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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Format

EDU 514

Date: 3/15/17 Grade Level: 13strd Grade Target Students:Whole Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Small Group

Theme/Topic: Reading not just the book but the pictures as well.The life cycle Formatted: Font color: Text 1

and parts of a plant

Rationale: When reading a childrens book, you can also gain imformation by looking Formatted: Font color: Text 1

at the pictures. Students will review the pictures to make sense of text. In the
text, the author not only writes it but expresses the emotions in the pictures for
readers to locate.Students need to be able to identify the parts of a plant and to Formatted: Font color: Text 1, Not Highlight

understand the life cycle of a plant. Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Common Core, NC Essential Standards and ISTE Standards: Formatted: Font color: Text 1

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.7 Formatted: Font: +Body (Calibri), 14 pt, Not Bold, Font

color: Text 1, Text Outline, Shadow
Use illistrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, and Formatted: Don't add space between paragraphs of the same
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to Formatted: Font color: Text 1

demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis Formatted: Font color: Text 1

for the answers Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Craft and Structure :CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.5 Refer to parts of stories, Formatted: Font color: Text 1

dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as Formatted: Font color: Text 1

chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: CCSS.ELA- Formatted: Font color: Text 1

LITERACY.RL.3.10CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to Formatted: Font color: Text 1

demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis

for the answers
Comprehension and Collaboration: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1 Engage effectively Formatted: Font color: Text 1

in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with

Formatted: Font color: Text 1

diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and
expressing their own clearly.

Information and Technology Skills NC Essential Standards 3.TT.1 Use technology

tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities. 3TT.1.1 Use a
variety of technology tools to gather data and information (e.g., Web-based
resources, e-books, online communication tools, etc.). 3.TT.1.2 Use a variety of
technology tools to organize data and information (e.g., word processor, graphic
organizer, audio and visual recording, online collaboration tools, etc.).

Science NC Essential Standards 3.1.2 Understand how plants survive in their

environments. Remember the function of the following structures as it
relates to the survival of plants in their environments: Roots – absorb nutrient
Stems – provide support Leaves – synthesize food.

ISTE Standard 1 Empowered Learner - Students leverage technology to take an

active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning

ISTE Standard 2 Digital Citizen - Students recognize the rights, responsibilities

and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world,
and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

Lesson objectives: While students go through the book they will find key Formatted: Font color: Text 1

details hidden in the illustration to identify the emotion/feeling of the

characters within the book.
Students will identify, discuss, and use multimedia to present
ideas/concepts/information in a variety of ways as an individual and as a class.

Students will investigate and describe how plants pass through distinct stages in
their life cycle including growth, survival and reproduction.

Student Friendly Objective: first time reading the book students will locate Formatted: Font color: Text 1

and describe what kind of feeling the character is having throughout the book
without reading the words. Second time reading the book we will then read
the book as well as compare what the students said to the illustration to the
aI can identify and describe how plants grow, survive and multiply by making a
diagram of a plant and labeling its parts. I can also draw a picture of a plant using
“Paint” and describe the life cycle of a plant.a

Essential Question: Why should children look at the illustration in the book? Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Why is it important for readers to not only read the book but examine the
pictures? Formatted: Font: (Default) Comic Sans MS, 12 pt, Bold,
Font color: Text 1
Are students able to identify the parts of a plant and discuss the life cycle of a
Formatted: Font color: Text 1
plant including growth, survival and reproduction?

Materials: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, very bad day Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Sticky notes
Document camera
SMART board
Readers notebook
- Copy of Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
- Each student has a Science journal where student notes are kept
- Classroom Chromebook set
- iPads for ELL students
- Parts of a Plant worksheet
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Time Lesson Activities

10 Minutes Introduction: we go through why good readers always Formatted: Font color: Text 1

read the book as well as look at text throughout the

Go over and explain to students why reading a book
multiple times is a good thing for new readers to help
improve their reading skills.
Use document camera to right on sticky notes on what
students will think we will be doing with the illustration
in the book.
- Read the text, projecting text onto SMARTBoard
using the document camera
- During the reading teacher will be asking questions
to help the students identify the parts and life cycle
of a plant. (Students should be able to use knowledge
from previous discussions to answer questions)
- Students will take notes in their science journals
during this time

10 Minutes Teacher Input/ Modeling: Explain to them the new tool Formatted: Font color: Text 1

we are going to learn today (reading the illustration) and

why it is good to have this tool throughout their life as
readers. As an author writes a book they also like to
express themselves in the illustration instead of the
text. So as we read the book we will find more
imformation by reading the text as well as the
illustration. This helps us have a better understanding
of the book. As we read through the book we can see
Alexanders facial expression and predict what might
happen next, or we can go over the text and see if the
aurthor says anything about his mood or did the
students just predict that.
- Before modeling how to label a plant diagram,
student will have the opportunity to ask questions
about the information presented in the story
- Model writing labeling parts of a plant with the class
using the SMARTboard document camera

10 Minutes Guided Practice:As we flip through the pages the Formatted: Font color: Text 1

students will demonstrate the emotion on alexanders

face as well as turn and talk to their partner and
predict what will happen next. After we will then read
the text and use a thumbs up or thumbs down to see if
the students predictions were right. I as the teacher
will then engage myself with the students and give
positive feedback to let them know that some of their
predictions where right.
- Students will move to their desks (in groups of 4) to
discuss and review the story and the notes they took
in their journals. Before going off into their group
discuss expected behavior for the group activity
- Students will individually complete the Parts of a
Plant worksheet. This activity will guide them in
drawing, labeling and coloring their picture

15 Minutes Independent Practice: students will have their own book Formatted: Font color: Text 1

that they are reading on their grade level and try to

identify illustration in other books to see if their
emotions match the illustrators text. When flipping
from page to page students will then write down what
they think is happening on the text and then when
reading the book a second time compare and contrast
their predictions with the text to see if the pictures
relate to the words.
- Students will use the Chromebooks and Microsoft
Paint to draw, label and paint a picture of a plant
showing the parts of a plant. They can refer to their
science journal and Parts of a Plant worksheet as
needed for information.
- *Student with ADHD will move to a quiet place
during independent writing time
- Independent work will be assessed using the rubric
- Teacher will float around the class to check for
understanding and assist students as needed

5 Minutes Closure: explain to the students why good readers read the Formatted: Font color: Text 1

illustration, and how you can do this with any illustration

book that they read from here on out.
Teacher will collect students’ labeled illustrations for
display in the classroom.
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Evaluation of Student Learning

Formative: I will walk around the classroom while the students are on their Formatted: Font color: Text 1
individual group work and see the progress that they have made and learned
from the previous lesson just taught. Class and group discussion

Summative: I will look over their sticky notes and give additional help if
needed. Labeled illustration and writing
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Extension Of Lesson

Students will compare and contrast illistrations in other picture books. Students Formatted: Font color: Text 1

will write a paragraph describing the parts and life cycle of a plant using
complete sentences and descriptive vocabulary. Students will type their final
draft in google docs. Assignment will be shared with the teacher on google drive
when complete.
Formatted: Don't add space between paragraphs of the same

Plans for Individual Differences Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Early Finishers: Move on to a different picture bookCan read and/or log into Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Renaissance Place and take Accelerated Reader quizzes on the Chromebook.

Late Finishers: Can finish assignment at home or for morning work the next day.
Instead of making 4 sticky note predictions they will only make 2 sticky notes

Exceptionalities: Students may work with a partner or group. Formatted: Font color: Text 1

- Complete plant worksheet with teacher- dictate ideas to teacher first,

teacher repeats and student writes. Or dictate to teacher to scribe
depending on disability.
- Discussion in small group with teacher
- Visual cues on how your worksheet should be completed
- Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.25", Don't add space
between paragraphs of the same style, Outline numbered +
English Language Learners: English Language Learners can use google translate Level: 1 + Numbering Style: Bullet + Aligned at: 1.25" +
Indent at: 0.5"
on the iPad to translate their diagram labels from their native language to Formatted: Font color: Text 1
English, so that they can complete worksheet and then write their description.
Will be able to receive help from an adult in the room. Or draw their emotion
instead of writing it down on a sticky note

21st Century Skills: critical thinking skills, also being able to recreate the Formatted: Font color: Text 1

expression of the text. Using technology, Collaborating with peers,

communicating (verbal and written), Writing

Learning Styles Preferences Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Visual: Students will see on SMART board of the pictures in the book. Students
will also see other peers recreating the expression on their face.SMARTBoard
document camera will project picture from text throughout the lesson.
SMARTBoard slides also used during lesson.
Physical: Special seating and room placement for ADHD student who needs to be
able to stand at his/her desk during lessonstudents will have partners to interact
with during discussion time about the book
Auditory: listening to my voice as I read the text and the students follow
along. : Life of a Plant song/video Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Verbal: Text will be read aloud by teacher Formatted: Font color: Text 1

Social: Group discussion

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