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Passage 1

Before you read the article in Passage 1, answer the vocabulary below. Match the words or
phrases from the article with their definitions.

1. Broken home (C) a) Harm that you do to yourself

2. To snap at someone (F) deliberately, e.g. cutting or burning
3. To lose touch (E) yourself
4. To snap out of it (I) b) To recover quickly
5. To cope (D) c) A family where the parents have
6. Blue (H) separated
7. Help line (B) d) To deal successfully with a situation
8. Self-injury (A) e) To lose contact
9. Counselor (G) f) A telephone advice service
g) A person professionally trained to talk
to people about their problems
h) To speak to someone angrily
i) Unhappy (informal)
Now, read the article.
After you read the article, answer the questions following by deciding whether the
statement is true (T) or false (F).

1. Teenagers don’t want to become adults. (F)

2. Teenagers often don’t know how to get help with their depression. (T)
3. Other people are usually the first to see you are depressed. (T)
4. A common symptom of teenage behavior is moody behavior. (T)
5. It is easy to recover quickly from serious depression. (F)
6. Talking to a person who is depressed is a good way to help. (T)
7. Telephone help lines are a private way to talk about your problems. (F)
8. Anyone can be a counselor. (F)
9. Everyone feels miserable sometimes. (T)

Passage 2
Read the questions and an incomplete review of a film called Super Size Me. The review has
been edited so you can read only the parts that will help you answer the “Reading for the
gist” questions. Work as quickly as you can.
1. What is this movie about?
Documentary film about mcdonald
2. Does this writer have a positive or negative opinion of the movie?
Positive, because the authors explain the strict diet can be done by eating junk food.
3. Does the writer recommend the movie?
yes, because the author has done health research before making his documentary film.
4. In which aspects of the movie is this reviewer most interested?
yes, because this movie is very innovative, different from the usual documentary.

Good luck!

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