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Billboard layout designs:

By Amy hannah.

Layout Idea 1:



Shown above is a potential layout to use for my billboard advert: I have designed this layout as it promotes the diversity
element I aim to maintain in relation to youth subcultures. I have done this primarily through uses of imagery, aligning them
by using 6 images altogether, using them in lines of three creates a clear rule of thirds for audience members. From this,
audiences can break down the advertisement to it’s key elements. The uses of typography can also contribute to this also:
using the masthead “BRIGHTON. YOUTH. MOVEMENT” enhances how the uses of imagery are the key elements of the
advert. Moreover, it correlates with how my magazine – though it focuses on investigative stories within the first issue of
release: it also highlights how uses of imagery are a key part of the production: Bright-on magazine. Located to the right-
hand side of the layout demonstrates uses of social media icons to promote the brand identity within the ad. As found within
my existing product analysis (The Absolut magazine billboard advert) it was evident how the use of a web-address would
form useful for both promoting brand identity and bringing initial recognition to the fact that: Bright-On magazine is a new
publication for younger audiences. Another way of tackling how billboard advertisements within the print sector is
disintegrating slightly is to include the web address with social media icons. My key age group: (those of the ages 18-mid
20’s) are most likely to engage with this due to acknowledging the brand via social media websites. Something else to
highlight is how within the uses of imagery: a potential idea of including female youth subcultures located at the top of the
advertisement with male youth subcultures located at the bottom of the row of the billboard advert. This will directly
correlate with how my magazine suits to a 60:40 ratio female to male readership. Lastly: uses of graphics will signify the
“mod culture” I aimed to replicate within Bright-On. Showing the transition of mod youth subcultures from past to present.
Having located the “3 lines” at the bottom of the advert will ensure audiences to align their viewpoint with the main part of
the advert (uses of imagery, and the masthead) to promote the magazine.
Layout design 2:



Shown above is a second potential layout for my billboard advert production. This layout takes of a similar nature to the
previous one. However: this time limited typography has been adopted to once again: to focus in on the main genres
presented within my magazine. Which will be evident within these uses of imagery. (Images containing male and female
youth subcultures, containing fashion choices for females and metrosexual males for instance the uses of a leopard print
coat which could be worn by both males and females as part of the punk youth subculture. Which has transitioned from
past youth to present day youth. Also including diverse images of the youth-subcultures themselves. Having done this, it will
evidence the genres I will present within Bright-on magazine and will challenge typical conventions of having a singular
image or two images of a similar form within the advertisement. As the genre of my magazine takes of the lifestyle, culture
and fashion genres. It is important audiences identify this immediately within the advert. Furthermore: I aim to have these
images in a structured format so the masthead (again, challenging conventions with being located at the bottom of the
advert), uses of simplistic imagery (therefore, not being edited overly to distort the advert) will entice and grasp the
attention of my key grouped audience members: i.e.: youth subcultures of a variety who would engage with the product for
their own leisure. Those of the particular age group 18-mid 20’s would identify the branding of the product and therefore,
uses of simple imagery would resonate with them. I have decided in this layout to contain minimal uses of typography.
However, the typography I have used will include the use of a website address (Bright-on magazine) which will again:
further brand identity, located to the lower right side of the advert, alongside the masthead to entitle the advertisement on
the left-hand side of the advert: entitled: “BRIGHTON.YOUTH.MOVEMENT.” Having done this, it will have meant that
audiences can follow the graphology of this layout clearly and be able to unpick the codes in the advert to establish what
genre it is and whether they would like to engage with it themselves. Social media icons will be included again to further the
distribution process and therefore gain key interest from my intended audience (Who will be active uses of social media and
therefore are more likely to gain interest within my product).
Layout design idea 3:





This is my first potential design for my billboard advertisement: I had chosen to include a range of imagery, in
terms of graphology: The audiences eye movement can easily follow the uses of imagery here due to how a
dominant image exists upon the page and a vast range of secondary images have been used. Furthermore, this
combined with potential uses of digital Polaroids as presented within my print magazine production will highlight
the significance of house style throughout, keeping a running theme in mind. Alongside this, the uses of a range of
imagery will emphasise how there is a diversity of youth that exists within the regional area of Brighton. I aim to do
this to tie in a range of existing youth subcultures and not just ones that are clearly apparent (such as indie youths
and hipster youths) but rather a range. Moreover, I have chosen to include the masthead of the advert underneath
the dominant image for the product rather than allocated at the top of the product. This would allow audiences to
see all elements clearly within the advertisement and keeps to a significant structure throughout. I have also
included a social media panel to bring recognition to branding within the advert. As my audience members fit
within the 18-mid 20’s age grouping, they are more likely to engage with new media and therefore access future
issues of “Bright-on” magazine to tailor to their interests. The uses of imagery, typography choices and the
graphology choices (in terms of a position of layout) combined with the uses of chosen graphics (the use of lines to
tie in with the mod youth subculture theme that remains within Brighton) ties in with an overall house style,
collaborating with my magazine directly.
From having analysed three forms of layouts for a billboard advertisement to further the promotion of my
main product: Bright-On magazine. It is evident to me how including a structured theme of including
imagery that mirrors one another (using youth-subcultures, images of the regional area of Brighton and
including images of fashion – so clothing to illustrate key interests of youth from past to present) will work
beneficial to further the branding of my magazine. Moreover, this combined with the uses of graphics
(which will also be presented throughout Bright-On magazine) will enhance the “mod culture” the first issue
focuses on by including “triple lines” to coincide with the mod’s love for scooter rally races and their love
for vespas. Altogether, a clear use of typography (the use of LemonMIlk) to identify the branding name and
other elements such as the online website available to audiences, with uses of aligned imagery, minimal
editing techniques and use of clear graphology. My advertisement will be produced for it’s key purpose: to
sell and promote Bright-On magazine.

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