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Note: External students of English MA (Previous)shallbe required to write two

essays of 1000 words each, on any two of the following topics:

1.Characteristics of Shakespearean Tragedy

2.King Lear :A perfect Example of Shakespearian Tragedy

3.Pioneering Trio of Indian English Fiction

4.Kanthaput-a as a Gandhian novel

5.Kamala Das:An Autobiographical Poet

6.CharaacterizingTraits of Restoration Tragedy

7.All for Love :A Restoration Tragedy

8.Paradise Lost: A Classical Epic

9.Human Speech Mechanism

10.MiltonJsGrand Stvle

11.Paradise Lost as an Epic of Human Fall

l2.The Central Theme of Yayati

13.Myth in Yayati

14.A Room of One's Own: A Feminist Bible

15.Woolfian Basic Pre-conditions for a woman t o attain individual identity

Extc1.11illExil111M.A. Semester- 1
1'1-11 406 EASSl'

(PH1401) lndian logic and Epistemology ( I )

1. Nyaya view on perception
2. Nyaya view on lnference
3. Fallacies of lnference (Hetvabhas)

(PHIL402) lndian Ethics:

4. Purushartha And Ashrama Vyavastha
5. Low of Karma
6. Ashtangika marga

(PH1403) :Symbolic Logic

7. Simple and compound statements
8. Elementar~lyvalid Argument forms ( rules of lnference )
9 Cnntlitinnal plnof a n d Indirect Proof

(PH1404EA) Modern lndian thought

10. Characteristics of modern lndian thoughts
11. Vivekananda : Practical Vedanta, Vedanta as universal Religion
12. Philosophy of Gandhiji - truth and god, Non violence,

(PH1405EA) Advaita Vedanta

13. sankar's View of Mayavada
14. Sankar's view of Bhramhan
15. Concept of Moksha in philosophy of sankar
I INCL- 406

I . Definition. concept and Di\.ision of .Anthropology.

2. Delinitions ol'Culture and Diflkrcncc bet\\.ec11Culture and C'i\.ilization.
3. Anthropologj.: its ;elation \\.it11 othc'r sciences.
4. Ci\~ilizationof Egypt - social and religion.
5. Classical Greek Civilizat:.on: Legaq. of Greece.
6. The rise and Growth of Christianity.
7. Evidences for the estension of Indian Culturc in the neighboring countries -
literary and arch.~cological
8. Impact o f Indian C-ulture on and architecture in Cambodia.
9. Spread of Shai\::'sm. Vaishnavism and Buddhism in Vietnam (Champa).
10. Deviation of the bard Darshana and salient features of Indian Philosophy.
1 I . Thc Sjnthesis of Karnia.G~,anand Bhakti in Bhagavad-Gita
12. The Sanikl~!,a S!.stem- idia ofthe 2 5 cleriicnts along with Prakruti and Purush.
13, Stati~sof \\-onien in Indian societ! : Ancient Peiod.
14. Status of'\\on~er? i : Brahmanical
~ 'T'radition.
15. Custoniary and I>c.galStatus of' \\'onic~i in h~lcdic\.r~l

Books recommended
. Krceber AL.. arid Klircklioli~iC l ~ d :e Cullure-A critical Revie\\ ol'coriccpts
arid dclinirio~isC'arlibridgc 1952.
. Malilio\\.ski. 13. i~iq.clopcdiaoftlie Social Scicticcs. Vul.l\l
: 'C'11lturc.'
I0 I I )
. Sliaw, C'liarles, Gray : 'Cult~rre' Eriq,clopedia of religion arid etliical Vol.
Iv, (New York. 19 1 I )
. Malino\\aski, 0. : 'A Scientiiic tlieory of c ~ ~ l t iand
~ r eotlier essaJss, 194.1.

- -2

d~qiGt.1: ' O C L ? ~~
UmTfkF m;raFirim - M,
Y L awui
I\P V -

YYLLULE. '1~119
. OCLA 4 1 r r l ~ u ~$tar(.
2 YLOY ~dl[di441a ~ r d a3rd. l iuCdu19~cri1.j. ~ ~ ( Y & L U L & - P C C ~
. 434~1&a.uldua~a.3rd.iur.tulgjl &. UIY.
. ynctal uctlcrg. dyrd4l ~ O ~ LYUi YLRY ~ L au~e4-i~ aerd. <L?L% 3rd.
. Bua WYL? tli .~u?dJi~. Y L L U Lv~~.t d d ?~ X ~ aLn rW l d ~ G t .iurduly~
(~L~.~.(YELULL 9w.
. Y16Ua ?rJlZi . sn : G ~ r d ~, Y t L u L t - P t s z
. atdl 3i. : h & YYELUL&-P(:~C-
. 31. 4vd~uyS1: yd Q 0 ~ ~ 2 dyk
4 s A?~ L ; ~L X W L~ ~ ~ 4 1
. Dasgupta, S.N.., A Histoq. of l~idia~i Philosoph~..Vol. I, Cambridge .I972
. Radliakrislinan. S., Indian Pliilosopli~~. Vols. I & 11. London, 1923. 1927
. Si~iilia,Jadunatli. I listoq, of Iridian Pliilnsopli~~. Vul. I. 1952 & 11. Calcutta. 1956
. Dutta and Chatterjee. Intruduclio~lto I~ldinnI'llilosopli~..C'alc;lutta. 19-18
. Jmwm, &, '* &, mmR, ttc2
' m,rn,'*&, m. otisc

. Pltekar A.S., 'rhe Position ot'\vomen in Hindu ci\.ilization. Mo~ilal'Oa~iarasidas, Drll~i,1956

. Das R.M., Women in Manu & /His seven Commentators, G q a , 1967
. Indra, The status of women in Ancient India. Mutual Rana~xsidas.Dclhi,19jj
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g W i , mTmoR, ttco

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. q." 4 4.3.rd : acild1.l ~ i ? d i~l L Y L;ICmtai
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CBCS Syllabus
M.A. Sem I (External)
MAT406 Short Essays

The Syllabus for MAT406 Short Essays will consist of syllabi of all papers MAT401 to

The short essays such as the following may be asked around which student will have to
write essays (Two out of five) of about 1000 words (including formulae and relevant

1. Maxima and Miniina of Functions of Several Variables

2. Implicit Function Theorem & Inverse Function Theorem
3. Convexity
4. Complete Metric Spaces
5. Characterizations of Compact Metric Spaces
6. Cauchy Sequences i l l Metric Spaces
7. Cauchy- Rie~nannEquatious in Complex Analysis
8. Cauchy & Cauchy- Goursat Theorem in Complex Analysis
9. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
10. General Solution of Second order Linear Equation y"+P(x)yY+Q(x)y = 0 near
ordinary points
11. Legendre Polynomials and their properties
12. General Solution of Bessel's Equation
13. Explain the definition of Riemann Integration on bounded functions on [a,b] and
give some useful characterisations of Riemann Integrable functions. Further
discuss the need to introduce Lebesgue Integration
14. Explain gradually how the concept of length for intervals can be used to define
measure for arbitrary set of reals. Provide appropriate illustrations in support of
your arguments.
15. Existence of Non-measurable Sets and Non-measurable functions.

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