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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp.

489-504 (2007) 489


James T. Lin, Tzu-Li Chen* and Wei-June Chen
Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
National Tsing-Hua University
101, Section 2 Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.


This research focuses on the strategic capacity and product mix planning problems in Thin
Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) Panel Industry. A capacity and product
mix planning decision model for TFT Array multi-plant is proposed according to TFT-LCD
panel industry environment. Capacity and product mix planning problems for TFT Array
multi-plant are resource allocation problems. Product mix and production quantity for each
product group produced in a specific plant are decided on capacity and product mix plan-
ning. In the planning, the objective is maximum contribution margin. And, we consider
many constraints to obtain the capacity and product mix plan, such as material utilization,
production capacity, production capability, production variable costs, and inventory-driven
costs for each product group produced in a specific plant. Furthermore, we use capacity and
product mix planning to balanced the difference between total supply capacity and total
demand forecast. If total supply capacity is smaller than total demand forecast, we evaluate
the feasibility to expand production capacity. On the other hand, we suggest increasing
production quantity in over-supply plant. We propose a methodology to solve capacity and
product mix planning problems for TFT Array multi-plant. There are three phases in the
methodology, including (1) capacity configuration, (2) capacity expansion, and (3) capacity
exploitation. In the first phase, we allocate production capacity in each plant to produce a
suit product mix set. If demand forecast is greater than supply capacity for a specific prod-
uct group, we evaluate the feasibility to expand production capacity in the second phase. In
the third phase, we suggest best additional production quantity of the profitable product
group to exploit the remained capacity adequately.

Keywords: product mix planning, capacity planning, TFT-LCD, TFT Array, multi-plant

1. INTRODUCTION are crucial for TFT-LCD industry.

Due to two significant trends, capacity and
With the growth of TFT-LCD display applica- product mix planning gradually becomes an impor-
tion, the TFT-LCD panel manufacturing has become tant mid-term strategic issue to which TFT-LCD in-
the new high-technology industry after the semicon- dustry paid attention. First is the increase of product
ductor manufacturing. The production chain in types which causes a wide range of product groups,
TFT-LCD panel industry consists of three manufac- such as mobile, monitor, notebook, TV and industrial
turing stages named Array, Cell and Module proc- display are produced. The second trend is the ad-
esses and each stage has multiple production sites. vances of new technology which cause multiple gen-
The Array process is very similar to semiconductor erations of technologies coexist in each manufactur-
wafer fabrication with the reentrance production sys- ing stage and production site. Therefore, the deci-
tem. The Cell process involves combining TFT sions of capacity and product mix planning will not
glasses with color filters, injecting liquid crystal, and only determine the profitable product mix and the
cutting the panels into different sizes. Array and Cell best production quantities of each product group at
processes are all capacity-constraint and each array site in each period but adjust the capacity
high-investment production environments. Effective and demand quantities to balance the difference be-
utilization and planning of their production capacity tween total supply capacity and total demand forecast
for maximizing the total contribution margin.
As a result of these motivations, this paper
* proposes a solution methodology to solve capacity
Corresponding author:
490 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

and product mix planning problems for TFT Array [11] further considers the demand and capacity un-
multi-plant. There are three phases which are formu- certainty to propose a scenario based stochastic pro-
lated as mixed integer programming (MILP) model gramming model for this capacity planning problem
in the methodology, including (1) capacity configura- which produces a capacity configuration that hedges
tion, (2) capacity expansion, and (3) capacity exploi- against extreme outcomes of demand and capacity
tation. In the first phase, we allocate production ca- fluctuation.
pacity in each plant to produce a suit product mix set. In the semiconductor testing industry, Wang
If demand forecast is greater than supply capacity for and Lin [8], Wang and Hou [9] and Wang, Wang and
a specific product group, we evaluate the feasibility Yang [10] started to study the practical capacity allo-
to expand production capacity in the second phase. In cation and expansion issue in the semiconductor test-
the third phase, we suggest best additional production ing facility. Wang and Lin [8] focused on the two
quantity of the profitable product group to exploit the capacity planning issues of the testing facility: (1)
remained capacity adequately. capacity expansion— what type of and how many
This paper is organized as follows: in Section testers should be invested for forthcoming orders for
2 we thoroughly review some related literatures re- wafer and chip of a semiconductor testing facility
garding the capacity and product mix planning prob- under budget constraint? (2) capacity alloca-
lem in the semiconductor and other industry; after tion—how to allocate tester capacity for the orders so
that, in Section 3, we describe and define the capacity that the profit of a company can be maximized? They
and product mix planning problem for the TFT Array developed a genetic algorithm simultaneously to
multi-plant; Section 4 shows the solution methodol- solve the two problems. Wang, Wang and Yang [10]
ogy proposed by this paper; the numerical example further considered various important factors of the
are illustrated in Section 5, then the conclusion is in capacity planning decision such as resource invest-
Section 6. ment alternatives, trade-offs between the price and
speed of equipment and capital time value to con-
struct a mathematical programming model. Then they
2. LITERATURE REVIEW proposed a constraint programming-based genetic
algorithm (CPGA) to solve it.
More literatures discussed the capacity and
product mix planning problem in the semiconductor
manufacturing industry or the semiconductor testing 3. CAPACITY AND PRODUCT
industry. But fewer literatures discuss the capacity MIX PLANNING PROBLEM
and product mix planning problems in the TFT-LCD
production chain.
In the semiconductor manufacturing industry,
3.1 Problem Analysis
Chou and Hong [2] first describes the characteristics
of the product mix planning problem in foundry For the TFT-LCD industry, the capacity and
manufacturing that are attributable to the long flow product mix planning belongs to the strategic module
time and queuing network behaviors. They also de- with the mid-term time horizon and the product group
velop the integer linear programming techniques and level of the product hierarchy in the hierarchical
a heuristic procedure for solving product mix plan- planning and scheduling framework mentioned by
ning. Chung, Lee and Pearn [3] propose an applica- Lin, Chen and Lin [7]. According to the monthly de-
tion of the analytic network process (ANP) for the mand forecast generated by the Demand Planning
selection of product mix for efficient manufacturing Module, capacity and product mix planning deter-
in a semiconductor fabricator. Christie and Wu [1] mines the optimal product family mix and production
and Karabuk and Wu [11] studies the real strategic quantities at each array site. Furthermore, capacity
capacity planning problem in the semiconductor in- and product mix planning can also adjust the capacity
dustry. They stated the capacity planning of the semi- and demand quantities to balance the difference be-
conductor industry can be described as an iterative tween total supply capacity and total demand forecast
process between the following two main components: for maximizing the total contribution margin. When
(1) capacity expansion, given projected product de- total supply capacity is smaller than total demand
mands, identify the required manufacturing technolo- forecast, we evaluate the feasibility to expand pro-
gies and their capacity levels to be physically ex- duction capacity for gaining more profits. On the
panded or outsourced through the planning period, other hand, we suggest additional production quanti-
and (2) capacity configuration, determine which fa- ties in over-supply sites while total supply capacity is
cility is to be configured with which technologies mix. greater than total demand forecast.
Christie and Wu [1] present a multistage stochastic Therefore, the capacity and product mix plan-
programming model for the strategic capacity plan- ning involves three main decisions, capacity con-
ning under the demand uncertainty. Karabuk and Wu figuration, capacity expansion and capacity exploita-
tion. These three decisions are described as follows.
Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 491

z capacity configuration z Planning Purpose

The capacity configuration decision will find According to the three decisions from the
the profitable product mix and the best production above analysis, the purposes of the capacity and
quantities of each product group at each array site in product mix planning problem includes the following
each period. Moreover, the unmet demand will be points.
generated and drive the capacity expansion decision
while total supply capacity is smaller than total de- Capacity Configuration
mand forecast. While there is no unmet demand and The aim of capacity allocation decision must
there are remained capacities, the capacity exploita- consider the many constraints such as production
tion will be executed. capacity and production capability constraints to de-
z capacity expansion termine the product mix at each site in each period
When there is the unmet demand, the capacity and the production quantity of each product group at
expansion is driven to decide how much capacity of each site in each period.
which product group with high margins is expanded Capacity Expansion
to gain the highest contribution margin. The According to the unmet demand generated by
TFT-LCD industry always purchases the new auxil- the capacity configuration, the goal of capacity ex-
iary tools to expand the capacity of the specific pansion decision will decide the expansion capacity
product group at the specific site since purchasing the quantity for each product at each site in each period
new machine and constructing new site are more ex- and the purchasing amount of the auxiliary tool for
pensive. each product at each site in each period.
z capacity exploitation Capacity Exploitation
When there is no unmet demand and there are The target of capacity exploitation will find the
remained capacities, the capacity exploitation will be best additional production quantity of the profitable
executed to determine the best additional production product group for improving capacity utilization un-
quantity of the profitable product group for maxi- der the remained capacity.
mizing the total contribution margin. Because the
array process is capacity-constraint production envi- z Planning Performance
ronment, its capacity should be exploited adequately The decision of the capacity and product mix
without any remained capacity. planning in the real TFT-LCD industry usually made
by the human experience. Therefore, they only can
3.2 Problem Definition consider the single performance such as the maxi-
mum of total glass utilization rate, the minimum of
In this section, we identify the planning pur- the total glass cost or the maximum of total capacity
pose, planning performance, input information, out- utilization rate and neglect other performances such
put results and assumptions to define the capacity and as the total inventory-driven cost. This paper pro-
product mix planning problem as shown in Figure 1. poses a new performance, the total contribution mar-
gin, for the capacity and product mix planning. The
total contribution margin is defined as below.

Figure 1. The problem definition of the capacity and product mix planning
492 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

Total contribution margin 9 Minimum production batch.

= total revenues – total variable production cost – 9 Inventory obsolescence rate.
total inventory-driven cost Cost Information
= total revenues – total variable production cost – 9 Unit variable production cost for each product
(total inventory holding cost + total deprecia- group at Array site in each period.
tion loss costs) 9 Unit inventory holding cost of each product
= total revenues – total variable production cost – group.
total inventory holding cost – total depreciation 9 Expansion cost of each product group at Array
loss costs site.

The following planning performance of three z Output Results

decisions within the capacity and product mix plan- The output results of the capacity and product
ning problem are shown. mix planning problem are listed as follows.
Capacity Configuration 9 The “product mix” at each site in each period.
The objective of capacity configuration is the 9 The “production quantity” of each product
total contribution margin which is equal to total group at each site in each period.
revenues minus total costs, included total variable 9 The “expansion capacity quantity” for each
production costs, total inventory holding costs and product at each site in each period.
total depreciation loss costs. 9 The “purchasing amount of the auxiliary tool”
Capacity Expansion for each product at each site in each period.
The performance of capacity expansion is the 9 The “additional production quantity” of each
total potential contribution margin which is equal to product group at each site in each period.
total contribution margin caused by the unmet de-
mand minus total expansion costs. z Assumptions
Capacity Exploitation Several assumptions of the capacity and prod-
The total contribution margins of capac- uct mix planning problem discussed within this paper
ity exploitation are calculated as total revenues are justified below.
caused by the additional production quantities minus 9 The demand unit is piece.
total variable production costs. 9 The production unit of array is sheet.
9 The quantities and prices of demand are deter-
z Input Information ministic and vary by period.
The input information involves three different 9 Only consider Array stage without cell and
categories, demand information, supply information module stages.
and cost information. 9 Capacity expansion only focuses on purchasing
Demand Information new auxiliary tools without considering new
9 The monthly demand forecasts of each product machines or new sites.
group in the each period which are generated 9 The yield rates and production lead time of
by demand planning and vary by period. Array process are deterministic.
9 The monthly sale price of each product group 9 The material supplies are sufficient. Don’t con-
in the each period which is generated by de- sider the material available constraint.
mand planning and varies by period.
Supply Information 4. SOLUTION METHODOLOGY
9 Panel area for one piece of each product group
9 Glass area for one sheet at Array site.
9 Glass Cutting Ratio for each product group PRODUCT MIX PLANNING
produced at Array site.
9 Potential expansion capability for each product Capacity and product mix planning problem is
group at Array site. complicated and hard to solve by an integrated
9 Upper bound of expansion capacity for each mathematical model from the analysis of section 3. In
product group at Array site. this section, the study developed a sequential and
9 Expansion capacity lead time. iterative solution methodology to solve it. The solu-
9 Available capacity of each product group at tion methodology is composed of three phases: ca-
each site. pacity configuration, capacity expansion and capacity
9 Production capability for each product group at exploitation. First, the capacity configuration phase
each site. only considers the current available capacity for each
9 Total capacity of Array site. array site and each product group to decide the best
9 Production lead time of each Array site. product mix and production quantities. Then, the ca-
9 Yield for each product group at each site. pacity expansion phase will recommend that the ca-
Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 493

pacity of certain product group must be expanded at 4.1 Notation Definition

certain site in certain period. Finally, the capacity
exploitation will decide the additional production Before describing the MIP model, some nota-
quantities to utilize the remained capacities ade- tions which will be used throughout these three
quately for achieving the maximum of the total con- phases are defined.
tribution margins when there are the remained ca-
pacities of the specific sites. Indices
These three phases in proposed solution meth-
odology have the close and iterative relationships p = the index of product group, p = 1,...,P
shown as Figure 2. First, the capacity configuration
will generate the initial capacity and production plan. i = the index of Array site, i = 1,..., I
Then, the unmet demands generated by capacity con-
figuration phase are used to judge whether the capac- t = the index of production period, t = 1,..., T
ity expansion should be executed or not. While there ~ ~
are the unmet demands, the capacity expansion must t = the index of sale period, t = 1,..., T
be processed. When there are no unmet demands, the
final phase, capacity exploitation must be processed. The input parameters have three different cate-
While the capacity expansion decision can not find gories, demand related parameters, supply related
any expansion opportunities, the capacity exploitation parameters and cost related parameters. The follow-
will be executed. When there are the expanded ca- ing parameters are defined.
pacities of the specific sites, the capacity configura- Parameters
tion phase are carried out again to get the new capac-
ity and product mix plan. z Demand related Parameters
Because each phase within developed solution
methodology is an optimization problem, we formu- D p ,t = demand of product group p in period t
late these three phases as mixed integer programming
models (MIP) and solve them by the existing optimi- Dpr ,t = unmet demand of product group p in
period t
zation software package. The mathematical models of
the three phases are depicted as follows. S p ,t = price of product group p in period t
S p = average price of product group p

∑S p ,t
Sp = t =1
, ∀ p
z Supply related Parameters
A p = panel area for one piece of product
group p
Gi = glass area for one sheet at Array site i
UPp ,i = glass cutting ratio for product group p
produced at Array site i
U p ,i = glass utilization rate for product group p
produced at Array site i
A p ⋅ UPp ,i
U p ,i = , ∀ p, i
EAp ,i = potential expansion capability for prod-
uct group p at Array site i

(If EAp ,i = 1 , Array site i has capabil-

ity to expansion capacity of product
group p ; if EAp ,i = 0 , Array site i has
no capability.)
Figure 2. The flow chart of solution methodology lower bound of expansion capacity for
BE p ,i = product group p at Array site i in pe-
riod t
494 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

total capacity of Array site i to pro- Decision Variables

TCi ,t = duce product group p in period t
X p ,i ,t ,t = product mix decision for product group
TCir,t = remained capacity of Array site i to ~
p sold during the sale period t at
produce product group p in period t
Array site i in production period t
CAp ,i ,t = production capability for product group
p produced at Array site i in period (If X p ,i ,t ,t = 1 , Array site i produces
t the product group p; if X p ,i ,t ,t = 0 , Ar-
(If CApa,i ,t = 1 , product group p can ray site i doesn’t produce the product
be produced at Array site i in period group p)
t ; if CApa,i ,t = 0 , product group p XQ p ,i ,t ,t = the “release” production quantity of
product group p sold during the sale
can’t be produced at Array site i in ~
period t ) period t at Array site i in produc-
tion period t
PE p ,i ,t = upper bound of expansion capacity for Q ( t −1)
product group p at Array site i in pe- SD p ,i ,t ,t the “output” production quantity at Ar-
ray site i in the production period t
riod t
for product group p which sells during
PC p ,i ,t = available capacity of product group p at ~
Array site i in period t the sale period t and releases in the
PC pr ,i ,t = remained capacity of product group p at period (t-1)
Q (t )
Array site i in period t SD p ,i ,t ,t = the “output” production quantity at Ar-
minimum production batch for product ray site i in the production period t
B p ,i =
group p at Array site i for product group p which sells during
yield for product group p produced at
y p , i ,t = the sale period t and releases in the
Array site i in period t period t
ELTi = expansion capacity lead time at Array
site i Objective function
LTi = production lead time at Array site i
O p = inventory obsolescence rate of product
group p
z Cost related Parameters ⎧( SD Qp ,(i t,t−,1)t + SD Qp ,(i t,t),t ) ⎫
⎪ ( t − t )

SC p ,i = expansion cost of product group p at ⎪*(1 − O p ) ⋅ S p ,t ⎪
Array site i ⎪ Q ( t −1)

VC p ,i ,t = unit variable production cost for product ⎪ −( SD p ,i ,t ,t ⋅ VC p ,i ,t −1 ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ + SD p ,i ,t ,t ⋅ VC p ,i ,t )
group p at Array site i in period t Q (t )

VC p ,i = unit average variable production cost for T I P
⎪ ⎪
product group p at Array site i in pe- ∑ ∑∑∑ Q ( t −1)
⎨ −( SD p ,i ,t ,t + SD p ,i ,t ,t )
t∈{t ≤ t } t =1 i =1 p =1 ⎪
Q (t )

riod t ⎪ (1)
T ⎪*max(( S p ,t − S p ,t ), 0) ⎪
∑ VC p ,i ,t
⎪ Q ( t −1)
⎪ −( SD p ,i ,t ,t + SD p ,i ,t ,t )
Q (t ) ⎪

VC p ,i ,t = t =1
⎪ ⎡1 − (1 − O ) ( t −t ) ⎤ ⎪
T ⎪* ⎢ ⎪
⎥ ⋅ HC
HC p = unit holding cost for the inventory of ⎪ ⎢⎣ O ⎥⎦

product group p ⎩ p ⎭
h= number of days included in each period

4.2 Capacity Configuration Phase The objective of the capacity configuration de-
cision is to maximize the total contribution margins.
The total contribution margins are calculated as total
The capacity configuration phase decides the
revenues minus total costs, included total variable
best product mix and production quantities of each
production costs, total loss costs caused by the price
product group at each array site in the each period.
depreciation and total inventory holding costs.
The MIP model of the capacity configuration is for-
mulated as below.
Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 495

Constraints ration as the following MIP model.

1. Array Site Capability Constraints Decision Variables

X p ,i ,t ,t ≤ M ⋅ CAp ,i ,t ∀p, i, t , t (2)
E p ,i ,t = capacity expansion decision for
XQp ,i ,t ,t ≤ M ⋅ X p ,i ,t ,t ∀p, i, t , t (3) product group p at Array site i in
production period t
2. Array Site Capacity Constraints
P (If E p ,i ,t = 1 , Array site i expands
∑ ∑ XQ
t∈{t ≤t } p =1
p ,i ,t ,t ≤ TCi ,t ∀i, t (4)
the capacity of the product group p; if
E p ,i ,t = 0 , Array site i doesn’t expand

t∈{t ≤t }
XQ p ,i ,t ,t ≤ PC p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (5)
the capacity of the product group p)
3. Minimum Production Batch Constraints
EQ p ,i ,t = expansion capacity quantity for prod-
B p ,i ⋅ max ( X p ,i ,t ,t ) ≤
t ∈{t ≤t }

t∈{t ≤ t }
XQp ,i ,t ,t ∀p, i, t (6) uct group p at Array site i in period
4. Demand Satisfaction Constraints accumulative expansion capacity
APC p ,i ,t =
⎛ LTi ⎞ Q ( t −1) quantity for product group p at Array
⎜ ⎟ ⋅ XQp ,i ,t −1,t ⋅UPp ,i ⋅ y p ,i ,t −1 = SD p ,i ,t ,t
⎝ H ⎠ site i until period t
(7) t − ELTi
∀p, i, t , t
⎛ H − LTi ⎞
APC p ,i ,t = ∑t =1
EQ p ,i ,t
⎟ ⋅ XQp ,i ,t ,t ⋅UPp ,i ⋅ y p ,i ,t = SDp ,i ,t ,t
Q (t )

⎝ H ⎠ (8) ESD Qp ,(i t,t−1) = the “output” production quantity at
∀p, i, t , t Array site i in the production pe-
riod t for product group p which re-
∑ ∑ ( SD )

Q ( t −1)
p ,i ,t ,t + SD Qp ,(i t,t),t ⋅ (1 − O p )(t −t ) ≤ D p ,t ∀p, t (9) leases in the period (t-1)under the
t∈{t ≤t } i =1
expanded capacity
5. Other Constraints
ESD Qp ,(i t,t) = the “output” production quantity at
X p ,i ,t ,t = 0 or 1 ∀p, i, t , t, Binary (10) Array site i in the production pe-
riod t for product group p which re-
XQ p ,i ,t ,t ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t , t (11) leases in the period t under the ex-
panded capacity
SDQp ,(i t,t−,1)t , SDQp ,(i ,tt),t ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t , t (12)
Objective function

Because some specific product groups could

be produced in some specific sites, the production
capability constraints are shown by constraint Eqs. (2) T I P

& (3). Constraint Eqs.(4) is the available capacity ∑∑∑ ( ESD

t =1 i =1 p =1
Q ( t −1)
p ,i ,t + ESD Qp ,(i t,t) ) ⋅ ( S p ,t − VC p ,i ,t )
constraint of each site in the each period and Con- (13)
straint Eqs.(5) represents the available capacity con- − ∑∑ APC p ,i ,T ⋅ SC p ,i
straint of each site and each product group in the each i =1 p =1

period. And the constraint of the minimum produc-

tion batch quantities are represented by constraint
Eqs.(6). While the array site i wants to produce The objective of the capacity expansion is to
product p in period t, the minimum production batch maximize the total potential contribution margins
quantities must be satisfied. Finally, the demand sat- under the expansion decision. The potential total
isfaction constraints are shown as constraints Eqs. contribution margins are equal to total revenues
(7)~(9). caused by the unmet demand minus total costs, in-
cluded total variable production costs, and total ex-
pansion costs.
4.3 Capacity Expansion Phase

The purpose of capacity expansion is to iden-

tify the expansion capacity amount of each product
group at each site in each period under the existing
unmet demands. We formulate the capacity configu-
496 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

Constraints constraint Eqs.(20). While the array site i wants to

expand the capacity of the product p in period t, the
1. Potential Expansion Capability Constraint minimum expansion quantities must be satisfied. Fi-
E p ,i ,t ≤ M ⋅ EAp ,i ∀p, i, t (14) nally, the demand satisfaction constraints under the
expanded capacities are shown as constraints Eqs.
EQ p ,i ,t ≤ M ⋅ E p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (15) (21)~(23).
2. Capacity Expansion Constraint
t − ELTi
4.4 Capacity Exploitation Phase
APC p ,i ,t = ∑t =1
EQ p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (16)
The capacity exploitation decision will decide
the best additional production quantities of the high-
APC p ,i ,t ≤ PE p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (17) est profitable product group under the remained ca-
APC p ,i ,t ≤ PE p ,i ,t − PC p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (18) pacities of the specific sites. The MIP model of the
capacity exploitation is formulated as follows.
APC p ,i ,t ≤ TCir,t ∀p, i, t (19)
Decision Variables
3. Minimum Expansion Quantities Constraints
BE p ,i ⋅ E p ,i ,t ≤ EQ p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (20) Z p ,i ,t = product mix decision for producing
4. Demand Satisfaction Constraints the additional product group p at Ar-
ray site i in production period t
⎛ LTi ⎞ Q ( t −1)
⎜ ⎟ ⋅ APC p ,i ,t −1 ⋅ UPp ,i ⋅ y p ,i ,t −1 = ESD p ,i ,t
⎝ H ⎠ (21) (If Z pa,i ,t = 1 , Array site i produces
∀p, i, t the additional product group p; if
⎛ H − LTi ⎞ Z pa ,i ,t = 0 , Array site i doesn’t produce
⎟ ⋅ APC p ,i ,t ⋅UPp ,i ⋅ y p ,i ,t = ESDp ,i ,t
Q (t )

⎝ H ⎠ (22) the additional product group p)
∀p, i, t
ZQ p ,i ,t ,t = the “release” additional production
∑ ( ESD )≤D
Q ( t −1) quantity for producing the product
+ ESD Q (t ) r

i =1
p ,i , t p ,i ,t p ,t
(23) group p at Array site i in production
period t
∀p, t
ZSDQp ,(i t,t−1) = the “output” additional production
5. Other Constraints quantity at Array site i in the pro-
E p ,i ,t = 0 or 1 ∀p, i, t , Binary duction period t for producing the
(24) product group p which releases in the
period (t-1)
EQ p ,i ,t ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t (25)
ZSD Qp ,(i t,t) = the “output” additional production
quantity at Array site i in the pro-
APC p ,i ,t ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t (26)
duction period t for producing the
ESD Qp ,(i t,t−1) , ESD Qp ,(i t,t) ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t (27) product group p which releases in the
period t

Constraint Eqs.(14) & (15) is to decide Objective function

whether the array site i can expand the capacity of the
product p in period t or not. If there is EAp ,i = 1 , the Maximize
site i has a capability to expand the capacity of prod- T I P ⎧⎪( ZSD Qp ,(i t,t−1) + ZSD Qp ,(i t,t) ) ⋅ s p ,t ⎫⎪
uct group p. If there is EAp ,i = 0 , the site i has no ∑∑∑ ⎨−(ZSD p =1 ⎪
Q ( t −1)
⋅VC p ,i ,t −1 + ZSD p ,i ,t ⋅ VC p ,i ,t ) ⎭⎪
Q (t ) ⎬ (28)
t =1 i =1
⎩ p ,i ,t
capability to expand the capacity of product group p.
Constraint Eqs.(16)-(19) are all capacity expansion
constraints. Constraint Eqs.(16) means the calculation The objective of the capacity exploitation de-
of the accumulative expansion capacity quantity for cision is to maximize the total contribution margins.
product group p at the array site i until period t. Con- The total contribution margins are calculated as total
straint Eqs.(17) indicates the total expansion capacity revenues caused by the additional production quanti-
can not exceed a upper bound. Constraint Eqs.(19) ties minus total variable production costs.
indicates the total expansion capacity can not exceed
the total capacity of the array site i. The constraint of
the minimum expansion quantities are represented by
Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 497

Constraints plants and total capacity are depicted in Table 1 and

Table 2. In addition, every product group has differ-
1. Array Site Capability Constraints ent application, size, resolution, and panel dimension,
shown as Table 3. Moreover, the demand information
Z p ,i ,t ≤ M ⋅ CAp ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (29) is shown as Table 4.
The production capability of array plants is in-
ZQ p ,i ,t ≤ M ⋅ Z p ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (30) dicated in Table 5. “1” represents that the product
group is able to be manufactured in that array plant.
2. Array Site Capacity Constraints On the contrary, “0” represents that the product group

∑ ZQ
is NOT able to be manufactured in that array plant.
p , i ,t ≤ TCir,t ∀p, i, t (31) Therefore, Array 1 can only manufacture product
p =1
group 2, 3, 4 and 6, and Array 2 can only manufac-
ZQ p ,i ,t ≤ PC pr ,i ,t ∀p, i, t (32) ture product group 1 and 5.
Following the problem description, the plan-
3. Minimum Production Batch Constraints
ning results through three-phase capacity and product
Bp,i ,t ⋅ max(max( X p,i ,t ,t ), Z p,i ,t ) ≤
t∈{t ≤t}

t∈{t ≤t}
XQp ,i ,t ,t + ZQp,i ,t
mix planning are illustrated as below.
∀p, i, t Phase One: Capacity Configuration
According to the capacity configuration model
4. Demand Satisfaction Constraints proposed in the section 4.2, the allocation result of
⎛ LTi ⎞ Q ( t −1)
every product group for different array plants in
⎜ ⎟ ⋅ ZQp ,i ,t −1 ⋅UPp ,i ⋅ y p ,i ,t −1 = ZSDp ,i ,t every period is shown as Table 6. And the fulfillment
⎝ H ⎠ (34)
demand quantity of every product group is indicated
∀p, i, t in Table 7. Since there are the unmet demands shown
⎛ H − LTi ⎞ as Table 9 after this phase, the capacity expansion
⎟ ⋅ ZQp ,i ,t ⋅ UPp ,i ⋅ y p ,i ,t = ZSDp ,i ,t
Q (t )
⎜ must b executed.
⎝ H ⎠ (35)
z Phase Two: Capacity Expansion
∀p, i, t Following the surplus capacity and unmet de-
5. Other Constraints mand information from phase one, the expansion
capacity amount of each product group at each site in
Z p ,i ,t = 0 or 1 ∀p, i, t , Binary (36)
each period through the method proposed in section
ZQ p ,i ,t ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t (37) 4.3 is shown in Table 10. The result shows that Array
1 can expand the capacity by 33.254 K sheets for
ZSD Qp ,(i t,t−1) , ZSD Qp ,(i t,t) ≥ 0 ∀p, i, t (38) product group 1 in the third period (Mar-06). Owing
to the expansion lead time is one month, Array 1 is
Constraints Eqs. (29) & (30) show the produc- able to manufacturing product group 1 and the capac-
tion capability constraints. Constraint Eqs.(31) is the ity constraint for product group 1 is 33.254 K sheets
available capacity constraint of each site in the each after the forth period (Mar-06). The accumulative
period and Constraint Eqs.(32) represents the avail- expansion capacity amount for every period is shown
able capacity constraint of each site and each product in Table 11.
group in the each period. The constraint of the mini- z Re-planning Phase One: Capacity Configura-
mum production batch quantities are represented by tion
constraint Eqs.(33). Finally, the demand satisfaction According to the result of the expansion ca-
constraints are shown as constraints Eqs. (34)~(35). pacity amount from phase two, Array 1 requires to
purchase new tools to expand its capacity for pro-
ducing product group 1. Therefore, we need to go
5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE back to phase one to re-plan the capacity configura-
tion for getting the new capacity and product mix
In order to verify the feasibility and reason-
plan. The planning results are shown in Table 12 and
ability of capacity and product mix planning prob-
lems for TFT Array multi-plant, an example is pre-
The results of surplus capacity and the unmet
sented in this section. In the example, we simplify the
demand from re-planning capacity configuration are
capacity and product mix planning problems of
shown in Table 14 and 15. The surplus capacity of
TFT-LCD production chain in the real world. There
Array 1 is now decreased significantly after Array 1
are six product group and two array plants in this
is capable of manufacturing product group 1. How-
model. The planning horizon is one year and the
ever, the demand of product group 1 is still not ful-
planning period is one month.
filled completely and the capacity for product group 1
Array 1 and Array 2 are designed to be G3.5
will not be expanded in phase two. In such situation,
and G4.0 plants, and the detail information of the
some demands can not be totally fulfilled.
498 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

z Phase Three: Capacity Exploitation and (3) capacity exploitation. In the first phase, we
If there is surplus capacity after re-planning allocate production capacity in each plant to produce
the phase one, we continue to proceed to phase a suit product mix set. If demand forecast is greater
three—capacity exploitation to maximize the capac- than supply capacity for a specific product group, we
ity utilization. The planning results are shown as Ta- evaluate the feasibility to expand production capacity
ble 16. The surplus capacity of Array 1 is assigned to in the second phase. In the third phase, we suggest
manufacture the additional production quantities of best additional production quantity of the profitable
product group 3 in advance to maximize the total product group to exploit the remained capacity ade-
contribution marginal profit. quately.
In the future, two extended problems can con-
6. CONCLUSION tinuously study. One problem can study the capacity
and product mix planning in the more complicated
The strategic capacity and product mix plan- production chain involved multi-stage and multi-site
ning problems is a complicated and difficult decision structure. This paper only considers the single-stage
for the TFT-LCD industry. This research decomposes and multi-site structure, since the array stage is an
this complex problem into the three decision models important bottleneck of the TFT-LCD production
and develops the sequential and iterative solution chain. Another issue can study the stochastic capacity
methodology to solve this real problem. There are and product mix planning problem under the demand
three phases in the proposed methodology, including uncertainty since the demand forecasts usually are
(1) capacity configuration, (2) capacity expansion, inaccuracy.

Table 1. Array plants information

Substrate Dimension Array Cell Module Through
Plant Generation
mm mm mm x mm LT (days) LT (days) LT (days) LT (days)

Array 1 G3.5 620 750 465,000 5 3 3 11

Array 2 G4 680 880 598,400 6 3 3 12

Table 2. Total capacity information

Total capacity (K sheets/ per month)

Plant Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Array 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Table 3. Product group information

Resolution Panel Dimension
Product Group Application Size
H V mm mm mm x mm

1 Monitor 19.0" 1280 1024 377 301 113,477

2 Monitor 19.0"W 1440 900 409 256 104,704

3 Notebook 12.1"W 1280 800 261 163 42,543

4 Notebook 14.1" 1024 768 287 215 61,705

5 Notebook 14.1"W 1280 800 304 190 57,760

6 Notebook 15.4"W 1280 800 332 207 68,724

Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 499

Table 4. Demand information

Demand (K pieces/ per month)

Product Group Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06

1 310.765 310.765 310.765 366.995 366.995 366.995 465.158 465.158 465.158 534.675 534.675 534.675

2 33.471 33.471 33.471 10.274 10.274 10.274 14.587 14.587 14.587 19.803 19.803 19.803

3 31.593 31.593 31.593 27.542 27.542 27.542 29.349 29.349 29.349 29.553 29.553 29.553

4 135.756 135.756 135.756 121.796 121.796 121.796 121.651 121.651 121.651 116.463 116.463 116.463

5 65.273 65.273 65.273 81.476 81.476 81.476 119.565 119.565 119.565 151.855 151.855 151.855

6 24.561 24.561 24.561 34.382 34.382 34.382 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432

Table 5. Production capability information

Production Capability

Product Group Plant

Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 6. Result of capacity and product group allocation plan

Allocation Quantity (K sheets/ per month)
Product Group Site
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 90.622 90.622 90.622 86.742 89.328 87.604 79.633 84.947 81.404 76.034 79.614 77.227

Array 1 19.46 22.63 16.29 0 9.431 3.971 11.092 6.969 9.356 12.763 10.79 11.932
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 4.539 4.539 4.539 3.62 4.152 3.844 4.432 4.092 4.289 4.221 4.261 4.238
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 26.007 26.007 26.007 21.784 24.229 22.814 23.589 23.14 23.4 21.68 22.676 22.1
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 9.378 9.378 9.378 13.258 10.672 12.396 20.367 15.053 18.596 23.966 20.386 22.773

Array 1 7.058 7.058 7.058 11.514 8.934 10.428 2.78 7.207 4.644 6.128 5.269 5.766
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 57.064 60.233 53.894 36.918 46.746 41.057 41.893 41.409 41.689 44.793 42.996 44.036
Array 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
500 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

Table 7. Fulfillment demands of each product group

Fulfillment Quantity (K pieces/ per month)
Product Group
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
1 310.765 310.765 310.765 303.341 303.73 303.73 284.905 284.905 284.905 271.867 268.945 268.945

2 33.471 33.471 33.471 10.274 10.274 10.274 14.587 14.587 14.587 19.803 19.803 19.803

3 31.593 31.593 31.593 27.542 27.542 27.542 29.349 29.349 29.349 29.553 29.553 29.553

4 135.756 135.756 135.756 121.796 121.796 121.796 121.651 121.651 121.651 116.463 116.463 116.463

5 65.273 65.273 65.273 81.476 81.476 81.476 119.565 119.565 119.565 151.855 151.855 151.855

6 24.561 24.561 24.561 34.382 34.382 34.382 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432

Table 8. Surplus capacity

Residual Total capacity (K sheets/ per month)
Plant Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 22.936 19.767 26.106 43.082 33.254 38.943 38.107 38.591 38.311 35.207 37.004 35.964

Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 9. Unmet demands of each product group

Unmet Demand Quantity (K pieces/ per month)
Product Group
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
1 0 0 0 63.654 63.265 63.265 180.253 180.253 180.253 262.808 265.73 265.73

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 501

Table 10. Capacity expansion result–the expansion capacity amount

Expansion Quantity (K sheets/ per month)
Product Group Site
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 0 0 33.254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 11. Accumulative expansion capacity amount for every period

Accumulative expansion capacity amount (K sheets/ per month)
Product Group Site
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 0 0 0 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
502 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

Table 12. Result of capacity and product group allocation plan for re-planning capacity configuration
Allocation Quantity (K sheets/ per month)
Product Group Site
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 0 0 0 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254 33.254
Array 2 90.622 90.622 90.622 86.742 89.328 87.604 79.633 84.947 81.404 76.034 79.614 77.227

Array 1 19.46 22.63 16.29 0 9.431 3.971 11.092 6.969 9.356 12.763 10.79 11.932
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 4.539 4.539 4.539 3.62 4.152 3.844 4.432 4.092 4.289 4.221 4.261 4.238
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 26.007 26.007 26.007 21.784 24.229 22.814 23.589 23.14 23.4 21.68 22.676 22.1
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 9.378 9.378 9.378 13.258 10.672 12.396 20.367 15.053 18.596 23.966 20.386 22.773

Array 1 7.058 7.058 7.058 11.514 8.934 10.428 2.78 7.207 4.644 6.128 5.269 5.766
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 57.064 60.233 53.894 70.172 80 74.31 75.146 74.662 74.942 78.046 76.249 77.29
Array 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Table 13. Fulfillment demands for re-planning capacity configuration

Fulfillment Quantity (K pieces/ per month)
Product Group
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
1 310.77 310.765 310.765 339.565 360.927 360.927 342.101 342.101 342.101 329.064 326.142 326.142

2 33.471 33.471 33.471 10.274 10.274 10.274 14.587 14.587 14.587 19.803 19.803 19.803

3 31.593 31.593 31.593 27.542 27.542 27.542 29.349 29.349 29.349 29.553 29.553 29.553

4 135.76 135.756 135.756 121.796 121.796 121.796 121.651 121.651 121.651 116.463 116.463 116.463

5 65.273 65.273 65.273 81.476 81.476 81.476 119.565 119.565 119.565 151.855 151.855 151.855

6 24.561 24.561 24.561 34.382 34.382 34.382 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432 19.432

Table 14. Surplus capacity for re-planning capacity configuration

Residual Total capacity (K sheets/ per month)
Plant Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
Array 1 22.936 19.767 26.106 9.828 0 5.69 4.854 5.338 5.058 1.954 3.751 2.71

Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 15. Unmet demands for re-planning capacity configuration

Product Unmet Demand Quantity (K pieces/ per month)
Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06
1 0 0 0 27.43 6.069 6.069 123.057 123.057 123.057 205.611 208.533 208.533

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lin et al.: Capacity and Product Mix Planning Problem for TFT Array Multi-Plant 503

Table 16. Capacity exploitation result

Product Additional Production Quantity (K sheets/ per month)
6-Jan 6-Feb 6-Mar 6-Apr 6-May 6-Jun 6-Jul 6-Aug 6-Sep 6-Oct 6-Nov 6-Dec
Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 22.936 19.767 26.106 9.828 0 5.69 4.854 5.338 5.058 1.954 3.751 2.71
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Array 1 22.936 19.767 26.106 9.828 0 5.69 4.854 5.338 5.058 1.954 3.751 2.71
Array 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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planning in semiconductor fabricator”, International ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Journal of Production Economics, 96, 15-36 (2005).
5. Hopp, W. J. and M. L. Spearman, Factory Physics: James T. Lin is a Professor in the Department of
Foundations of Manufacturing Management, Second Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York (2000). at National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan
R.O.C. He received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial
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8. Wang, K. J. and S. H. Lin, “Capacity expansion and tional Tsing-Hua University (NTHU). His research
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504 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2007)

Wei-June Chen received his MS degree from Indus- Scheduling.

trial Engineering and Engineering Management De-
partment at National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU). (Received May 2007; revised March 2007; accepted
His research interests are Simulation, Planning and May 2007)

TFT Array 多廠區之產能與產品組合規劃問題

300 新竹市光復路二段 101 號工程一館


進行探討,提出一適用於目前 TFT 陣列(Array)多廠區的產能與產品組合規劃之決策模
式,以解決目前業界所面臨之問題。TFT Array 多廠區之產能與產品組合規劃問題,
貢獻(contribution margin)為目標,決定 TFT Array 各世代廠區最適合生產的產品族集
TFT Array 多廠區之產能與產品組合規劃問題,提出三階段之規劃方法論:(1)階段一:


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