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Solfege is a system of musical notation based on relationships between tones (also known as intervals). The notation on
the staff is replaced with syllables (e.g. do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do) or their abbreviations (d,r,m,f,s,l,t,d). "Do" is chosen to
be the tonic (central tone). The key or key signature is the tool that tells which pitch to use as Do based upon the
number of sharps or flats that are present.
Curwen/Glover Hand Signs
The Kodály approach emphasizes the importance of learning how to sing on pitch. In the 18th century, John Spencer Curwen drew
upon an earlier music teaching system known as Norwich Sol-fa, which had been devised by Sarah Glover, and developed hand signs
to go with the solfege syllables (do re mi, etc.). Kodály integrated these hand signs into his teaching methods.

Hand signs are a way of giving a physical placement for a vocal pitch. The low "do" begins at your midsection. Each pitch is then
above the previous one. Thus, you have the hand signs going up when the pitch goes up. The upper "do" is at eye level.

Common scales
Some common scales are given below in solfege for reference.
Ascending the chromatic scale (using sharps): Do Di Re Ri Mi Fa Fi Sol Si La Li Ti Do
Descending the chromatic scale (using flats): Do Ti Te La Le Sol Se Fa Mi Me Re Ra Do
The major scale: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
The minor scale (natural): La Ti Do Re Mi Fa Sol La
The minor scale (harmonic): La Ti Do Re Mi Fa Si La
The minor scale (melodic): La Ti Do Re Mi Fi Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do Ti La
The whole tone scale: Do Re Mi Fi Si Li Do

Special Hand Signs for Chromatic & Minor Scales

Do Di Re Ri Mi Fa Fi Sol Si La Li Ti Do

Do Ti Te La Le Sol Se Fa Mi Me Re Ra Do
Circle of Fifths
Essential questions:

1. What type of symbol do I see (i.e. flat or sharp)?

2. How many do I see?

C Major
C is Do

1# 1

G is Do F is Do

2 #s 2 s

D is Do B is Do

3 #s 3 s

A is Do E is Do

4 #s 4 s

E is Do A is Do

5 #s 5 s

B is Do D is Do

6 #s 6 s

F# is Do G is Do

7 #s
7 s

C# is Do C is Do

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