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It was August when you came.

Do you still remember?

It was like summer, spring and autumn

Kissing peripheries of season
Beautiful… as they were.

I still remember.Not with pain nor with regrets…

I remember you with a sigh though…

A breath that is neither here nor there
but yonder.

I remember you when I think

Of how others broke my heart
And you haven’t, despite you walking away.

I remember how good it was and how good you felt

Here in my heart…
How you nestled there and made it your home
Until that day you said goodbye.

I said goodbye.
But it was not rash nor brought on by raging emotions.
It was quiet, almost stealthy to a fault.

I wonder how we came to that point when neither

One of us wanted to say anything
Not wanting to notice the silence, deafening as it were.

I just remember you with a sigh now…

A breath that is neither here nor there
but yonder.

And I still wonder at times,

During those moments when I am caught unaware,
I wonder where your yonder is…

By Mary Marvel/circa 2009

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