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BKU-14155-A 1 [Turn over


BKU-14155-A 2
1. Which of the following is not a cultural object ?
(A) Technology (B) Barbie Doll
(C) Sculptures (D) None of these

2. Tendency to view the norms and values of our own culture as standards to judge practices of
others is called :
(A) Egoism (B) Cultural Pride
(C) Ethnocentrism (D) Ethnology

3. A shop displays the sign “No-Profanity especially when women and children are around”. It is an
example of :
(A) Laws (B) Norms
(C) Values (D) Customs

4. “American Punkers” are an example of :

(A) Counter culture (B) Sub culture
(C) Cultural change (D) None of these

5. Values are shared standards of :

(A) Desirable goals (B) Morals
(C) Guidelines (D) Expectations

6. Delay before a change in one part of society produces realignment of other parts is known as :
(A) Cultural adjustment (B) Acculturation
(C) Generation Gap (D) Cultural Lag

7. Race is largely determined on the basis of :

(A) Biological Differences (B) Phenotypical Differences
(C) Genotypical Differences (D) Cultural Differences

BKU-14155-A 3 [Turn over

8. Animism is belief in :
(A) Natural Phenomena (B) Deitiis
(C) Animals (D) Religion

9. Find the odd one out :

(A) Frazer (B) Malinowaski
(C) Evans Pritchard (D) Saint-Simon

10. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of culture ?

(A) Innate (B) Biologically transmitted
(C) Dynamic (D) Static

11. Concept “Mores” is derived from :

(A) English word (B) French word
(C) Latin word (D) Spanish word

12. ‘Xenocentrism’ is :
(A) Opposite of Ethnocity (B) Preference for foreign objects
(C) Cultural relativism (D) Counter Culture

13. Which of the following is not a social process ?

(A) Exchange (B) Cooperation
(C) Competition (D) None of these

14. Which of the following is not a group ?

(A) Family (B) Couple
(C) Indians (D) Football Team

15. Which of the following is an example of ‘Secondary group’?

(A) Co-workers (B) Seminarians
(C) Gang (D) Peer group

BKU-14155-A 4
16. “Shoppers in a mall” is an example of :
(A) A group (B) An aggregate
(C) A category (D) A class

17. Major function of secondary groups is :

(A) Expressive activity (B) Instrumental activity
(C) Economic activity (D) Leisure activity

18. Which is not a characteristic of Bureacracy ?

(A) Hierarchy of authority (B) Personal relations
(C) Rules and Regulations (D) Division of Labour

19. Theory of “Social Capillarity” was propounded by :

(A) Arsene Dumont (B) Louise Dumont
(C) Emile Durkheim (D) Carr-Saunders

20. Who was the first proponent of ‘Demographic Transition Theory’ ?

(A) Becker (B) Landry
(C) Notestein (D) Easterlin

21. Which State among the following has the least population ?
(A) Haryana (B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Jammu and Kashmir (D) Punjab

22. Which among the following is the smallest metropolis according to 2001 census ?
(A) Surat (B) Kanpur
(C) Jaipur (D) Nagpur

23. Name the country which does not maintain a population register :
(A) England (B) Denmark
(C) Israel (D) Sweden

BKU-14155-A 5 [Turn over

24. Who has written the book “Polish Peasants in Europe and America” ?
(A) F. Znaniecki (B) W. I. Thomas
(C) Thomas and Znaniecki (D) None of these

25. “Population Involution” is a response to :

(A) Population growth (B) Urbanization
(C) Internal migration (D) Industrialization

26. “A Nation of Strangers” deals with migration in :

(A) Canada (B) USA
(C) Australia (D) New Zealand

27. According to 2001 census, the population of Jammu and Kashmir was :
(A) 89.9 Lakhs (B) 95.6 Lakhs
(C) 100.6 Lakhs (D) 115.2 Lakhs

28. World Population Day is celebrated on :

(A) 8th March (B) 5th June
(C) 11th July (D) 8th August

29. Which of the following does not fit with others ?

(A) Gens (B) Affines
(C) Clan (D) Phratry

30. Term Agnatic is used for :

(A) Matrilineal (B) Patrilineal
(C) Unilineal (D) None of these

31. Cognates means Kin through :

(A) Female Link (B) Male Link
(C) Any Link (D) All of these

BKU-14155-A 6
32. In the sorrorate form of marriage a man is married to :
(A) Wife’s sister (B) His cousin
(C) Brother’s widow (D) None of these

33. Primary aim of Hindu marriage is :

(A) Reproduction (B) Religious duty
(C) Companionship (D) Pleasure

34. Which of the following is a preferential from of marriage ?

(A) Love Marriage (B) Cross-cousin marriage
(C) Arranged Marriage (D) Widow remarriage

35. In this system, property is transferred through ‘mother’s brother’:

(A) Matrilineal (B) Patrilineal
(C) Avunculineal (D) None of these

36. What is not true about clan ?

(A) Common Ancestor (B) No common residence
(C) Associated with totem (D) Exogamy

37. Which of the following is not an institution ?

(C) Market (D) None of these

38. Rites of Passage .................................... :

(A) Mark the beginning of a status
(B) Mark the end of a status
(C) Mark the end of one status and beginning of another
(D) Ceremonies

BKU-14155-A 7 [Turn over

39. Propinquity means :
(A) Physical nearness (B) Social nearness
(C) Cultural nearness (D) Endogamy

40. Homogamy means the tendency to choose mate :

(A) similar to oneself (B) of similar sex
(C) of same town (D) None of these

41. Which of the following is not an example of domestic violence ?

(A) Wife battering (B) Child abuse
(C) Elderly abuse (D) Abuse of domestic maid

42. Point out the odd one out :

(A) Church (B) Ecclesia
(C) Denominations (D) Sect

43. Type of authority in a Sect is :

(A) Traditional (B) Chrismatic
(C) Rational (D) Divine

44. Exercise of power through force or threat of force is known as :

(A) Terrorism (B) Vandalism
(C) Authority (D) Coercion

45. Point the odd one out :

(A) Hospital (B) Bank
(C) Hotel (D) Industry

46. Magic includes :

(A) Sorcery (B) Witchcraft
(C) Charms (D) All of these

BKU-14155-A 8
47. “Magic, Science and Religion and other Essays” was written by :
(A) Frazer (B) Malinowoski
(C) Kluckhohn (D) Evans-Pritchard

48. Sociologists have defined religion with reference to :

(A) God (B) Sacred
(C) Ultimate (D) Spiritual

49. Magic is thought to be :

(A) Individualistic (B) Instrumental
(C) Intentional (D) All of these

50. In a market economy, economic activities are conducted by :

(A) Caste groups (B) Individuals and companies
(C) Companies (D) Government

51. According to Plato, which of the following is not a class category ?

(A) Auxiliaries (B) Guardians
(C) Land Owners (D) Workers

52. Which of the following does not figure in Marxist approach of stratification ?
(A) Class mobility (B) Class consciousness
(C) Class solidarity (D) Class conflict

53. _____ is not a process of social stratification.

(A) Differentiation (B) Ranking
(C) Rewarding (D) Selection

54. ______ does not constitute a dimension of social mobility.

(A) Time (B) Space
(C) Generation (D) Institution

BKU-14155-A 9 [Turn over

55. When an ‘overseer’ is called a ‘Junior Engineer’, it is an example of :
(A) Upward Mobility (B) Fictitious Mobility
(C) Parallel Mobility (D) Occupational Mobility

56. Ranking of social status is not done on the basis of :

(A) Value judgements (B) Personal characteristics
(C) Skills (D) Consequences

57. Ghurye is the author of __________ .

(A) Caste and Class in India (B) Caste and Race in India
(C) Caste and Religion in India (D) Caste, Class and Race in India

58. Estate system in Europe ended with :

(A) Industrial revolution (B) Green revolution
(C) French Revolution (D) Urbanization

59. Which of the following countries have never had a caste system ?
(A) India (B) South Africa
(C) America (D) Japan

60. Estate system does not prescribe :

(A) Economic duties (B) Political rights
(C) Social Conventions (D) Social Mobility

61. ‘Patidar’ is the dominant caste of :

(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Gujarat
(C) Maharashtra (D) U.P.

62. Jajmani system indicates a set of :

(A) Political relations (B) Caste dominance
(C) Economic relations (D) Social obligation

BKU-14155-A 10
63. Stratification ranks the individuals as :
(A) Rich and poor (B) Superior and inferior
(C) High caste and low caste (D) Haves and Have nots

64. According to ________, purity and pollution is an important criteria of caste hierarchy.
(A) Andre Beteille (B) M.N. Srinivas
(C) G.S. Ghurye (D) Louis Dumont

65. Max Weber categorised caste as a :

(A) Closed group (B) Community
(C) Ethnic group (D) Endogamous group

66. ‘Andre Beteille’ is the exponent of :

(A) Functional view of caste (B) Structural view of caste
(C) Cultural view of caste (D) Political view of caste

67. A tribe is characterised by :

(A) A common territory (B) A sense of unity
(C) A political organisation (D) All of these

68. ‘Jhum’ refers to the mode of :

(A) Food gathering (B) Marriage ceremony
(C) Shifting Cultivation (D) Pastoralism

69. Who has defined a tribe “as a social group with a feeling of common determination against
(A) MacIver (B) Tylor
(C) Murdock (D) Louis

BKU-14155-A 11 [Turn over

70. Which tribe is pastoralist ?
(A) Toka (B) Gujjar
(C) Bhotia (D) All of these

71. “Youth dormitory” among Trobrianders was described by :

(A) Parsons (B) Radcliffe Brown
(C) Malinowoski (D) Tylor

72. The man’s interaction with the Environment for his needs is known as :
(A) Zoology (B) Ecology
(C) Sociology (D) Biology

73. The youth dormitory among the Bhotia tribe is called ___________ .
(A) Gitiora (B) Yo
(C) Jonkerpa (D) Rangbang

74. Which tribe is not known for its artisanry ?

(A) Mario (B) Gond
(C) Tharo (D) Birhor

75. An Industrial Society is marked by :

(A) Mass production (B) Extreme division of labour
(C) Occupational Subcultures (D) All of these

76. Family in an industrial society is a :

(A) Economic unit (B) Production unit
(C) Consumption unit (D) None of these

77. The concept of Post-Industrial Society is associated with :

(A) Toffler (B) Touraine
(C) Marx (D) Smelser

BKU-14155-A 12
78. Scheduled Caste Federation was set up in 1942 by :
(A) Ambedkar (B) M.K. Gandhi
(C) Jyotiba Phule (D) Jawahar Lal Nehru

79. Which Article provides for the abolition of untouchability ?

(A) 104 (B) 216
(C) 17 (D) 217

80. Schedule VI of the Constitution of India is related to :

(A) Scheduled Castes (B) Scheduled Tribes
(C) Other Backward Castes (D) Minorities

81. Source of power in a Post-Industrial Society is :

(A) Wealth (B) Knowledge
(C) Authority (D) Status

82. Major economic activity in a Post-Industrial Society is :

(A) Manufacturing (B) Rents
(C) Services (D) Consumption

83. Burgers put forward _____ theory for the development of the city.
(A) Central Place (B) Concentric Zone
(C) Compositional (D) Subcultural

84. Who is the author of ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’ ?

(A) Georg Simmel (B) Max Weber
(C) R.E. Pahl (D) Louis Wirth

85. Term “under-urbanization” refers to :

(A) Low rate of urbanization (B) Imbalance between urbanization and
(C) Small sized cities (D) Poor infrastructure in cities

BKU-14155-A 13 [Turn over

86. Term “Conurbation” stands for :
(A) Urban agglomeration (B) Congested cities
(C) Large city regions (D) Growing cities

87. Who distinguished the cities into pre-Industrial and Industrial ?

(A) Sjoberg (B) Spengler
(C) Munford (D) Toynbee

88. Panchayati Raj System was introduced in India in ________ .

(A) 1952 (B) 1969
(C) 1977 (D) 1984

89. Which of the following is not a feature of Industrial Society ?

(A) Subsistence economy (B) Market economy
(C) Urban living (D) Electrical energy

90. According to Fischer, deviant sub-cultures exist more easily in _____ than elsewhere.
(A) Village (B) Town
(C) City (D) Region

91. Regional Community aims at :

(A) Economic Cooperation (B) Integrated Development
(C) Cultural Exchange (D) All of these

92. Guidelines which direct the conduct in a particular situation are called :
(A) Norms (B) Values
(C) Folkways (D) Mores

93. Theory of cultural lag was propounded by :

(A) Ogburn (B) Nimkoff
(C) MacIver (D) Ogburn and Nimkoff

BKU-14155-A 14
94. Scientific Theory of Culture was propounded by :
(A) Frazer (B) R. Brown
(C) Malinowoski (D) Redfield

95. The book “Untouchables” was written by :

(A) B.R. Ambedkar (B) S.C. Dube
(C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) N.K. Bose

96. Customs are also called ______.

(A) Values (B) Laws
(C) Mores (D) Folkways

97. Term “Reference Group” was coined by _______ .

(A) H. Hyman (B) T. Newcomb
(C) R. Merton (D) G.H. Mead

98. Summer gave the concept of out-group in his classic study of _____.
(A) Urban areas (B) Secondary groups
(C) Folkways (D) Reference groups

99. Replacement level Fertility requires a Net Reproduction Rate of :

(A) Less than one (B) One
(C) Two (D) More than two

100. Which is the dominant occupational group in a Post-Industrial Society ?

(A) Blue collar workers (B) Professionals
(C) Teachers (D) Semi-skilled workers

101. “Marriage is rooted in the family rather than family in marriage”. Who said it ?
(A) Murdock (B) Marx
(C) Morgan (D) Wester Marck

BKU-14155-A 15 [Turn over

102. Cross-cousin marriage is prevalent among :
(A) Gonds of MP (B) Nayars
(C) Todas (D) Ho

103. The book “The death of the Family” is written by :

(A) Robin Fox (B) David Cooper
(C) Robert Redfield (D) T. Parsons

104. The book “Sociology of Economic life” is written by :

(A) Weber (B) Smelser
(C) Parsons (D) Merton

105. One of the best examples of “Money Barter” is found among :

(A) Gonds of India (B) Ifugao of Phillipines
(C) Lovedu of S. Africa (D) Afridi of Pakistan

106. Which year is considered as the year of Great Divide in the history of population of India ?
(A) 1911 (B) 1921
(C) 1951 (D) 1971

107. Who coined the term “conurbation” ?

(A) Patrick Gedder (B) Whyte
(C) R. Park (D) R-Redfield

108. Hawthorne Experiments in Organizational and Industrial Sociology refers to :

(A) Classical Management (B) Human Relations approach
(C) Conflict Management (D) Stress Management

109. Tribal Research Institute is located at :

(A) Ranchi (B) Guwahati
(C) Bhopal (D) Tejpur

BKU-14155-A 16
110. Khond tribes are found in :
(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) W. Bengal
(C) Gujarat (D) Orissa

111. High incidence of love marriage is found among :

(A) Meena (B) Santhal
(C) Gond (D) Bhil

112. Which tribe practices ‘child marriage’ ?

(A) Gond (B) Bhil
(C) Toda (D) Munda

113. _____ is a process by which an immigrant becomes integrated into the dominant society.
(A) Cooperation (B) Assimilation
(C) Accommodation (D) Integration

114. A ‘melting pot’ culture is the result of which process ?

(A) Integration (B) Cultural Relativism
(C) Assimilation (D) Competition

115. Stopping at red light is an example of :

(A) Assimilation (B) Acculturation
(C) Integration (D) Cooperation

116. Labour-Management agreements are an example of :

(A) Hostility (B) Accommodation
(C) Competition (D) Reconcilation

117. Group cohesion is based on :

(A) Small Size (B) Proximity
(C) Frequent Interaction (D) Rigid Laws

BKU-14155-A 17 [Turn over

118. December 10th is observed as :
(A) World Human Rights Day (B) World Population Day
(C) World Health Day (D) World Environment Day

119. Plough cultivation is being practised by :

(A) Kadar (B) Toda
(C) Onge (D) Munda

120. Which of the following is not a feature of Post-Industrial Society ?

(A) Mass Consumption of goods (B) Quality of life
(C) Growth of Services (D) Struggle between capitalist and worker

BKU-14155-A 18

BKU-14155-A 19 [Turn over


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