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What is this?

1. This pencil is blue. (Este lápiz es azul.)

2. This is my favorite ice-cream. (Este es mi helado favorite)

3. This apple is sweet. (Esta manzana es dulce.)

4. This car is broken. (Este auto está averiado.)

5. This door is narrow. (Esta puerta es angosta.)

6. I don’t know what this is. (No sé qué es esto.

7. This is a marble table. (Esta es una mesa de mármol)

8. I want to wear this dress. (Quiero usar este vestido.)

9. This is the restaurant I told you about. (Este es el restaurant del que te hablé.)

10.This is the last day of the week. (Este es el último día de la semana.)

11.This is my book/ This is isn’t my book/ Is this my book?

12.What is this?----This is a ruler----Is this your bag? Yes, it is

13.Is this our pillow ? Yes it is.Thanks--------- Hello THIS is Luis.Is that Kelly
1. This pencil is blue. (Este lápiz es azul.)
2. This is my favorite ice-cream. (Este es mi helado favorite)
3. This apple is sweet. (Esta manzana es dulce.)
4. This car is broken. (Este auto está averiado.)
5. This door is narrow. (Esta puerta es angosta.)
6. I don’t know what this is. (No sé qué es esto.
7. This is a marble table. (Esta es una mesa de mármol)
8. I want to wear this dress. (Quiero usar este vestido.)
9. This is the restaurant I told you about. (Este es el restaurant del que te hablé.)
10.This is the last day of the week. (Este es el último día de la semana.)
11.This is my book /This is isn’t my book /Is this my book?
12.What is this? ------This is a ruler ------Is this your bag? Yes, it is
13.Is this our pillow ? Yes it is.Thanks----------- Hello THIS is Luis.Is that Kelly
That car is very fast.(Ese auto es muy rápido.)
I know that man. (Conozco a ese hombre.)
That’s Susan’s husband. (Ese es el marido de Susan.)
That’s a very tall building. (Ese es un edificio muy alto.)
I always buy in that supermarket. (Siempre compro en ese supermercado.)
That house looks big. (Aquella casa parece grande.)
That’s my bag. (Ese es mi bolso.)
That’s a pretty dress. (Ese es un lindo vestido.)
That’s a good idea. (Esa es una buena idea.)
That’s my favorite movie. (Esa es mi película favorita.)
That football match was really boring.
Ese partido de fútbol fue muy aburrido.
That woman is tall.
Esa mujer es alta.
That boy is very nice.
Ese chico es muy simpático.
That room is too large. (Aquel cuarto es muy grande)
That is my Math book. (Aquel es mi libro de matemáticas)
That is your wallet. (Aquella es tu billetera)
That chair is very comfortable. (Aquella silla es muy cómoda)
That car is dirty. (Aquel automóvil está sucio)
That motorbike is expensive. (Aquella motocicleta es cara)
That is an old house. (Aquella es una casa antigua)
THIS (What is this?)(warisdez) THAT(What is that)Warisdat
1. This pencil is blue. That car is very fast.
2. This is my favorite ice-cream(aiscrim). I know that man.
3. This apple is sweet That’s Susan’s husband.
4. This car is broken. That’s a very tall building.
5. This door is narrow. I always(alweis) buy in(baying) that supermarket.
6. I don’t know what this is(warisdis) That house looks big.(luksbig)
7. This is a marble(marbol) table. That’s my bag.
8. I want to wear this dress. That’s a pretty dress.
9. This is the restaurant I told you about. That’s a good idea. (gudaidea))
10.This is the last day of the week. That’s my favorite movie.
11.This is my book/ This is isn’t my book/ Is this my book? That football match was really boring.
12.What is this?(warisdez)----This is a ruler---- That woman is tall(tol).
13.Is this our pillow ? Yes it is.Thanks- That boy is very nice.
1. This pencil is blue. That room is too large.
2. This is my favorite ice-cream. That is my Math book.
3. This apple is sweet That is your wallet.
4. This car is broken That chair is very comfortable.
5. This door is narrow. That car is dirty.
6. I don’t know(aidontnou) what this is. (warisdez) That motorbike is expensive.
7. This is a marble table. That is (daris)an old house.
8. I want to wear(ai wantowir) this dress. That car is very fast
9. This is the restaurant I told you about. I know that man.
10.This is the last day of the week. That’s Susan’s husband.
11.This is my book /This is isn’t my book /Is this my book? That’s a very tall building.
12.What is this? This is a ruler I always buy in that supermarket.
13.Is this our pillow ? Yes it is.Thanks That house looks big
14. Hello THIS is Luis.Is that Kelly What's that?(warisdat) That is(daris) a TV
15. Hello THIS is Luis.Is that Kelly What's that? That is (daris)a notebook/That is a pear
16. Is this your bag? Yes, it is What is that? That is an apple/That is(daris) lemom
17. Is this your bag? Yes, it is What is that? That is a pineapple(peinapol)
That car is very fast.(Ese auto es muy rápido.)

I know that man. (Conozco a ese hombre.)

That’s Susan’s husband. (Ese es el marido de Susan.)

That’s a very tall building. (Ese es un edificio muy alto.)

I always buy in that supermarket. (Siempre compro en ese supermercado.)

That house looks big. (Aquella casa parece grande.)

That’s my bag. (Ese es mi bolso.)

That’s a pretty dress. (Ese es un lindo vestido.)

That’s a good idea. (Esa es una buena idea.)

That’s my favorite movie. (Esa es mi película favorita.)

That football match was really boring.

Ese partido de fútbol fue muy aburrido.

That woman is tall.

Esa mujer es alta.

That boy is very nice.

Ese chico es muy simpático.

That room is too large. (Aquel cuarto es muy grande)

That is my Math book. (Aquel es mi libro de matemáticas)

That is your wallet. (Aquella es tu billetera)

That chair is very comfortable. (Aquella silla es muy cómoda)

That car is dirty. (Aquel automóvil está sucio)

That motorbike is expensive. (Aquella motocicleta es cara)

That is an old house. (Aquella es una casa antigua)

THESE(diz)Estos estas THOSE(douz)Aquellos-Aquellas
What are these?(warardiz) What are those?(warardouz)
These are 3 markers Those are 3 markers
These are 4 pencils Those are 3 pencils
These are 4 rulers Those are 4 rulers
These are 3 eraser Those are 3 erasers(ireisers)
These are six pens Those are 4 pens
These are hats Those are hats
one of these days Those houses are cheap(chip)(aquellas cosas son baratas)
These are my shoes(shus) How much are those glasses(glasis)?
These rooms are available(aveilibol) for hire Those people are friendly (Esa gente es amistosa/simpática)
These are good boys those children's
These boys are good Those pens (esas plumas)
These movies are amazing Those are my parents
These shoes are very comfortable(Kamfderbol) Those are my notebooks
I can’t understand these words Those apples are big
These dogs look friendly Those birds are the White
I like to play with these toys Those things are cool
These papers are in orden Those books are mine
These windows are clean.(clin) Those are my kid
These are your wallets. What are those things?(Que son esas cosas)
These chairs are very comfortable Those exercises were very easy
These cars are dirty(diry) Bring me Those shoes (tráeme esos zapatos)
These motorbikes are expensive Those boys are my friends. Aquellos niños son mis amigos.
These are old houses(jousis) Those stars are in the sky. Aquellas estrellas están en el cielo.
These rooms are too large “Have you seen those photographs before?” (¿Habías visto
antes esas fotografías?)
“How would you answer these questions?” “Pick up those bottles, please” (Recoge esas botellas, por favor)
(¿Cómo responderías a estas preguntas?)
“These kids are behaving very well” (Estos niños “And those flaws keep me from loving you, Mary” (Y esos defectos
se están portando muy bien). me impiden amarte, María)
I am never free on Sundays./Nunca estoy libre los domingos.

I am the happiest man on earth./¡Soy el hombre más feliz del mundo!

I am unable to agree on that point./No puedo estar de acuerdo en este punto.

I am as much in love as on the first day./Estoy tan enamorada como el primer día.

You are an idiot to go out in this weather.Eres muy idiota para salir con este tiempo.

You are an angel of a child./Eres un ángel de chica.

You are truly an antidote for my melancholy.Tú verdaderamente eres un antídoto para mi melancolía.

You are my pride and joy./Eres mi orgullo y alegría.

Why are you in my room?/¿Por qué estás en mi habitación?

You are the woman of my dreams./Tú eres la mujer de mis sueños.

Why are you always so evil?/¿Por qué siempre eres tan malvado?

Are you happy in your house?/¿Estás feliz en tu casa?

You are in very serious trouble.Estas en graves problemas.

You are very pretty in those clothes./Estás muy guapa con esa ropa.

He is shrewd and calculating./Es astuto y calculador.

He is always here between 5 and 6 o'clock./Él siempre está aquí entre las 5 y las 6 de la tarde.

He is a frank person and easy to talk to./Él es una persona franca con la que se puede hablar fácilmente.

He is an author famous for his novels and stories./Es un autor famoso por sus novelas y cuentos.

He is from another world./Él es de otro mundo.

He is different from his older brother./Él es diferente de su hermano mayor.

He is exempt from the military service./Él está exento del servicio militar.

He is a teacher apart from the rest./Es un maestro fuera de lo común.

He is not my son, but my nephew./Él no es mi hijo sino mi sobrino.

He is in sympathy with my opinion./Él está de acuerdo con mi opinión.

She is absent because of sickness./Ella está ausente por motivos de salud.

She is not my mother but my oldest sister./Ella no es mi madre, sino mi hermana mayor.

She is in the Kitchen right now./Ella está en la cocina en este momento.

She is a leader in her field./Es una autoridad en su campo.

She is American, but she lives in England.Ella es estadounidense, pero vive en el Reino Unido.

She is well known both in Japan and in America./Ella es famosa tanto en Japón como en Estados Unidos.

She is the happiest in her class./Ella es la más alegre de su clase.

She is exact in all the instructions she gives./Ella es muy precisa en todas las instrucciones que da.

She is in the habit of keeping late hours.Está acostumbrada a quedarse despierta hasta tarde.

It is something my mother made.Es algo que mi madre ha hecho.

It is not my fault, is it?/Esto no es culpa mía, ¿verdad?

It is difficult to wake up on cold mornings./Es difícil despertar cuando en las mañanas hace frio

It is on the left side of the street./Está en el lado izquierdo de la calle.

It is not easy to find recognition./No es fácil encontrar reconocimiento.

It is a nice view from here./Es una buena vista desde aquí.

It is hard to understand./Es difícil de entender.

We are all stupid, just on different subjects./Todos somos estúpidos, pero en diferentes campos.

We are short of money./Estamos cortos de dinero.

We are a family of five./Nuestra familia se compone de cinco personas.

We are sure of his success./Estamos seguros de su triunfo.

We are in the era of atomic energy./Estamos en la era de la energía nuclear.

We are subject to the laws of nature./Estamos sujetos a las leyes de la naturaleza.

We are sick and tired of political corruption./Estamos hartos de la corrupción política.

We are alway is some kind of danger./Siempre estamos expuestos a algún tipo de peligro.

We are equal in the eyes of the law./Todos somos iguales ante la ley.

Are you in favor of this motion?/¿Ustedes están de acuerdo con esta propuesta?

You are the tallest of us all./Ustedes son más altos que todos nosotros.

You are all too quick./Todos ustedes son demasiado rápidos.

Where are you all from?/¿De dónde son todos ustedes?

Are you guys from Lma, or is it Pasco?/¿Vienes de Austria o de Australia?

You are both in the wrong./Ambos están equivocados.

Are you students at this school?/¿Son estudiantes de esta escuela?

You are in a safe place./Están en un lugar seguro.

Are you ready to begin?/¿Están listos para empezar?

Are you guys really cousins?/¿En serio son primos?

They are of average height./Ellos son de estatura promedio.

They are out of work now./Ellos están sin trabajo ahora.

They are proud of their daughter./Ellos están orgullosos de su hija.

They are the pupils of our school./Ellos son los alumnos de nuestra escuela.

They are both so lovely!/¡Las dos son tan simpáticas!

They are as different as day and night.Son tan diferentes como el día y la noche.

They are satisfied with the contract./Ellos están satisfechos con el contrato.

They are persons with no moral conscience./Ellas son personas sin consciencia moral.

They are not my real parents./Ellos no son mis verdaderos padres.

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