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Company Name Amet Production

Production Title: LEWIS Production Date(s) 5th March - 9th March

Producer Name: Will Stepney Director Name: Will Stepney

Date of Risk Assessment: 25/3/18 Risk Assessment conducted by: Will Stepney

Hazard Persons who may Property which Risk controls already Risk Assessment Further action
be harmed may be damaged in place LOW, MODERATE, required to control
HIGH, EXTREME risk ***
(see table)
Recording audio in Any crew or me N/A Road markings, fences MODERATE Wear high vis on set or
the street in the dark as we need
to be aware of any cars

Distorting the N/A Microphone N/A MODERATE Make sure no one or

microphones by anything it too close to
shouting too loud the mic at any times

Dropping the N/A Microphone/sound N/A HIGH We need to make sure

microphone/sound equipment everyone is aware when
equipment holding the equipment
and not to drop it on the

© AMET Productions
Sound equipment N/A Sound equipment Strap for the sound HIGH Make sure who ever is
overheating overheating equipment overheating filming with the Sound
equipment we need to
make sure It isn’t over

Tripping over any Crew and the public Sound equipment Make sure all wires are MODERATE We need to make all
sound equipment tied down and everyone is crew are aware of all the
left around aware of their wires the are lose and
surroundings whilst filming make sure the crew tie
them down so no one
can trip over them

Sound equipment N/A Sound equipment If it does rain make sure HIGH Make sure if it does rain
getting wet there is something over that the crew have made
the sound equipment and sure all equipment
camera etc including the
microphone are covered
from the weather

© AMET Productions

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