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fusiform enlargement of right lateral rectus muscle without

involvement of the tendon. Their patient showed improve-
Lacrimal gland abscess in a
ment with steroid treatment. In our case, the diplopia and child as a rare
ocular alignment at the primary gaze improved after treat-
ment for Graves disease. However, the ocular motility
manifestation of
showed worsening of abduction in the right eye and adduc- IgG4-related disease
tion in the left eye. These changes of ocular motility might
Edward L. Raab, MD, JD,a,b
account for the improvement of exotropia.
It is well known that patients with TED have a greater Hamideh S. Moayedpardazi, MD,a
incidence of myasthenia gravis (MG); both entities repre- Steven M. Naids, MD,a Alan H. Friedman, MD,a,c
sent autoimmune diseases.1,7,10 Vargas and colleagues10 re- and Murray A. Meltzer, MDa
ported patients with TED who showed exotropia due to
concomitant MG. Chen and colleagues7 suggested that Dacryoadenitis is unusual in children, and noninfectious causes can
MG may develop many years after the onset of Graves dis- be manifestations of serious undiagnosed systemic conditions. This
ease, and exotropia is rare in patient with TED. They rec- report brings further attention to this rarely-encountered condition
ommended that the development of an exotropia in a and emphasizes its association with IgG4-related disease, a group
patient with TED should alert clinicians to the possible of inflammatory disorders of high current interest whose spectrum
development of MG. In our case, the possibility of of manifestations continues to evolve. The pediatric ophthalmolo-
concomitant MG was ruled out, because the patient did gist could be in the position of identifying a patient’s serious and
previously unappreciated illness.
not have ptosis characteristic features of MG, and his
symptoms were not associated with diurnal variations or
correlated with fatigue. Moreover, the anti-acetylcholine
receptor antibody test was negative. However, the patient Case Report
will be closely followed because of the possibility of A 3-year-old boy presented at the Emergency Department
concomitant MG. of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai for care of
orbital cellulitis, suspected because of worsening swelling
and redness around his right eye of 2 weeks’ duration.
Literature Search His mother stated that he was not in pain but that the upper
eyelid now felt “hard” and was “drooping.” There was a
PubMed and Google Scholar were searched on June 1,
history of recurrent episodes of swelling around the right
2017, without language or data restrictions, using the
eye since the child was 9 months of age.
following terms singly and in combination: thyroid eye
On examination, near visual acuity was 20/20 in both
disease, Graves disease, strabismus, exotropia, and diplopia.
eyes. Pupil sizes were equal, with no afferent defect. Color
vision was intact. There was limited abduction and eleva-
tion of the right eye. The globe was displaced downward
References and forward, and there was prolapse of reddish tissue
from the lateral aspect of the upper conjunctival fornix.
1. Biousse V, Newman NJ. Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated. 2nd ed.
New York: Thieme; 2016:321-465.
Anterior segment structures were normal, and the optic
2. Mizen T. Thyroid eye disease. Semin Ophthalmol 2003;18:243-7. disk and posterior pole were unremarkable. The left eye
3. Schotthoefer EO, Wallace DK. Strabismus associated with thyroid and adnexae were normal in all respects. The child was
eye disease. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2007;18:361-5. active, afebrile, and with no evidence of respiratory or other
4. Gruters A. Ocular manifestations in children and adolescents with infection. Initial laboratory study was remarkable only for a
thyrotoxicosis. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 1999;107:172-4.
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therapeutic approaches. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2001;14: 5,300–12,500/cu mm) and an elevation of C-reactive
6. Uretsky SH, Kennerdell JS, Gutai JP. Graves’ ophthalmopathy in
childhood and adolescence. Arch Ophthalmol 1980;98:1963-4.
7. Chen CS, Lee AW, Miller NR, Lee AG. Double vision in a patient Author affiliations: Departments of aOphthalmology, bPediatrics, and cPathology, Icahn
with thyroid disease: what’s the big deal? Surv Ophthalmol 2007;52: School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York
434-9. Submitted April 29, 2017.
8. Erdurmus M, Celebi S, Ozmen S, Bucak YY. Isolated lateral rectus Revision accepted August 7, 2017.
muscle involvement as a presenting sign of euthyroid Graves disease. Published online December 27, 2017.
J AAPOS 2011;15:395-7. Correspondence: Edward L. Raab, MD, JD, Department of Ophthalmology, Icahn School
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 1 Gustave Levy Place, Box 1183, New York, NY 10029
9. Roberts CJ, Murphy MF, Adams GG, Lund VJ. Strabismus following
endoscopic orbital decompression for thyroid eye disease. Strabismus
J AAPOS 2018;22:73-75.
2003;11:163-71. Copyright Ó 2018, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and
10. Vargas ME, Warren FA, Kupersmith MJ. Exotropia as a sign of myas- Strabismus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
thenia gravis in dysthyroid ophthalmopathy. Br J Ophthalmol 1993; 1091-8531/$36.00

Journal of AAPOS
74 Raab et al Volume 22 Number 1 / February 2018

FIG 3. A, Biopsy specimen, showing lymphoplasmacytic infiltration,

fibrosis, and vascular obliteration (hematoxylin-eosin, original magni-
FIG 1. Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast showing right fication 400). B, Positive staining for IgG4 (B).
lacrimal gland abscess cavity (A) and flattening of the globe (B) by
enlarged right lacrimal gland.
gland, without extension to the subperiosteal space or
cavernous sinus; flattening and indentation of the lateral
aspect of the globe were present. The brain and sinuses
were not involved (Figure 1). With neither deterioration
nor improvement of his clinical condition by the third
day of treatment with intravenous clindamycin and despite
spontaneous purulent drainage from the superior fornix,
surgery was performed via an anterior approach. A large
amount of purulent material was encountered within the
abscess (Figure 2) and was removed. A culture showed
Staphylococcus aureus.
Because one of the treating physicians (MAM) had
experience with the group of conditions known as
IgG4-related disease, and given the history of recurrent
right periorbital swelling since infancy, a biopsy of the
thickened abscess wall was obtained for IgG4 staining.
FIG 2. Lacrimal gland abscess cavity opened showing purulent con- The incision was closed in layers after copious irriga-
tents. tion of the cavity with gentamycin solution. The post-
operative course was uneventful, and the patient
was discharged after 2 days to continue clindamycin
protein (30.4 mg/l; normal, 0.00–0.5 mg/l), both of which orally for 2 weeks. As of the 14th postoperative day,
subsided. A blood culture obtained on admission showed there was substantial resolution of swelling, with
no growth after 4 days. partially improved abduction and elevation of the eye.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast re- The biopsy showed an epithelial lining as well as
vealed a cavitary abscess in an enlarged right lacrimal fibrosis and chronic nongranulomatous inflammation

Journal of AAPOS
Volume 22 Number 1 / February 2018 Raab et al 75

(Figure 3A). Lacrimal acini were present. The excised phoplasmacytic infiltration, storiform (irregularly
tissue contained cells that stained positively for whorled) fibrosis, and obliterative phlebitis, as demon-
IgG4 (Figure 3B). Because of noncompliance with strated in our case.6
several attempts to carry out our plan to obtain rhe- The classification, multiple clinical settings and char-
umatology consultation and to follow the outcome acteristics, and diagnostic features of IgG4-related dis-
of this child’s illness, we cannot report further informa- orders continue to evolve.6-10; Appendix Serologic criteria
tion. and the number or percentage of IgG4-positive cells in
a biopsy necessary for this diagnosis, for example, have
been organ- or tissue type–specific and variably re-
Discussion ported.6 This entity can cause fibrosis from inflamma-
Causes of acute and subacute dacryoadenitis across all age tion and often irreversible damage to most body
groups include infections by a wide range of agents. tissues. Therefore, early recognition and prompt
Noninfectious causes, more typically in adults, include thy- treatment are critical. Prednisone has been effective as
roid ophthalmopathy, Wegener’s granulomatosis, and first-line therapy, with rituximab as an alternative
sarcoidosis (see eAppendix). steroid-sparing agent. At the minimum, referral for
The diagnosis is readily suggested by upper eyelid rheumatology investigation is an important adjunctive
swelling that is most prominent laterally, an S-shaped measure. Occurrence in the orbit, especially bilaterally,
appearance of the eyelid margin, and visible swelling and could indicate the presence of more widespread
prolapse of the palpebral lobe, as our patient demon- involvement,8 placing the pediatric ophthalmologist in
strated.1 MRI is the preferred confirming study. Flattening the role of “first responder” to identification and treat-
of the lateral aspect of the eye from pressure by the ment. IgG4-related disease should be considered in the
enlarged gland is a highly reliable sign.1 The characteristics differential diagnosis of orbital masses or inflamma-
on imaging substantially eliminate from consideration tions, especially when recurrent, in the pediatric age
rhabdomyosarcoma, vascular malformations, and metasta- group.
tic disease. Contrast enhancement has been advocated as
indispensable in order to show abscess formation
(Figure 2).2 References
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in this patient suggested the possibility of something Consensus statement on the pathology of IgG4-related disease.
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eAppendix. Supplemental references 4. Goold LA, Madge SN, Au A, et al. Acute suppurative bacterial dacryoa-
denitis: a case series. Br J Ophthalmol 2013;97:735-8.
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3. Cheuk W, Yuen HK, Chan AC, et al. Ocular adnexal lymphoma 7. Patel N, Khalil HM, Amirfeyz R, Kaddour HS. Lacrimal gland abscess
associated with IgG4 chronic sclerosing dacryoadenitis: a previously complicating acute sinusitis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryng 2003;67:917-19.
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Journal of AAPOS

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