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The Country Bank

Rural Bank ofBongabong Or. Mindoro Inc.

cco MEMo # 18-001



TO Loan Specialist and Supervisor; Client Service Specialist and Supervisor;

CgshQfficer, Branch Accountant, and Branch Manager
\ Ir--
FROM Elb'ernE B. Nuevo
Chief Compliance Officer

CC : Gerprdo $. Liwanag
Prdlidbn{ and cEo

Chiel operation officer

Charmel Reina Joy M. Casao

lnternal Auditor

DATE April 17, 2018

The following are new policies and guidelines governing DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS to
be used in loans and savings. These new documentary requirements will support and to establish the
CHARACTER and IDENTITY of the clients.


Upon application of client either in Loans or Savings, the clients must present a
Two (2) valid identification (photo-bearing &/or signature-bearing) as initial process in
Know-Your-Client (KYC).

ln every transaction to be entered by the client in the bank requires valid

identification to present. The following are the list of valid identification classified into
Two (2) category as per bank policy. Any identification presented by the clients that are
NOT in the said list will not be accepted.

Valid ldentification being presented may in different such as o/. Both (2) are
Primary ldentification, 0). One Primary and One Secondary ldentification, or c/. Both (2)
are Secondary ldentification.

" Ikaw at ang Rural Bank, Kapit-Bisig sa Pag-Unlad"

Head Ofiico MAll'l (Bongabong, 0r. Mindoro) ROXAS (Or. Mindoro) NASUGBU (Balangas) CALAPTTI{ (Or. Mindoro) PlilAllALAYAt{ (Or. Mindoo)
. (043)283-5'118 Tebrax: (043) 2835080 Telefax (M3)289-2021 Tdehr (043) 931-1068 Toletax (043)2884956 Teletux (043) 28,+3213
The Country Bank
Rural Bank ofBongabong Or. Mindoro Inc.



For Sole or Joint Account

1 Passport 1 Company lD

2 Driver's License 2 Student lD

3 PRC ID 3 Government Office / GOCC lD

4 NBI Clearance 4 National lD

5 Police Clearance 5 Seaman's Book

5 GSIS e-Card / UMID 6 lntegrated Bar of the Philippines (lBP) lD

Overseas Workers Welfare

7 SSS ID 7
Administration (OWWA) lD
National Council for the Welfare of
8 Postal lD 8
Disabled Persons (NCWDP) Certification
Department of Social Welfare and
9 Voter's lD lNew lssued Seriesl 9
Development (DSWD) Certification
Alien / lmmigrant Certification of
10 TIN (New /ssued Ser?s) 10

11 Senior Citizen Card 71

Birth Certificate / Marriage Contract
(PSA Certified lssuedl
Barangay Certification (it should indicate the
t2 Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW lD) age, date of birth, parents and how long they know

12 the person) -
lf it is within the vicinity or
M unicipality/City where the Branch or
Unit is establish

For Union and

1 SEc Certification of Registration 1 BIR Certificate of Registration

lnsurance Commission (lC) Certificate

2 2 DTI Certificate of Registration
of Registration
3 BSP Certificate of Registration 3 Business Registration Certificate

4 Mayor's Permit

" lkaw at ang Rural Bank, Kapit-Bisig sa Pag-Unlad"

Head Office MAIN (Bongabong, Or. liindoro) ROYGS (0r. Mindoro) NASUGBU (Balangas) CAI-APAII (Or. Mindoro) P|i{AIIALAYAN (Or. [4irdoo)
. (043) 283-5118 Telefax: {043)283-5080 Telefax (0€) 289-2021 Telefax (043) 931 -1 068 Tslefax (043) 2884956 Telefar (043) 281321 3
The Country Bank
Rural Bank ofBongabong Or. Mindoro Inc.


The following are the POLICY required in gathering proof of residency as part of
establishing the identity of the client either in Loans or in Savings. The clienvBorrower must
submit at least one of the following:

1.) The primary documents needed to establish the residence of the client is Residence
Certificate / Barangay Certification or Barangay Clearance. The said certification should
NoT exceed or lapses more than Slx (6) MONTHS from the date it was issued.

2.) lf there is no above primary documents the following secondary documents can be used.
Same also, primary documents should NOT exceed or lapses more than SIX (6) MONTHS
from the date it was issued or billed.

Proof of Billing is in the name ofthe Client (e.9. E/ectrrc Bill,Telephone Bill, Wotet
Bill, credit cord Bill, order Bill and othersl.

Proof of Billing is NOT in the name ofthe Client (e.9. E ecttic Bill, Telephone Bill,
Woter Bill, credit cord Bill, odet Bill ond others). lf the client submit this type of
document there is additional documents needed in order to establish the
relationship of the client to the person stated or owns the said billing. These
are some example of documents that will establish the relationship, Birth
Certificate, or Marriage Contract.


There must be Two (2) Pictures or Photo to be submitted by every client applying
for loans or savings. lt must be taken within the last six (6) months or current.

lf the clients had no lD Picture of Photo being submitted, the bank should take a
picture of a client and print it in the following sized specified.

1.) Under Savings: The required size ofthe picture is 1Xl plcture size.

2.) Under Loans: The required size ofthe picture is 2X2 picture size

" Ikaw at ang Rural Bank, Kapit-Bisig sa Pag-Unlad"

Head olfico tlAltl lvindoro) Roxls (or. [4irdorc)
(Bongabong, or. NASUGBU (Balangas) CATAPAN (oI. Mlrdolo) PlilA ALAYrlil (Or. Mlndoro)
. (043) 28$5118 Telefax (043) 283-5080 Telefar (043)289-m21 Teleiar(0$)931-1068 Tdehr(043)2884956 Teleiax (043) 284-321 3
The Country Bank
Rural Bank ofBongabong Or. Mindoro Inc.


Effective this 17 day of April year 2018, the above policy and rules shall be impose.
Failure to comply on such policy shall be subject to disciplinary action.

The issuance of this Memorandum # 18-(X)2 supersede the part of the previous
a. Part of the Policy in Credit and Collection Manual under Documentary
Requirement to establish CHARACTER
Part ofthe Policy in Operation Manual on Record Keeping of Deposit under
Deposit Product documentary requirements.

"Ikaw at ang Rural Bank, Kapit-Bisig sa Pag-Unlad"

Head Office HAlt{ (Bongabong,0r. Mindom) ROIiAS (Or. Mindoro) tlASUGgl, (Babngas) CALAPAII (O. Mltdoo) Plt{AflAt-AYAI{ (O. Mirnoo)
. (043) 283.5118 Telehx; (043) 283-5080 Telehr (043) 289.2021 Tol8&,x (043)931-1068 Telehx (U3)2884956 Tdefrx (04i,) 28,+913

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