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108 Ah! non credea mirarti.... Ah, non giunge Who thought to see thee languish....Add no thought from the world of mortals Aria from the opera “La Sonnambula” * Felice Romani ‘Vincenzo, Bellini English version by Willis Wager Revised by and supplied with cadenzas written by Estelle Liebling Andante cantabile Voice ibe SS | Ah, non credea mi - rar == ti Who thought to see thee lan. = guish Ossia gr os pre- sto e-stin-to, 0 fio =~ re; pas-sa = ~—ssti_ al’ par da- with er soguick-ly, 0 flow - er; Like pas - sion that has its “Sung by Amina as the final aria in the opera Copyright, 1942, by @ Schirmer, Inc. sous International Copyright Secured 109 = 1s ip = s mo - + fe cheungior-no so - lo,cheun = gior = no sol du - hour, And one day on = tw Bud one. day will re che un gior-n0 so - lo, ah, sol main, And will one day on = ly, — ah, one, Pas - sa-stialpar d'a-mo - - Like ~ love that has its hour =——. 110 2 Be Sepa ne Be ill emt. Pe ea a= 2 Se ee = a — pt — = 2 e = i o ee Po -tria no-vel_ovi - go - re il pian-to,il pian-to mio re - I may restore this flow > > er By tears, by tears of bit -ter Paap SaaS SS — ae sous car - ti, ma rav-vi- var Ya- mo - il pian-to an = guish, But to re-vive love's pow == er These tears of mio, ah, no, no, non pud. Ah,non cre-de - - a, ahynon cre-de - mine are all shed in vain. Whothought to see thee, who thought to see e —_F case? —. iQaee SS = = Gop ——- a; pas-sa-stial par, al par d’a -_ mor, cheun gior - no sol thee, like love that has, that has its hour, one day a - lone__ eae Allegro moderato 13 7 iF toe th. ppt Ft é fist lactis telah re Hitt x Gitar: Pap ma ee nt es yey gs gets ie gto = Sate Ah,non Add no thought oom thewortd of mor giun - Si pte aap - tals lp leggerissimo Saran is ' pia a j == eee a a =—se — To the fot = es Cae S9sS Saag ten - to___._ on - d'io.- son pie - na: a’ miei sen si jocre-do ap- Peete em cnomtese a Py == Meh Pe 6 fp Pp a 9 IN 4 h h_ ES + e ef t+ —— * + hs —K = Saas nr ee f = = 2 bgp Beg a te [ae - Se pe - na; tu maf-fi - da, 0 mio te- sor. Ah, miab- veal - ing—_ That you trust me—__ is—_heavn a - bove. Ah, em- Fi s —— = a — SS ——— —-9 —— : > 5 — S35 —— = 7 pp brac - cia, esom-prein sie - me, sempran-ni - ti in. una brace” me, in'me con - fid - ing, Re -u-nit - ed, inhope a- = SS =a in cui vi- via - mo_— —ci_for- We shalt ter - ra wide world, where fate may take ws, a5 SS S= aes mia - moun ciel d’a-mor, del - make us A heavnof love, Of the wide __worldguhere fate may — 116 0 _ Tempo I a = - ———=— * — = a See : = oi ee { Ah, non guin - ge u-man pen-sie - ro al con- Add ‘no thought from theworld of mor ~ ta To the pp aids a a 7 opr P leggerissimo ry $5 = io son pie - na a miei sen - Sel - ing: What my sens - ten to ony = ture my heart is Ossian pea gee rae pe - naj___—stu mfaf-fi_ - da, 0 — mio. te- sor. Ah, miab- veal - ing—— That you trust me—— is heavn a - bove. Ah, em~ ar a] : ¥ brae - cia, esemprein- sie - me, sem-preu-ni - ti inu- na brace me, imme con - fid - ing, Re - u-nit - ed, inhope a- * Ossia Onis = . > = —— SSS SSS A a in cul i-via - mo A for world, where fate may take us, We shalt ee mia - mo__un ciel d’a-mor, del - - la ter - = - rain cui vi- make us__ a heav'n of love, Of_______ the wide ___ world,where fate may = tun ciel da ~ mor love, of. : PPE ue == ade cess P —S— Cadenza A a . Poipetene—_theertens + vattcietens-Gocreeer ee ah! peoe fee e oss Cadenza B

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