. oretical values obtained using the 3 previously-described

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 29, October 1996

the conditions of equilibrium and compatibility. In addi-

10 tion, the results are highly dependent on debonding near
,g cracks, which is a local phenomenon and, therefore, very
Ellgehausen c. difficult to model.

. . . . - _,/L,-,----7 --
The theoretical analyses and the experimental tests
display the following results about bond-slip behaviour
20 40 60 in post-yielding tensile elements :
distance from crack (mm) 9 The monodimensional approach is very reliable in
the determination of strains, stresses and slip along the
Fig. 12 - B o n d stress distribution: Crack spacing 150 m m . bar in a problem with prefixed crack spacing. The bidi-
mensional model allows carefully evaluating the behav-
iour of concrete in tension and defining the "effective
bond-slip models. The strain is the average value mea- area" around the bar where the concrete is more heavily-
sured on the bar for the 3 specimens, while s and % are loaded, which is an important topic in the study of
calculated from equation (6). cracking in r.c. elements.
In Fig. 10, the 8 shape displays that near cracks there is 9 In the theoretical analysis on r.c. prisms, the three
a small variation of strains but not a perfect debonding; examined bond-slip models provide practically the same
moreover, along the whole bar, the yielding strain is results in the elastic range, while large differences result
exceeded. The Eligehausen-type models show a perfect for steel in the post-yielding field. This remark under-
debonding zone near the crack, and therefore the experi- lines the importance of researching this field, where the
mental strain distribution is not well-fitted. On the con- models are distinctly more uncertain and the available
.trary, the Okamura model does not present the debond- experimental tests are very limited.
ing zone but globally is too stiff. 9 The simple and cheaper experimental method,
In Fig. 11, better agreement among the different used in this test, is reliable in obtaining an accurate dis-
models has been obtained when comparing slips. The tribution of the plastic strain along the bar at failure,
confined Eligehausen model provides good results for without any influence of the measurement instruments
the crack spacing distances of 100 and 150 mm. In fact, on bond behaviour.
the error in the fitting of slip in the cracked section is 9 In the elastic range, the experimental values of
about 3% and 2%, respectively. The unconfined crack width are well-fitted using all bond-slip relation-
Eligehausen model is quite flexible, and the error is ships, without considerable differences.
about 7% and 30%, respectively, and quickly increases 9 For the tested specimens, the bar position has a
with the dimension of the specimen due to the overesti- negligible influence on the deformation ofr.c, elements;
mated debonding near the crack. The Okamura model is in fact, the global behaviour is poor depending on the
too stiff and the error is about 20% and 7%, respectively, transverse position of the reinforcement, if the ratio
and decreases with crack spacing. between the bar diameter and the cover depth is suffi-
The results in terms of slip are obviously related to cient to avoid the splitting.
the results in terms of%, whereas these are not generally With reference to the reliability of bond-slip rela-
satisfactory. Experimental and analytical % values are tionships at steel failure, it is possible to observe that:
shown in Fig. 12; the Okamura model yields poor 9 The confined Eligehausen model provides better
results, while the Eligehausen-type models are able to fit overall results apart from specimen dimension, although
shapes of the experimental bond stress, although the it is not able to fit the steel strain distribution very well:
assessment of values is not good. this aspect probably depends on the characteristics of
In conclusion, for all the models, the best agreements experimental data, i.e. external slip on the specimens
with experimental results are in terms of slip values and used in obtaining the analytical formulation.
shapes along the bar; this parameter is the most stable 9 The unconfined Eligehausen model is globally not
because it has been obtained as an integration of strain; stiff enough, while the Okamura model seems too stiff,
therefore, it depends on an average value of the strain although it is more capable of fitting steel strain distribu-
8s(X). Moreover, it is important to observe that whichever tion due to its direct functioning Of Ss; this model under-
bond-slip model is assumed, the values of strains, stresses estimates the degradation of bond for large slips near
and bond tensions along the bar in the post-yielding cracks, and this characteristic probably depends on the
range are very sensitive to the steel constitutive relation- range of experimental strain used in the development of
ship and to the &bonding model. In fact, in the large the formulation.
post-yielding field, a small variation in steel stress induces In conclusion, direct experimental tensile tests are
a large variation in steel strain, which greatly influences necessary in order to evaluate the reliability of existing

Manfredi, Pecce

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