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Ohio | dense O | Job and Family Services Joba Rash, Sovernar ya Danger April 26,2018 ‘Sent via Certified Mail 7017 1000 0000 8027 7084 ‘The Love Bank Co. dba, Harbor Crest Childcare Academy ‘Alesis Love, Owner/Administrator 24251 Lakeshore Boulevard Euclid, Ohio 44123 License Number: 300329 and Alesia Love, Owner's Authorized Representative and Gregory Love, Statuary Agent 14651 Northfield Road ‘North Randall, Ohio 44128 and Alesia Love PO BOX 670308, ‘Northfield, Ohio 44067 RE: Notice of Opportunity fora Hearing Regarding the Proposed Revocation ofthe Child Care Center License of Harbor Crest Childcare Academy (License Number: 300329, 24251 Lakeshore ‘Boulevard, Euclid, Ohio 44123) Dear Mr. & Ms, Love: Parsuant to Ohio Revised Code (hereafter ORC) 119.06, 119.07, $104.03 and $104.04, this certified letter, retum receipt requested, will serve as notice upon you thatthe Ohio Department ‘of Job and Family Services (hereafter ODIFS or Department) proposes to enter an adjudication ‘order to revoke the child care center license of Harbor Crest Chldeare Academy (hereafter Center). Based on the following information obtained by ODJFS, the center as not been compliant with the following provisions ofthe Ohio Administrative Code (hereefter OAC) governing the licensure of child care centers 20 East road Stroet Columbus, Onio 42215 An Equal Oppemunty Fmpnyar and Saniea Provider Harbor Crest Childcare Academy Notice of Opportunity Page 20f 5 1, OAC $101:2-12-03()Q) states that a licensed center shall not misrepresent, falsify or ‘withhold information from ODJFS, VIOLATION: a. As documented in the 02/08/2018, 02/09/2018 and 02/16/2018 inspection report, CODIFS staff determined thatthe center provided false information when staff ‘members presented inaccurate employee records, 2, QACS101:2-12-04(8)(2\() states that a fire inspection and approval needs tobe obtained at least once annually within each twelve months from the date of the lst fre approval report, VIOLATION: a, As documented in the 02/08/2018, 02/09/2018 and 02/16/2018 inspection report, ODJES staff determined that the center had not been inspected and approved within 12 months from the date ofthe last fie approval, as required 3. OAC S101:2-12-09(D)()&(2) states that individuals shall complete and submit the JFS 1175 "Request fora Background Check for Child Care" to ODJFS or the Ohio professional development registry (OPR) system generated equivalent. Individuals shall submit fingerprints electronically according to the process established by BCI and have the BCT and FBI results sent directly to ODIFS, VIOLATION: ‘4. As documented in the 02/08/2018, 02/09/2018 and 02/16/2018 inspection report, ODJFS staff determined thatthe JFS 0117S and fingerprints were not submited for child care staff members Tamika and Wendy. 4, QACS101:2-12-09(G)(1)h) states tha the center will receive the JFS 01176 “Program ‘Notification of Background Check Review for Child Care” from ODJFS and shall keep it on file. Child care staff members shall not be left alone with children unless a JES 01176 is on flea the center. VIOLATION: ‘a. As documented in the 02/08/2018, 02/09/2018 and 02/16/2018 inspection report, ‘ODIFS staff determined that child care stafT members Lakita and Tamika had sole responsibilty for children in the mixed age group and the JFS 01176 was not on file at the center, as required. Harbor Crest Childeare Academy Notice of Opportunity Page 3 of 5 5. QACS101:2-12-10(A)Q) states that every child care staff member shall be eusrent with the (ODJFS prescribed one-hour child abuse overview. VIOLATION: ‘4. As documented in the 04/04/2018 inspection report, ODJFS staff determined that child care staff member Anita did not complete the required ODJFS prescribed one- ‘hour child abuse overview. 6 OAC 5101:2-12-11(F) states thatthe outdoor play equipment shall have a fall zone of Protective resilient material on the ground under and around the equipment, VIOLATION: 8. As documented in the 04/05/2017 inspection report, ODJFS staff determined thatthe playground climber and seesaw were placed on grass and did not have a fall zone of, protective resilient material on the ground under and around the equipment. 7. QAC$101:2-12-16(FY(3)4(G)() states that a serious incident, injury, or illness requires a child to be removed by the parent or emergency services from the center for medical treatment, When a serious incident occurs, the center shall log in to by the next business day to report the incident and complete the JFS 01156 "Serious Incident Reporting for Child Care’ VIOLATION: ‘8. As documented in the 03/23/2018 complaint inspection, ODIFS staff determined that ‘serious incident was not reported in the Ohio Child Licensing and Quality System (OCLQS) after an incident, injury, or iliness required a child to be removed by the parent or emergency services from the center for medical treatment. 8. OAC $101:2-12-18(A)(I) states thatthe center shall ensure that required child care staf ‘members/child ratios and maximum group size limitations are maintained at al times in accordance with appendix A to this rule, VIOLATION: ‘8. As documented in the 02/14/2017 complaint inspection, ODIFS staff determined that ‘ratio of one child care staff member for ten children occurred with the {oddler/preschool group and one child care staff member for 6 children occurred in the infant group, which included children under 12 months of age. The required ratio for these groups are 1:7 and 1:5, respectively b, As documented in the 04/05/2017 inspection report, ODJFS staff determined a ratio of one child care staff member for seven children occurred in the infanttodaler group. ‘The required ratio for this group is 1:5. Harbor Crest Childcare Academy Notice of Opportunity Page 4 of § ‘& As documented in the 02/08/2018, 02/09/2018 and 02/16/2018 inspection report, ODJFS staff determined that a ratio of one child care staff member for 13 children occurred with the mixed age group when a childcare staff member was unable to work. The required ratio for this group is 1:6. 4. As documented in the 03/23/2018 complain: inspection, ODJFS staff determined that ‘ratio of two child eare staff members for 21 children occurred with the mixed age ‘g0up when multiple groups of children were combined, The requited ratio for this ‘roup is 1:5 or 2:12 inthe same room, 9. OAC 5101:2-12-18(A)G) states that there shall bea least one other employee or child care staff member atthe center ifthere are seven or more children inthe building. VIOLATION: 8. As documented in the 02/08/2018, 02/09/2018 and 02/16/2018 inspection report, (ODJFS staff determined that the center did not have a second child care staff member hen seven or more children were present. 10. QAC $101:2-12-19(A)(1)8(2) states that no child shall be let unsupervised. Supervision means child care staff members have knowledge ofa child's needs, accountability for their care at all times and tha all children in care are within sight and hearing of child care staff members at all times. Supervision includes awareness of and responsibilty forthe activity ofeach child and being physically present and near enough to intervene ifneeded. Staff must be able to see and hear children without the use of mechanical devices such as baby monitors, video cameras or walkie talkies. The use of mirrors to view children in another room does not meet the supervision requirements of this rule. VIOLATION: ‘a. As documented in the 04/04/2018 inspectior report, ODJES staf determined that children were left unsupervised and not within sight nor hearing a ll times. 11, OAC $101:2-12-19(D) states that ifthe owner, administrator, employee or child care staff ‘member suspects that a child has been abused or neglected, he or she shall immediately ‘notify the public children services agency (PCSA). VIOLATION: ‘4, As documented in the 03/23/2018 complaint inspection, ODJFS staff determined thet the center failed to immediately notify the PCSA of suspicions that aehild had been bused or neglected, Harbor Crest Childcare Academy ‘Notice of Opportunity Page Sof 5 Under ORC Chapter 119, you ae entitled to hearing on this matter ifthe hearing is requested in writing within thirty (30) days ofthe date ofthe mailing ofthis notice. You may appear in perton, by your attomey, or by such other representative as i pemited to practice before the Department. At the hesring you may present evidence and examine witnesses appearing for or ‘against you. You may also present your position, argument, or contentions entirely in writing, ‘Copies of sections 119.06 trough 119.13 ofthe ORC and Chapter $101:6-50 ofthe OAC ‘governing hearings before the Department ae also enclosed withthis noice. A request for a ‘hearing must bein writing and ditected either by malt; Litigation Manager Office of Legal Services ATTN: Chapter 119 Proceeding (bio Department of Job and Family Services 30 East Broad Steet, 31st Floor ‘Columbus, Ohio 43215-3414 (Or by emaitng your hearing request to Pleas be advise tha failure to tmely equest such a hearing wil ease ODIFS to enter an adjudication order to revoke the childcare center license ofthe Harbor Crest Childcare ‘Academy. wes Wor” Kara B. Wente, Deputy Director Office of Family Assistance Enclosures: ORC 119.06~119.13, ‘OAC 5101:6-50 ‘OAC 5101:2-12-18 Appendix A ACTION: Final ENACTED [ DATE: 12/06/2016 10:23 AM ‘Appendix 5101:2-12-18, ‘Appendix A to Rule $101:2-12-18, StafMChild Ratios, Age Grouping and Maximum Group Size 5 ] Chi Caresea—|asimam Ageof Charen MemberiChild Ratio |" Grovp ‘Young Infants 1S or 2 (Gin tls ban 12 months) 2:12 ete room ‘Older Infants 16 2 {at least 12 months and less than 18 months) ‘Young Toddlers 7 @ (ot east 18 months tnd estan 212 years Otder Toddlers 1s 16 (atleast2 72 yeas an ethan 3 yours) Young Preschoolers ra » (at least 3 years and less than 4 years) Older Presehooers waa 2 (atleast 4 years and not enrolled in or egibleto be ‘enrolled in kindergarten) ‘Young Schoolagers 1:18 36 (carole in or eligible tobe enrolled in ‘kindergarten or shove and less than 11 years) Older Schoolagers| 1:20 0 (et east 11 years and less than 15 years)

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