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1 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

____________________________________LECTURE 9______________________________________

1. DNA is a polymer of ______________________.

2. Nucleotide contains: 1.__________________, 2.________________________,


3. Nitrogen containing bases:

_______________and ______________ – purines

______________ and ___________–pyrimidines

(_______________ in RNA)

4. Fill in the missing base pair.

2 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

5. What is the arrow above pointing to (hint: it is known as the linkage between prime ends)

6. DNA’s double strands are held together by what bond?

7. The two strands run ________________________, one runs in the 5’- 3’ direction while the

other runs in the ____’-____’ direction. The strands are twisted to form a _______________


8. Where is the genetic information for DNA held?

9. What is a gene?

10. For and organism to evolve what must happen?

11. What is a mutation?

12. What is one (the only way)of the three different ways DNA could serve as? Explain
3 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

13. List all of the enzymes used for DNA replication and explain each

14. The leading strand builds in what direction while the lagging strand builds in the opposite?

15. For DNA replication the lagging strand goes through a slightly different process then the leading

strand what is the step by step process that it goes through?

16. What is the origin of replication?

4 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

17. What are telomeres?

18. What are three DNA repair mechanisms to minimize the number of errors? Define each

19. What are the four types of RNA?

20. What is RNA polymerase II ?

21. (True/ False) Just one DNA strand (the template strand) is used to make the RNA.

22. What are the three steps involved in transcription? Explain the main process of each
5 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

23. How is RNA polymerase like DNA polymerase?

24. _________________ are heritable changes in DNA that are passed on to daughter cells.

25. Multicellular organisms have two types of mutations what are they? Explain

26. Mutations of single genes is known as?

27. What is a chromosomal mutation?

28. Match the pictures with its appropriate mutation. Define each mutation

29. Which of the mutations causes sickle-cell anemia?

6 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

30. What is a frame-shift mutation?

31. What are the four different types of chromosomal mutations ? Define each

32. Name the following chromosomal mutations

33. What is chromatin?

34. What are histones?

7 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

35. These wraps of DNA and histone proteins are called ___________________and resemble beads

on a string.

36. How many types of histones are there?

37. What is the function of H1?

38. What are some of the functions of histones?

* Histones can be methylated, causing DNA to be bound more tightly, which will down-regulate or even
inhibit gene transcription.
Histones can be acetylated, causing DNA to be bound more loosely, which will encourage transcription.

39. What does the Greek prefix epi- in epigenetics imply?

40. (true/false) {If false fix sentence if true leave as it is }

Epigenetics is an emerging frontier of science that involves the study of changes in the regulation of gene
activity and expression that are dependent on gene sequence.  

*Epigenetics focuses on processes that regulate how and when certain genes are turned on and turned off.
8 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

____________________________________LECTURE 10_____________________________________

1. All cells come from ___________ cells.

2. PICTURE below label the following and What is the R point?

3. What four events are required for cell division? Explain each

4. What is the difference in cell division between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

5. What three subphases does interphase consist of?

9 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

6. What are two types of signaling molecules? Define

7. What are growth factors?


9. What happens once kinase is activated?

10 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

10. Explain the restriction point of the cell cycle? Which part is in the cytoplasm?

11. What is the RB(retinoblastoma protein)?

12. What does Phosphorylated RB protein (pRB) do to the cell cycle in G1?

13. What is RB known as?

14. How many phosphorylations does it take to activate RB?

15. How many chromosomes do humans have?

16. What are each sets of chromosomes called?

17. What is SNPs(pronounced as Snips)? What does it effect?

11 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

18. Name and define each Phase

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13 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

1. What is asexual reproduction?

2. What is sexual reproduction?

3. Cells that contain pairs of homologous chromosomes is known as what?

4. What is the difference between meiosis and mitosis?

5. Cells that contain just one homologous chromosomes of each pair is known as

6. When haploid gametes (sperm & egg) fuse in fertilization, they create the _______________
which is 2n or ________________________.

7. What two processes does meiosis divide into?

8. DNA is replicated ____________.

____________nuclear divisions occur.

_____________ daughter cells are produced.

The daughter cells are ________________.

The daughter cells are genetically different.

9. In Meiosis (define):
i) Prometaphase I is:
14 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

ii) Metaphase I is:

iii) Anaphase I is:

iv) Telophase I is:

10. Independent assortment plus crossing over ____________________ the genes.

11. Meiosis II is similar to mitosis except ______________________ does NOT occur.

The resulting cells are ____________.

In metaphase II the homologous chromosomes align on the ___________________ plate.

In anaphase II the ________________ ____________________ separate.

12. What is synapsis and crossing-over?

15 | Study Guide Final exam  May 4th Ignore grammatical errors

13. What does meiosis lead to?

14. Define independent assortment.

15. Input the missing information.

16. What two ways does the cell die? (define each)

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