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Kendra Carlson

SPED 400
MDT Reflection

Today we started MDT a little early so we could meet with some of the general
education teachers with the team. This was a unique meeting set up because many of
the general education teachers all referred students to be tested for special education
all the week before spring break and the week after parent teacher conferences. The
MDT didn’t understand what the true need was for each individual referral and thought it
was important to meet about each student referred.

The principal hired a floating sub for the meeting. He went from general education
classroom to general education classroom as the teachers were scheduled to meet with
the team. Each teacher was required to fill out a CAT form in order to properly refer a
student. All of the teachers came prepared with their forms and data, ready to share
with the team the needs of the student.

We had the LEA from the district attend the meeting. While the teachers spoke, she
reviewed the information and data they brought about the students. It seemed like she
pointed out mistakes they made in interpreting the data as a qualification for special
education. She showed the student’s current data graph and then showed the scores
required for special education. She was very professional in her conversation and
explained what the general education teachers can and should do to help these

I thought it was interesting that the general education teachers just wanted to refer their
students for special education. The district LEA made it clear that just because a
student is struggling in the general education whole group, that this may not be the
student’s fault and could very well be the teacher’s fault. I also thought it was interesting
how the general education teachers were hesitant to implement more work for the
student’s success.

We met with 5 teachers about 5 different students before we had to end the meeting for
an IEP meeting. All of the special educators noted the names and show great concern
for the students. One of them even commented on what she will do with the general
education teachers to help them succeed in teaching the students they are struggling
with. There was one parent referral that we discussed and it seemed valid and urgent
so they are oging to send consent home and being testing as soon as possible.

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