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Re-establishing trust in the financial world

Never has there been so little trust between investors and financial companies. Investors feel they
don’t get the financial returns they need, they think they pay their managers too high and feel the
“products of the day” are pushed to them and their actual needs are not listened to.
At the same time, you feel every single day the pain of an increasingly commoditized industry, the
pressure of generating returns in a low rate environment, the cost of increasing regulations and the
unknown of the transformation triggered by technological evolutions.

H-Ideas aims at re-establishing trust in the investment community by advising you on how to:
• Strategically position your company in connection with the goals of your clients
• Differentiate your proposition
• Express this proposition in a way that motivates clients and prospects
As a result, you can win more business and keep what you have longer.

Why you need to work on your strategy, your positioning and your differentiation
- Mistakes cost more. With ever increasing barrier to entries, it is critical to carefully craft your
plans and decide what to do and what not to do.
- Your clients have a lot of managers to choose from. If you are not different, you won’t get
noticed: 4’000 managers in Europe, 54’000 funds in Europe.
- Differentiation drives margin, as well known by company of the retail world (e.g. Apple,
BMW, Nespresso, Evian,…)
- Technology is changing the rules of the game, by commoditizing some of the offer (e.g.
Robot advisors) and providing your tech savvy competitors with new weapons to differentiate
(e.g. Artificial Intelligence)
- Inspiring client focused propositions are the foundation of long term relationships
- You have a wider audience to convince, with governments disengaging from solving
retirement issues, this is left to individuals.

What H-Ideas brings you

- We have a combined experience of several decades working in investment companies: we
have lived the problems you face, and we have solved them.
- Our advice to you will be completely independent and not influenced by any other thing we
want to sell: we haven’t got any.
- At our size, each client is unique and you will get our best ideas to address your individual
- We bring a unique combination of skills in Strategic Marketing and Computer Science, a key
combination when Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning are making their entry in
the investment world.

How H-Ideas can help your business

Our proposition is articulated on three pillars:

1 - Strategic positioning
The long-term vision to focus your efforts on the right clients in the right market. Advising you on how
to differentiate and stand out through clear positioning expressed in a way which speaks to your
clients e.g. create or evolve your brand, reposition an investment proposition, design a strategy to
enter a specific geography or market segment, develop a content marketing strategy, …

2 - Tactical wins
The commando operation to advise you on how to transform an opportunity into business success e.g.
getting prepared for a final pitch presentation, preparing for a conference,…

3 - Organisational and Operational Marketing improvements

Advise on how to structure your Marketing function, how to position it in your firm and structure its
interactions with the other teams of the company for optimal efficiency and success e.g. design a
strategy to approach investment consultants, create a Product Development process,…
We believe we will re establish trust in the financial community by advising investment companies on
how to strategically position their offer in connection with the goals of their clients.
We would be delighted to make this journey with you.
Contact Jean-François Hirschel at +41 76 328 0617 or

“Control your own destiny or someone else will.” – Jack Welch – Chairman General Electric – 1981 to

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